𝟔 - 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Others came back to pick up Y/N and Taehyung and they were came back to the mansion where they live.Taehyung was brought to his room and a doctor came to examine him. Taehyung's mother worried about the thing that happened to Taehyung as he hasn't been trapped by that Jungkook before.. and our Y/N was tired a lot.. Y/N and others were sitting in the couches that were in the hall and they were sighing in relief. All of them were thinking about the incident. And a girl entered the hall.

"Lee Y/N,Mrs.kim told u to come upstairs..please follow me"

Ahh What's now??

"Ok..Guys, give me some mins"

"Ok..Y/N" Yeji said.

Y/N followed her and the girl stopped in front of Taehyung's room.

"Y/N..wait for Mrs.Kim.." the girl said and left from there.

After few mins the door was opened and Mrs.Kim came outside.

"Oh..Lee Y/N, thank u for saving my son's life"

"It's ok Mrs.Kim.." Y/N said and smiled.

"Y/N, Can u please give these medicine to Taehyung and bandage his injuries?"

Aish! I'm also tired..My legs are about to broken...shit

"Mrs.Kim,I'll do it"

"Ok Y/N, I have to arrange a sudden mission, that's why"

"Ok..Mrs.Kim..I'll take care of him.."

Mrs.Kim smiled and left from there.

Y/N peeked inside and saw a shirtless Taehyung.

Y/N froze on her spot and her eyes were placed on Taehyung within a few secs.



"What are u glaring at?" Y/N blushed.


"Then, what are u doing, standing there??"

"Oh..ahm..Mrs.Kim said me to bandage ur injuries"

"Then come and do what she said, aish u are such an idiot Y/N"

Y/N stepped closer to Taehyung who was laying on the bed and she leaned closer to Taehyung's face. Y/N kept glaring at him with her sharp eyes. Taehyung's eyes widened at her sudden action.

"Mr.Kim, then don't forget that this idiot saved ur life"

Taehyung went speechless.

Y/N sat on the bed and took the bandages.

"And don't forget to give ur best gun to me" Y/N said while smirking.

Y/N started cleaning his wounds and applying medicine.. Taehyung was staring at her whole time but Y/N didn't notice it as she was focusing on what she was doing.

"Ok..I'm done.. "

Y/N said and stood up to leave.

"Don't go"

Taehyung grabbed her wrist and made her fall on the bed.

Their eyes met. They were lost in their eyes for few secs..They were looking into each others' eyes deeply, but Y/N fake coughed so Taehyung got out of his thoughts.

"Hey..Mr.Kim.. Are u lost ur nuts?"


WTF I just did?? Am I gone crazy?"

Taehyung just realized their positin and pushed Y/N off the bed.

"Aish my butt! Mr.Kim, Are u crazy?

"Ahm..I've told u on the first day..I wanna see u in pain" Taehyung said in a cold way.

"Aish u are such an assh---" Y/N was gonna say it but stopped.

"I said u to mind ur language"

"Ahm..sorry Mr.Kim..I'm not a well-mannered one like u" Y/N said and gave a teeth smile.

This girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taheyung rolled his eyes in anger.

"Mr.Kim, then I'll leave"

Y/N turned to leave.

"No u can't"

"Aahh.What's now, Mr.Kim?"

"Choose a t-shirt for me" Taehyung pointed at the wadrobe.


"Choose a t-shirt, Lee Y/N"


Y/N went towards the wadrobe.. it was locked.

"It's locked"

"Here, catch the key" Taehyung threw it at her and Y/N caught it.

Y/N tried to unlock it but she couldn't.

"Shit! I can't open this"

And the next second Y/N could feel a hard chest crashed with her from behind.

Taehyung is behind me??

Taehyung snatched the key from her and unlocked it. and Y/N was between Taehyung's muscular arms. It gave Y/N shivers on spine..just imagine it..It was just like a backhug. Y/N could feel that it was so warm.

Y/N could see a lot of t-shirts inside it..

"there is a lot!"

"u didn't think that??"

"No wonder, a rich mafia must have tons of t-shirts"

Y/N picked up a blue colored denim t-shirt and turned back. and our shirtless Taehyung was in front of her now.

"It's blue coloured one!"

"Mr.Kim, u always wear black coloured clothes.."

"But I hate other colours"

"Then let's make a change for tdy..okie?"

Taehyung sighed.

"Mr.Kim,then, I'll go..get ready and come to the hall.."

Taheyung wore it after Y/N had left and looked at his reflection on the mirror.

