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WALKING INTO THE CHURCH, BELA SAW ARTHUR, SAT ON THE BENCH, LEANT FORWARD WITH HEAD IN HANDS. Getting closer to him, Bela decided to sit next to him, whilst Tommy sat one bench behind them. Arthur then looked up, staring at both Bela and Tommy.

"People keep asking me questions I don't know the answer to." He looked at Bela, "Is it true your Ada got married? I say, "I don't know." Bela gulped, a form of guilt in the pit of her stomach for knowing, yet keeping it from the people closest around herself and Ada, especially Arthur, John, and Tommy. "Where is she living now? I don't know." Arthur said roughly, as Bela looked at Tommy swallowing harshly, as he just pushed a hand through his hair.

Arthur carried on, "Arthur, who killed that paddy from the black swan?" He turned to Tommy, looking at him dead in the eye, as did Bela, who looked at the pair confused. "I go, "what paddy?" They say, 'is it you peaky blinders that stole the guns from the BSA?'"

Bela bit her lip, Arthur had finally found out about the guns, and by the sound of it, he was pissed, and not only pissed but hurt that Tommy hadn't told them. "What guns Tommy?" Arthur pleaded for him to tell him.

Before Tommy could answer, Bela tried to calm Arthur down. "Arthur, sweetie, the guns-" Bela couldn't finish her sentence, as Arthur's eyes went wide. "You know about the guns?" He asked, not believing that Tommy had told Bela about the gun without telling him, as well as Bela not telling him, who he had thought would tell him anything to do with the business.

"I only found out because Polly told m-" The older man cut her off again, gobsmacked. "Does everyone know about this but me?" Tommy looked at Bela, raising his eyebrows, as Bela placed a hand on her head, shaking his head.

Arthur stood up, furious, but Bela knew at any moment the older man could do something dangerous. "Sit down!" Bela ordered Arthur, who looked at her, knowing she was deadly serious.

Sitting down, huffing Bela nodded to Tommy, basically telling him to talk to his brother. "Arthur, after your beating I thought you needed a break-"

Arthur had then had enough, "what bloody guns, Tommy?" He shouted at the top of his lungs, but this was the usual Arthur, especially when in a certain mental space. Bela was one of the few people that could calm him down.

People like Tommy and John were the ones that struggled around Arthur when in this state. They had both been at war, seen the same thing and all had demons worse than anyone could imagine. Whereas Bela, yes she had her demons from the war, but she also had a softer side which she had luckily inherited from her mother, which allowed her motherly instinct to come through when someone was upset.

"Arthur, darling, calm yourself down now," Bela told him softly, yet firmly. "Just listen to what Tommy has to say, okay?" Arthur swallowed as Bela grabbed his hands tightly, trying to comfort him as much as she could. Bela turned to Tommy, nodding her head in Arthur's direction, trying to get him to explain to his brother.

"I was gonna tell you, but you've had a hard time these past few years. God knows you have. You deserve some rest, and we had some luck, some bloody luck, it fell off a wagon into our laps. And all you need to know is, it's us that has the machine guns now, and it's them that's in the mud. Alright?" Arthur just swallowed, nodded at Tommy, still holding on tight to Bela's hand.

Tommy stood up from the bench, brushing off his trousers, lighting a cigarette. "Right well, I'm gonna leave you two to have a little chat, cause fuck knows you need to get your head straight and Bela here's the only one able to do that." He nodded to Bela, who smiled gently back, whilst putting a hand on his brothers should, slapping it lightly. "And when your done, come to the Garrison, I got a surprise for you." He told Arthur, who just nodded.

Leaving, Tommy looked back giving an appreciative look to Bela before closing the church door. Arthur then went to pick up and take a swing of the bottle of whiskey that was sat next to him, Bela rolled her eyes. Snatching the bottle out of Arthur's hand, Bela threw it across the room, smashing the bottle.

"You do realize we're in a church right? And you just threw a bottle across the room," he told her, raising an eyebrow as she shrugged, "and you're committing a sin by drinking yourself to death."

