Destiny Play!!

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At Night, At Signal Road

When Akshara searching for Viraj's Father Govind Car,She came to main Road ..

Akshara didn't observe one Lorry coming towards her..

Other Side, Viraj's Father Govind saw this and shouted from other Side.

Govind : Amma..Lorry is coming..Move from there..

But Akshara didn't heard that because of Vehicles sounds..

Govind again shouted

Govind : Amma..Lorry is coming...Go from there..

Akshara still didn't heard because of Vehicle sounds..

When Lorry about to hit Akshara, Govind drives his Car fastly to reach her..But in that Process, that Lorry got hit to Govind's Car..

With that Force, Akshara fall down and her mobile fall somewhere..

Another Side, Viraj heard those sounds and became worried..

Viraj : Akshara..Are You Ok?Hello..Hello..What Happened? Hello..

Other Side

Akshara opened her Eyes and saw the Car which got hit to Lorry instead of her..

Akshara became shock on seeing the Person inside the car..He is Viraj's Father Govind..

Akshara tried to wake up Govind

Akshara : Uncle..Uncle..!!

Govind who was injured so badly opened his Eyes..

Akshara called to Ambulance..

Akshara : Uncle..Ambulance will come here.. Don't worry..

Govind who understand that he can't live..

Govind : No, Amma..I know I can't live anymore..Please do me one Favor to me..

Akshara : No..Uncle..Don't say like that..Nothing will happen to You..

Govind : I know my time is over..Please do me this Favor..Please Tell this to my Son..His Name is..

Akshara : Viraj..I know him..Uncle!!

Govind became shock on heard this..

After Sometime, Another Side

Viraj heard from Akshara Mobile One Police Voice..

Police : Here One Accident happened..VB News Channel CEO Govind Bhargav dead in that accident on Spot!!

Viraj became broken on heard this..

Next Morning, At Viraj's House

Viraj didn't sleep whole night that he is continously calling Akshara Her Mobile is getting Switched..

Viraj (Inner Voice) : Don't know What happened to Akshara..!! Why Her Mobile is getting Switched off..

Bunty came to Viraj

Bunty : Viraj..Why You didn't come to Office?

Viraj : I couldn't save Nanna..!!

Bunty : Viraj.. It been 5 Years Your Father dead..

Viraj : It was Yesterday..I spoke to Akshara, She saw my Father..Unnecessarily I sent her there, Don't know What happened to her..Her Mobile is getting Switched off..

Bunty : Rey..Leave it..Come, Let's Go out, Your Mood will get better..

Viraj : You won't understand!! Tell me, Why You came here?

Bunty : Some of my Files are on Your Laptop..I came to copy them..

Inside Viraj's Room

Bunty checking his Files in Viraj Laptop..

Bunty : Where is it?

Viraj : Did You remember clearly, is it here only?

Bunty : I saved those Files in Your Laptop only..

After Sometime, Bunty found his Files..

Bunty : Yes..I found it..I copied these files 6 months ago in Your Laptop only..See, I found them..

Viraj Realised something in Bunty words..

Viraj : Come Again!!

Bunty : I said that I copied these 6 month ago in Your Laptop only and I found them..

Viraj remembered something about Akshara on heard this and left to that Place immediately..

At Durgamma Chervu (Lake)

Viraj came to Lake and saw Lord Sita, Lord Rama Idols

Viraj remembered Akshara words

"I used to put my wishes under the idol in my childhood And Suprisingly, those wishes come true "

Viraj checked under Lord Sita, Lord Rama Idols and saw One Box there..

Viraj Opened that Box and saw One Letter inside that Box which Akshara wrote to him..

Viraj opened the Letter and started reading Akshara Letter

"Viraj..I'm Very Sorry..I couldn't save Uncle..In attempt to save me only, he was dead...I'm Very Sorry, Viraj"

"I don't know whether You see this Letter or not..But I Hope it will reach You"

"Your Father Loves You So Much, Viraj..He said his Last Wish to me.. It is not to see You in his Company..He always want Your Happiness only."

"Please check Your Father Cupboard once, You will know his Last Wish"

Viraj immediately left to his Home to see his Father Last Wish..

Other Side, At Police Station

Akshara asked Police

Akshara : Sir..Yesterday Night at Jubilee Hills Signal One Accident Happened..

Police : Yeah..VB News Headlines CEO Govind Bhargav, He was dead on Spot!! Today his Funeral..

Akshara : Where?

Police : Sorry, Amma..He is VIP that too News Channel CEO..We got orders, We don't have to give their details to anyone..

Akshara : Sir..Please..

Police : Sorry, Amma..Rules won't agree..Please go from there..

Akshara became disappointed for this..

Akshara : Sir..I Lost my Mobile there..Did You find that?

Police : No, Amma..We didn't anything like that..

Akshara : Sir..Please check once again.. That Phone is Very Important to me..

Police : Amma..We have so much work..Please don't trouble us..Go from here..

Akshara went out with disappointment..

On that time, One Constable said to his Superior

Constable : Sir..Our Team are starting to Govind Bhargav Funeral to give security to them..

Superior : Ok..His Son Viraj Bhargav will there.. Don't let anyone disturb him..

Akshara stopped on heard Viraj Name and asked him

Akshara : Sir..Are You going to Govind Bhargav Funeral?

Constable : Yes, Amma..

Akshara (Inner Voice) : If I go with them, I can meet Viraj there..!!

Akshara requested them

Akshara : Sir..Please let me come with You..Please.

Constable : No..Amma..We got strict orders..Without Permission, We can't allow anyone..

Akshara : Please Sir..To save me only, he was dead..I need to say Sorry to His Son.. Please..It is Very Important to them.. Please Try to understand.

Constable felt pity on Akshara Request and said to her

Constable : Ok, Amma..You can come with us..

Akshara became Happy for this..

Constable : But There will be so Coward, It is Difficult to meet him..

Akshara : It's ok, Sir..I will try..

Constable : Ok..Then..Come secretly with us..

Akshara : Thank You..

At Funeral

So many People came to Govind Bhargav (Viraj's Father) Funeral..

Police Team came there to give Security from the Coward..

Along with Police Team, Akshara also came there.

From Some Distance, Akshara saw Govind Bhargav dead Body and felt bad for his death..

Akshara asked Constable

Akshara : Sir..His Son?

Constable : He have to come here..Amma..Must be he is inside..

On that time, Viraj came out..

Constable : He came!!

Akshara became shock on seeing Viraj there..

Akshara recognized Viraj and understood Viraj only Proposed her on that day at Clock Tower..

Percap : Akshara met with Accident..The End..!!

I'm Very Very Sorry for Late Update, Little bit Busy...

Please Forgive me If any mistakes are there..I wrote in Hurry..

How was the Whole Accident Part? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Akshara Letter to Viraj? Please Tell me, Friends..

What is Viraj's Father Last Wish? Any Guess.. Please Tell me, Friends..

Will Akshara meet Viraj? Any Guess.. Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Friends..

Thank You So Much for all Your Votes and Supportive Comments..❤️❤️💕💕

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care, Stay Safe..

Loves You All...💕💕

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