YouTuber Husband.

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So this story was suggested by DESTIEL_obsessed_ and they sent me a Tumblr prompt about Castiel being married to Dean who happens to be one of the most famous YouTuber's and no one knows it. I hope you like it!

Castiel sighed as the bell rang, He only had one more class left before he could go home. He looked at the date and quickly realized that it was Thursday, he would be able t go home at lunch! He knew that Dean would be posting a new video today and he knew that his students would watch it in his class.

It's not that his class was boring or anything, it's just that Castiel may or may not be totally awkward as fuck.

The kids start piling in and sit down at their desk while he began writing things on the board. He quickly finished writing the pages down and turned around when he heard some giggling.

Castiel smiled and crept quietly towards the back where the girls were giggling. He peered around them and noticed that they were watching Dean's latest video. He watched as the girls were swooning over this man.

"I wonder if he's single." A girl whispered.

"I bet he's not! A face like his!" Another girl whispered.

"Shh! He's talking about his car!"

"I wonder what car he drives!" The girl asked.

"Please if you ever meet him, don't ask him about his car, he'll talk about it for hours!" Castiel explained and picked up her phone and began walking towards his desk.

"You can take your phone after class Rachel." Castiel said. He placed the phone on his desk and heard some gasp from the girls.

Was he mean or something? Did he surprise them or something?

Hushed omg's and holy craps were heard and Castiel turned around with a questioning look.

"What?" Castiel asked, turning his head to look at the door. Castiel was shocked, why was Dean at his door?

"Hello Dean." Castiel smiled.

" Hey babe, sorry to interrupt but I realized you didn't pack lunch this morning so I made you one." Dean explained, giving Castiel the lunch box and a quick kiss on his cheek.

"WAIT A MINUTE!!" Rachel exclaimed!

"Yes?" Dean asked, a smug smile on his face.

"Did you just call Mr.Novak babe!?!" Rachel asked.

"Yeah, he's my bae!" Dean said, a small chuckle escape his lips.

"Mr. Novak your boyfriend is Dean Winchester!?!?!" Taylor asked.

"No Taylor, he is not my boyfriend." Castiel said, grabbing Dean's hand and intertwining them together.

"He's right, I'm not his boyfriend." Dean explained. "He's my Husband." Dean laughed and placed a kiss on his husbands lips.

The class went quiet, Mr.Novak was dating a YouTuber! Not just some random YouTuber! Dean Fricking Winchester!!

"I should go, you need to teach your class. I'll see you when you get home." Dean said, giving Castiel another quick kiss and heading out the door.

"Dean!" Castiel shouted, causing Dean to stop in his tracks.

"Yeah?" Dean asked.

Castiel smiled and kissed his husbands lips. "I love you." Castiel whispered.

"I love you too baby." Dean whispered back and turned around and left this time.

Castiel turned around and looked at his students who were itching with questions.

"I bet you guys have some questions?" Castiel asked.

"You're married to Dean?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah, we got married almost 2 years ago." Castiel answered.

"Why don't you take his last name or him yours?" Timothy asked.

"He's built a brand with Winchester, and I haven't changed my name cause you all know me as Mr.Novak and if you guys would've known I was married to Dean then you would've treated me differently." Castiel explained.

"Mr.Novak you're our favourite teacher! I know it doesn't seem like it since we don't seem to pay any attention but we love you! We don't care if you changed your last name! Obviously we would have questions like now but tomorrow it'll be back to normal!" Taylor said, she got out of her chair and walked up to her favourite teacher and gave him a hug. "You'l always be our Mr. Novak to us." She said.

"I guess i'll need to go change my name then." Castiel whispered.


I hope you liked it and I hope this is what you wanted!

Vote! Comment! Who's your favourite YouTubers? Mines Definitely Mamrie Hart...

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