chapter 5:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Takato: i saw her in my dream

Kotori: what!?

Rika: not interested in him itsuka san. He's your boyfriend

Kotori: i know that

Rika: so lets see what you got

Kotori: you belittling others you think guilmon is ready to fight. I will burn renamon into cinders

Riggs: we gotta watch the skies for any AST

Tenka: i Don't think there not interest in this squabble

Kotori & renamon started fighting.

she swung her fire halbered renamon jumped & fire her attack. Kotori raised her hand up blocked it with her fire barrier.

(1:07 - 1:09 only)

Kotori appeared & kicked renamon to the ground. Takato gets worried because he can tell kotori is getting little too far. Kotori got insane.

Tenka: I KNEW IT




Dark guilmon: CALM DOWN

Riggs pov:

Takato ran tackled kotori from. Guilmon bit her arm that she holds her cannon.

Kotori: OUCH

She came back to her senses. Renamon being ordered to attack again. Until henry & Terriermon came & stop the fight.

Kotori: takato kun i'm sorry

She passed out takato hold her. Tenka walked by & stop.

Tenka: rika & renamon. Get outta here before i obliterated to the other side of the world

Timeskip author pov:

Guilmon is taken to the fraxinus. Kotori is still passed out takato had to piggyback ride her. He came home bakery store still opens. His mother & jeri saw him & his new girlfriend kotori.

Takato's mother: (gasped) its itsuka san!?.

Jeri: she okay?

Takato: she's okay just got in a fight a bit

Jeri whispered: i didn't tell her about ditching school

Takato whispered: thank you

Takato's mother: her adoptive older brother & his girlfriend tohka came by to look for her. She can sleep in your room but keep it appropriate

Takato: i will mom thanks

He walks in his room his mother already set up a futon for kotori. He sat down the fire spirit & put a blanket she moaned i delight smile on her face.

Her phone ranged takato takes it & answers the call for her.

Takato: hello?

Shido: " uhh who's is this? "

Takato: its matsuki takato

Shido: " oh your the person who lives at the bakery shop. Tohka loves their kinako bread. I'm itsuka shido kotori's adoptive brother. Nice to meet you. Thanks for looking after kotori. Is she okay? "

Takato: she's fine. I don't get it she went wild almost set renamon on fire

On the other line tohka heard that. She had a few runs in with her & rika.

Tohka thought: that girl is trouble

Shido hangs up

Shido: where you going?

Tohka: to meet up with origami. Its a truce


She arrived with tenka. Origami & other AST are here with another spirit name yoshino & her puppet yoshinon.

Origami: where no longer hunting down spirits. Yoshino go with them

Yoshino: okay thank you

Tohka: that's like betraying your own

Tenka: sister its more than that. Its the digimon that is crossovering from the digital world?

Mana: hai it is. Its a breach of national security & a threat. Its a rika & renamon's is to counter such threats

Origami: i been a spirit myself this whole time. Mio revealed to me that i was the one that killed my parents. Something that will haunt till the day i die. She & kurumi san revealed it to me

Tohka: wait did you say-

" ara ara "

Kurumi came walked beside her.

kurumi is here.

Kurumi: change of events. Inverse who turns out to be the actual tohka riggs giving her tenka as her name

Tohka: question?. Why didn't you go after shido my boyfriend?

Kurumi: already have a boyfriend. He doesn't go to school

Tenka: like Riggs darling

Kurumi: but he's facing a sickness..... from flying so much. Anyways. Ast won't be targeting us anymore. Its getting late

Tenka can tell the sadness in her eyes slightly. Then she noticed jacket she's wearing is a red dog symbol. She remember seeing something like that before.

Kurumi: this is my spare jacket my boyfriend gave to me before he retired. Black raptor you saw is his

She remember she & riggs ran past it.

" He'll get throught it kurumi "

" arigato tenka. You do care despite your coldness. Don't let riggs suffered like lex kun suffered "

Tenka flustered a bit now determination. She'll make sure he Don't suffered like this guy suffered.


Kotori wakes up she takes takato aboard the fraxinus. Shido got pounced by guilmon he sees his friend he pounces on him.

Shido: kotori are you okay?

Kotori: i'm fine shido

Tohka: there's no data on this fellow

Takato: i guess you already fed

Reine: he ate almost hour food

Shido: so your matsuki takato

Takato: hai. You look tall * bowed * its a pleasure to meet you

Shido: * bowed * thanks for looking for looking after my foster sister

Kotori: i need to talk to takato. Alone with guilmon


Takato: so AST are allies now because of other digimon threats

Kotori: i will help you get stronger

Takato: thank you your the best. So this is your invisible ship?

Kotori: hai. Its getting late i'll take you home

Kurumi watches rika & renamon talking to each other. She knew this will happen.

" best tamer will be your undoing little one "

Kurumi thought.

To be continued:

Felt like releasing another chapter.


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