The Lost Hero

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Last time on Different War:

Once all the demigods sat down, Thalia had gotten a good look at one of the six new demigods, and came to realize who he was.


Jason and everyone else turned to Thalia. He stared at his older (or is it younger...?) sister. "Thalia? Shouldn't you be with Lady Di-Artemis?"

Now On Different War:

~Thalia's Perspective~

My little brother's name rolled off my tongue before I could comprehend that my lost brother was in front of me.

Jason even looked confused and it made me realize I had missed so much. "Thalia? Shouldn't you be with Lady Di-Artemis?"

I gaped at him. How long has he known me for? When do I see him for the first time after that day when he was a child? When our mom decided to-

"We didn't we meet already?" He asked.

I blinked. "When-"

Nico interrupted my question. "Jason, she isn't the Thalia you know, she's from the past." It was a simple statement, but I could hear the mixed expressions in his voice. It was probably because he lost his sister in the upcoming quest that I will be a part of, I thought sadly.

Jason blinked as I had done a moment ago. "You aren't...?"

I smile a little at the sight of my long lost brother. "The Lieutenant of Artemis? No, not yet."

The girl next to Jason frowned, looking confused. "How do you know that you will be Lady Artemis' Lieutenant?"

Before I could respond Older Annabeth spoke up. "Because Jason, Piper, and Leo went on a quest to save Hera. While they were on their way to the Wolf House, they ran into the hunters."

"It was crazy! There were wolves chasing us after we-"

"You mean after Festus broke down again?" The girl who had a Daughter of Aphrodite-like aura, that seemed to be Piper was seated next to Jason.

"-escaped from the clutches of Midas who turns everything he touches into gold, then before then, we ran into Detroit where giant cyclops tried to kill us! All this happened after the-" The hyperactive Latino was cut off by Old Annabeth.

"Leo, slow down. No one understands what you're saying." The Cherokee Aphrodite girl spoke.

"I can understand him!" Apollo grinned.

"Piper's right, no one can understand you, Leo." Older Annabeth agreed.

Piper. That's the girl who seems close to Jason.

I noticed the way Jason sat next to her. There was something going on between them. Piper must be an Aphrodite child because of the glowing aura around her. Her choppy hair and makeup-less look showed she didn't want the attention. I was starting to like the girl and it looks like Jason likes her with the way he looks at her. I secretly smiled for them. They looked like a good match.

"Why are we here?" Nico said her name earlier, what was it...? Hazel! Hazel asked.

Athena cleared her throat. "You sent here and a note came explaining for you heroes to explain your quests."

"And we already talked about the quests that happened during the Titan War." Silena put in.

"Then you came as we talking more of the second great prophecy." Nico added, not looking at any of the new arrivals.

Percy looked in between me and Jason. "So how do you know Thalia?" I guess my future self never told him about Jason. It probably was still painful to think that my baby brother was dead. I looked at Jason, or at least, was thought to be dead.

Jason looked at Percy, more like stared. "I'm her brother. My name is Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter. When I was a baby I had been given to Lady Juno by my mother and taken to the Wolf House."

"Wolf House?"


My brother ignored both mine and Percy's questions instead of asking his own. "You're Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon?" He looked interested as if this was the first time they had met. They had to have met already, right?

"Yeah. When are you from?" Percy spoke my thoughts out loud.

Before Jason could answer the curly haired boy, Leo, spoke up again. "We were on a field trip to the Grand Canyon! We were hanging out on the bus and Jason wakes up and he starts talking about how he doesn't know us when he was with us from the start of the school! For months we had known each other! While Piper," He nudged the girl sitting in between him and Jason. "Was wanting to help figure why Jason forgot who we were and who he was, but got taken away by her partner during the trip." He made a face.

"Leo-" Jason and Piper started to speak.

Leo sends them a grin. "Piper's partner for the school trip wasn't just a bully, but was a..."


"Anemoi thuellai."

"...Storm spirit!" Leo sent another grin towards the two. "Anyway, more storm spirits came and we ended up locked out on the observation deck of the Grand Canyon! It was crazy with the wind blowing everywhere and everyone! We had a coach at the school that had ended up being half goat!"

"A satyr, Leo."

"While Coach was-"

"Okay!" Piper smiled slightly at everyone. "How about we get back on the original topic?"

Athena spoke up. "I agree. When are you from?" She asked the new arrivals.

Jason stepped forward to talk, but Nico had other plans. "Jason, Piper, and Leo are from after their quest to save Lady Hera. Hazel and Frank are from after their quest to save Thanatos. While Annabeth is from the time between both of the quests."

Everyone blinked at the Son of Hades. "How do you know that?" Athena asked, but received no answer from the demigod.

Zeus cleared his throat in the silence. My father? Do I even see him as my dad anymore after everything? "Introduce yourselves!" His voice boomed and echoed off of the walls.

