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Siddharth pov:

I woke up with sunrays falling on my face. I opened my eyes and felt that my body is tangled with someone's body. I looked and saw a petite body snuggled in my chest, immediately a smile broke onto my face. 

Events of yesterday started flashing in my mind. How can she be so kind and innocent. Aunt told me that how she never left my side  and took care of me even after i spoke so much bad about her. 

When i woke up she was there by my side, i wanted to talk with her but she was ignoring me and it was killing me from inside. Is this how she must have felt when i used to ignore her?

 Finally she agreed to talk with me and i asked forgiveness from her, but she made me realize that we should never accuse someone whom we don't know. By hearing her words i badly want to know what she had suffered through and who made her suffer. I will make the life of that person living hell. But i want her to be comfortable around me and i will wait till that day when she will open up.

I don't know when i started caressing her hair. She stirred in sleep and slowly opened her eyes. She looked at me and her eyes widen. I guess she forgot that she slept in my room yesterday. I thought and mentally giggled.

She quickly sat up and looked at her surroundings.

"I am sorry, i don't know how i came here, i will leave." she started blabbering and stood up from the bed, but i held her hand.

"Calm down avni, last night you slept here only, i asked you? Remember." i said and her brows scrunched in confusion.

"Oh yeah i remembered." she said when she realized it and took a deep breathe.

Then she came towards me and placed her hand on my forehead.

"Thank god you don't have fever now." she said and i nodded.

"All thanks to you, you took care of me." i said with a smile and she nodded.

"Ok then, i should leave now." she said and left the room.

After she left i also went to get ready for office, as yesterday i wasn't able to go.

I got ready and went downstairs, the sight in front of me brought warmth to my heart. She was in the kitchen preparing food for us. Her hair were tied in a messy bun and few strands were coming on her face. She was humming a song while making food. I quietly entered the kitchen and stood beside her.

"What are you making?" i asked and she jumped from her place

"You scared me." she turned and said me with her hand on her heart, i giggled looking at her scared face.

"Its not funny." she said with a cute angry pout, I just want to kiss that pout.

"Ok, i will not laugh now." i said and raised my hands in defeat.

She huffed and again returned to cooking.

"Btw you didn't told me what are you making." i said and picked an apple from the fruit basket, washed it and started eating it.

"Scrambled eggs, bacon sandwich and apple juice." she replied without looking at me.

"Okay then i am outside, if you need any help call me." i said and she hummed.

I went outside, sat on the dining table and started checking my mails. After sometime she came with the food, placed it on the table and turned to the side of stairs.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast?" i asked her and she turned towards me.

"No, i am not hungry." she replied 

"Why are you alright?" i asked her

"Yeah, it just that i don't feel like to eat, don't worry you have your food." she said and was about to go

"No you are having it now with me, you eat very less, you yourself are studying medicals still you don't take care of yourself, come sit here and have your food." i patted the seat beside me indicating her to sit there.

She came, sat there and started filling food on her plate, she took very less so i took it from her and add more food.

"Hey what are you doing? I can't complete this much." she protested but i didn't listen to her.

"You will complete this, if you don't want then don't have your lunch but breakfast is important and it should be nutritious and heavy because it will provide us energy whole day." i said and placed the plate in front of her.

She looked at the plate and huffed, I chuckled at her actions, she really is a kid.

"You know what sometimes i feel like i am the one who is studying medical not you because you are very unconscious about your health." i said

"I am conscious." she said in an angry tone but she don't know that she is looking anything but angry.

"Ok now lets have breakfast." i said and we both started our food. In between i took glances at her, she was munching on her food lazily. 

Sometimes it makes me worried that why she don't have enough appetite. If this continues then i have to consult with doctor. 

I was eating my food when she poked my arm, i looked towards her

"I am full." she said. I glanced towards her plate, it was half eaten.

"You still have food on your plate, complete it." i said in a stern tone.

"But my tummy has no space." she whined and i internally smiled that at least she started being informal with me.

"Complete this otherwise i will add more." i said trying to look angry but failed miserably seeing her cute face.

Her eyes widen at my statement and shook her head vigorously.

