When Past meets Present🍃

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Siddhesh's POV:

She asked...and I couldn't say no!!
I could never say no to her! Probably my tongue, my heart, my soul never learnt to say no to her!!!

She slowly took another step ahead and forwarded her hand asking me for a dance and my teary eyes met her already pouring ones...

I didn't think much...I needed this too...
I took a step closer to her and placed my hand in hers...
She voluntarily took my left and placed it on her waist...my heartbeat increased manifolds as I came in contact with her bare waist...

The first time ever in my life I was touching her like that...my body went on a overdrive...I simply couldn't understand what was I supposed to do...she took a step closer to me and tiptoed to whisper in my ears...

'You don't need to hesitate so much to hold onto your wife's waist...we are married even if it is just on papers...but legally I am yours...so please...hold me' and my lips parted at what she whispered in my ears...I couldn't really believe she was saying this...when did she become so vocal...

I slowly moved a bit backward and looked at her with a hooded gaze and she had a slight smile on her lips...

God!!! Is she playing naughty now!! My thunderstorm!!!

I tried hard but couldn't control my blush and my lips helplessly curved although I tried to fake a serious look...just then someone bumped into me and I ended up being pushed more into her with the reflex action...my hand tightly squeezed her waist...


She is soft...and curvy...

My brain registered and next minute I cursed myself for such unholy thoughts..

What's wrong with me!!! Damnnnn!!!
She's Ragini Siddhu...

Exactly... she's Ragini...
My heart teased me and I closed my eyes adoring a blush again...

Slowly I heard yet another whisper...
'We are supposed to move not just hold on to each other Mr Pai' and her hot breath left shivers down my spine when it fanned against my earlobes and cheeks..

I opened my eyes and looked deep into her eyes.. Black sea came alive tonight in those beautiful shiney almond like eyes...

'Dance with me Ragini' I just said and they shined more

I saw her cheeks went crimson pink and we kept moving in each other's arms like this was eternity. It felt home. This was serenity. I don't know for how long did we continue dancing. Music kept playing, songs changed but we were lost in each other's eyes. We had so much to talk. But none of us wanted to loose these moments. This silence was more peaceful.

Until we felt someone hug onto my legs and I looked down to see it was my little Tia.

'You don't love Tia now Sidyboy' she said in a low tone and my eyes widened. Was I so obvious that a 4 year old could ask me that?

I saw Ragini blush to her roots. I looked back at my Tia's blue shiney eyes and I said...
'Ofcourse not...Mamu loves Tia the most..
' saying I wiped her tears which slowly rolled down her cheeks.

'You will marry me once I finish my school you promised!!!' she said while I saw Ragini's eyes widened as she bent to down too...I was going to answer her but Ragini said...
'Ummm...sorry darling your Mamu is already married to me na...see' saying she flaunted our engagement ring to her and Tia started crying loudly this time.

I shot a 'you are impossible' look to Ragini who was only smiling with amusement...

'She is 4 ... atleast be considerate...you can't say that to her' I said and she simply shrugged her shoulders biting her lips trying to control her laughter...

EVIL!! This one's younger than Tia too

I rolled my eyes and pulled Tia in my arms and lifted her up saying...
'No Tia... Mamu will only marry you...she is lying'

She rubbed her red cherry nose and said...
'I want a bigger diamond in my ring...very big' she said I burst out laughing. Women and their demands.

'Aye Aye your highness' I said and she put out her tongue to Ragini making a face and threw her little arms across my neck saying...
'My Sidyboy' and I saw Ragini with a scowling look.

Finally Malini came and pulled her into her arms but Tia was so possesive she didn't want to leave me with Ragini. But it was time for her nap so Bill finally took her saying a few hunky dory stories and she went into Malini's arms. She went upstairs. Malini and Bill were staying tonight with us.

