Chapter 3

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A knock was heard through the house of Agasa. The knockers were the two shrunken magician and detective

As the knock became louder Heiji woke up eyes slightly open he sat up rubbing his eyes and yawned looking at the place he was in

"Oh.... Yeah dats right i was shrunken and turned inta' dis body..!" He murmured as he heard the knock again

Now realizing the knock he stood up and slightly shook the person on the other bed which was beside his meaningly hakuba.

"What... Do you want..?"  Hakuba muttered snuggling the pillow "oi! Wake up! I heard someone knocking!" He said and shook him again

Hakuba sat up and stretched and eyed the young osakan "why dont you go yourself?" He said and stood

"Just come on." Heiji then went out opening the door and saw lights on the first floor of the house they slowly went down to see agasa-hakase talkinng to shinichi and kaito

"Kudo! Kuroba! What yah guys doin' in da middle of da night!?" Heiji said and walked towards the two

"Oh! Hei-kun, Hakuba!" Kaito said and ran up to them leaving shinichi with agasa

"We're going to someone i know and will understand us!" Kaito explained and held the two's wrist and ran towards Shinichi

"Who is it kuroba!?" Shinichi asked eyes narrowed and looking at kaito who simply grinned

"Jii-chan!" Kaito shouted then smiled and walked out leaving the other three to follow him. Agasa sighted 'i should probably finish it then while they're gone....' He then went inside his house and closed the door and started working on something.

The four cane in front of a bar which doesnt look like many people were there. "Oi! Kuroba ya sure dis is da place!?" Heiji shouted looking at the magician who were climbing up the stairs

"Yes I'm sure this is the place!" Kaito looked at them. Shinichi and haluba whi were silent followed the young magician leaving the osakan alone

"Oi! Wait for me!" He then soon followed them. Kaito knocked at the door and opened it and went in like this is his home the other three stared at him with awe

They followed him until they arrived at the main bar where an old man was in the counter alone in the room. The old man noticed the kids eyes widen

"Hello jii-chan!!" Kaito shouted and walked towards the old man whose eyes still wide knowing the voice of this young voice

"K-kaito-bocchama!?" The old man went to the kid and held his shoulders "is that really you kaito-bocchama!?why did you turn into a child!?" asked as kaito's smile broke

"Yes. Jii-chan let me explain with this three" he pointed at the three whose eyes and mouth was open in shock.

"Lets sit down first..." The old man went back to the counter and gestured on the sits beside him saying to sit there which Kaito happily obligated and was followed by the used to be high school detectives.


"Ah.... So that what happened...." Jii said and went out of the counter and in front of the four and kneeled in front of Kaito who stood up

"What should you do bocchama...? You can stay here with me while i contact chikage-san about the matter but i doubt you'll stay here..... Why about aoko-san? What should you tell her?" Jii asked the young magician whose smile broke a little

"Probably just tell her i went to mom in the other country she'll be worried like hell right now" kaito said looking at the old man. Shinichi who was tired of sitting stood up ad went in to the billiards and followed by the two leaving the old man and the magician

"A billiard... Do you know how to play kudo-kun?" Hakuba asked as shinichi looked around the billiard body while heiji was checking the balls for the said game

"A little my father thought me a little..... Oh whats this a button?" Shinichi found the button underneath the body of the billiard as he heard a shout

"Shin-chan dont touch that!!" Kaito shouted a little too late as shinichi pressed the button and the billiard bored turned around and revealed stuffs kaito kid used smoke bombs, sleeping bomb and many more.

The three detectives eyed the young magician shocked seeing his very own secret

"Kuroba ah no should i say kaito kid might as well explain?" Shinichi asked the magician who was sweating bullets

"I knew it kuroba-kun you really were kaito kid!" Hakuba smirked as heiji whose eyes was blank and was looking at kaito

"A-ah.... Jii-chan i told you to put the button in a more secretive place!" Kaito whispered rather loudly which was clearly heard by the three

"Im sorry kaito-bocchama! I dont know where to move it! Forgive me!" Jii said as kaito went into the couch. The three detective followed him and sat in front of him

"Well? Explain. Kuroba are yah kaito kid!?" Heiji asked as kaito sighted hands scratching his head

