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This chapter will be dedicated to  jo_winchester_ and fangirl310 for suggesting this prompt for me to write. 

Dean and Castiel had been dating for a couple months now but have known each other for years.

The two had grown up together, and the two families were very close friends. So every first Friday of every month the two families gathered at the Novak residence for supper and nightly shenanigans. 

The Novaks had 5 children in total, Michael was the oldest at 25. Then it went to Anna who was 21, Castiel and Lucifer who were twins were both 17 and then there was Gabriel who had just turned 12 a couple days ago.

The Winchesters were a smaller family with only two kids, Dean and Sam Winchester, 17 and 13 years old.

It wasn't a secret that Dean and Castiel were dating, both families knew it and loved the idea of them being together. The two were inseparable and would be together until they would die, that  is what there parents bet on anyways when they were little kids. 

The Winchesters had arrived at the Novaks around 4 pm. The grown ups were always in the dining room talking while the kids would be doing what ever they would do. 

Dean smiled when he saw his boyfriend walking towards the living room. He walked up quickly behind him and spun him around planting a big kiss on his lips. 

He smiled and very happily kissed him back. The two deepened the kiss and soon were lying on the couch. 

Dean pulled away from his boyfriend and looked down. 

"How ya doing today babe?" Dean asked. 

"Great now hot stuff." He answered. Dean looked at the boy underneath him and gasped in surprise and jumped up. THIS WASN'T HIS BOYFRIEND.  

"Dean! What are you doing?!?!" A voice behind him screamed, the voice was deeper and he knew exactly who it was. Castiel. 

Dean spun around and saw his boyfriend staring at him with an open mouth. 

"Cas it's not what it looks like! I thought it was you! " Dean said before turning around to face Lucifer.

"Why did you let me kiss you if you knew I didn't know you weren't Cas!" Dean asked quite shocked. 

"Oh please you know you want me Deany." Lucifer whispered and jumped forwards onto Dean and attached his lips to his. Dean quickly pushed him off of him and walked backwards towards Castiel. 

"Cas, please you need to believe me I thought it was you until he spoke." Dean pleaded. 

Castiel smiled and pulled his boyfriend into a sweet kiss. "I know Dean, I saw you come in so I was going to try to scare you when you snuck up behind him and kissed him. I also saw you jump off of him when he spoke." Castiel explained. 

"Thank god you believe me!" Dean yelled, causing their parents to come running in after hearing all the commotion. 

"What's going on in here!?!" Chuck yelled, trying to get their attention. 

"Lucifer tricked Dean into thinking he was me." Castiel explained as their parents gave them a look of shock. 

"Lucifer! Care to explain yourself?" Chuck asked. 

"Castiel doesn't deserve Dean! Come on! What does Cas have that I don't have!" Lucifer screamed. 

"Lucifer! Go to your room and do not ever pull these shenanigans ever again or so help me god I will ship you off to boarding school!" Chuck screamed, Lucifer winced and ran to his room slamming the door right after. 

"You guys should be fine from now on, that is if he doesn't want to go to boarding school." Chuck said before leaving the room leaving the two boys alone for the first time all night. 

"Dean? Can I ask you a question?" Castiel asked.

"Go right ahead baby." Dean replied. 

"How'd you know it wasn't me?" Castiel asked shyly, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. 

"You guys may look identical but you two don't act or speak the same. You have a deeper voice and you speak sophistically all the time. He doesn't, so when he spoke I knew immediately that it wasn't you." Dean explained. 

"That's sweet, Thank you Dean." Castiel said. 

"You sure you're not made at me?" Dean asked, looking down towards the ground. 

"No Dean, I'm not mad at you. You did nothing wrong, we are merely pure identical looking twins, you were bound to make the mistake one day." Castiel said, Dean went to speak once more but was silenced when a pair of lips greeted his own in a small kiss. 

"I love you Dean," Castiel whispered. 

"I love you too Cas." Dean said, pressing his lips once more onto his boyfriend soft chapped lips. 

Castiel smiled into the kiss but soon pulled away. "Please go scrub your face, you kissed my brother I feel like I'm kissing him right now." Castiel said bluntly. 

"Right away Cas." Dean said before walking towards the bathroom. 

I hope you liked this one shot and I hope I didn't ruin your expectations on the story! I hope it was everything you wished for. 

Vote! Comment!

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