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Hola peeps. Sorry for the late update.

But its my Birthday today, so whole day i was busy partying 😂

Anyways let's start with the chapter.


Avneet pov:

Yesterday night was very difficult, I again got nightmare and it was uncontrollable i was not able to breath so i decided not to sleep again and went to the balcony. I was sitting there thinking about my whole life when suddenly Mr. Nigam's voice came and i came out of my thoughts but what he said was very hurting. No one wants me then why i am even alive, why god doesn't call me to go to my parents. I quickly wiped my tears, which i didn't even know when they started flowing, and ran inside the room preventing his gaze and entered washroom.

I came out and started reading book to pass my time. When it was 7:00 am i went downstairs prepared a coffee for myself and booked an appointment with psychiatrist. It' necessary now. My panic attacks and nightmares are getting worse. I prepared breakfast for all, did mine and left for my appointment. It was 9:00 when i left, it's the time when he comes downstairs so i left before him, otherwise he will not have breakfast if he even sees my around.

I went to doctor and told all my problems, she told me their are signs of depression and i should keep myself happy, but who will tell her that for being happy one needs a reason to be happy and i don't have any. She prescribed me some medicines to control my panic attacks and sleeping pills to have some sleep. I paid bill and left for house. When i reached he was not home. I went to my room and got fresh. I was about to start reading my book when my phone rang, it was some unknown number, i picked it up. 

"Hello, is this Avneet Kaur Nandra." came a voice from other side.

"Yeah, but who is this." i asked

"I am talking from Stanley medical college." the lady said and my breathe got hitched.

"You gave exam for scholarship and congratulations you topped in that exam." she said and my mouth fell open.

"Hello, are you there why are you not answering." the lady said and i came out of my thoughts.

"Yes mam i am listening." i replied.

"Congratulations dear, you will have to fill the form today and you can start the classes from next week."

"Okay thank you so much mam." i replied her while grinning widely and she hung up. 

I started jumping in happiness and excitement. Finally i'll be able to fulfil my dad's wish to be a doctor. Now i will study hard and will make them proud of me. i decided to tell this to vaishu di, so i called her. She picked in 5 rings.

"Hello baby sis, how are you?" came her chirpy voice.

"Guess what?" i said

"what?" she asked confused

"Di i got admission in my dream college" i said squealing in happiness.

"Really" She said in same tone as me.

"I am so happy di now i can finally complete my parents wish." I said 

"Yeah baby sis i am so proud of you."

"Di can you come to meet me today please." i asked in my puppy voice.

"I too want to come baby sis, but my car is at service centre and cabs are not available." she said

"Don't worry i will send bhai to pick you" i said.

"No don't send that arrogance ki dukan to pick me, rather than that i will come on my foot" she said quickly and i rolled my eyes.

"No its final i am sending him." i said

"Ok" she said in defeated voice.

Yayyy i won. Actually i really like them together and i know that Riya is with Bhai only for money. Di had been alone from a long time and now she also needs someone who will take care of her and love her and i know they both are made for each other.

Then i called mom and bhai and told them about my result. They both were very happy, I told bhai to pick Vaishu di, he was denying first but then i emotionally  blackmailed him and he accepted his defeat. 

 After that i filled the form online and submitted it, after a few seconds i got notification of my form getting accepted and telling me to start the classes from next week, i am so excited about this. I was waiting for them and the door of the mansion opened. I excitedly went down to meet them, but when i reached there i stooped in the mid tracks. He was standing there looking very tired and exhausted. When he saw me a look of anger crossed his face but he soon maintained his hard cold face, walked past by me and laid down on the couch lazily. I also walked towards him.

"Uhmm you look tired, should i make a coffee for you?" i asked him

"No i don't need your concern, i am fine." he said in a hard tone and left for his room and i sighed.

Then i went in the kitchen prepared a coffee for him, called a servant and asked him to give it to him because he will not take it from me. I was sitting in the hall waiting for bhai and di, when my phone ringed, It was of bhai. He told me that they got struck in traffic and it will be very late if they will come now, so they are coming tomorrow now, i got a little sad but covered it and went to my room, got fresh directly fell asleep.

Siddharth pov:

Today i was very tired because of work load. So i directly came to my room and got fresh. When i came out, a servant came with a cup of coffee, Maybe aunt mary have sent it for me, I thought and took it. When i took the first sip, it tasted totally different from aunt's coffee, in fact it was more stronger and tastier, just like i want. I completed it and went to my bed.

I was sleeping peacefully, when i heard some screams, i woke up with a jerk and glanced towards watch, it was 3:00 am. Who is screaming at this time? I thought. I got up from my bed and tried to listen from where the screams are coming, when i listened it carefully, i got to know that it is coming from avneet's room. I didn't wasted a second and opened the spare door between our rooms. When i entered her room, the sight in front of me shocked me. She was laying on the bed, her forehead was covered with sweat and had clutched the bedsheet tightly in her hands and was screaming. She was having a nightmare and i guess it is really bad. I rushed towards her and patted her cheeks.

"Avneet" i said in a tensed voice while patting her cheeks

"Avneet open your eyes, see no one is here, you are safe and fine" i said but she was still screaming.

"Please open your eyes avneet" I said getting tense. I was not able to see her in this condition. 

Suddenly she woke up with a jerk, pushed me hard and ran towards the closet. I fell down but quickly got up and followed her. She was finding something and was unable to breath, tears were continuously flowing from her eyes.

"Avneet listen to me calm down, No one is here calm down" i tried to calm her down but she was not listening to me, she was finding something like a mad man from her cupboard. During all this her nose also started bleeding and i got more worried. So i just picked her in bridal style and took her to room, she was continuously hitting me but it was nothing for me. I placed her on bed and hugged her tightly.

"Calm down avneet, breathe with me okay." i said softly while caressing her hair.

"Now inhale." i said and she did it.

"Exhale." she did it. While this i was rubbing her back and caressing her hair and after some time she calmed down a little. She broke the hug 

"Pills." she said and i got confused.

"Pills?" i asked, she nodded and was going to get up from the bed, but i hold her wrist and pulled towards me. she collided with my chest.

"You rest here, just tell me where are the pills. I'll bring them for you." i said and she was looking shocked.

"You don't need to do that for me i will do it" she said weakly and get up again and was about to fall but i hold her and rolled my eyes.

"See you can't even walk, so just rest here and tell." 

"In the closet." she said weakly, i nodded and went inside the closet. So that is what she was finding in the cupboard.

I searched for the pills, when i found out i took them and left the closet.

When i reached the room i saw she was crying uncontrollably and was shaking. I rushed towards her And hugged her tightly.

"Avneet now listen to me only okay." i said and i felt her nodding her head.

"What's the only sound you can feel right now?" i asked her caressing her hair

"Your heartbeat" she replied.

"What's the only thing you can listen?"

"Your voice." she said

"And what do you want to do?" i asked rubbing her back soothingly

"Sleep." she said in a low tone

"Ok so now take this pills and sleep, alright." i said and she nodded.

I handed her the pill and gave her a glass of water, she gulped it down. Then she laid down and fell into sleep after few minutes and this whole time i was staring at her.


Tadaaaa so here's the new chapter.

Aww he helped her with her nightmare 🥺

Hope you liked the chapter.

Please do votes and comments.

Stay tuned for next one. Till then

Love you all, Stay safe. 😘

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