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"Avneetayy, open the door." i said knocking on the door.

" Muskaan open the door." ashi said, but we didn't hear anything from inside.

"Baby open the door." mom said softly knocking the door, but still nothing.

"Baby sis, every thing will be alright, just please open the door." vaish said but she didn't open it.

"Why is she not opening the door, i just hope she will not do something stupid." deep said in a tensed tone.

"No, she is strong, she will not do something stupid, stop thinking shits." i said to him and he nodded.

"Avneet, its last time open the door, otherwise i am gonna break it." deep said.

"Yes avneetayy we will break it." i said and soon we heard shuffling from inside and the door got opened.

There she was standing, her face stained with tears and eyes filled with fresh layer of tears. My blood boiled seeing her condition. Siddharth Nigam you will pay for making my Avneetayy cry, i already warned you not to do something that will hurt her, but you still did.

Mom engulfed her in hug and she broke into tears.

"Calm down baby it will be alright." she whispered and caressed her hair but she kept crying. Everyone had tears in their eyes. The girl who made everyone smile, who brought happiness in our lives, who gave me a sister which i craved for my whole life, was now crying and i wasn't able to stop her tears. What kind of brother am i?

"Avneetayy please calm down, if you will not stop then i will also start crying." i said and she lifted her head.

"I am serious." i said

"No you will not, i don't like to see you cry." she said in a low tone.

"Okay then i will not, if you stop." i said and wiped her tears and she chuckled lightly. Thank god at least she smiled a little.

"Hmm that's like my Avneetayy." i said and hugged her.

"Okay if you are done then let us also meet her, she is my sister also." vaish said.

"She was but now she is my sister." i said and hugged her more tightly.

"Haww, don't you dare to say that again, she is my baby sis." she said.

"Nope." i said extending the 'p' and broke the hug.

"She is mine sister." vaishu said

"I told you she 'was' but now she is mine." i said, she was about to answer me but avneetay loud voice boomed, making me flinch.

"Shut up both of you, don't you dare to speak another word." 

"Are you both like 5? You both are literally fighting over that i am whose sister?" she spoke in a stern tone.

"If you kept fighting like that, then i am not going to ever talk to you both." she said and crossed her arms over her chest.

"No, no we will not fight, we love each other, see." i said grabbing vaish and hugging her.

"Yeah baby sis, we won't fight." she said hugging me back.

"Better." avneetayy said.

"So now what?" deep said and we all fell into silence.

"Can we please skip this? I don't wanna talk about all this right now, i want to be alone for sometime." avneetayy mumbled and we all nodded.

"Okay then, you take rest we all are right here, if you need anything just call any of us." mom said

"Ok" she replied and we all left her room.

We all went in one of the guest rooms, mom and vaishu sat on the bed and me, deep and ashi occupied the couch.

"She don't deserve all this." mom mumbled and we all nodded, We all were sitting in silence not knowing what to do when ashi spoke

"Hey guys what if she is lying? What if she is not even pregnant or by chance she is then maybe the child is not his, because he said that he didn't remember a single thing from that night." 

"Yeah you are right, this thing didn't click in our minds." deep said

"Yeah it can be like this also and if i found that she is lying, i am gonna screw her and her parents." i said with my voice laced in anger.

Mom was about to say something when my phone rang. It was some unknown number.

"Yeah?" i picked it up

"Sir, Brian here." Came voice from other side. It took me a few seconds when the name hit my mind. He is Siddharth's driver.

"Yeah Brian, what happened?" i asked in a confused tone. Why is he calling me?

"Sir can you please come to xyz club.  Siddharth Sir is hell drunk, he is just gulping down drinks, i tried to stop him but he pushed me away, he isn't listening to me, that's why i called you." he said and i clenched my jaw.

"Okay i am on my way." i said and hung up.

"What happened?" they all asked in unison.

"Now the great Siddharth Nigam is getting himself drunk like Kabir singh." i said 

"What!" they all said.

