Chapter 9

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The Plan is Revealed#9

Still inside Heaven Forest Max So we know that Xedra can use Flame Stream, Tail Tornado, Diamond Rage and Healing Rub. Berry OKwhats that got do with anything? Max So, we know that she is able to use three attack spells and one supporter spell. Hey Xedra. Xedra Zee? Max Do you know more spells? Xedra Ra, zed! Xedra nods her head Rolcer I feel kind of weird calling her Xedra because thats what Dimemon she is and we call each other by our first names. Berry Your right Rolcer we should give her a name. Lets seewhat about Abi? Max Is that ok Xedra? Xedra Zed. Xedra shakes her head Ty Hmm, what aboutSal? Xedra Zee! Xedra shakes her head again Rolcer What aboutDiana? Max I like it, do you Xedra? Xedra Zed, Dra! Xedra jumps and twirls around on Maxs shoulder Max Diana it is then. Berry I really hope we dont side tracked by any little adventures while were on our way to find Trusol. Ty Hang on. How do we even know that Trusol will be up north? Rolcer Because its the only place we havent been yet. Ty Yeah but if hes already finished taking care of the north than hell come down to the west. Max Well just see when we get there. Ty Since when are you the risk taking type? Max Dunno. Ive justchanged as soon as we met Rolcer. Rolcer Gee, thanks Max, blaming me for your personality change. Max Im glad that we did bump into you otherwise Id still be the same old Molch before this crazy adventure began. Hey, Rolcer? Rolcer What? Max Do you know what Juros plan was back at the Manor. Rolcer Dont have a clue but Im betting that whatever it is, itll end in disaster for everyone. Ty Hey Max, when are going to get out of here? Max Only a few more meters. Berry Diana. Why are you so quiet? Diana Zed. Max Maybe theres something close by that Diana doesnt like or is afraid of. Rolcer But shes an Ancient Dimemon how can she be afraid of another Dimemon other than huge evil ones than Trusol? Max Hey Diana, is there something close by that youre afraid of? Diana Zed, zee. Diana nods her head Max Wonder what is? Berry Lets just keep an eye out for something or someone that might get in our way. Max, Ty & Rolcer Right. A little while later still inside Heaven Forest Ty I thought you said a few meters. Max HmmI did. Maybe we took a wrong turn. Rolcer But weve been walking straight this whole time. Ty Maybe its an Illusion. Berry, can Illusion make a fake reality? Berry Of course it can stupid. What do you think Illusion means? But who ever created this Illusion must be powerful and big. Max Diana can you attack one those trees ahead in front of us. Diana Dra! The group stop walking and Diana jumps off Maxs shoulder and spins into the tree making everything around the group disappear revealing a large, stone wall room Berry Where are we? Stranger Well done on working out my Illusion. The group face forward and turn around to see the stranger that was behind them Max Who are you!? Diana runs back to the group and climbs onto Maxs shoulder Stranger Im Mawk, Mawk Glagonra. Rolcer A Glagonra? Does that mean you know Forn? Mawk You can say that we have a certainconnection between us but thats beside the point. I need you to do something for me. Max And what makes you think that we would help someone who lead us intowhat is this place? Mawk Its my slaughter room, where all who have betrayed or refused me, havepassed away. Just observe. Mawk holds out his hand to the groups right and the group turn their heads to their right Max Are those Mawk Molch bones? Why yes they are. Ive encounted several Molches during my days. The group turn their heads back to Mawk and Mawk walks up to Rolcer until his snout touches Rolcers nose Mawk But Ive never seen a Woofiyut in person before, until now. Rolcer I assure you that you wouldnt have wanted to meet Woofiyuts before now. Mawk walks back to where he was standing before Mawk Ill tell you what. If you bring back a Mooval Ruby here to me by sunset tonight then Ill set you free and give you three Awaken Crystals. But if you escape during your search for the Ruby then no matter where you go Ill find you and well, I can get a littleaggressive. Max Fine. Well take your little scavenger hunt but once we bring the Ruby back to you then you will not any more Dimemon from that point on, deal? Mawk MmDeal. Ty Do you have a silly little riddle onto where the Ruby might be? Mawk In fact I do. Berry Well lets hear it then. Mawk Hunt through the town that you now see, to bring me back that red Ruby. Its not up or down but its left or right for where its hidden is too bright. You must go and find that gem, if you want your sweet freedom. Mawk claps is talons twice and a door appears on the wall behind the group Mawk Now go. The group turns around and open the door and race through the doorway into the outside Outside Mawks building Berry Wow. This place is trashed. Max Smells like ash and smoke. Ty Weve got to find that Ruby before sunset. What was the first line of the riddle? Rolcer I think it washunt through the town that you now see, and bring me back that red Ruby. Ty So its in the town somewhere. Whats the next line? Berry It wasIts not up or down but its left or right for where its hidden is too bright. Max So that must mean it cant be in front or behind us but its left or right. Rolcer The second part of the second line rhymes with right so the Ruby must be somewhere