4: Code(r) Names & Code(r) Oath

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This is amazing, I thought, We all have magic, that must explain the symbols on their chests, it's their elements.

Everyone was literally thinking the same thing. Now I bet everyone's gonna ask each other what they can do. Of course, it started. First I decided to ask what Zack can do, besides being a human torch.

"Hey, lil' Zach, what can you do that's magical?", I asked.

"Well, I can burn things, I'm immune to fire, I can fly, read thoughts, see visions from the past, and I can blast things. Also try not to get me angry, I can be a real fireball", he explained.

"I'll keep that in mind", I commented with a thumbs up.

"What can you do?", Zach questioned.

"I have powers related to water and ice, I can also fly, read minds, turn invisible, see future visions, and can make anyone cry when I cry", I explained.

"Well, that's kinda sad", Zack commented.

"Yeah, that's what I get for being blue", I added with a shrug.

Suddenly I overheard the others talking about their powers. From what I heard, Harold has wind powers, Rosa has love powers. Mikey has nature powers, Rhonda has rock powers. Mimzy has sun powers, and Chase has lightning powers. Hearing this makes me glad that I'm not alone when it comes to powerful magic like this.

"Hey, guys", I called out.

Everyone else turned to me, rapt in what I was gonna say.

That's new, I thought, People who don't know me usually don't turn their heads until I shout repeatedly.

"I wonder, feel free to say no but...should we, just in case...have code names to mask our identities from the 21st century?", I nervously asked.

Everyone else took glances at each other as they thought about it.

"That might be a good idea. A lot of spies do it", Rosa pointed out.

"And heroes do it", Chase added.

"I think dat's a good idea", Harold commented.

"Really?", I questioned, "So then what should our code names be?".

I could just use one of my code names, I thought, SuperElle take away the "Super" part and add a last name.

"I think mine will be...Elle H.", I announced.

"What does the 'H' stand for?", Mimzy questioned.

I whispered what it stood for in everybody's ears. It was a last name like no other, a last name where you have to inform people how to pronounce it.

"Can I be a Hol-I mean 'H' person too?", Zack eagerly begged.

"Ok, sure, dude, but what should your first name be?", I asked.

Poor Zack looked like he was struggling to find a code name for himself.

So I knelt down to him and suggested, "You know, you look like an Elijah H to me. How does that sound?".

"Elijah, huh", Zach nodded. "I'll take it!".

"Awesome, you can be my little brother! I've always wanted one", I exclaimed as I grabbed Zach in my arms as he giggled.

Alrighty then, so I'm Elle H, and Zach is my brother, Elijah H., I told myself in my head.

Everyone started examining each other and themselves from top to bottom, probably thinking of their code names to claim.

"I already got one", Harold proudly spoke, "In dis time, I'll be Jack Hattoncup or you can call me Jack in the Hat."

"Do you mind if I could join you two?", Mikey asked me and Zach.

"Hey, the more the merrier, of course you can join our 'family'. To be honest you look like...a Cylus H", I suggested.

"Cylus H...that sounds good", Mikey smiled.

"Sweet! Can you be our other brother?", Zack questioned.

"Sure!", Mikey replied while hugging the both of us.

Awesome! Elle H with two little brothers, Cylus and Elijah, and a friend named Jack Hattoncup.

"Have you guys figured out your code names too?", Zach called out.

Rosa chimed in, "I think I'll be...Natalie M. The 'M' is short for this."

Her right hand glowed pink and she drew her full code last name using her pointer finger as a writing utensil and the air as the paper. The writing looked not too simple and not too fancy-Nancy so everyone could read it.

Can Zach & Mikey even read?, I wondered.

No, I wish, Zach thought.

I can a little bit, Mikey confessed in his brain.

I decided to whisper it in both their ears so they could understand.

"Anyways, who's the rest then?", I asked.

"I guess I'll be...Evie W", Mimzy replied.