"Yeah now i am going to bring him back." i said and left

I reached the club and entered in. Loud music was making me deaf, that's the reason i never liked clubs and all.

"Where the fuck is this boy?" i mumbled under my breathe as i tried finding him, but instead of him, i spotted Brian.

He was standing near the bar, i went towards him and he saw me.

"Please make him stop sir, he is drinking continuously from an hour." he said and pointed towards siddharth who gulped down the drink in one go and asked for the refill.

"Chotey?" i said and he turned towards me. His face was stained with tears, his eyes were red and puffy. I actually got shocked seeing him like this. He was never a man who would cry, i don't even remember when was the last time i saw tear in his eyes, but avneetayy changed him and this fucker didn't value her.

"Dadaaa?" he slurred in his drunk tone. He really is drunk.

"Yeah, now stop drinking and come home." i said in a cold tone and he shook his head.

"I don't have a home, i am homeless." he replied and was going to drink again but i snatched it away from him.

"You are not in your senses let go back home." i said

"No i told you i don't have a home. My home is Avni and i hurted her, she is mad at me, so i am homeless. Ain't i?" he asked in a low tone.

Atleast he regrets, but right now i have to take him home.

"Siddharth stop this, come with us." i  said but he shook his head like a stubborn kid.

"No i will not, she is mad at me." he spoke a baby tone and i sighed.

"She isn't." i said, hoping that he will oblige to me.

"Really?" his eyes perked up with a new shine.

"She isn't mad at me?" he slurred

"No, will you come now?" i asked.

"Yep i will now that she isn't mad at me." he spoke and stood from his chair but stumbled, i quickly got a hold of him.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, she is not mad at you Siddharth." he started singing.

"Brian hold him, i am going to bring car." i said

"Sir the car is ready." brian said.

"Thank you so much Brian for watching him, now you can go back home." i said with a smile.

"Don't thank me sir, its the least i can do for him." he said and i nodded.

We made him sit on the passenger seat  and i sat on the driving seat and started the engine.

"Twinkle twinkle little star,  dada is driving my car." he started again but i chose to ignore him and continued driving.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, dada is driving my car." he sang and tickled me making me loose the balance of the car.

"What the fuck are you doing chotey? We will die, now shut the fuck up and stay still." i said and he immediately stopped singing and placed a finger on his lips.

After that the whole ride he didn't spoke a word for which i am glad. When we reached the mansion, i came out of the car, but he didn't, so i went towards his side.

I opened the door and asked him

"Why are you not coming outside?" i asked but he kept sitting with finger on his lips. Damn he didn't remove it.

"I asked you something? Are you gonna answer me?" i asked but still he didn't answered me.

"First of all remove this finger, you are annoying the shit out of me." i said frustrated and he removed the finger from his lips.

"Dada you told me to not speak anything and to stay still, so how can i disobey you." he replied and i ran my hand in my hair. 

"Abhi you don't have to kill him, Okay? He is your brother, hmm?" i said to myself and took deep breathes to calm myself and then turned towards him.

"Okay now your Dada is saying to come outside. Now will ya?" i asked

"Okay i will come now." he said and came out, i got a quick hold of him, so that he don't fall.

I took him inside and made him sit on the couch.

"Don't you dare to move from here, i am going to bring you water." i said and he nodded like a kid.

When i came outside and went towards him, he was already passed out on the couch, i sighed and placed the glass of water on the table. 

"He can't sleep here, i need to take him to bed." i mumbled and made him stand.

I took him to his room and made him lay on the bed, then took off his shoes and covered him with a blanket. I was going to switch off the lights when i heard him mumble

"I am sorry Avni, please forgive me." i sighed and switched off the lights and went out.


So finally here is the chapter. I know i am late but i already told the reason.

Hope you liked it. 

 We Will meet in next chapter, till then

Love you all, stay safe.

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