Vampires bite

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     Dipper Pines was walking down the dirt path in the woods looking for vampires. The journal didn't really have much on vampires and he was determined to find out more. His twin sister asked for him to bring one back a totally hot one she asked.

He rolled his eyes at the thought of his 18 year old sister dating a vampire or any supernatural creature at that. He kept on walking thinking of a plan for when he does see one or run into one. He was not getting bit by one of these blood suckers. He was running through plans in his head if he did get spotted by one.

When he tripped on a rock and scraped his hand on the dirt path and cut his hand. It was bleeding a little not bad but enough that he should be a little concerned. He sucks on the bite to clean it out then spits out the blood. It may not be as good as disinfectant but he didn't bring a first aid kit so he would have to live with it.

Dipper heard a rustling of a bush, he turned his head to see a figure come out of them. He was tall and skinny, with golden hair and two golden eyes, black and yellow suit, plus a bow tie and a top hat to top it all off. When he met the mans gaze his eyes turned red and he licked his lips at the sight of his blood. Dipper started to slowly back away he was not expecting to actually meet one this close!!!!!

" Well what do we have here kid?" The vampire purrs.

     Dipper carefully starts to stand and back away from him. He did not like the look this vampire was giving him it was down right predatory. He backed into a tree, but before he could go any farther the vampire put his hands on either side of his head to keep him in place.

" Well aren't you rude I don't even get to know your name Pine Tree" he said.

   Dipper furrowed his eyebrows together was he calling him Pine Tree because of his hat or the fact that he is trapped by a pine tree?

" W-who are you" Dipper stuttered.

" Bill Cipher " Bill says with a smile.

"How about you come with me your blood smells like dinner" Bill purrs.

    Dipper panics and did the first thing that came to mind. He kicked Bill where the sun don't shine and just started running right now he didn't care if he would get lost he just wanted to get away from Bill. He could tell he was hot on his trail, he made a hard right and spotted a big tree. With out thinking he climbed the tree just in time to see Bill at the base of the tree looking for him.

"Where did you go Pine Tree!" Shouts.

  He pauses and smells the air. Dipper froze he forgot he was bleeding. He could punch himself for his stupidness. The vampire looked up and smirked at the poor teenager.

" There you are" he coos.

   When Bill started climbing the tree Dipper climbed higher he knew it was a bad idea but it was better than Bill at the moment. When he got close to the top the branch he was on snapped. He fell at an alarming speed be closed his eyes awaiting pain. But it didn't come when he opened his eyes he was in Bill's arms.

"Put me down" Dipper protested.

"I just saved your life I think I deserve a reward" Bill stated.

     With out hesitation Bill sank his fangs into Dipper's neck, Bill moaned at the taste of Dipper's blood. Dipper gasped and weakly tried to get Bill off him. He was loosing strength fast and he was getting sleepy. Altogether her stopped struggling on account he could barley move. His eyes were starting to close. But before they could them completely he heard Bill say.

"Your mine kid, you will never escape, hide, or run from me I own you for all eternity" Bill laughed as his little Pine Tree fall unconscious and when he would wake he would never leave Bill for as he would be his own little fledgling and his blood supply for all eternity.

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