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Emily's POV

I texted JJ after we both left work, it was another late night in the office spent on paperwork. I just wanted to make sure she got home alright. I texted her about 10 minutes after we left because she doesn't live to far from work. I waited awhile for a text back but she never responded so I got a bit worried. So I texted her again. Still no response from her. I figured that maybe her phone died so I tried to not think to much about it. I took a shower while I waited. It has been almost a hour now and I was ready to grab my car keys and go to her house to make sure she was okay. I was about to walk out the door when I finally got a text back for her. I felt instantly relieved when I heard my phone chime.


I texted Emily back so she wouldn't worry about me. I haven't told anyone on the team about what Will has been doing to me. He told me that he would kill whoever I tell. So in order to keep them safe I haven't talked to anyone. Will has abused me for the past year, I've been able to hide the bruises and cuts and no one has ever noticed. I put a smile on my face and pretend everything is fine. Tomorrow it might be harder to do, I have a lot of bruises and my face will be swollen. I still have a cut on my head, it isn't big but it will be noticeable. Hopefully we will just have a paperwork day so I can sit in my office. I walked into the bathroom to see how bad my injuries were before I went to bed. When I looked at my stomach it was bruised badly. I had a small cut on the cheek but that will be easier to hide then all the bruises. I went back to my bedroom. It was now 11, I was scared to go to sleep because I didn't want him to be here when I woke up but I had to go to work tomorrow. I finally fell asleep after a half hour of staring at the door.

I was woken to the sound of my alarm going off at 6:00. I had to be at work at 7:30 but I woke up earlier then normal because I knew it would take awhile to do my makeup. When I hopped out of bed my head was still pounding. I got up and got dressed, I wore black jeans and a black long sleeve shirt.

It was about 6:15 when I finished picking out what I wanted to wear. I went into the kitchen to make myself some coffee because I was still quite tired. I went into the bathroom with my makeup bag and I started to cover up all the bruises and cuts. I covered it the best I could and it was barely noticeable. When I was finished I double checked to make sure everything was covered, and it was. It was 7:15 now and I grabbed my keys and went to my car. And now I was on my way to work.

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