10 | Live, Laugh, Love

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TREATED ME. [ madison beer - good in goodbye ]

Supra lets out a puff of smoke, leaning by the barricades. It's been a week ever since he last met Yaya, and their conversation ended just like any other normal day. Obviously, she won the scrabble game. It's no doubt, one of the many reasons why he dislikes it.

"She's dying." He mutters, to the man next to him.

Glacier hums, looking over the sun setting in the horizon. Death slips the cigarette between his leather gloves and stubs it onto the rusty railing, snuffing its light out. "There's nothing we can do about it." He says, almost sadly, but deep down, he had no emotional attachment.

"Are you sad?" His friend snips the stick and throws it.

"No." Death hums, "But I might remember her long enough."

"That's why we lose our memories, Supra."

"Come again?" The said reaper blinks, "Lose our memories?"

"Yes." The fellow reaper barely looks away from the searing light of the sun, blue eyes glinting at its reflecting rays, "You got the main points correct, years ago. About the inharvesting process. It doesn't just separate any bad souls from your body, but also.."

"Erases our memories.." He answers, trailing off.

Soft-eyed, Glacier turns to the older Death, "It doesn't just cover that. There are other fishy things about this place. The longer you go without it, the more likely you are to die."

"We're permitted to leave this world?"

"Did you really think that we're immortal?"

At the question, Supra blinks twice, out of surprise and in silent rage. "I.." Speechless. He couldn't utter a single word, or think of a response to it. The reality of death, the possibility of dying was right under his nose- how could he, out of all people, missed it?

"Don't dwell on the matter. I said likely. And so far, I don't know anyone who'd like to face death when we're the messengers to mankind."

Death purses his lips, "I'm been alive for more than 500 years, Glacier." He hesitantly says, "Don't you think.. that I deserve to be reincarnated one day, as a human too?"

"Alive?" The said guy chortles, "We barely are."

"Besides, why would you like to die? We all know how the humans feel about this," He continues, staring on the ledge, "Like I said. We're not so different from them, you know."

"I think that death- it's a peaceful thing."

"It is." Glacier dips his head, "But that doesn't mean that you can use it as an alternative to escape reality. I don't really understand you. There are little things in life that you should appreciate.

They locked eyes, expressions unreadable.

"If you want to try dying, then skip all the inharvesting processes." Sighing, the blue-eyed man runs a hair through his hair stressfully. "That way, you'd know how long you have left."

"Are you.. giving me tips on how to end my life?"

"I've said this once, and I'm not going to repeat the same mistake again." Glacier pushes himself off the railing, stepping back. "You better think it through. Even if you die- what benefit will you get?"

Supra's lips parted momentarily, then closed.

He was rendered speechless, once more.

"Like Yaya." Death's eyes visibly widened at the mention of the girl's name, and he clenches his fist. "She cares about you as much as we do."

"Y-You.. don't know that."

"That's what best friends do, Supra."

"Does she really?" He asks, wanting to believe.

"Why not ask the person herself?"

The fellow reaper moves aside, showing a terrified girl behind him, shaking from head-to-toe. Gone was the sense of familiarity and the friendly brown orbs- it was all replaced by agonizing fear.

Yaya. His eyes widened, and he walked forward the same time she steps back. "D-Don't come close to me." Yaya gulps, raising a hand.

Supra stops, "I-I can explain.."

"We made a promise, Supra." She says, voice wavering. As much as he wanted to reach out to her, he couldn't. The distance between them isn't as far as the truth that's revealed now. "You broke it."

Promises are made to be broken. He pushes the words out of his head, and all he could manage to say was,

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it." She starts to sob. Oh heavens, he thought, how in the world am I supposed to comfort a girl? "I-I need some time alone.." Yaya turns around, and unexpectedly starts to bolt down the stairs.

"Wait-!" Supra extends a hand, but fails to catch the back of her shirt. He averts his gaze to Glacier, who crosses his arms with a meaningful look.

"What are you doing? Go chase her or something!"

"A-Ah.. right."

Yaya had somehow made it out of the building, her tears warm and streaming down her cheeks. Her one and only best friend- Supra, had lied to her. About everything. She felt like an idiot.

A complete loser for putting her trust in him.

Her legs start to tremble, and she collapses onto a nearby bench, chest heavy and weary. "M-My inhaler.."

Her bag had somehow fallen somewhere. Between her hyperventilating wheezes and her blurry tears, she could make out the familiar, camel leather bag not far from where she was.

With her energy depleting, she couldn't make it.

"Yaya." The same, deep and comforting tone she absolutely hates could be heard, close to her ear. A new wave of tears begun to prick in her eyes.

"Don't.. come.. close.." She says, voice straining.

Supra was towering over her, she could see from the familiar slicked back hair, and his shining visors. "You're dying." He says. Two words.

Two words that her doctors kept on telling her.

"I.. know.." She coughs, again, breaths shortening.

Cold palms pressed onto her back, and Yaya could feel herself floating into the air. "What.." She says, but a finger stopped her from doing so. She complies with the action, weakening in his arms.

"Just.. hang on, alright?" From there, she could hear the slight worry in his usually kept voice, "I'll bring you somewhere safe for the meantime."

"How.. long.."

"Be quiet." His voice cracks, "Please."

Yaya stubbornly asks, "..do.. I have.. left?"

His thumb wipes her tears, and she could now clearly see his face from a different angle, in all his otherworldly glory. "1 hour." He grits his teeth, looking away to not let the girl see his pained face. "That's how long you have left."

She lolls her head, unable to keep it upright.

In her mind, it was swarmed with endless thoughts, regrets and things that she could envision at the time of her death.

As if he could read her mind, he answers.

"I had 184 hours to spend with you."

Supra's smile turned into a broken one, as she feels something wet drop onto her cheeks. Oh, how much she wanted to reach out to him and get rid of the droplets, trickling down.

It's okay, bestie. She wanted to tell him.

But that would be a lie. Everything's not okay.

"We're down to the last hour now." He tells the girl, as he lowers her body onto the soft sheets, her senses doing everything and nothing at the same time. Death takes her hand in his.

Yaya could feel sadness bubbling in her heart as he says, "And I want you to spend the last bits of your life with me." His tears hit her open palm.

Their fingers lace together- human and supernatural. His arms start to shake, from the amount of grief enveloping his heart.

"Please.. don't leave me."

Her entire body felt numb. I won't leave you, her eyes seem to scream the message back at him, though hollow and empty. Remember our pinky promise?

Never in her life would she imagine this scene.

The God of Death, clinging onto hope.

The yearning of a spirit's will.

The Devil's resort to saving his first, and his last.

"Tell me, Y-Yaya." He chokes on his words, "Please, just this once. Answer me," His tone begs, and he kneels by the side of the deathbed.

Her eyes widen slightly at the question.

"Am I worthy, of being a Grim Reaper?"

i didn't mean to go that hard, but i was writing this
on the way home from driving around. i saw the
sunset and somehow, i thought of my passed
relatives. while you still have the people you love
by your side, please. cherish them. while they're
still here, existing in this world with you.

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