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It's been an hour now and still no update. Everyone is pretty tired and Derek has been pacing around the room this whole time.

"JJ you should go to the hotel and get some sleep. We will call you if we hear anything." Hotch says.

"I'm not leaving."

"JJ go to the hotel. You're exhausted." He continues.

"I'm not leaving Emily."

"JJ please go. We can't do anything expect wait. I promise we will call you if we hear anything. That wasn't a suggestion, so go."

"Fine. But please call me. I don't care what time it might be, you better call."

"I will." He says.

I slowly get out of my chair and I start walking out of the hospital. Since I didn't drive here I got a Uber to bring me to the hotel. I didn't have to wait for long before a women picked me up, and brought me back to the hotel.

I walked through the door to my room and took off my shoes. I walk to the beds and grabbed my go bag. I took out some clothes and took them with me to the bathroom. I undressed and started the water in the shower.

I finished my shower quickly and got dressed. I walked back into the main area of the room at sat on my bed and stared at the wall.

'Fucking hell Jennifer, you're the reason she got shot.'

"Shut up." I whisper to myself.

'If she dies it's all on you. It's your fault. It should have been you.'

"Don't you think I know that!" I yell.

I hop off the bed and grab the comforter off the bed and throw it to the ground. I do the same to the other bed. I grab the pillows and throw them as hard as i can against the wall.

'Everyone knows this is your fault. Everyone blames you.'

I grab one of the glasses that were in the kitchen area are throw it against the floor. I watch it shatter into a hundred little pieces. I grab two more and throw them against the floor as well. They shatter all around me. I try to walk over the glass but I get some in my foot. Maybe three or four pieces? I move on without thinking. I throw the tv to the floor.

'You are such a fuck up, and now Emily is the one paying for your mistakes.'

"Shut up!" I yell while falling to the floor. I bury my head in my knees and I start sobbing. "This is all my fault."

I sit on the floor hugging myself for 15 minutes trying to calm down. My sobs have turned to nothing but sniffles and a few stray tears.

"I should get this glass out of my foot and sweep that up." I say to myself.

I slowly stand up, pain now setting in. I slowly make my way to my go bag and find some tweezers, then I head to the bathroom for better light.

I sit down on the closed toilet seat and prop my foot up on my knee so I can get this glass out. After a few minutes and some blood on the floor I got all the glass out. I throw the glass in the garbage and I walk over to the closet and grab a broom. I walk back into the kitchen and I sweep up all the glass. After making sure I got it all I throw it in the garbage and clean up a bit.

"I am definitely going to have to pay for that tv, and those glasses." I say.

After cleaning up the room a bit, I put my phone on the charger and I finally lay down in bed.


I wake up with my phone ringing next to me. I slowly sit up and look at my phone. It's Hotch.

My brain finally registers why he is calling so I quickly grab my phone and answer it.

"Hotch what's up?" I say with concern evident in my voice.

"She's out of surgery. They were able to stop the bleeding. She's sleeping for now but she's okay."

"Oh thank god. I'll be there soon."

I quickly get out of bed and grab some clothes. I change into the clean clothes as fast as I can and throw on my shoes, after that I grab the keys to the car. I didn't feel like waiting for the elevator so I ran down two flights of stairs and out of the building to the car.

I know she isn't awake but I want to be there when she does get up. I drive as fast as I can (in the legal limit, okay maybe a little above the legal limit but can you blame me).

I get to the hospital and I rush into the waiting room. I find Hotch and the rest of the team there.

"Where is she?" I ask out of breath.

"Room 133. Only family or emergency contacts are allowed in." Hotch says.

I walk over to the reception desk.

"Can I ask who is Emily Prentiss's emergency contact is?" I say.

"Yes, one moment." She looks something up on her computer. "That would be Jennifer Jareau. Is that you?"

"Yes it is. Can I go see her?"

"Yes you can she is in room 133." She says pointing to the left.

"Thank you." I say while heading off to find her room.

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