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I had a almost perfect day with Emily yesterday. It was nice to go out again with her. We are always just sitting in the apartment or back at work. I did something special for Emily today. I might have made a reservation at a very nice restaurant Emily was dying to go to. AVVINO. It's fine dining. We have a reservation at 6:30. I haven't told Emily and I don't plan to. I'll just tell her to dress nicely and that we are going somewhere.

It's only noon right now and we just finished lunch. My prescription is finally ready so Emily went to go and get it. Thank god. It's been very difficult without them. Hopefully I'll be better by tonight. I already know what I'm going to wear. I have a light blue dress with long sleeves, that I have been saving for a special occasion, with matching heels. I hope Emily still has that one red dress. She looked amazing in it. It was a long red dress and she wore black heels, and she curled her hair. She is the most beautiful girl in the world.

She gets back shortly after I pick out the dress and heels. I hide them in the closet and walk back into the kitchen. She hands me 2 of my pills and I fill a glass of water. I take them while Emily watches me. I know she is a little concerned whenever I take any pills. That is why she has all the pills in the house locked up and only she knows the code. I have to ask her whenever I want something. I don't mind it. And it is quite understandable after what has happened.

"I have a surprise for you later" I say with a smile.

"Oh yeah. What is it?"

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it. I'm not Garcia you aren't going to get me to talk that fast" I tell her.

"Okay that's fair" she says with a laugh. "You know I hate surprises, please just tell me"

"I will not. But I will tell you that you have to dress up nicely"

"How nice? On a scale from 1-10" she asks.

"Not saying. Just dress up nicely. When it's time I will blindfold you and drive you to the surprise"

"Why must you do this to me" she says dramatically.

"Stop being a baby. We have to be there by 6:30. So we are leaving at 6 because it takes a little while to get there. And if I see you take off that blindfold at all then we aren't going"

"Ugh fine" she says. I give her a smile and we walk over to the couch. "Tv show or movie?"

"You can pick"

"Horror or romantic?" She asks.

"I'm in the mood for a horror"

"Okay. Book of blood it is. I read the books the movie was based off of and it was great. Clive barker, great horror author"

We sat on the couch wrapped up in each other's arms the whole movie. I know that Emily could tell when I got uncomfortable or scared because she would start holding me tighter. The movie was over pretty soon. It was just around 2. We still had 3 hours until we had to get ready. Emily offered to start reading the first books of blood book. We got half way into the book when my alarm went off signaling we had to get ready. I quickly hopped of Emily.

"Come on, we have to get ready. We have 1 hour. Pick something nice, and I'm going to do my makeup"

"We need makeup to?" Emily whines.

"You don't need it. I do. You can do whatever you may like. But I swear if you don't put on something nice I will throw you out of the window"

"Okay Jesus. I will get dressed nicely and then I will do my makeup" she says. I smile with victory as I grab my makeup bag and walk into the bathroom.

I do my makeup in half an hour. And then I start getting dressed. Emily was already dressed up and she looked lovely. While I was getting dressed she started on her makeup. It was 5:50 when we were both done. I put the blindfold on her and led her out of the apartment to the car. I drove to the restaurant and we made it with 10 minutes to spare. Thank god we were late because knowing restaurants like this, they would give your reservation away if you were a minute late. I got out of the car and walked around to the other side. I opened the door and took Emily's hand. I helped her out and I then took the blindfold off when we were in front of the restaurant.

"Oh my god JJ. Did you get us a reservation here?" Emily asks with watery eyes.

"I did. It took some time but I was able to. I know how much you wanted to come here so I made it happen"

"Thank you so much" she wraps me into her arms and holds me tight. "This is amazing" she says.

"Of course. Now let's get in there before we lose our reservation"

We quickly walk in and get seated. It was a beautiful place. We got our menus and I asked ahead for them to give Emily a menu with the prices removed for hers.

"JJ why aren't the prices shown?" She asks.

"I don't know. Just pick whatever sounds good"

"Okay?" Soon the waiter walks by and we order. "I'll take the 8oz Filet Mignon, medium rare" she says.

"And what about you miss?" He asks. "I'll take the same, just medium"

"And what about drinks? We have some lovely cocktails? Martinis? Or wine?" He asks.

"I'll do a Tequila Mockingbird. How about you Em?"

"I'll do The East End"

"Alright I will have your drinks out in a second and the chefs will prepare your food"

"Thank you" we both say as the waiter asks away.

"Wasn't it a good surprise" I say to her.

"It was the best" she says with a smile.

We both got our drinks and I will say that they were great. We got our food and that was even better. We both had a great time with each other and we talked. Some were about what Emily did in Paris. What I did when she wasn't here. So it got a little sad near the end. But it was overall very nice.

"Here is your check" he waiter says as he puts it on the table. Emily tried to grab it but she was to slow.

"JJ give me the check" she says.

"No I'm paying"

"JJ you got the reservation and drove here, so I'm paying"

"Nope" I set my card in the check book and handed back to the waiter. He walked off.

"JJ how much was it?"

"Not saying. Cause then you will feel bad"

"So it was high" she says.

"It doesn't matter. And yes I had them cover up the prices on your menu"

"You bitch. JJ this place is expensive why couldn't you just let me pay"

"Because you have been doing all this amazing stuff to help me so I just wanted to do this as a thank you" I tell her.

"Just tell me how much it was" she says demandingly.

"Fine, if you want to act like that. It was only 125. Plus tip"

"125 for that?!"

"Yes Emily" I say calmly. "Our food was both 45 dollars, and our drinks were 17" (just saying I googled a fancy restaurant and this came up. So the food is correct as well as the drinks. The prices are almost correct except on the website it never said how much the drinks were. So I'm just estimating that they were around 17 because alcoholic drinks normally cost a bit)

"I'm paying you back, and how much was the tip?" Emily says as she pulls out her wallet.

"I payed 160 in total, and I'm not taking your money"

"I'm getting you back for this" she tells me.

"That's fine with me. Now let's go home, I'm kinda tired"

We walk out of the restaurant and I let Emily drive home. I had fallen asleep in the car and Emily carried me up. She got me into my pjs and we fall asleep next to each other, after another great day together.

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