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"Are you ready for this?" Taehyung asks as he stares into Lyla's wide eyes, caressing the back of her hands with his thumbs as he holds onto them gently.

Her heart pounded furiously in her chest, her thoughts overcrowding one another with worries about if they were about to do the right thing or a stupid thing. Or maybe the stupid thing was the right thing. It sounded like a speedway of words rambling in her mind. The room around her seemed to blur and the only thing she could focus on was Tae and his unworldly handsome face that was desperately trying to not seem as anxious as he truly felt.

Her jaw slightly trembled as she opened her mouth to speak, "It would come out eventually anyway, right? The truth may as well come from us. But, Tae, I'm still nervous as hell."

"Can I be honest?" he questions in almost a whisper.

Lyla's eyes bounce between his, noticing his breathing starting to become unsteady. "Of course, you can."

"I've been trying to be so calm with everything. Tried my best to remain resilient when you left. I tried to not worry about any of this going public and acted as aloof as I could be, but it's really weighing down on me. I'm confident in the relationship we've built, but I'm also afraid of the repercussions. But more than anything, I'm ready to stop hiding."

"You are?" she asks.

Nodding his head, Tae squeezes her hands. "I am."

"We're ready," the journalist announces as he peeks out from the door.

Tae's eyes widen a bit, looking much less confident than he ever had since Lyla has personally known him. The world around her started to slow down as he turned to head inside where Jimin was already seated, immediately going into his professional alter ego as if he didn't just admit his reservations. The assortment of staff all passed by her while she remained planted in her spot, watching life as she knew it change before her eyes. Once again.

Jungkook walked up to her, his brow knitted tightly as he saw her perturbed expression. Waving for the people behind him to continue on without him, he stopped in front of her, waiting for them to have a moment alone before speaking.

"What's going on, princess?" he ponders, tucking her hair behind her ear and comfortingly grazing her jaw with his thumb.

Her rounded eyes glance up at him as he commanded her attention to him. "It's just all becoming so real. How are you not worried?"

"What have I always told you?" His tone was soft as if he was comforting a scared child, but her thoughts hadn't had enough time to quiet down to be able to confidently answer his question so she shook her head instead. "I've got you. I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you. Ever. We're in this together, Lyla. Me and you. You and the guys. All of us. Forever."

Nodding, she takes a deep breath, doing her best to collect herself. "You've got me."

"I've got you, princess."

Smiling down at her, he cups her cheeks and places three slow and tender kisses on her forehead that made her feel grounded again. As he looked back down at her, the slight ringing in her ears faded away and the tunnel vision cleared as she peered into his eyes.

"I am worried about the outcome. I can't even lie and pretend I'm not," he admits, keeping her gaze locked with his. "But I would go to hell and back for you and then do it all over again."

"JK," Hoseok softly announces as he peered into the hallway. "We need to start."

The guitarist's eyes never left hers for even a second. "Talk to me, baby."

"I'm okay," she responds, knowing what he was needing her to reply. Searching her eyes for any ounce of hesitation, he slightly squats to get even to her level. "I'm okay, I promise," she reconfirmed.

"Let's get this over with." Smiling at her, he takes her hand, escorting her into the room where instead of the usual three chairs set up for interviews, there were four.

It wasn't hard to notice the staff curiously and somewhat judgmentally eyeing Jungkook and Lyla's locked hands or how he lovingly sat her in between Taehyung and him on the plush seats.

A woman walked up to Lyla with a small makeup brush, perfecting any blemishes before the camera started recording their interview while another used a comb and some hair spray to fix her flyaways. Not being used to this sort of treatment, she uses the moment to try to really zone in and calm herself, refusing to let the media or the public see her as anything less than confident. Smiling once they both finish as a silent way to show gratitude, Lyla crosses her legs and allows one of the staff to add a small microphone to the collar of her baby blue sweater.

"Are we ready to get started?" the interviewer asks as they sit down in the seat across from us next to the large camera.

The chatter around the studio buzzes as everyone confirms they're good to go, including the band. Lyla simply put on her best smile and nodded her head.

The producer held up three fingers, counting down until the red light turned on, signaling that recording has begun.

"Welcome Dirty Deeds and the infamous girlfriend, Lyla. We appreciate you coming in for this exclusive interview today," the journalist cheerfully says and everyone nods and gives their thanks for having them. "Let's start this off with what's new. How is the arena tour going? This is a big step for the band."

"Yes, it is," Taehyung proudly states as he leans forward, casually putting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together. "Although we've had some bumps in the road and butted heads a couple times over creative differences, it's been good! We've come a long way from bars and parking lots and we couldn't be more proud or appreciative of our fans for giving us the opportunity."

"Any issues you're facing with the change in this tour versus the last one?"

Jimin adjusts in his seat, "I know it might sound weird but I miss the tour bus. Flying definitely gets us to the destination quicker but that bus has been our second home for years."

"Yeah, for sure," Jungkook agrees with a nod of his head. "The schedules in general have been a bit more chaotic, but it's worth it to play bigger gigs for more fans to enjoy. Who knows what the future may bring?"

The interview continued with more questions about their music and new projects that they may be working on behind the scenes, but with every passing question, Lyla worried that the next one may be targeted at her. Shifting in her seat, Taehyung sensed her unease and took hold of her hand while JK followed shortly after by simply looking in her direction. His eyes showed his concern, but he didn't want to do anything that may make the situation worse for her.

