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D E V I L ' S P L A Y   !
  chapter eight 

—  oh! baby, you're so toxic.

HE WAS A WOLF in a sheep's skin. A man with bloody hands that had been carved sharper than any blade in this world. A man that could murder an innocent child with one look in those cold eyes. A man that had tainted the heavens with his sins that dripped and licked the wounds of his victims. Here entered the King of all malevolence—a beast that lacked an understanding of human ethical morals and empathy. He was no other than the infamous Yakuza leader himself, Chisaki Kai.

Angel didn't particularly like him—no—she despised him with all her guts. But to avoid his curse was inevitable for the young female. He haunted her very mind day and night like a black magic bestowed by the hands of a witch. Perhaps for Chisaki, or otherwise known as Overhaul, had found her fascinating in the most twisted, villainous way. You could see the way his eyes lit up a sudden glimmer of amusement in those orbs each time he marvelled the sight upon Angel.

"You asked for me?", she spoke with confidence as if she was masking her true colours.

Chisaki smirked, "Is it wrong of me to check up on my favourite little Angel?"

"Cut the chase, just tell me what you want."

She spat the words out as if the black plague had infected her mouth in the most disturbing manner. Angel leaned back against the sofa as she glared into the eyes of her opponent, and the sight of her cold demeanour did not go unnoticed. He was hard to read when she barely even knew his real intentions. Chisaki was a man that spoke little words, but demonstrated a grand, eye-gouging action with his bare hands. It was enough to silence his victims, and perhaps, he intended to silence Angel too.

Chisaki folded his arms, "My offer still stands. I could free you from your debts if you—"

"Don't make me laugh."

Angel wanted to laugh but her voice could not seem to find her. Instead, the young female leaned in a little closer to his territory, then pulled his tie down until they were both against each other eye to eye. He could feel the heavy breath that escaped from her lips, and the slightest brush from the tip of each other's nose. Angel was close. So close. She wanted to plunge this knife deep inside his flesh and watch his rotten blood gush out like a veiny, slimy yolk. She'd do it in a heartbeat if she could, and the thought about it sounded pleasant to her ears.

"If the purge was real, you would be the first for me to kill. Don't make this any more difficult for the both of us."

The look of fury that shadowed over her pretty face was quite delightful to see, and for Chisaki, he meant it without a single drop of hesitation. He loved seeing his precious objects break and crack until it became useless for the owner to play with. It was quite simple. Chisaki had his own version of a sadistic cruel game. A fucked up game where he leaves you in the dark just enough to watch you beg and weep in misery. He came here to win, as expected from the mastermind who made the rules up himself—and once he was set on the player, there was no turning back. This round, however, was quite obvious. He had eyes on Angel from the very beginning.

"Little Angel, don't try and piss me off."

"And what are you gonna do about it? Come on, show me, you coward", she scoffed.

The older man chuckled but the humour had left his chilling tone, "Oh, you'd love to see me try."

Chisaki swiped his pile of papers off from the table before slamming the woman down. Angel was tightly pinned beneath the beast with his gloved fingers wrapped around her wrists that began to bruise from his rough grip. Although she couldn't read his face clearly, she could vividly imagine his dark expression that had been deeply engraved onto his face beneath his mask. Just one look into those bloodthirsty eyes, and you would have collapsed into the abyss with nowhere to escape.

"Don't ever forget that I could break you and ruin you if I wanted to", he responded coldly albeit his velvety, rich voice.

"Yet, you chose not to."

Her response had most likely caught him off guard even if his eyes denied such bold accusation. There was no fear in her tone, no frustration, no anger and neither was there any pain left in her tone. It was just empty. She said it so easily that even the big bad Yakuza leader himself could not help but be surprised by her response. Chisaki looked at her for a little longer—his eyes trailing around her perfectly sculpted face. She was truely a rare specimen on display; a creature that had seduced his interests in the most delectable ways. Chisaki pulled back as a sudden laugh escaped from his poisoned lips.

"My little Angel,
you humour me too much."

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