Annabeth stepped up first. "Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena."

Jason went next. "Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter."



"A Roman?!"

"There's Roman demigods?!" Small Annabeth yelled on the top of her lungs.

"There are more demigods?" Percy asked at the same time as Annabeth.

"Yes." Was the general responses given.

Some laughter rang around the room for no reason whatsoever. I smiled secretly knowing those two would get together in the future. "Would that make us half-siblings?" I asked those from the farthest future.

I mainly looked at Nico, Annabeth, and Jason for the answer. Annabeth and Jason were thinking over it and gave each other glances.

"No." Nico answered out of the blue. "Jason is your full-blooded sibling. Jason was raised with the Romans, but he's more Greek now by staying at Camp Half-Blood. It's not about blood, it's more about which Camp you spend more time at unless your parent is Greek or Roman only with no counterpart."

"Jason stays at Camp Half-Blood?" Piper seemed

"Why do you guess that?" The Chinese looking kid asked suddenly for the first time since they got here.

"That doesn't matter. Can we finish the introductions?" I asked, feeling irritated that we haven't finished this yet.

"Thalia is getting impatient." I glared at Percy, zapping him in the arm.

Nothing happened and he sent me a lopsided grin. I stuck out my tongue, then reached out to shock Nico.

Laughing started up around the throne room as Nico jumped a little with his hair sticking up.

The Son of Hades glared at Percy and I. In the midst of the laughter, I got a glimpse of a small smile on his lips.

Chiron spoke up next. "Yes, why don't you finish introducing yourselves?"

The hyper brown haired demigod smoothed his way forward with a confident bad boy look that left the female population of the room feeling confused. "Names Leo, Leo Valdez. I'm the son of Hephaestus!" His hands caught fire at that moment.

Piper and Jason didn't even flinch at the sudden flames. The Daughter of Aphrodite simply hit the flaming boy on the back of the head, causing Leo to pout.

"I'm Piper McLean, Daughter of Aphrodite." The girl who seems to be close to my brother officially introduced herself.

"Frank Zhang, Son of Mars." The fifteen-year-old turned to the last girl who hasn't introduced herself with a small smile.

She smiled slightly back at Frank. "I am Hazel Levesque, Daughter of Pluto."


"Isn't that a planet?"


"Shut up!" Nico snapped. "You can't yell at my father when you broke the oath twice!" My father was going to say something, but Di Angelo wouldn't let him. "My father did not break the oath. He was the only one who didn't. And you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for us children of the big three."

Everyone was silenced by the Son of Hades' words.

"Without Jason being born, the Romans wouldn't have survived the Titan War. Without Hera's plan, the Giant War wouldn't have been won. Jason, Piper, and Leo was sent on a quest to save Hera at the Wolf House - its where Roman demigods are led to go before they can go to the Roman camp -" Nico explained at the confused looks. He went on to explain how the three went from Camp Half-Blood to Quebec where Boreas lives with his three immortal kids, to Detroit where they encountered Cyclops, they met Medea in Chicago.

"I also fixed up a metal dragon and named him Festus!" Leo announced with a proud grin thinking about his baby.

"A dragon whose name means happy in Latin..." My brother muttered under his breath. I laughed out loud at that.

Ignoring the weird looks that were sent towards us, our father decided to speak up. "My son must have done more in this quest than Poseidon's son has done in the war against Father."

"Jason died on the quest while Percy hasn't, so does that count?" The hyperactive son of Hephaestus laughed.

I noticed Nico flinched a little at that.

I frowned, wanting to ask him about it, but didn't get the chance. I'll have to remember to ask him later.

In the meantime, Lord Zeus was having a hissy fit. "My son DIED?!" He shook from anger.

"Lord Zeus, it was an accident." Piper tried to calm him...only to make it worse.

"WHO!" The one word bounced off the walls.

"It was Lady Hera!" Jason yelled. "She showed her true form and I didn't look away!"


"You died?" I asked, shocked that my little brother died and came back. Realizing who did it, I turned to the cow goddess herself. "Hera..."

Annabeth started to laugh. "At least Jason wasn't turned into a guinea pig like Percy was!"

Well, that isn't up to my usual standards, but I'll edit it more later. Maybe, maybe not. I don't know, all I know is I am so tired of seeing this unfinished document. It's so annoying how long this story has taken me to write.

Anyway, I started the next chapter and hopefully that will be finished in the next few weeks. That's a big hopefully.

The next chapter could very well be published in another ten months like last time. Oops?

Though I do have time to work on this story during rest time at the daycare I now work at. I actually almost finished this yesterday at work, but didn't get around to completely finish.

Until next time, feel free to comment anything that you would want to see!


Published: March 2, 2019.

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