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This chapter is dedicated to...... ASliceOfDeansPie because why the fuck not!?! You don't own me! You don't decide who I want to dedicated anything!!!!


Its been a couple of weeks since Castiel became a human again and he wasn't doing to well when it came to sleeping. Of course he knew how to sleep, Dean and Sam showed him how to sleep before and he quite enjoys it but every time he tries to sleep he gets sucked into the same nightmare every time.

Usually he stays in his room quietly and waits until one of the Winchesters wake up. Tonight though was quite different.

Castiel was woken up from his peaceful slumber because of a sudden scream from across the hall. He jumped out the bed and walked out of his room and listened quietly for the sound.

Another scream was heard but this time it was more of cry for help coming from Dean's room. Castiel walked quietly to his door and opened the door to reveal a slashing Dean in bed.

Castiel walked to Dean quickly and slipped into the bed and wrapped his arms around his favourite hunter and snuggled him closer to his chest.

He knew Dean has a problem with personal space but the didn't care about anything right now. Dean simmered down and and soon relaxed and cuddled in closer to Castiel and soon both men fell asleep. (A/N: I used to love it when I would go to sleep alone and wake up in my Husband's arms in the morning. He used to tell me that when I would sleep alone I would toss and turn and mumble in my sleep and when he would come to bed I would stop and cuddle up to him and shut up HAHAHA)

Soon the morning came and when Dean woke up with someones arms wrapped tightly around his waist and his head on someones chest. It didn't take long to realize it was a man's embrace and looked up and saw the one person he's always wanted to see when he woke up.

"Cas?" Dean asked, causing Castiel's eyes to stutter open and looked down to Dean.

"Sorry Dean! You were having a nightmare and I came in and just brought you closer." Castiel said quickly.

Dean smiled and placed a kiss on his best friend's lips and smiled. "I love you Cas. Don't you ever forget that."

"I love you too Dean." Cas smiled and cuddled closer to him and soon fell back to sleep.

Yaaaaassss here's another update! I hope you liked this chapter! Thanks for all the votes and reads so far on this book!

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