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D E V I L ' S P L A Y   !
  chapter thirteen 

—  i hate this feeling.

THE FLAVOUR OF ONIGIRI tasted like home sweet home. Frankly speaking, it reminded her of her mother's homemade meals that she used to eat back at home when the days were bright and youthful. It had the right amount of salted tuna mixed with vinegar and nori seaweed, and of course, you could never forget the main part of the dish. The freshly cooked steamed rice born from the rich farms of Hyogo. Oikawa was right after all. As much as she hated the name of the restaurant, Onigiri Miya had a talent in making unique onigiri dishes.

"I noticed you have a kansai dialect, unlike your twin brother", Angel suddenly spoke as she swallowed her food down.

"Ya ain't wrong, that brat had been livin' in the city a lot longer than me. I'm guessin' he lost his old dialect now."

Come to think of it, the two twins were certainly different from each other. Angel wanted to doubt him, but she couldn't when Osamu had a completely different attitude in comparison to her Professor. He might have a face that was perfectly identical to his older brother, but the more she peered at him a little closer, the more she noticed how slightly different he looked. Unlike her Professor's baggy lazy eyes and his cocky shit eating grin on his face, Osamu held a blank, soulless expression.

He was a little hard to read when no emotions were presented on his face. But because of that, Angel couldn't tell if he knew her or not. Or to put it in simpler terms, she couldn't tell if he was the mystery man from her one night stand. The possibility sounded promisingly highly likely—Angel could have easily mistook him for his other twin especially if she was drunk with a god awfully blurry memory. But she didn't want to point fingers yet. At least not now.

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you but I have to go now."

Oikawa whined, "Don't ruin the vibe, stay for a little bit longer! We haven't even drunk yet."

Angel rolled her eyes, "I'll be leaving. Thank you for the meal, it was lovely."

She had left as abruptly as her sudden meeting with her Professor's twin. It wasn't like she had planned to meet up with her clingy loyal client in the first place, because for one, she took this day off specifically to see someone. Or rather, a relative. Angel had arrived at the hospital. The scent of a grim reaper could be smelt from the faraway rooms where meaningless prayers and hushed sombre voices could be heard through the hallways. Angel had always hated the hospital, and yet it was her only place to see her beloved woman.

"Mother, I'm here", Angel murmured as a gentle smile made its way to her charming face.

The woman brightened up at the sight of her dearest daughter, "Ah, come closer. Let me see your pretty face."

Shimura Nana was a beautiful woman. She had a heart as pure as the heavens and had a soul as golden as the sun's honey dew that painted the world in a lovely shade of gold. To Angel, she was the only woman in this world that had a place in her shadowed heart. The young female sat beside her mother as she placed a bouquet of flowers on the table. Over the years, Nana hadn't aged much. She still looked like the same 25 year old woman who lived her life freely based on her own morals and rules. To put it short, Nana was still the same flower that she had always been.

"How have you been, lovey?", she asked with her usual soft voice.

"I have been well. More importantly, how have you been? I hope you aren't skipping your meals like you used to do."

"But the hospital food is so bland!", she groaned.

Angel smiled, "You need to eat if you wanna get better soon."

The two females chattered for as long as their mouths could speak until the sun began to feel sleepy. The afternoon had been a pleasant quiet day, and for Angel, it put her racing mind into ease. She hadn't visited her beloved mother in a while, especially after being a stripper during the dead of the night and a normal college student in the daylight—balancing two opposite personas left a sudden burden on her shoulders. It wasn't like she loved the idea about being a woman with two identities, but what else could she do when she needed the money? It was just her and her mother. Two people left in this wretched world.

"It's getting late, don't you have some assignments to do tonight?"

"Ah, I do. . ."

Nana grinned then brushed through her daughter's hair, "Go on, you could always visit me next time."

She didn't want to leave, but seeing the way Nana had forced her to do so, there was no way in hell could Angel win against a fearless lioness. Angel obeyed her mother's wishes then left the room. It was nostalgic. She was met with a few nurses and a crying child along the way to the exit. Seeing those scrawny, tiny fingers that clung onto the nurses as their malnourished looking body shivered in disgust, reminded her of those old days as a young naive teenager. It wasn't a pleasant memory. And it certainly didn't leave a good impression to her mind.


Her thoughts were cut short when was greeted by a tall man cloaked in a white coat. His starry eyes were wide open—it struck through her eyes in such a way, Angel was at loss for words. She could never forget those eyes that pierced in the dark, or those crimson scars that tattooed half of his charming face like a rose awaiting to be bloomed, or neither could she forget his strange coloured hair. Angel couldn't forget about him even if she wanted to. She just couldn't. The woman furrowed her brows as she opened her lips to speak.

"Shoto, it's been a while."

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