over to our right. Ty Well it the only option we have. Max Lets go. The group pace towards their right which has smashed building and little fires burning on piles of dust and dirt The right side of the ruined town Ty Looks like this place is called Dragoco Town. Berry And you know that how? Ty Maps. Ty puts his phone away Rolcer Where do you suppose the Ruby is when the riddle saysfor where its hidden is too bright, because its all ash and smoke around here. Max What if the smoke is just a cover-up for where the Ruby is hidden. Diana, do your thing. Diana jumps off Maxs shoulder and spins in the centre of the cloud of smoke and the smoke drifts away Max Great job. Diana jumps back onto Maxs shoulder Diana Zee! Berry Hey look its awell? Ty Im guessing the Ruby is down there. Rolcer But how is a well too bright? Max Maybe when the Sun shines directly above the well the water reflects the light bouncing off the walls making the inside of the well super bright. Berry But the Sun has already passed and its getting closer to the horizon. Max Diana. Diana Xedra. Diana leaps down onto the rim of the well and a white, glowing beam shoots down the well Berry Did it work? Diana leaps back onto Maxs shoulder and a beam of light shoots out from the wells opening Max I think it did. The beam of light disappears and the group lean over the well Ty Whats that in the water? Ty reaches into the water and pulls out a shiny red rock Rolcer Its the Mooval Ruby! Berry Yay we found it! Now to get back to Mawk. Max No. Obviously Mawk going to do something terrible with it so weve got to keep it and make sure Mawk doesnt touch it ever. Ty Max is right weve got to Mawk swoops down to the group and snatches the Ruby and hovers above the group Mawk Thanks for the Ruby, bye!! Mawk flys away with the Ruby Berry Oh no, Mawk has the Ruby weve got to get it back. Ty Theres no use hes long gone by now. Max Our first priority is to defeat Trusol to stop this madness. Rolcer But what if Mawk is working with Trusol to take over these regions? Max Than if we defeat Trusol than Mawk will have no reason to try any more evil stunts. Ty Lets go. Grrrrr Berry What was that? Rolcer Sorry, its my stomach we havent eaten in a while. Ty Now that you mention it Im feeling a bit hungry too. Max I think I saw some dimebuns back where we met Mawk. Inside Mawks slaughter room Rolcer Mmthat was tasty. Whats this? Rolcer picks up rolled-up sheet of A3 paper and pins it to the wall with a nearby knife Rolcer Hey guys come check this out. The rest of the group walk over to Rolcer and stops beside him in front of the A3 paper Max Operation Domination. Ty What? Max Thats what it says on the paper. Berry For Operation Domination to be successful three items will need to be assembled in order to create something more powerful than any Dimemon ever existed. Ty Huh? Berry Cmon dont you read. Thats what it says on the paper. Ty Fine, my turn to read hmmthe three items required for this mission are a machine that uses a nuclear battery, the Mooval Ruby and the rarest substance ever created, the Dimension Chip. The group walks over to the nearby table and sits down on the wooden chairs Berry A machine that uses a nuclear battery. Max That must be Juros spider-bot back at the Manor. Rolcer Right and Mawk flew off with the Mooval Ruby. Ty But we have the Dimension Chip. Max So who-ever is a part of this operation will be looking for us. Berry We know that Trusol is involved in this and Mawk as well. Rolcer Juro must be part of this. This is probably what the plan he mentioned back at the Manor was. Ty But Dween threw the spider-bot into the fireplace. Berry Yes but nuclear energy cant be destroyed by a measly fire and because that spider-bot is most likely powered by a nuclear battery it would still be working and that must be why Juro wasnt outside the Manor when we were leaving because he mustve gone back to the fireplace to retrieve it. Max Were still safe as long as we have the Dimension chip in our possession. Ty What do you think it means bycreate something more powerful than any Dimemon ever existed? Because isnt the most powerful Dimemon the one who defeats Trusol. Max Not unless that it means something that has never existednot yet at least. Rolcer So youre saying that the thing that could destroy us all isnt from this world. Max More like it isnt from ourDimension. Ty What do you mean, our Dimension? Berry Scientists have been theorizing that our existence is just a small part of space and time itself. It is believed that what we live in now is whats known as Dimension Seven. There are twelve Dimensions so we have discovered. Each Dimension has asort of buddy, each pair of Dimensions adding up to thirteen. For example Dimension One and Twelve add to thirteen so they are buddies. Rolcer So because we live in Dimension Seven our Dimension buddy is Dimension Six. Berry Exactly. And each pair of Dimensions has a special bond between them. Max So youre suggesting that Operation Domination will try and contact someone in Dimension Six to help them take control of this reality. Berry Right. Rolcer We cant let that happen. Ty Yeah, we cant let Trusol and the others get a hold of all three items otherwise its the end as we know it. Max Well then what are we waiting for lets find the other two items, destroy them and defeat Trusol. Berry, Ty & Rolcer Right.

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