Bill patted my back saying...
'Well seems like my daughter interrupted some real passionate dancing' and winked at me. I so hoped Ragini didn't hear that. But I could see her blush and turn a ripened cherry. Damn!!!

'Ohhh I wanted to introduce you to our new PR management head. He is just joining us today...so I thought why not invite him to the party. He would join us at work from Monday.

Heyyy look here he is...

Saying he looked beyond my shoulders. I turned around and was up for a shock!!!
I saw colors faded off Ragini's face too

'Sid...Meet Mr Rohit Kamath...he is also from Mangalore...not sure if you know each other...he said he knows you very well' and my jaws clenched. Anger bubbled up inside me...but my eyes first met Ragini's who was looking at Rohit with a shocked expression. I couldn't decode it..

Her words which she uttered in past still hammered my ears...
'I love Rohit...he is my true soulmate'

Does she still feel for him??? Am I coming in between them? But he is a cheat....he is already engaged to Swati...
Why is he here now???
That too after knowing that PTv belongs to me he joined us???
He knows Ragini is married to me...it's obvious!!!

I somehow couldn't tolerate the way he and Ragini were looking at each other. He was seeing her with a twinkle in his eyes and I wanted to pull out his marbles and flush them down.

But Ragini??? Does she still feel for him??
What do you think Siddhu??? emotions don't change overnight!!!
But I can't let him break her heart and trust...

Just then Bill excused himself as some of our investors came in...He wanted me to join him too but I didn't want to leave Ragini alone with him.

Call it my fear... insecurity or jealousy.
I couldn't leave!!! My heart was pounding madly.

Bill left and next minute Ragini took a step back and held my hand. I looked at her hand which held my hand tightly. I entwined my fingers into hers and pulled her closer...her eyes were filled with tears...

But next minute Rohit did something shocking. He took two big steps and threw his arms around Ragini and pulled her into a tight hug.

I felt like someone threw burning coal on my body. Her grip on my hand loosened and here my heart felt like was being ripped raw...

'I am sorry Ragini...I left Swati...I broke up with her...I was forced into getting engaged to her...it was mom dad...but you know na sweetheart I love you...only you...I want you back' he said and I felt time stopped for me.

I wanted to leave from there but I felt a hand held onto my hand tightly. I was shocked as I saw it was Ragini's..
She had stopped me from going while still being hugged by Rohit...
I was confused...this looked so annoying to me but I had to be patient...

And then I heard her...
'Im sorry Rohit...but now I'm no longer single...
You are talking to ...
Mrs Ragini Siddhesh Pai'

She announced and Rohit took a step back and looked at her and threw me a disgusted look. She took a step closer to me and stood next to me...our eyes met and suddenly a wave of comfort and assurance soothing my soul...this is all I needed...

'This marriage was a dummy...you know it...look at him...you can't be with him for god's sake...look at yourself Ragini...we love each other' he said grinding his teeth.

I wanted to punch him on his nose right now!!! But I wanted Ragini to do the talking. I didn't want her to be in any kind of a forced relationship with me...

'Things don't happen according to your wish Rohit...you leave me...you come back to me...this is not how it goes...and anyways I'm married now so whatever was in our past does not matter anymore' she said and I started feeling guilty already...

Is she with me because she is stuck in this marriage???
That shouldn't be the base of this relationship!!! I didn't want it that way!!!

'Its only on papers Ragini...I know...just finish it on papers...
Divorce him!!!' Rohit shouted and I was horror struck...

A sudden fear engulfed me...I felt uncomfortable standing there...I didn't want me being there to influence her decision..I slowly removed her grip off my hands and she suddenly looked at me..

'You both need to talk Ragini...I will be around...' while I heard Rohit mutter...

'Finally...yes please I need some privacy with my girlfriend' he stressed the word 'girlfriend' enough to pierce my heart some more. My eyes went cloudy...

She kept looking at me and I slowly left from there although my eyes never leaving her...

Will she go back to Rohit??? Again???

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