𝟎𝟏 𐬺 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

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-the father-

I WAS SITTING DOWN NEXT TO MY SISTER, tears filling my eyes. We were being yelled at repeatedly by our dad. A bottle was in his right hand and his left hand was clenched into a fist. He never really had good reasons to yell at us but he always started up something. Sonia and I just took it—we had to or we'd suffer the consequences of speaking out.

"You think because it's your birthday you can go out and fucking do something? No! You're gonna stay within these goddamn walls and pick up this goddamn place!" He yelled for like the fifth time again. He liked to repeat his words when he began to run out of things to yell about.

This place was a full on mess due to him, he left his trash around for us to clean up. He purposely at times puts stuff wherever so we can pick it up and put it where it's supposed to go. We have to keep this place clean daily of we'd get in trouble.

I blinked and another tear fell down my face. Even though I was used to all the yelling it always seemed to have me still tear up, i'd thought I would have been able to stop by now at this age but it all feels the same. It was our 16th birthday and we were planning on visiting a friend to try to get something so our day wasn't so bad.

"And what the fuck are you crying about? I haven't even gave you a reason to cry! Don't make me give you a reason to cry!" He looked my way and I instantly wiped away the tear—but my eyes watered even more at his words.

I looked away trying not to show how much I wanted to cry but that just gave him an opening to harass and yell at Sonia. "And you—wipe that ugly ass look off your face." He gritted his teeth in anger.

"Can you just stop!" I find myself speaking out. My eyes darted up to him. He chuckled a little, moving closer to me. The tears had stopped and I was just mad now.

"You wanna say that again, little girl?" His hand moved to his gun—he was wearing his uniform. He was a guard, a worker and he just got off duty. His hand was lingering over his gun—threatening me.

"Do it. I hope they float you." I hissed at the man. He smiled again before jumping toward me and placing his hands around my neck. The air was wiped away from me dramatically.

Sonia attempted to get him off of me but he retracted his arm swiftly back—which hit her straight in the face. She fell backward onto the floor.

He placed the hand back onto my neck and squeezed his grip. I was chocking due to the lack of air. My eyes were pooling with water. I'm pretty sure my face was turning red. My hands were trying to push him off of me. His frame was way bigger than mine and I had no chance.

It all happened so quickly. My hand was now reaching for his gun in his holster and it went off as soon as it was in my hand. His face dropped and his grip loosened. I was gasping for air, my other hand swung to my neck.

I watched as he fell to the floor and bled out. I rubbed my neck in complete traumatic pain. Looking over to my sister—tears were already flying out. I ran over and helped her up from the floor. Her nose was bleeding so she put her hand up to try to stop it.

I held onto her hand and we stood over our dying dad's body. We both were near sobbing. He was always abusive and domestic but we never were so close to death. I didn't realize how much I had been shaking till Sonia's hands comforted me.

The door was busted down and other guards rushed in—looking at the scene and acting immediately. They pulled Sonia and I apart.

"Wait—what? No!" I shouted when I was grabbed and pulled away from her. Her eyes were wide in fear and mine were still full of tears.

"Stop! Stop! It wasn't our fault!" Sonia cried out.

I was trying to get out of their grip to get back to my sister and hold her again. "Please!" I yelled. "Please! Just listen! Just listen..." I was sobbing trying to get them to understand. No one was listening—no one was helping us.

I was no longer in sight of my sister. That was the last time I was ever going to see her again. We were both being locked up and sent into confinement till our 18th birthday where we were going to be floated for our crimes.

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