Second Chances AU.

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This chapter is dedicated to the very beautiful and talented PercabethSolangelo !! Go check out their account you little nuggets!! Now I want chicken nuggets!

Dean smiled down at the photo in his hands. Castiel had little Grace in his hands smiling at Dean the first time he got to hold their daughter. He flipped through the album and tears began filling his eyes.

"Why'd I let you leave Cas?" Dean asked out loud.

"Cause you were stupid." Grace said, surprising Dean.

"What?" Dean asked.

"You asked why you let Dad go, cause you were stupid! You cheated on him and never went after him when he left! I don't even remember him that much cause of you! I HATE YOU!" Grace shouted, tears falling down her face.

"I'm Sorry." Was all Dean got to say before Grace turned around and ran to her room. slamming the door in the process.

Dean sat their in the chair and sighed. He had made a mistake 7 years ago, they had a fight that night and he went out to the bar and drank until he couldn't feel anything. The next thing he knew was waking up in his room with a girl lying on his stomach. That's when Castiel came in the room and saw them.

He'd never seen Castiel that way. He looked so hurt, broken, and fragile. When Dean tried to say something, Castiel hushed him and grabbed some of his belongings and left. He'd never seen him again.

Dean heard the handle jingle and looked up at the door. The door opened and revealed the women that he slept with, the mother of his second child. Lisa Braeden.

"Hey babe. I'm home." Lisa cooed as she walked up to Dean and kissed his cheek. She looked down at what he was holding and saw the pictures of Castiel.


Dean flinched and held his face in his hands. Tears began falling from his face, soon he was sobbing, Lisa was fuming! She began to punch her fiancé until someone pulled her off.

"GET OFF OF HIM YOU SLUT!" Grace's voice rang throughout the house, causing Dean's head to snap up right in time to see her get slapped in the face.


Dean shot up and grabbed Lisa's hand before she could slap his daughter one more time.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND DON'T YOU DARE EVER COME BACK!" Dean screamed, causing Lisa to flinch and scurry off.

"Baby are you okay?" Dean asked.

"I'm okay, I'm sorry for what I said before to you. I don't hate you dad." Grace said, giving her father a tight hug. The two stayed in each other's arm for the rest of the night watching Disney movies and Dean telling Grace everything about her father.

7 Months later.

"Come on please!" Grace whined.

"I said no! I don't want you going to Chicago by yourself! I'm sorry sweetie but it's to dangerous." Dean said.

"Then come with me! Please I want to see him Dad please!" Grace asked, it's been 2 weeks since she found Castiel in Chicago.


"Come with me please!" Graced asked.

After hours of arguing the tickets were purchased and they were on their way to the airport. Soon they were seated at the airport in Chicago, waiting for their taxi. When the taxi arrived they packed themselves in the car and began to make their way to Castiel's house.

"Dad, don't worry. From what you've told me, he won't be mad to see you. I'm sure he's forgiven you but is still hurt. He sounds like an amazing person dad. Thanks for letting me come." Grace said, placing a small kiss on her father's cheek.

"We're here. That'll be 138.23 please." The taxi driver said, Dean paid the man and they walked up to the door. His heart was racing, he was going to see the love of his life in a matter of seconds. The person he's hurt the most, the one person that knew him so much.

Dean knocked on the door and looked at Grace. The door opened up revealing Castiel.

"D-Dean?" Castiel asked, surprised to see Dean in Chicago, that's when he looked to the left and saw a 15 year old girl. Tears began to fill his eyes and he looked back at Dean. Dean smiled and nodded his head, they may not have spoken but they didn't have to.

"G-Grace?" Castiel asked, Grace nodded and wrapped her arms tightly around Castiel's neck.

"Hey daddy." Grace chocked out, tears spilling out of both their eyes.

"Please come in!" Castiel said, gesturing for the pair to come in.

"What are you guys doing here?" Castiel asked.

"She wanted to meet her other father. She actually found you, and made me get on a plane to get her faster." Dean chuckled, causing Castiel to smile brightly.

"That and Dad wanted to see you again." Grace added in.

"I've wanted to see your dad again too." Castiel said, smiling down at Grace.

The three talked all night, catching up on what Castiel missed and what's been going on in Castiel's life.

Soon Grace was passed out cold and tucked into Castiel's bed.

Dean sat in the living room waiting for Castiel to return when he noticed a picture of himself and Castiel underneath mistletoe. He smiled and thought about that moment.

"It was a great christmas that year." Castiel stated, causing Dean to turn around.

"Cas," Dean started but was hushed once again.

"Why did you do it Dean?" Castiel asked, tears were forming in his eyes.

"I don't remember how it happened the last thing I remember was our fight and I went to the bar and had some drinks, when I woke up I felt someone on my chest and I thought it was you until you came in. I don't remember how it happened Cas I don't and I can't tell you how sorry I am but I am. I've missed you so much! Every single day i've thought of you and i've missed you so much Cas!" Dean said, tears streaming down his face.

"I loved you Dean, so many people told me in high school that you were a player, that I had to be careful because you would hurt me and it took almost 10 years for that to happen! But it did happen Dean you hurt me! But I can forgive you because i've had time to think and your apology means the world to me Dean it does." Castiel said, tears escaping.

"I just want things to be the way they used to be." Dean stated.

"Me too." Castiel said.

"Then come home with us. We'll work through this and get back to where we were Cas. Please I need you back. I love you so much and I'll never stop." Dean pleaded.

"Okay. I love you too." Castiel said, placing a much needed kiss on Dean's lips.

The next morning, when Grace woke up she headed down the stairs and found the two wrapped in each other's arms with smiles on their faces.

Now it was their wedding day and Grace was telling them the story of how she finally met her other father. Dean and Castiel had tears in their eyes, bright smiles on their faces as they watched their daughter tell her speech to all their guest.

"Here's to second chances!" Grace yelled.

"To second changes!" the two men whispered.

YAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS! Here's an update! I know that my updates have been quite odd lately but I do have to work more often in order to pay bills and such but you guys are awesome as EF and you totally understand so I thank you!

I hope you liked this update! Tell me what you what to see in the comment section and don't forget to ask me your questions!!

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