"No, no don't add more i will complete this." she said and started eating food like a kid who has been told that if she will complete the food fastly then she can have a toy. I chuckled at it.

She completed her food

"Done." she said and raised her plate in air making me look at it.

"Ok and now have your lunch on time, i will ask aunt about this." i said

"But you said i can skip it." she said whining

"Oh i said it so that you can have your breakfast." i said standing up from the chair.

"That's cheating." she exclaimed.

"Everything is fair in love and war sweetheart." i said with a smirk and her mouth fell open.

Without realizing my lips made way to her forehead and i kissed her affectionately.

"Take care and have your food on time." i said and made my way outside the mansion.

I sat in my car, started the engine when realization hit me

"Shit." i said and rested my head on the seat 

After a few seconds a came out of my realization and drove off to my office.

Avneet pov:

I was sitting here glued to my place. Without my control my hands made their way to the place where he kissed. I smile broke on to my face thinking that our marriage might have a chance because now his behaviour is completely changed towards me. He is nothing like that he was first time.

I was smiling like a maniac when my phone ringed making me come out of my trance. It was message from college administration that the college will resume from tomorrow. Ok so i will not be bored from tomorrow.

Then i placed our dishes of breakfast in sink and went to my room. I had nothing to do so i took a book, went to balcony, sat there and started reading it.

I had completed only 5 pages when my phone rang, it was Siddharth's call. My brows raised in confusion. He never calls me in his office time. I thought but eventually picked the call.

Before i can even say hello came his hurried and tense voice.

"Avni can you please bring my file to the office, it is very important and i had meeting in an hour, the file is in my study."

"Calm down Siddharth, i will bring it, but you calm down first." i said to him

"Yeah." he said then i heard him taking deep breathes.

"Better now." i asked him when i heard his breathing became normal.

"Yes and i am sorry, because of me you have to came here." he said in a guilty tone.

"Don't be sorry, actually i was also bored at home, my time will also be passed." i said and he chuckled.

"Ok, come safely." he said

"Yes." i said and we hanged.

I only have an hour, i thought and quickly went inside the room, took a fast shower and dressed up. In a meantime i called Luca my driver to come over.

After getting dressed i went to his study and thank god as he said the file was on his table. I went downstairs, told a servant that i am going outside and left. Luca was there already i sat in the car and told him to take me to his office.

After a ride of 45 minutes i reached there. The building was huge and very beautifully designed. I was awestruck by the architecture itself, so how much beautiful will be its interior, i thought.

I entered inside and damn i was right, it is drop dead beautiful, Everything is customized, neatly arranged and staff is working attentively. He is right when he said that he is nothing without his hardworking staff.

I went to the reception, a girl was sitting there doing something on her laptop.

"Excuse me?" i said politely, she looked at me and smiled 

"Yes mam how can i help you?" she asked with a polite smile

"Where is Siddha.... Mr. Nigam's office?" i asked her

"You want to meet boss?" she asked and i nodded.

"Do you have any appointment?" she asked me

"No i don't have but its important, he needs this file." i said pointing towards the file in my hand.

"I am sorry mam i can't let you meet him because its his rule only to not let anyone in without appointment." She said in a guilty tone.

"Its okay you are doing your job and its great, but will you let me in if he will say?" i asked 

"Absolutely mam." she replied

"Okay then wait a second." I said and took out my phone and called him.

"Btw what's your name?" i asked her while i was waiting for him to pick the call

"Its Aisha mam." she said with a smile and i also responded with a smile

"Hello, are you here?" he asked when he picked the call

"Yeah i am here and can you please tell Aisha to let me in?" i asked him 

"Yes give the phone to her i will tell her." he said and i forwarded my phone to her.

She took the phone, i was only able to hear her side only.

"Yes sir, thank you sir." she said and gave back the phone to me.

"I told her and come to the 58th floor, use my private elevator, its code is 139411." he said shocking me.

"Why are you giving me your personal details?" i asked in a shocked tone.

