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1 week later

"Come on Emily, we are going to be late."

"I'm coming." She yells back while rushing to the door. "Okay, I'm ready."



"You're not wearing shoes darling."

"Damn it. Again?"

I laugh while looking around for her shoes.

"Here you go darling, right under the couch."

"I hate you." She says while rolling her eyes.

"You know you love me."

"Of course I do, now let's go."

We both head down to the car and she grabs the keys from my hand.

"Seriously?!" I yell.


"You're so annoying sometimes."

We both get in the car and drive to work.


"Okay my fine furry friends, we have a case." Garcia says.

"Okays going on?" Derek says.

"There were 4 women that were found dead in upstate New York within the pass two days. 2 of them were found with a gunshot to the back of the head, and the other 2 their throats were slit." Garcia says.

"How do we know this is the same person?" Emily asks.

"All 4 women had a smiley face cut into their stomach." Garcia said while pulling up the medical examiners photos.

"That's a whole new level of weird. And with the kills being so close." Derek says.

"It doesn't look like he has a type. Two of the women were brunettes, one was blonde, and one was a redhead." Reid states.

"Wheels up in 20." Hotch says.

We all leave the room and grab our go backs. Looks like we are going to Rochester New York.


We arrived in New York around 10 am. All the families were brought in to the police department so we could speak to them and get any information. Emily and I spoke to the first two families and got nothing. Hotch and Derek talked to the other two families and again got nothing.

"It looks like these kills were of opportunity." Emily says.

"Which means we most likely won't stop until he's found." Hotch says.

The four of us walk over to Reid.

"Anything on the geological profile?" I ask.

"It looks like the kills were all over. Two of them were in Greece. One was in Spencerport. And the latest one was in Gates." Reid says.

"So the unsub chooses multiple places to kill. So we don't know a exact location." Derek points out.

"Well that could be wrong. The first two were in Greece. He could have chosen to kill there first because it's where he was most comfortable." Reid says.

"Derek and Rossi, I want you to check out the first two crime scenes in Greece. JJ and Emily check out the one in Spencerport. Reid and I will go to Gates and check out that one." Hotch says.

Emily gets the car keys and we head outside.

"So the crime scene is on West Ave." I say.

"Okay, can you pull up the directions."

"Already got them up." I says while while my phone up on the side so she can see where to go.

We arrive within 12 minutes and thankfully the crime scene is still blocked off.

"Hello agents. I'm officer Adkins, we left the scene untouched so you can take a look at whatever you please."

"I'm SSA Jareau, and this is SSA Prentiss."

"Hello, follow me." Officer Adkins says.

We both follow after him and we check the car that she was murdered in. She was one of the victims that had her throat slit open. There was blood all over the car. Which was obvious. But we didn't find anything useful. No fingerprints, no hair, no murder weapon, nothing. The car wasn't broken into so she must have rolled the window down and talked to him. He must have seemed not dangerous.

We head back to the station and only Derek and Rossi was there.

"Fine anything? We sure didn't." Emily says.

"Nope." Rossi says.

"Damn it. We should wait for Reid and Hotch and see if they found anything." I say.

Emily and I separate from the rest of the group.

"We should find a place to eat around here." Emily says.

"Yeah you do that, I'm going to go on a run."

"A run? Why?"

"I just want to blow off some steam. I'll be fine. I won't be more then 10 minutes, and I'll keep my phone on me." I say.

"Okay. When you come back I will have found a place for us to get some food."

I walk out of the station and grab my phone from the car. I start my run just around the neighborhood. Nice town. Some schools. There's a park right next to the station, I find it kind of odd but whatever.

I should probably head back now, it's been more then 10 minutes.

When I walk back in Emily looks like she is about to cry. I walk over to her. "Hey what's wrong."

We turns around me looks at me. "Oh my god! You're okay?" She pulls me into a hug.

"Yeah I'm fine. Okay darling you're holding me a bit tight."

"Oh I'm sorry. I got worried. I tried to call but you didn't answer. And then it was more than 10 minutes and I got worried."

"I'm sorry. I never heard my phone go off and I lost tract of time. So where are we getting food?" I ask.

"Let's go to this cute little diner. It's right up the street. It's called Mel's diner."

"Yeah I passed it on my run. It looks nice."

"Okay let's go." Emily says.

"We should walk there. It's not far."


We both leave the station and we head to the diner.

When we get there we get a booth instantly. We look over the menu and we both order.

We spend the time making small talk. Then our conversation moved to the case we are working on. So enough we finish our food and then we head out.

And then we hear a gun fire.

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