Then she whispered in everyone's ears what it stood for.

"Around here, I'll be Piper O. The 'O' stands for the last name of Ozzy, if ya'll know what I mean", Rhonda spoke.

"Ozzy who?", Zach, Mimzy, and Harold questioned.

"Ozzy Osbourne", I said.

The three confusingly replied "Ohhhhh".

"How 'bout you, Chase?", I asked him.

"Can I be part of your family too?", he questioned.

"Sure, cool cat", Zach replied with a cute toothy grin.

"Cool, then I'll be Preston H!", he exclaimed.

"Nice, you can be a cool cousin I never had", I chimed in.

"Awesome!", Chase replied.

"So I guess we're all settled", Rosa said with a smile.

Ok, remember this now.
Zachary James=Elijah H, little brother
Mimzy Addams=Evie W, friend
Chase Spencer=Preston H, cousin
Mikey Bean=Cylus H, little brother
I'm Elle H
Rhonda Jennings=Piper Osbourne, friend
Harold Johnson=Jack Hattoncup, friend
Rosa Campbell=Natalie M, friend.

Yep, that's everyone.

"Should we take an oath too?", Harold asked. "You know so nobody else in our times will figure dis out?".

"Yeah, your right, 'cuz this is crazy as it is", Rhonda agreed.

"Sure but what is the oath?", Zack questioned.

"And is it something easy to follow?", Mimzy added.

"Well...let's see...", Harold began to think. "Who was da 1st one to come here?".

"She is, I saw her", Zach pointed to me.

Crap! I hate being the center of attention!

"Would you like to lead the oath?" Harold asked.

"Uhhhhhhh...sssssurrrrre", I replied nervously. "I guess, everyone put your right hands on your element."

They all did as told including me and our elements glowed.

"Ok, and put your left hands up", I announced.

We did as told.

"And try to say this oath in sync with me because somehow we keep doing it", I said awkwardly. "If this works".

We all breathed in together and said this in sync:
"I, (our names), vow to keep this place and time a secret from our place and time. And to hide my place and time from this place and time. I promise to keep them separate and secret from each other so others can stay natural. Only when absolutely necessary, I can use my voice tell others of my choice. I will use my powers for good and fight for what's right. We will help each other too when we need it and stick together whenever. God bless us all, this is the Coder Oath."

Then there's that silence again. But it was awkward silence. We took brief glances at each other, probably waiting for someone to say something . Then...

"Whoo!", Chase shouted.

Then we all cheered happily. Now that was a good ending to an oath, thank goodness for Chase.

"I suppose we should go back to our home times. I bet others are worried about us", Rosa suggested.

"Rhatz!", Mimzy exclaimed "Oh well, I suppose, maybe I'll see Al again when I get back."

"Ok, then, let's go back to our vortexes", I suggested.

In a single file line, we walked out of the conference-looking room. Rhonda in front, then Mimzy, Rosa, Harold, Mikey, Chase, Zach, then me last of all.
Inside the portal room, it felt like the portals were humming, waiting for our arrival. We all each stood in front of the portals we came out of.

"I guess dis means goodbye", Harold spoke with a sad looking smile.

"For now, of course", I assured.

Harold look out a chuckle that turned into a happy cackle. Then everyone said their goodbyes and stepped into their vortexes with a lot more confidence.
When I stepped into my blue vortex, it instantly took me flying and swirling. The colors and swirls seemed to be spinning along with me and not the other way around. After about 8 seconds, an opening appeared in front of me. It looked dark, small...with a blue window and a bed.

'80's, I've come back. Of course I still have a lot of questions about the 21st century.

The blue vortex behind me shrunk until it turned into nothing. Calmly, I leaped into my bed, snuggled under my blanket, put on my TV, and went to sleep.

Well, Felicia, I think you've made new friends in one of the strangest ways, I thought, but still it's awesome. And I know you still have questions but they will be answered later. Time to sleep.

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