chapter 27:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Riggs dark guilmon & tenka on their way to a fight scene. Takato wakes kotori up she looks up at him guilmon & yoshino here.

Yoshino: we have a situation. Mio told me to teleport you 3 there

Efreet nodded yoshino teleports them to the area instead of riding a bike there. Tenka yuzuru kaguya natsumi here first. Tenka riggs & dark guilmon arrived.

Riggs: a stadium

Tenka: why is there so much fog?

Natsumi: that Vajramon guy set it up. Here they are

Rika Terriermon & henry arrived. Then yoshino takato kotori & guilmon arrived by teleportation.

Tenka pov:

We head in there. Tohka & shido are still asleep at their asleep at their house. Renamon & Vajramon still talking.

Vajramon: digimon. Were created by humans. Now we surpassed them all. We have a digimon master unlike humans will deserted us

Renamon: but humans have not deserted us

Vajramon: you're not talking about those puny children & their spirit friends who treated you like pets. We were made to rule this world

Renamon: the spirits since you mentioned. How do they fit in this whole thing. What do you think about them?. They possessed more power than digimon, They once caused spacequakes long ago

Vajramon: i admit their power is beyond anything we as digimon ever imagine. If only they could work with us see humans are nothing but trash. But they oppose a serious threat than humans. Same for the 2 individuals

Renamon: oh?. & who are these two individuals?

Vajramon: riggs fivecoat. Former marine/legendary one punch hero. And a inverse spirit. Different than other inverses devil queen herself. Tenka yatogami

Renamon: you are very wrong spirits

Henry: so that's what their up to

Kotori: he thinks so highly of himself

Tenka: indeed. I guess i have " fans "

Calumon arrived!?.

Renamon: calumon?

Tenka: oh no! 😰

Riggs: tenka Don't

Calumon: watcha doing?. Can I watch?

Renamon: you shouldn't be here

Calumon: aww why not

Vajramon: another pet digimon

Calumon: hello new friend. Can i ride on you're back?

He stomps him he rans away. I dashed & punched him.


Renamon: TENKA!?

Calumon: hey tenka

Tenka: * i picked him up * do you realize he was going to harm you

Takato: riggs san!

Riggs: lets do it

Kotori: girls tranaform!

Both growlmons got taken out tenka & Vajramon go sword play battle. Tenka isn't holding back as she slices his swords kotori fire her cannon natsumi copied her power.


Suddenly they heard someone singing Vajramon got sent flying into bleachers.

Yuzuru: wait that voice its

Miku is here.

Takato pov:

That's miku izayoi!?.

Tenka: diva

Miku: recently gotten married to donnie johnson & went on a honey moon. I heard eveything what he said

Vajramon: why you fight along side humans for what they did to you?

Miku: long ago i used to. Shido changed so did donnie. I love donnie. Something you don't understand about love

Kyubimon: diva devil queen let me handle this. Its my fight same goes for everyone

Riggs: fine. Growlmon stand down

Takato: you too Growlmon

Miku took a glanced at me.

Author pov:

Kyubimon digivolve further into taomon.

Natsumi: woah!

Tenka: impressive

Kaguya: i can sense her power ain't that right sis

Yuzuru: affirmative

Kotori: got get him taomon & rika

Rika: Don't have to tell me twice

Taomon vaporized him. Miku meets takato.

Miku: nice to meet you * bowed * takato san. You probably see me before when hypnose use that weapon at their building. Kotori told me alot about you

Takato: i heard of you before. I still listen to you're songs

Miku: aww how nice. Aren't you cutie

He's taken back. Kotori didn't get mad knowing she's complimenting.

Kaguya: have to admit kiddo you got spark. I'm yamai kaguya yuzuru's twin sisfer

Natsumi: nice to meet you as well kid. You looked very cute. Cute enough to eat

Growlmon: dafouq?


Henry: AYO!

Terriermon: wow

Yoshino: i see nothing. I hear nothing

Kotori blushed red her body steaming with embarrassment.

Takato: going home. You spirits so lewd

Tenka: (chuckled) come on calumon


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