Sore || fluff

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B, 3 for anyone curious!


David lay on the couch. Blanket draped over his lower half, top discarded to the side, breathing slow and calm as exer worked away on the wounds.

He had bandages, plasters and cream all around him

He rubbed the cream onto a set of bruises, then grabbed padding and bandaged up the chest wound, careful not to wake David up.

He felt guilt in the back of his mind. He caused this. He caused David's pain. And what could he do?

Exer moved to David's face.

He admired his lips, seeing dried blood surround them.

Exer grabbed some water, dipping his thumb in it then gently rubbing it over David's lips to rub off the blood.

David was a deep sleeper, not waking up  too much.

Exer then gently placed a kiss on David's lips.

Next, he cleaned up all the other blood on his face. Put cream on the cuts, put plasters on them and then kissed the plasters gently.

He couldn't do much about David's black eye while he was asleep, so he just put some bruise cream on it.

Exer then pulled the blanket up David's chest again. He cleaned up his mess of plaster packaging and knelt down in front of David.

"I love you. And I'm sorry for what I caused to happen to you. I wish it was me. I am so so sorry David" Exer said, softly. He put his forehead to David's.

He felt movement and jolted upwards.

David fluttered open his eyes.

"I-its not your fault.. now bring me to a proper bed would you?" Is all he said, his voice hoarse.

Exer exhaled a laugh before carrying David bridal style to his room. He placed him on his bed and pulled the covers up.

"I'll take the floor" he started.

"No no. There's room here" David said, patting the bed lightly.

Exer flushed pink before nodding.

He wrote quickly on a post it note.

Please don't enter. We will be up for breakfast

And stuck it to his door.

Exer then climbed in the bed. It was a single bed so a tight squeeze but it wasn't harmful.

Exer made sure to not touch any of David's wounds.

Soon enough, the pair fell asleep


The next morning, David woke first.

He woke up to exers sound asleep face. Understandable. he was up late tending to David.

He just stared, and stared and stared. David thought of how lucky he was to have this boy as his own.

After about 10 minutes, exer groaned and stretched before opening his eyes to David's blue ones.

Exer flushed pink, immediately realising he has been admired by David for who knows how long.

"Morning exer" David said

"Damn. What time is it?" Exer said, rolling over and looking at his clock.


"Nice. 11:13am. Oh! I need to change your bandages. It may have bled-" exer said, about to get up before a hand on his stomach stopped him.

"Stay till 11:20?" David asked

Exer smiled and adjusted so his head was placed in David's neck area.

David's head rested on top of exers. David's hands round exers waist.

The two smiled, enjoying each other.

To exer, David smelt of green apples and cinnamon.

To David, exer smelt of peppermint and some lemons.

They loved it either way.

"I should give you one of my jumpers" David said.

Exer then realised he was still shirtless and blushed a bit. He was too tired beforehand

"I would love it. You already have my red jumper, so I need something in return. Ooh! How about your striped one? It would be perfect 'cos it's winter as well!" Exer said

David chuckled and agreed.

It was 11:20 and exer stood up.

He ran down and grabbed some more first aid.

When he came back, David was sat up and removing his bandages.

"No no no, here." Exer said, taking the bandage and unraveling it for David. He winced when it came off fully as the padding previously put on had stuck to the wound and hurt a bit

"Sorry." Exer said.

Exer put the old bandage to the side and grabbed an anti septic wipe ( I think? ).

"This may sting" exer said, about to press it on

"Kiss me would you?" David suggested.

Exer looked up to him, flushed pink on his hazel skin.

Exer sighed, sitting up more to kiss David.

As soon as their lips touched, exer placed the wipe on the wound.

David bit down on exers lip hardly. It caused some blood but it didint mean much.

Exer wiped the wound and with every stroke, David sucked in or but exers lip more.

When they parted, mainly for air, exers bottom lip was red, swollen and bleeding

"Sorry" David apologised, rubbing exers lip.

"It's fine. Whatever helps you day" he said

Exer went back and cleaned the wound with soap and water. He then bandaged them up with bandages and plasters.

Then he moved to his face.

Taking off the plasters, cleaning the wound, replacing the plaster, kissing it, and repeating.

Now David was awake, exer could wrap up the eye for safety.

David was all bandaged up and exers bin was full of old band aids.

"I need my shirt back, exer" David said.

It was winter and goosebumps littered his skin.

Exer chuckled before getting up, getting one of his wollen jumpers and chucking it at David.

David put it on, instantly feeling warm with the scent of peppermint

"Dad will have pancakes ready soon. Come on. I'll go light a fire and make hot chocolates. Are you able to walk?" Exer asked

David stood up, limping on one leg but was able to walk.

Exer supported him going down the stairs.

Harry was almost done making pancakes.

"Ah! Morning boys! How are you feeling David?" Harry asked

"Good thank you. Exer patched me up" he said. David sat at the table and watched as exer fiddled with the wood blocks and lit a fire.

Then, he went and made three hot chocolates ( with the help of Lucy ) and gave one to David, one to his dad and one to himself.

David and exer sat side by side, exers hand rested in davids hand under the table.

" Eat up boys! Apparently it's going to snow today. When do you want to call your mother, David?" Harry asked

"After I've Eaton. Uhm. How long will I be able to stay here for?" David asked, giving exers hand a squeeze

"As long as you want son. But I must be off to work before it snows. I'll be back by 7 boys. Exer, you know where lunch is. Lucy, watch over them" he said, giving Lucy a stroke before leaving the house with a slice of toast.

"I have an idea" exer said


"You call your mother, figure stuff out. Then we cuddle on the couch in front of the fire" exer said

"Definitely" David replied, pecking his boyfriends lips


Thanks Miph for choosing this! <33

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