"Blue isn't bad that much" Taehyung said and smiled.

At the hall~

"Ahmm..I got it, Namjoon..I'm satisfied as u did ur mission well"

"Mrs.Kim, Taheyung's life was saved cuz of our Y/N" Ryujin said.

"That's right, our brave Y/N saved him" Seungmin said.

"Ah..I love the way that she jumped out of the moving van" Yeji said.

"I really like her shooting skills" Jimin said.

"Thank u all of u" Y/N said while smiling.

"And lemme speak too..I love her attitude very much" Minhyuk said and winked at Y/N.

"Ahm..I think u love her attitude, not her?" A voice came up and it was Taehyung.

Minhyuk frowned.

"Then, Y/N, I wanna know how u learned about shooting?" Mrs.Kim asked.

"Ahm..Mrs.Kim, I'm from a military family"

"Whoa! that's great!" Jimin said.

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Actually my dad is a soldier, my grandpa is a Lieutenant and my great grand--"

"And What about u, Lee Y/N?" Taehyung asked and didn't let Y/N to complete it.

"And about me, I'm the great Lee Y/N"

Others giggled and Y/N gave a teeth smile at Taehyung.

"Y/N, if u want something for saving my son, ask"

"mm..I want to visit my parents and I also want my phone back" Y/N said and Taehyung rolled eyes.

"Ok..I have to announce something..There'll be a night party for mafia members" Mrs.Kim said.

"Where?" Tae asked.

"I got the invitation from Mr.Choi"

"Sounds nice.. I haven't seen them for so long, mom"

"mm...It sounds nice, Tae, we can enjoy a lot!" Jennie said and winked at Tae.

Y/N rolled her eyes.

"I forgot to ask, Tae, Why did u wear that blue coloured t-shirt?" Mrs.Kim asked while frowning.

"Because I---" Y/N was about to answer but Tae passed a death glare at Y/N.

"Because I wanted to try a different colour" Tae said.

Y/N smirked.

"Ok..Tae.." Mrs.Kim said while smiling.

At the party~

Y/N and others were at the party.

Y/N's outfit

Y/N was chatting with others.. Taehyung was also there.

"Tae, just go and enjoy ur day with Jennie..she's waiting for u, u know Jennie's parents want to see u two together" Mrs.Kim came and said.

Taehyung thought for few secs and nodded.

Taehyung went towards Jennie who was taking drinks with friends.

Yeji and Ryujin could find their friends there so they went to have a chat with them while Minhyuk,Seungmin,Jimin and Y/N were chatting.

"Jimin hyung, we are also going to meet our friends" Seungmin said.

"Ok enjoy yourselves"


"So..what Y/N?" Jimin smiled.

"So Are they all mafias?"

"They are all mafias"

"Jimin oppa, I think u're looking for someone"

"Oh..Y/N, I forgot..I have to introduce my gf to u"

Y/N frowned.

"u have a girlfriend??"

"Why not? Isn't it possible that handsome boy like me have a gf?"

"I thought u don't have one as u haven't talked about her earlier"

"hm..there she is coming"

"Aww..she is so beautiful.." Y/N was looking at the girl who is coming towards them.

"Ofc..hey baby...how are u?"

"I'm fine chimmy.." And then she looked at Y/N.

"oh..baby, she is Y/N.. a new mafia - secretary of Taehyung"

the girl looked at Y/N and gave a smile.

A/N: Someone be Jimin's gf.. A name doesn't come into my mind. 😂

"oh..I got it baby...Is she Taehyung's--"

"Ani..it's not like that.." Y/N said.

"Chimmy, I haven't seen u in a week.. let's go and enjoy" the girl grabbed Jimin's hand.

Isn't it too lovey dovey???I'm still single.... ahh that hurts.

"ah..ok...then Y/N..we're going"

"Ok Jimin oppa, enjoy yourselves" Y/N said and gave a smile.

Y/N was all alone now in an unknown place..Everyone had someone to talk with except our Y/N, she was looking everywhere, noticing everyone, checking some new fashion trends of girls and choosing handsome boys from mind and finding someone to chat with...... Y/N was watching Taehyung and Jennie.. how they talk and how our Taehyung looked frustrated.. and then suddenly Taehyung's gaze placed on Y/N-- our alone Y/N.. Taehyung smirked and started talking with Jennie again.. Y/N averted her gaze.

huh that shit thinks that I'm jealous of them...my foot!!..that Mr.Kim thinks he is the most handsome man in the world.. but..but..Why do I feel something bad when I look at them? Am I gone crazy?? ahh..Y/N please calm down..

