𝟓 - 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

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"u like what u see ?" Taehyung smirked.

"What?" Y/N felt like something stuck in her throat and she shocked.

"u like what u see,Lee Y/N"


Taehyung came closer to Y/N and licked his lips.

omg..it isn't good..Aish...what's he gonna do?

Taehyung pinned her to the wall and started glaring at her. Y/N was so shy so she looked away, trying to avoid the eye contact. But Taehyung made her look at him. Y/N closed her eyes as she didn't want to make it happen.. Taehyung leaned down to her neck.

"u want me?" Taehyung slowly whispered in Y/N's ear in a deep voice.


Suddenly they could hear a voice so Taehyung looked back.

and It was Jimin.

Jimin's eyes widened.

"Omg..Taehyung..What are u both doing?"

"Oh..Jimin oppa, it's not what you think..I accidentally came to Mr.Kim's room while I was searching u everywhere"

"Oh..Y/N..I was at outside.."


"However, Y/N, u look so good in that outfit"

Y/N gave a cute smile.

"U also look good ,Jimin oppa"

I'm also here..Can't they see me??

Taehyung cleared his throat and said;

"Jimin hyung, why did u come here then?"

"aah..Tae..I forgot it.. we have to go for a mission now"

"Then..why did u take so long to say it?"

"I forgot! u get ready without taking too much time"

"Then let's go,Jimin oppa"

Y/N grabbed Jimin's wrist and left from there.

"Huh? that girl!"

At the hall~

"This is the place that we get ready for missions"

"Jimin oppa, so what do we have to do today?"

"Two mafia members were kidnapped by that Jungkook..so we're gonna to get them"

"u mean Jungkook?"

"Jeon Jungkook"



"I had to face these because of that shit!" Y/N said in an angry tone and she looked down.

Jimin chuckled.

"Huh? why are u chuckling? it isn't a joke!"

"I'm smiling because ur face turned so red because of anger"

"hmm...then What do I have to do tdy?"

"you have to stay in our vehicle and guard it while we are doing our mission!" Taehyung said.

She looked where the voice came from.

"What the hell??"

"I think u heard it, Lee Y/N"

"Guarding a vehicle?? wtf is that??" Others were looking at Y/N with shocked faces.. as they don't talk with Taehyung in such manner.

"Why Can't u do it?"

"Even a baby can do it, Mr.Kim"

"U have to do it, Lee Y/N"

"Noo..I won't do it, Mr.Kim!"

Others were murmuring and looking at them.

Taehyung gave a death glare at them so they stopped.

"Then Lee Y/N, What can u do?"

"I'm good at shooting"

And Y/N could hear others were chuckling at her sarcastically. And she also saw the smirk on Taehyung's face. She looked at Jimin.. There was no expression on his face. and Y/N stayed like she couldn't hear others' chuckles..She also kept smirking at Taehyung.

"Tae, let's check whether she is good at shooting..I think she hasn't even touched a gun before" Jennie came near to him and said while giving a death glare at Y/N.

"I think Jennie's idea is good" Jimin said.

Jimin gave his gun to Y/N.

"Then if u beat our Jennie, I'll give u the best gun I have" Taehyung said, still that smirk on his face.

"Ok..Mr.Kim..then give the first chance to Jennie" Y/N said while smiling at Taehyung in a weird way.

Jennie got ready and shot at the target.

Others appreciated Jennie as they could see that she shot at the line of the red range. it was quite close.

And then it was our Y/N's chance.

Jimin was excited and he believed our Y/N but Taehyung thought that she couldn't shoot either.

ok Y/N it's time to show ur colours..I can do this..

Y/N went and got ready with her gun. She felt so confident about it.. Again she could hear others shouted for stopping her..

"Hey..u can't beat our Jennie"

"u are a joke..so called Lee Y/N"

"U know u can't do it,bitch"

wait, annoying brats!

Y/N pointed and shot.

yeah, she finally did it while listening to others' chuckles and murmurs. she has shot at the middle of the red dot.

She has successfully beaten up that Jennie.

Others were shocked including our Taehyung, Jennie.. Jimin already knew Y/N could do it.

And Y/N could hear someone was clapping from behind.. others were getting aside and Y/N could see a woman was coming towards her.

"Good job, Lee Y/N"

"Mom, what're u doing here?"

"oh..Taehyung, I was looking at all of u from behind"

"Lee Y/N, I think u don't have to do what my son said"

"Thank u, Mrs.Kim"

"it's ok Lee Y/N, then u can go to ur mission without taking too much time" She said while looking at Taehyung. She left from there.

"You crazy punks, I'm better than Jennie.. u all saw it? don't judge someone without knowing their skills!"

Jimin was smiling at her.

Y/N stepped near Taehyung while running her fingers through her hair proudly.

"I think I can get your best gun now"

Taehyung's face turned red.

"Take this for now, I'll give u it later"

"Thank u Mr.Kim"

This girl..so annoying..

Y/N said and went towards Jimin.

"Let's go Y/N"

During the mission~

They reached the location and it was an old apartment..Someone guarded outside but it wasn't our Y/N..now she belongs to the shooting team.

"Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung may go for blocking the CCTV system.."

"Ok.Tae..let's go then"

"Wait..hyung, remember to come back to this place when u are done with it..and as I always say we can't risk our life for someone else" Taehyung said.