Arthur scoffed, "doesn't sound like much of a sin to me." Bela sighed, knowing that if Arthur didn't slow down on the drinking anytime soon, he would eventually drink himself to death.

Bela turned, once again grabbing his hands in hers. "Arthur Shelby, listen to me and listen to me well. You are such a good man, and you don't even realize it, you are so loved Arthur, please always remember that. And whatever is going through your mind, you know you can always tell me, that's what I'm here for, it's what I've always been here for." She told him, as she looked at him with sad eyes, understanding that the war had taken the toll on his mind, and allowed him to view himself as a broken man.

"What have I got in life, Bee? I ain't got no wife, no kids, no one to love. All I've got is a bloody betting shop, and even that ain't mine, it's Tommy." Arthur told her, staring down at the floor. Bela sighed, knowing that Arthur tended to compare himself to his younger brother.

When speaking of the Shelby brothers, people's minds automatically go to the leader of the business, Tommy Shelby, not the eldest brother Arthur, who in a regular family in society would be the head of the household since their father had left. But Tommy had taken over that role, and although he didn't show it not only embarrassed but tore Arthur down, knowing that he wasn't good enough to be the head of the family business. Times were hard for Arthur, each person in the Shelby family knew that, and the only way he could stop those times were drinking and girls.

"You've got everything in front of you, you've got a family that loves you and although you don't technically 'run' the business, thy would be nothing without you. Okay?" He nodded lightly, as she smiled kindly at him. "Now, Tommy won't want to be kept waiting cause he's an impatient sod, so let's get going." She told him, standing up, looking at him to follow.

Arthur chuckled, "and let's face it if we make him wait too long, he'll be pissed and you'll probably end up punching him in the face." He told her, throwing an arm around her shoulders, stumbling slightly from the drink. Bela just laughed, "you know me so well, ey?" She told him as he just shrugged,

"Of course, you're me sister."


Walking into the Garrison, Tommy stood waiting as Bela and Arthur went to stood next to him.

"A surprise Tommy? Where is she then?" Arthur asked Tommy, as Bela elbowed him in the side as he winced, "oi."

Tommy chuckled, slapping his brother on the shoulder, walking forward. "What is it you've always wanted Arthur?" He asked his brother, who just looked around the Garrison, basically answering his question with his eyes. "When we were in France you used to say, 'when I get back to England, I want to own a pub.'" He opened his arms wide, signaling to Arthur, that he now owned that Garrison.

Bela smiled at Tommy, not quite believing what he had done for his brother. Arthur turned to Tommy, "now you've gone soft. You've gone soft, Tommy. How do we know it's for sale?" Arthur asked him, as he looked around still, in disbelief at what Tommy had done.

"Everything's for sale to us, Arthur," Tommy told him honestly, as Bela agreed with him.

Arthur sighed, "I wouldn't know what to do." He told both Bela and Tommy as Bela just rolled her eyes, still smiling at him.

"You spend two-thirds of your life in pubs, just pour it instead of drinking it," Bela told him laughing, as the two men joined in. Arthur smirked at her, "you can be me new barmaid Bee, you need to start getting off your arse and doing something." He told her sarcastically, as Tommy and Bela raised their eyebrows, chuckling.

Bela pointed her finger to him, "watch your mouth." She told him, joking as he held his hands up in surrender. He then turned back to Tommy, "I can still drink it though, right?" Tommy just shrugged, "it's your pub, you do what you want."

Arthur breathed in astonishment that Tommy would do something like this for him as Bela just stared at him, knowing that joy - as well as the alcohol still - flowed through his body. She walked over to Tommy and nudged his arm.

"You know, that's a really lovely thing you did there." She beamed at him as he stared at her, "dunno what you mean Bee, i'm as far away as lovely as you could get." He told her seriously, though she disagreed.

"I think your lovely, though you may not show it much, but you are." She told him, staring at him straight in the eye.

He stared back at her, a smile tugging at his lips, "yes, well, don't tell other people that, we are the peaky blinders after all."

She smiled brightly at him, others may not have thought he was lovely, but she certainly did.

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