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Emily's POV

I watched as the paramedics put JJ onto the stretcher and into the ambulance, they said I could meet them at the hospital. I watched them drive away, the sound of the sirens filled my ears. I hopped in my car and just sat there thinking for a few minutes. JJ just tried to kill herself. I caused this, I tried to force her to talk when she wasn't ready and now she might die because of me. She's only 27 she's to young to die. I can't lose her I love her so much and I need her to know that. I started my car and drove to the hospital.

I was sitting in the waiting room for about a hour. I couldn't sit still I was worrying to much. The doctor walked into the waiting room.

"Family of Jennifer Jareau?"

Hearing that snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hi, yes that's me. Is she okay?"

"Jennifer will be okay, she lost a lot of blood but you got to her in time and she will live. We will have to keep her on suicide watch for the next 24 hours, and after that we can talk about her options."

"Her opinions?"

"She will have 3 options. One will be to get her a therapist, 2 will be to send her to a mental health facility, and 3 will be to just send her right home."

"And who will make this option for her, will she have to make it?"

"Her emergency contact will make it for her because we considered not fit to make her own medical decisions."

"Who is her emergency contact?"

"That would be a Emily Prentiss."

"That's me."

"Do you know what you would like to happen to her right now, or would you like to talk to her about it first."

"I would like to talk to her about it because I make a decision."

"Okay, well she is currently still asleep, she should be waking up soon I can take you to her room if you would like."

"Yes please."

"Okay follow me."

I walked with the doctor into JJ's room. She looked so peaceful. She had a cast on her arm, the doctor told me they stapled her arm and then put a cast on so she couldn't rip them out. I took the chair that was in the corner and moved it to closer to her bed. I held her right hand, it was colder then usual. I watched her chest rise up and down to calm me down because it meant that she was breathing. I also watched the heart monitor. I tapped my fingers to the beat, I see how this calmed her down.

I texted Hotch and told him what happened. I told him that she was going to be okay physically, I don't know how she will be mentally. He told me that he would come tomorrow morning, I also told him not to tell everyone else yet because I don't want a lot of people to be here when she first wakes up.

I was sleeping when I was awoke to a stirring JJ. She slowly opened her eyes.


"Oh Emily I'm so sorry, I didn't know what I was doing, I just needed everything to stop, I'm so sorry that you had to see me like that"

"It's okay JJ I'm just so happy you're okay, I can't lose you"

"I know"

"I'm so sorry I pushed you to talk when you weren't ready, I caused you to do this and I'm sorr-" JJ cut me off

"Emily Prentiss don't you dare apologize for caring about me, you did not cause this, you couldn't have even seen this coming"

The doctor walked in and asked JJ and few questions. Then she looked at me.

"Did you explain her opinions to her yet?"

"No I haven't"

"Em what options is she talking about?"

"I'll leave you two alone to talk"

"JJ you have 3 options"

"3 options for what Emily?"

"About what is going to happen when you're ready to leave"

"I just want to go home, that's all, tell the doctor that's my decision"

"Well it's not up for you to make"

"What the hell do you mean it's not up to me"

"It's up to your emergency contact, which is me"

"Okay well then tell the doctor that I just want to be discharged home"

"I don't think that's what is best for you JJ"

"Emily please, I'm not crazy, I won't try to kill myself again it was a mistake"

"Yeah a mistake that almost cost you your life"

"Yes but it was a mistake Emily, I promise I won't do it, please don't let them send me somewhere"

"I don't want to send you anywhere, but I think you should get a therapist"

"Emily I don't need a shrink"

"I think it's what is best for you JJ"

"Emily please don't do this, I will tell you everything if you just let the doctors send me home"

"JJ I need to do what is best for you"

"Emily please don't do this, I will tell you everything that happened and I always will from now on, just don't get me a therapist"

"Fine JJ, but the second I think you are hiding things from me then I will get you a therapist"

"Thank you Emily, I promise I won't hide things"

3rd POV

JJ was getting released today. Emily was still worried about her. Emily was going to stay with JJ for 2 weeks to make sure she's okay. The team came by in the morning for a while. Emily told them not to make her bad for doing what she did. The team was were for about an hour before everyone slowly left. Lastly it was just JJ, Emily, and Hotch.

"JJ, I am giving you and Emily 2 weeks off and Emily will be staying at your place for those 2 weeks to make sure you are okay so we don't end up back here"

"Okay sir, Emily let's go then"

Emily and JJ went to the car and they drove back to JJ's apartment.

"Hey JJ don't go in the bathroom just yet, stay out here for a bit"


"I just need to do something"


There was still dried blood all over the bathroom floor and Emily wanted to clean it before JJ saw it and started having a panic attack, or feeling bad for what happened. Emily grabbed a sponge from under the kitchen sink before heading into the bathroom. JJ saw her do that and then realized what Emily was doing. She started to feel horrible for making Emily do that.


Emily grabbed a sponge from under the kitchen sink and then walked into the bathroom. After I saw her do that I know exactly what she was doing. I walked over to the bathroom and tried to open the door, Emily locked it. JJ started to knock and Emily just told her to go wait and that she would be out soon.

"JJ can you just give me a few minutes, I'll be out soon"

"Em I know what your doing in there, just let me help I promise I won't freak out"

"JJ I can't risk that happening right now, I will be out in a few"

"Emily I will have to walk back in there sooner or later so just let me in"


Emily unlocked the door and as soon as I heard the click I opened it. Emily was sitting around the dried blood. All the memories filled back into her head. Emily saw her facial expressions change and she quickly sat up and shoved JJ out of the room and closed and locked the door.

"See JJ that's exactly why I didn't want you back in here yet, are you okay?"

"I-, I'm fine Em"

"No you're not, and it's okay to not be fine. When I'm done in here we are talking about everything, okay?"

"Okay Em"

I went into my room at sat down on my bed. I felt horrible for what I did. And for the fact that Emily was the one to have to call the ambulance for me. She had to see me bleeding out and almost die. I don't think there was anything I could ever do to make it up to her. She will forever have that memory of me in her mind.

Emily's POV:
I knew I shouldn't have opened the door for her. I knew it was going to be to hard on her. I want her to start talking about everything. She needs to know she can trust me. I love her, she's my best friend and I could not live without her. Do I love her more then a best friend? No stop that's ridiculous, and plus JJ is straight. And even if she wasn't she still doesn't see me that way.

"Okay JJ I'm done in here"

She didn't say anything back which worried me. I ran out of the bathroom and looked around the apartment. I finally looked in her room and saw her laying on her bed silently crying.

"Hey JJ, sweetheart what's wrong?"

"Nothing Em, I'm fine"

"Hunny please tell me what's going on"

"I just, I feel so bad for what I did to you"

"You haven't done anything to me JJ"

"Yes I have, I tried to kill myself and you were the one that had to find me bleeding out in the bathroom, you will forever have that memory of me like that in your mind, and I'm so sorry Em"

"JJ sweetheart, it's okay, I forgive you"

"You shouldn't forgive me, I know how much that must have terrified you, it terrified me when I found my sister like that"

"JJ please look at me, it's okay, it was scary seeing you like that but at least you're okay now, and that's all I could ever ask for"

I held JJ as she cried. I know she felt horrible for what happened and I would to if I were her. And of course walking into that bathroom again terrifies me because all I see when I look down is her lying in the floor all over again, but I can't tell her that.

"Thank you Em, for everything"

"Of course JJ, you're my best friend"

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