And then it was the time for dancing..

aahh..it's time for dancing..What do I do?? standing here like an idiot..shit!

Everyone had partners except for Y/N..with these things Something came to her mind from the past.


Y/N was 11 years then.

"Hey,Y/N what happened??"

Y/N looked up with tears in her eyes.

"Oppa..I haven't a partner to dance"

"So?" he leaned down to see our little Y/N's crying face.

"So the teachers are gonna to remove me from the dance perfomance"

"How can they do it??u are the best dancer"

"What do I do?"

"Then I'll be ur partner" He cupped Y/n's cheeks.

"You'll really be?" A smile was drawn in her face.

"Don't u like to see me becoming ur dancing partner..I'm also good at dancing" He said while showing some dancing moves.

"I would like" Y/N said while chuckling.

"Then Let's go Y/N" He grabbed Y/N's wrist and they ran from there while giggling..


It was just a small incident but Y/N could still remember the times that she spent with her BFF. Those memories come back when she is alone or sad.. Y/N is strong but her weakpoints are those memories.

A tear was dropping along her cheek..

"Hey, What's wrong with u?"

Y/N looked at the person who called her.

and it was.....















It was Choi Yeonjun - A friend of Kim Taehyung.

"Ahh..It's nothing"

mm..Finally someone thinks that I am also a living thing..

"I'm Choi Yeonjun"

who the hell asked?? ah..ok he is the only one talking with me..

"Nice to meet u, I'm Lee Y/N.."

"mm..I haven't seen u earlier"

"ah..I'm a new one"

"Then let's go for dancing.."

such a relief..now I don't want to stand here and watch that Mr.Kim..

Now they were also in the dancefloor. And our Y/N was watching Taehyung and Jennnie from the corner of her eye while dancing.

Yeonjun's arms were wrapped around Y/N's waist and Y/N placed her arm on Yeonjun's shoulder. And Y/N actually felt uncomfortable but she was good at dancing. Yeonjun made her more closer by pulling by her waist and their bodies crashed..Yeonjun was looking into Y/N's eyes but Y/N averted her gaze.

Aish! I don't want this! shit! God,please save me..


Yeonjun looked back and Y/N's eyes widened.

oh..thanks Mr.Kim...

"omg..hyung, I haven't seen u in so long"

"me too, Yeonjunnie..so"

"So what?" Yeonjun frowned.

"She is already taken"

"What?" Yeonjun confused.

"She is mine-- I mean work under me"

WTF is this..Is Mr.Kim gone insane?

"Oh...hyung..I got it" Yeonjun let go of Y/N.

"So others were looking for u"

"Ok, hyung....take care of her..she was there alone"

Yeonjun winked at Y/N and left from there.

Taehyung grabbed Y/N's wrist and dragged her from there.

"Hey,Mr.Kim where are--"

"Shut up ur mouth"

Taehyung pinned her into the wall..

"Mr.Kim, What's with always pinning me into the wall?? Do u know how many times u did this?"

Taheyung leaned closer to Y/N.. His eyes were so beautiful and attractive.. Y/N's heart was bounding too fast, ready to explode at anytime. She felt like sweating.

"Don't talk with stangers"


"It's a rule, u can't talk or dance with strangers from now on"

"What the hell?????"

aahh..Mr.Kim..fuck u!!

"u have to do what I say and I was watching both of u"

ohh really???

"He was the only one who talked with me and cared about me"

Taehyung leaned closer to Y/N's neck and smelled her scent it made him feel so needy..

what's wrong with him now????? I'll be a dead meat if--- ahh..omg.......

Taehyung placed a wet yet hot kiss on Y/N's neck and it gave Y/N butterflies in stomach. Taehyung started sucking on her neck and his arms were wrapping around her waist roaming her body and pulling her more closer.A soft moan was going to escape from Y/N's mouth but she covered her mouth quickly. Tae stopped it leaving a hickey on Y/N's neck..

"That's enough for now" Taheyung said and licked his lips.

Y/N was shocked,puzzled and flabbergasted..She couldn't utter a word either.

"I'll be going..it's ok to be alone but don't talk with others" Taheyung smirked.

that pervert!!!!!!!!!!!!! shit! but it wasn't bad that much....what?? Anii..I'm really gone crazyy...

"And don't wear short dresses when u are going out,Lee Y/N"

"What the hell???????????????"


Hope u enjoyed it..Thank u for reading, voting and commenting 🙃❤️

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