"If not you then whom should i tell because last time i checked you were my wife and still you are i guess, am i right Mrs. Nigam?" he said in a husky tone i can feel Goosebumps rising on my skin. Hearing Mrs. Nigam from him brought an another kind of feeling in me, not a bad one but a happy one.

"Yeah ." i said not able to say anyhting, i heard his chuckle from other side and then we hung up.

"Now can i go?" i asked Aisha with a fake glare.

"Sure mam and sorry for the inconvenience." she replied

"Cut the crap, but it was nice meeting you Aisha, you are a nice girl, i hope you achieve everything you want in your life." i said 

"Thank you so much mam." she said, i nodded and left from there.

I came to the elevator, entered the code and stepped inside. I reached his floor. There were 3 offices and i didn't know which one is his. So i went to the receptionist present there. 

There was a girl sitting there scrolling through her phone and blowing air on her fake nails. She was loaded with make up.

"Excuse me which one of these is Mr. Nigam's office?" i asked her politely.

She looked up from her phone and watched me from head to toe and then again went to her phone. Rude much, i thought.

"Excuse me miss i am talking to you." i said and she again looked at me.

"I don't talk with low class people." she said in her bitchy tone making me angry.

"Then just simply tell me where is his office." i said controlling my anger

"Do you have any appointment? If not then get out from here and i am sure you don't have so don't waste my time and leave." she said standing up from her place and pointing her finger towards me.

"Just tell him Avneet is here, he will let me in." i said placing my hands on her desk.

"Who do you think you are? Donald trump, that i will take your name and he will let you in." she said and laughed at the end. I so wanted to bang her head on the desk but controlled myself.

"See don't test my patience just let me go." i said but she held my arm digging her fake nails in my skin.

"You will not go easily then let me do this honour." she said and started dragging me to the stairs.

"Leave me." i said and tried to pull out my arm from her grasp but she digged her nails more into my arm making me yelp in pain.

"What's happening here?" came a cold and angry voice making her stop 

She turned around making me turn as well. He was looking at the girl coldly and his jaw was clenched, but when he looked at me he relaxed his jaw and his face softens. Then his eyes fell on my arm which was still in her grasp and now blood was also oozing out from it.

"Layla leave her arm." he said in a cold tone still looking at my arm.

"Huh?" she asked in a confused tone.

"I said leave." he yelled making her retreat her hand quickly and i flinched at his tone.

"Get out from here." he said again in an angry voice.

"See that's what i was telling her, but she was not listening now will you go from here?" the girl Layla, whose name i recently got to know said sarcastically.

"I am saying this to you Layla." he said and she looked at him in shock.

"What are you saying sir?" she asked 

"Are you that dumb that you are not getting that i just fired you." he said and she looked at him with her jaw touching the ground.

"You are firing me because of this bitch." she said in anger looking at me 

"Shut up." he shouted.

He is getting more angry, i have to do something. I ran towards him and held his arm and started rubbing it.

"Calm down Siddharth, its okay." i said 

"No its not, she can't speak shits about you." he exclaimed 

"But i didn't mind at all, i am used to it, you just calm down." i said.

He took a deep breathe, looked at me and nodded his head assuring me.

"And don't fire her, she was doing her job, it was your rule na to not let anybody meet you without appointment." i said

"Yes it is but it doesn't mean that she will insult anyone" he said

"Its okay, but please don't fire her, for me, please." i said with my puppy face

"Don't make this face." he said

"Why does it works?" i asked 

"Yes and very badly." he said placing his hand on his heart dramatically.

A voice of throat clearing came and we looked at the direction. Layla was standing there with an angry expression looking at us. We forgot about her, i thought and chuckled  at my own thought.

"This is the final warning for you, if i ever get to know that you disrespected anyone, then think that as your last day here." he said and she nodded.

"Come with me." he said and took me to his office.


So here's the new chapter

Hope so you will get another chapter till night.

How's the chapter?

Guys as i told earlier, i will not be able to update regularly and if i am not responding to anyone in pm then don't think that i am ignoring, because i only open wattpad to write chapter as i don't get much time but whenever i will be free i will check your messages. So please bare me for sometime.

We will meet in next chapter, Till then

Love you all, Stay safe.

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