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ADA HAD DECIDED, RELUCTANTLY, THAT KNOWING FREDDIE MAY NOT COME BACK, SHE WOULD GET RID OF HER BABY, not wanting her child to grow up unwanted by her family. Polly had given her a train ticket to go to a place that offered safe abortions, and that morning, she would get on the train safely without others knowing, and get it over with. But something about Ada's pale, shaky face made out to Bela like she wasn't all that sure she wanted to go through with it.

Bela couldn't help it, she had to do something. She couldn't let Ada go through with it without knowing there was a possibility that she might want that baby, so she did something about it. Not telling anyone, she made a phone call and went to talk to a few people.

Linking arms with Ada walking throughout the train station, Polly tried to reassure her niece, whilst Bela walked alongside the pair, smiling softly at the young girl, trying to reassure her it was okay whatever she chose.

Turning around the corner, leading the way for Ada to get on the carriage, a figure stood in front of them. "Freddie!" Ada exclaimed as Polly muttered beside them, "Christ."

"You came back?" Ada questioned, as Freddie looked at Bela nodding at her. "Well, I had some help from Miss Ren over here, who brought me the message, and I couldn't not come back.

Ada looked at Bela with wide eyes, placing a hand over her mouth in delight, unable to get the words to form in her mouth. Instead, she hugged her, with everything she could. "You have no idea how thankful I am to you," she said, tears forming in her eyes. Bela chuckled, waving her hand dismissively.

"Shut up Ada, you'll make me cry and I have a reputation to uphold around here." The two girls laughed, but Polly wasn't laughing, instead, she was staring at Freddie.

"Freddie, Tommy will kill you." She told him seriously, as Bela just smirked, turning to Polly. "Trust me, Polly, he won't. Now, get out of town and take her with you." She turned to the pair, nodding to Freddie, giving him her permission. Freddie breathed in, "before we do that, I need to do something." He got down on one knee, making both Ada and Polly gasp. "Ada Shelby, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Ada told him, her smiling more than Bela had ever seen her smile before. He placed the ring on her finger, making the pair of them happier than anyone could have imagined. If someone had told Bela, the little girl she once knew and now the woman that was practically her sister, would be getting married and having a baby with Freddie Thorne, once Tommy's best friend and now the man he hated most, Bela would never have imagined it. But, she couldn't be happier for Ada, she wished nothing more but for Ada to be happy in life.

And now, Ada could finally be happy, without anyone, including her brothers, standing in their way.

Ada leaped to hug both Polly and Bela, squealing with joy as Polly swayed her back and forth, still muttering her thanks to Bela. "Now come on, get on the train, that includes you, Freddie," Polly told the pair, as Freddie looked reluctant, not walking with Ada and Polly to get onto the train.

"We're not leaving Small Heath."

"What do you mean, Freddie?" Bela asked, folding her arms. "I said I wouldn't let Tommy kill ya, but I said that you and Ada need to go somewhere safe. It's not safe for you here." Bela told him seriously, as the two other women agreed.

Freddie shrugged, "I'm not scared of Tommy Shelby."

Bela sighed, rubbing her head. "Freddie Thorne, you dickhead."


Bela knew that, once again, Tommy would be pissed. The news that Freddie and Ada had decided to stay around Small Heath wouldn't stay quiet for long, and Bela knew that Tommy would know it was her that tipped off Freddie. But Bela didn't care about his reaction, she wasn't scared of a man like Tommy, nor Arthur, nor John. The night before, on her way out from the Garrison, Tommy had been entering from the rain. But instead of telling Bela what had happened, he had simply shrugged her off and gone inside requesting a drink off of Grace. Bela thought nothing else of it, Tommy did shit like this all the time; not telling people the stuff that he had done, and Bela was use to it. She would somehow find out in the end, whether it be from Polly or his brothers, who didn't keep anything from Bela, from fear of what would happen to them, not wanting to end up like John with a broken hand from when they had first met.

But Bela couldn't help but feel as though something was changing in Tommy, whether it be the inspector coming to town, Billy Kimber and his army, or even the new barmaid who seemed to question more about Tommy Shelby than any other person in Birmingham.