"What??" Y/N frowned.

"It's the rule Y/N" Jimin said.

"Crazy rules..we must help each other"

"Shut up ur mouth Lee Y/N, we are on a mission"

"Ok Mr.Kim"

"Jimin, Seungmin, Minhyuk, Yeji and Y/N may lead the shooting team"

"Jennie and I'll take the main lead"

"We have to go in separate ways..We'll go this side" Jennie said.

"Then let's go this side"

The shooting team went along the way and they could see stairs so they went up the stairs while listening very carefully as they were in one of their biggest enemies' place. It was weird as it was too silent.. Minhyuk and Yeji stayed down and others went up. There were guards but Jimin shot at each and every men.

"There are so many rooms, we have to check each and every room" Seungmin said.

"Ok..then I'll ask Minhyuk and Yeji to come up"


After they come they started searching every room...

"Hey..this is locked" Minhyuk said.

"Then, this is the room.." Y/N said.

"Let's break it then" Yeji said.

After breaking the door they entered, they could see a boy and a girl were on the floor while bleeding. They looked so weak and hurt.

"Omg..Ryujin.." Yeji walked towards the girl and untied her.

"It hurts, Yeji" Ryujin groaned in a weak voice.

"That bustard beat us!"

Y/N untied him.

"You got hurt a lot..omg..that Jungkook!" Jimin shouted.

"I think Ryujin can't walk properly" Yeji said.

"I'll carry her" Seungmin said.

"Then let's go outside here before that Jungkook find us" Y/N said.

Jimin and Minhyuk were helping the boy and Yeji and Y/N took the lead while pointing their guns forward.

And they shot everyone who came to fight..

Finally they came to the place where Taehyung said to stay.

Namjoon, Jin and Jennie were there..

"We got them" Yeji said.

"Come quickly.. get inside the van" Namjoon said.

"Btw, where is Taehyung?"

"Ah..Jimin he said me to go and stay there until he comes"

"What?? he usually comes with u when the mission is finished"

"But Jimin--"

"oh..goshh..guards are coming!!" Minhyuk screamed.

"We must go.." Jennie said.

"But Mr.Kim hasn't come yet.."

"Y/N, we must go!"

"But Jimin oppa"

"We can't wait Y/N, remember the thing that Tae said"

Jimin pulled her to the van.

Y/N snatched Jimin's gun.

"You'll go..I'll call u guys"

"But Y/N"

"Yeji..don't worry about me"

And the next second Y/N opened the door and threw herself out of the van.

"Omg..did she jump out of the van?" Namjoon asked.

"You're right" Jimin said and sighed.

"We must go and come back when she calls us" Seungmin said.

omg..what do I do?? escape from there and go home or save Mr.Kim..this is the greatest chance for escaping but Mr.Kim....aish let's save him first Y/N..

Y/N went inside, now she was all alone, pointing her gun and Jimin's gun that she snatched, listening carefully and noticing everything.

Mr.Kim went this side..

Y/N went and she saw that Taehyung was trapped by several guards and Jungkook was also there!

The guards were pointing their guns at Taehyung...

Aish..why did I come alone?? there are manyyyy.. keep calm Y/N, u can do it.

Y/N was hiding beside the wall and she pointed her guns and started shooting.. and most of the guards were shot..

And Taehyung was shocked with the sudden incident.

Y/N came forward and shot again making Taehyung shocked more..

"Oh..Lee Y/N, u work under Taehyung now?"

"I think u can see it, Jungkook!"

"Put ur guns down, bitch"


Y/N could see that someone was coming from behind to shoot at Taehyung so she rapidly ran towards Taehyung, threw one of her guns at him, pulled him down by grabbing from his neck for defending him from the gunshot! Taehyung wrapped his right arm around her waist without letting her fall and Y/N shot at Jungkook's gun while Taehyung was shooting at the men.

"Done" Y/N sighed and her eyes met with Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung kept glancing like he was frozen.

"Mr.Kim..It's all done..let me go"

Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts and took his arms away.

and they could see that Jungkook was escaping from there while screaming;

"I'll catch u next time, Taehyung!!!!!"

"You can't do it, until this Y/N alive" Y/N screamed while smiling..

And she didn't notice that Taehyung was looking at her whole time.

"Hey, Mr.Kim..let's go then" Y/N snapped her fingers so Taehyung got out of his thoughts.

Taehyung nodded.

Y/N grabbed his hand and left from there. Taehyung shocked from her sudden action but he smiled.

"Mr.Kim,u're bleeding"

"aah.it's ok"

Y/N took the piece of cloth which was wrapped around her waist and was gonna to wrap it in Taehyung's wound.

"What're u gonna do?"

"I think u have eyes to see what I'm going to do"

Taehyung sighed.

why am I feel so weird when I'm with Y/N?

"Done, tell me Jimin oppa's number"

"I don't know"


"It's ##########"


"Hey..I'm Y/N"


"Who's that?"

"I'm Namjoon"

"It's not Jimin oppa" Y/N gave a sharp glare at Taehyung.

"ok..Namjoon oppa, we are here..come back.."

"ok..Y/N we are coming.."



Our Y/N's mission went successful. Actually what do u think of our Y/N?

Thank u for reading, voting & commenting. 😉💗

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