Final DLC: Stages F-1

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Basement floor one

The big door opens after all four key cards are installed into the key slots.

Three adult players and four students enters the dark stairways to the floor where they got to the bottom the room lit up with torches.

Rachel Rhythm: Diana turn on your commande chair see what we can find.

Diana Calculus turn on her Command chair and scans the layout

Diana Calculus: Ok we are in what seem to be a signal room but am picking up two enemy readings down there so who's going to go first?

Each member pull out a D20 to see who going first.

Lois Newspress roll a six

Roy Rom roll a 10

Terrence Silicon roll a 12

Noan K roll a 18

Andrew Mainframer roll a 11

Noan K go first

Noan K enter the field and see to that she thinks all robots that look like Orcs.

Noan K: Hey Diana got two Orc robots here any ideas of action? Wait I think I'll burn them to a crisp.

Carlos K: You always start with a fire attack.

N.K: Hey it the best I can start with.

Oliver WordPress: Well me and Mr. Mainframer are coming in as Backup.

N.K: Ok but the fun will almost be over by then.

Noan K shoot out a fireball from her mouth hit the second Orc bot to dealt 58 points of damage to it.

First Org make the next move and Andrew Mainframer fire a paralyzing round and paralyze it on the spot.

Oliver WordPress fire a charge shot and took it out.

Noan K fire another fire ball at the last Org but and then it fell hard.

B1 cleared

Noan K ex 27

Andrew Mainframer ex 57

Oliver WordPress ex72


Lois Newspress:Look like their tunnel on this floor it seems like you're going into a blind fight here.

Oliver WordPress: Ok everyone take a tunnel.

Roy Rom take tunnel one

Terrence Silicon take tunnel two

Lois Newspress take tunnel three

Rachel rhythm take tunnel four

Diana Calculus send a gunner drone with one tunnel lift Mr. WordPress Mr Mainframer and Ms. K roll D20 to see who go in.

Mr WordPress roll a 19

Mr Mainframer roll a 7

Noan K roll a 10

Mr. WordPress take tunnel six.

W.P: Ok everyone stay in touch report in on what you may find.

D:Oh Ms. Rhythm I made something to help you with your sound based powers.

Diana Calculus gave Rachel Rhythm a stuff with a mic on it tip.

R. Rh: Oh thank but what dise it do?

D:Well if you sent the sound blast into the mic it will make it stronger.

R.Rh: Any side effects?

D: well using it too much would make your voice sound like a 30 to 40 year old talk radio show.

WP: Ok everyone in position.


Each player will take turns rolling the dice to whoever Regis the switch at the end of a tunnel gets 50 experience points but watch out for lose a turn traps and enemy spaces on the floor.

To make a long game short Rachel rhythm win the floor with four D20 roll.


The group have enter the fourth basement and find something portraits.

Oliver WordPress: Some interesting portraits they got here.

Andrew Mainframer:Well these are the champions of the main system in the MML Uprising a time where 90% of the MMO games went Mavericks on the users that are playing them.

Terrence Silicon: that's where my folks met in one Med tent as my dad survive the Massive Attack led by Carlo ROM.

O:Say Terrence why did the 90% went Maverick?

T:No one really know why or it really of it of their own will from the user's perspective.

A: it doesn't matter if it's programming error or not they went Maverick.

O: what does that make Roy?

A: Roy and I'll respect is a special case he does not act specific errors nor other factors that can make anyone go Maverick.

Roy Rom:You Two know am here.

O: well what you did on gaming day was an active your own free will and the main system blow it out of proportion.

Lois Newspress: that instant will be in the main system record for study to see what he thinks went wrong.

T: It only matter of time he find out I had a part in all of it.

O: Well from what I heard the cause of it is one he got distracted distracting the third bounce and had the event set on a stormy day.

A: I have to estimated storm clouds coming out of nowhere and who knows what did to the main system.

T: well after that incident I went to the Mason Town to see my dad and he was holding me accountable if Roy does something over the top.

Diana Calculus: Now their one thing I find bothersome in all of this calling Roy a Maverick the word means someone that acts differently from the other that doesn't mean it makes that person bad.

O:Well Ms Calculus it a analogy from a game system that I know about it's a long story.

D: Well that not enough to make me think he went bad.

R:Well I made my choice and I'm sticking to it and I am going down the past that I have chosing.

O:We Will honor that choice.

T: well you did put up a good fight to make your point.

D: well it's better then give me up your soul to the main system.

T: my dad is not an oppressor type like everyone thinks he is his power is only limited to drones and those are willing to join the main system.

D:I know our dads had once went to this school but that's what the general public thinks.

O: that's something of Interest.

A:Well Oliver the school had a low and tendency record because of a high delete risk factor.

O:And it lead to having user students.

A: Well 65% are user not must we can do about it.

O:We can't maybe our students can.


T: Well I am the Next main system so I can try and do something about it.

R:One can hope Terrence.

Noan K: Well that I have to see to believe.

O: Well would like to see Terrence change the status quo.

R:Well I did save his life so anything can be possible for him.

D: I'll be by his side if no one will.

Lois Newspress: Marvin Piezone your best friend he will go wherever you go and I will join to document your exploits.

R:Well Mr WordPress you really are a insurgent

A:That my quite the influencer.

T: the Headmaster must have been wise to hire you.

A:Oh you don't know the half of it.

D:Hey I think I found the way to the next floor but it need handprint from the main systems family.

T:Guedt I have to put my head on some lock and hope it not a bear trap.

O:Oh they are so ment for each other.

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