"Err- well yes that is true but im not doing it for fun! Well i do have fun...... But I have my reasons!" He said and looked at the three detectives whose eyes are on him

"And what are those reason?" Shinichi asked brows rose

"The truth is.... My dad was the original kaito kid who appeared 18 years ago....." He started and took a sip on his chocolate drink that came from God knows where

"Im searching for a gem called pandora a gem inside another gem that can give you immortality" he took another sip on his drink and looked away wanting to avoid the curious stares of the detectives

"Why would you want that?" Hakuba asked "because i want to destroy it.... Because the organization that killed kuroba toichi the original kaito kid are finding it! I have to find it before they do or i wont be able to avenge father! I want to see them behing the bars!" Kaito's fist clenched eyes narrowed

"You mean the famous magician kuroba toichi that died eight years ago was no accident but a planned murder!? How did you know that!?" Shinichi asked knowing the kind magician who taught his dear mother about disguise

"They said so them self...." Kaito gulped his drink in one go after that he was smiling as if he's seriousness never existed

"Now thats done! Jii-chan!" The magician stood up and went into the old man leaving the three detectives to process the information they got.

"Jii-chan nothing is wrong with my card gun right!?" Kaito asked the old man who was chacing the gun

"It seems so....." He trailed off as kaito ran to the billiard and grabbed smoke and sleeping bombs and putted in a plastic

Shinichi went to kaito leaving the two to still process

"Where are you going to put that?" He asked as the young magician grinned and made the plastic disappear as if nothing

"Wow! Nice kuroba!" They heard a voice belonging in to the osakan

Then kaito remembered something important.

"First things first! How do you explain this to your parents!?" Kaito asked as the young detectives sweat dropped

"Yeah how do we explain its not like we can disappear without a trace...." Hakuba held his chin as if thinking. The Osakan still sweat

"You should probably explain what happened.... But not to the girls they might get involve with our problem....." Kaito suggested as the other three nodded but one question topped it all

"How are you guys gonna explain!? Its not like we can tell them 'oka-san its me i got turned into a child by a drug given by a man in black!' Right!?"    Kaito said worry visible in his voice

"But theres no other way than showing in a missing paper right!?" Shinichi said

"Waaahhh!!! What should we do then!?" Heiji asked hakuba

"How should i know!?" Hakuba said

"Firsts things firsts! Who here have a understanding mom who dresses you up in a girls outfit as a child and always kept up with the latest fashion!?" Kaito asked as shinichi hesitantly rose his hands

"Shin-chan!? Waahhh!! A comrade who suffered the mothers sense of fashion!" Kaito ran into shinichi

"Well then you have no problem even if they know!" Kaito added and hugged shinichi

"Oi let go!" Shinichi tried to push him but no avail the magicians grip was strong

"And you two good luck with your parents kay' i bid you good luck" kaito said at the other detective

"Oi kuroba! Don't leave us hangin'!!!" Heiji shouted a thick mark appeared in his head

"Ehhh?? I dont even know how to deal with your parents! Dont expect me to use your voice and tell them ' hello its me your son im sorry i wont be showing up for a while but dont worry im safe' or something like that, right!?" Kaito said

"Then why dont we just tell them the truth....? We'll just have to make them believe us!" Shinichi said which earned a nod from the two

"Kay' whose parents are first? The closest one" kaito askes as heiji raised his hand

"I live in osaka and 'm sure hakuba's parents are in another country!" Heiji said

"Okay! We'll go to osaka this weekend! Cant help it right since ran-neechan enrolled us in a school you two right?" Shinichi said

"Being in grade school again is pretty hard...." Hakuba said

"Well no can do! I just hope we all will be classmates in one classroom!" Kaito grinned thinking of all the pranks he can muster at the three detectives

Hakuba sweat dropped and whispered something on the other detectives ear

"Good luck on us.... Prepare yourself for kuroba-kun's pranks.... I tell you it was hell when that happened to me for the whole week making me want to never go to school" Hakuba sweat drooped remembering his beautiful blond hair turned pink

The other two sweat dropped too and slowly looked at the thief who was happily writing in a note book.

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