Even Tommy in a bad mood didn't stop Bela. She had known him since he was 13 and knew that whilst Tommy may not be happy, that didn't stop the business from going on, nor would it make Bela avoid him in any way. Arthur and John were as close as Bela could get to having blood brothers, and they knew it. Although they already had Ada as a sister, that didn't stop them from taking the other young girl under their wing, protecting her at all cost - even though she had proven to them that she could look after herself. But she had known from the moment she had met him, there was something different about Tommy, something that intrigued her.

Yes, Tommy had always protected Bela even seen her as a possible sister, yet, everyone knew he had a soft spot for her, she couldn't help but feel different towards him. Especially in those moments when he truly opened up around his family and slung his arm around her shoulder, or pulled her in for a hug when things got too much for the pair. But it was always unspoken, that's just how it was, and everyone knew it. The pair had built up such walls that all they were seen as were 'tough', and they protected people, before protecting themselves.

Bela would say nothing of it, knowing that Tommy most likely saw her as he saw any other person in his family. But she could see straight through him, and sitting in the Garrison, only a few hours after Ada had left the train station with Freddie Thorne, she caught him looking at Grace. It had occurred to Bela, the strangeness of Grace and the situation with the inspector all coming together at the same time, but there was something inside Bela that wanted to think nothing of it, so she pushed it aside.

A drink was placed in the palm of her hand by none other than the eldest Shelby brother, Arthur, who smiled at her lightly. "I could see your brain working from over there, I thought you might fancy a whiskey." She snorted into her drinking, knowing that Arthur was handing her the drink to cope with what she was dealing with because it was the only way he knew how to cope.

"So what's Tommy done now then?" He asked, his rough voice coming through as he sipped on his drink. She turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "Why do you think it has anything to do with Tommy?"

Arthur chuckled, "when isn't it about Tommy?" He asked as the pair laughed. "But seriously, if it was anything John and I had done, trust me we would have known about it, probably by pain. If it was Ada, well it wouldn't be Ada, because you think of her as an angel." He told her, sarcastically, though Bela smirked, knowing that Arthur would be in for one hell of a shock when he found out the news. "So my guess is Tommy," he told her, shrugging.

"He's just being a twat," she told him truthfully. Arthur scoffed, "When isn't he?" He said to her as the two moved on from the morbid conversation, as the rest of the men began singing, which wasn't unusual to hear after the men had had a few drinks, everything that worried their minds had simply gone away and it was almost like their old selves, from before the war, came back.

"C'mon, let's go back in the booth, John and Tommy are in there." He told her, as they stood up, walking in there as Grace followed, carrying a bucket full of beer for them all. Sitting down, Grace turned to Tommy, "did you want Whiskey as well?" She asked, "no just beer." Tommy replied.

Arthur picked up a pack of cards, shuffling them, getting ready for him, John and Bela to play. "Why no whiskey Tommy? Expecting trouble?"

John then piped up, as Tommy just ignored Arthurs comment. "About bloody time Tommy," he laughed, as Tommy looked confused. "Time for what?"

"Time you took yourself a woman," John tilted his head toward Grace, who had just left the room. Bela looked up from the cards she had been handed and cocked an eyebrow at the man sitting in front of her. "Well this is new information," she told him as he just rolled his eyes.

"Just play the bloody hand," he told them as Arthur just laughed at his brother. "You stay the way you are Tommy. Remember what Dad used to say, 'fast women and slow horse, will ruin your life." The brothers laughed, as Bela just scoffed.

Bela remembered their father and what he was like with women, and it wasn't a good memory, nor was he a good man in general. Bela shook her head at the boy's childish behavior. "Don't listen to everything you hear boys, that might just ruin your life instead." She told them, placing a card down on the table.

John the turned his attentions to Bee, "what about you Bee? When are you ever gonna have a bloke in your life?"

Bela rolled her eyes, "whenever I find a man that can handle me."

it was then their talk was interrupted by the slamming of the door opening, "coppers?" John asked questioningly as Tommy just shook his head, "no."

The singing had stopped, awakening Bela to realize something was happening, she stood up swiftly as did the rest of the boys. "Is there any man here named Shelby?" A voice boomed from outside the booth as the three boys looked between each other and Bela.

"I think it's time to go meet our guest, don't you boys?"

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