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Emily's POV:

I wake up a few hours later with my arms around JJ. She hasn't moved one bit. I look at the clock next to her and see it's 4pm. I slowly unwrap myself from up and get up. I slowly shut the door behind me so it won't wake her up.

She needs some food so I decide to make her something light and hopefully she will eat it.

I made some pancakes for her and I walked back to the room to wake her up.

"Hey JJ, I made some pancakes do you want some?"

"No, I just want to go back to sleep"

"Are you sure. You haven't ate anything since yesterday" I ask with worry in my voice.

"I'm sure" she says and she shuts her eyes again.

"Okay. They will be out here if you want them"


I walk back out of the room and take my normal seat on the couch. I'm really worried about her. I've never seen her like this. I know that she has had some bad days but I never thought it would get like this. She can't even get out of bed.

Maybe Garcia can help? I'll give her a text.

Emily: Hey Garcia, JJ isn't doing to well. She's having a bad day and she can't get out of bed. I don't know what to do. I was wondering if you could come over after work?

Garcia: Yeah of course I can. I should be over there in 2 hours.

Emily: Okay see you then Garcia. Thank you.

Thank god Garcia is coming over. Maybe she will know what to do. I stay on the couch while I wait for Garcia.

I get a text from Garcia saying she's here. I unlock the door for her and let her in.

"She's in the bedroom. I tried to get her up but she said she couldn't get up so I didn't force her. She just wanted to sleep so I let her. I made some food for her but she didn't want it so its waiting for her in the fridge"

"Okay. Thanks for letting me know"

Garcia and I walk into the bedroom to find JJ asleep in the same exact spot as this morning.

"Hey JJ. It's Garcia"

JJ slowly opens her eyes and she finds Garcia kneeling next to her.

"What are you doing here?" JJ asks.

"Emily said you weren't doing to well today, so I said I would come over and check up on you" Garcia said trying to make JJ not hate me for telling Garcia to come over.

"You didn't need to come over, I'm fine. Just tired" JJ says.

"JJ you haven't gotten out of bed all day, I wouldn't say that's fine. Remember how bad it got last time, we don't want that to happen again. Have you been taking your medicine?"

What medicine? JJ never told me about any medications she's on. I haven't seen her take anything while I've been here.

"No I haven't. I forgot to" JJ says truthfully.

"How many days has it been since you last took it?" Garcia asks.

"About 5 days"

She hasn't taken it since I've been back?

"You know how bad it gets when you don't take it JJ" Garcia says.

"I know, I just forgot. I had other things on my mind, my meds weren't one of them"

"Okay well let's get them and I'll tell Emily to make sure you take them regularly" Garcia says while standing up.


"Have you ate anything today. You can't take them on a empty stomach"

"No I haven't. Emily made some pancakes earlier so I could eat those I guess" JJ said.

"Okay I'll get them as well"

Garcia walks out and gets her meds as well as food. Her water is still next to the bed.

I ask her before Garcia comes back in, "Why didn't you tell me you were on meds?"

"I didn't think I needed to" JJ says truthfully while backing away from me.

"It's okay I'm not mad about it JJ. I just wish I knew so I could have told you to take them"

She nods and then Garcia walks back in.

"Okay here's your food and then here's your meds. Eat first and then take them. You still have water right next to you. I should get going now. I'll see you guys Monday" she gives us a smile before grabbing her purse and leaving.

I made sure she ate all her food before taking her meds. She can't take them on a empty stomach. And water doesn't count.

After she was done I took her plate and washed it. I came back in the room and JJ was sitting up with her legs over the floor. She notices I walked back into the room.

"I need to use the bathroom, can you help me up?" she asks.

"Yeah" I walk over to her and help her up and then help her to the bathroom. I told her to keep the door open an inch just to make sure she wasn't throwing up her food. She was fine with it.

She stumbled out of the bathroom and I caught her before her legs gave out.

"Sorry, my legs are still asleep since I haven't moved all day"

"It's okay. Do you want to go back into the bedroom or do you want to lay on the couch?" I ask.

"Couch please"


JJ and I walk over to the couch I help her on the couch and then I sit on the other side. She moves over to me and puts her head on my lap. I look down and give her a smile. She gives me one right back.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask.

"Lucifer? We still haven't finished it"

"Sure thing"

I grab the remote and put on Netflix. I stroke my fingers through her hair and I could tell it was putting her to sleep because every time I did it I could feel her relax even more into me.

I'm happy she is a little bit then before. We still have a ways to go but I'll do whatever to my have JJ back.

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