"Lyla," Jimin called out to her from his seat, disregarding the fact that the interviewer was getting ready to ask another question. "Do we need to take a break? Are you okay, angel?"

Shaking her head, she took a deep breath and looked at each one of them. "I'm fine."

"Are you?" JK wondered out loud.

Nodding, she squeezed Taehyung's hand and to the guitarist's surprise, took hold of Jungkook's hand as well.

The interviewer notices the action, giving the band and Lyla space to work it out before continuing. "So, on to the buzz around the band lately. Lyla, there has been speculation that you allegedly cheated on Taehyung with Jungkook. Was that true?"

"No. I never cheated on Taehyung," she responds confidently.

The man's brow knits. "So you and Taehyung were broken up during the time you and Jungkook were caught kissing in the alleyway?"

"No, we weren't broken up," Taehyung answers instead.

"I'm confused. If you weren't broken up, but you were seen kissing Jungkook... then..."

Jimin rolls his eyes. "We never felt like any of this was anyone's business but here we fucking are."

Taking a deep breath, Lyla builds up the courage to just spit it out. "I'm dating Taehyung, but I'm also dating Jungkook... and Jimin."

The gasps from the staff, although quiet, were definitely heard.

"A poly relationship? Are the guys dating each other as well?"

"The fuck? No," Jimin states as he scrunches up his face. "We're with her. I'm not dating them."

"We never really cared about the label. What works for us isn't for everyone and it's not to be understood by everyone either. We're just tired of hiding and people accusing Lyla and me of being sneaky when we weren't. Taehyung knew what was up. She never dated only one of us," Jungkook explains in more detail, slightly squeezing Lyla's hand.

Taehyung kisses Lyla's knuckles with the hand he was holding. "We're not admitting this to get people's approval because it's honestly not needed, but lying and sneaking around wasn't right. I love Lyla. Jungkook and Jimin love her, too. And without a doubt in this world, she loves us all so damn much. So there you have it, the truth, the inside scoop, the tea you all really wanted. Happy?"

The room goes silent, soaking in everything that the band and Lyla just openly admitted to. The interviewer looks a tad guilty for some reason. As if he knew he also had been prying a bit too deeply into their private, not-so-private, lives.

Clearing his throat, the man looks back at Lyla. "Aren't you scared of what the fans or public may say or do? They can be quite jealous and possessive."

Her eyes immediately scan the room, landing on a brown pair that belong to the man who she knew would help her with a question such as this. Smirking, Yoongi slowly shakes his head and mouths the words "No you're not."

"No, I'm not." Looking at Taehyung's side profile, she grins remembering his previous conversation with her. "True fans will be happy for the band that they've found someone, regardless of how unconventional it may be, to love them so honestly."

With the hardest part of this interview out of the way, Lyla proceeded to answer some questions about herself, clearing up rumors and speculation that had been floating around the internet since she always remained such a mystery. Her tension melted away bit by bit and by the time they were wrapping things up, she felt a tranquility that she hadn't been able to feel in the last few days.

It was out in the open and at midnight, it would be posted on YouTube for the world to see, too. But there was no more going back. No taking back words that had already been said and recorded. What was done was done and now it was time to move on.

The band had another concert tonight anyway and the show must go on.


Their energy that night was contagious.

The way the arena full of fans screamed at the top of their lungs made everyone's heart pound rapidly in their chests. A figurative dark cloud seemed to have vanished and everyone was walking on air backstage just before the show started. Already hard to hear, they placed their in-ear monitors into their ears and Lyla put in her own set of earplugs.

Feeling playful, JK strums a riff on his guitar from behind the stage, making the roaring cheers grow even louder with anticipation as it rang through the vicinity. Dirty Deeds was really on top right now, especially Jungkook given that he was just voted best new guitarist for one of the world's biggest rock magazines tonight. Namjoon even showed up to the gig to personally congratulate him on the news and the surprised and elated expression on JK's face was beyond priceless to witness.

Hoseok ran up the steps to the main stage as usual, his voice beaming through the speakers as he hyped up the venue even more. With that being their known cue, Lyla took the opportunity to kiss each one of them without the fear of being seen or judged this time around. No more looking over her shoulder or worrying she'll be caught, just pure unfiltered love given to each one of her boyfriends this time around.

She sat down in her usual spot on top of an equipment case from the side stage, watching as the lights brightened and Tae's deep voice growled as he reached the microphone making her thighs tighten and her heart flutter. He knew what that sound did to her so it was no surprise when she caught him smirking in her direction. Laughing at being caught fangirling over her man, she tucked her legs under her as she prepared to witness another night of amazing music by three amazing men.

Jimin adjusted the straps of his bass while Tae worked the crowed. He smiled brighter than she think she's ever seen him smile and he seemed to glow under the bright lights. Even though the girls along the barricade flirted and screamed for him, as per usual, Lyla didn't seem to mind. That heart-stopping smile was for her which was only solidified by the look over to her direction and the bassist mouthing the words, "I love you so fucking much."

To hell with what anyone may have to say about her or the band, they were in love and she would not be letting the what-ifs ruin such a good night.

"I know I haven't said much, but i'm proud of you," Jin shouts over the opening song as he takes his seat beside her as per tradition.

"Thank you. It was hard but I'm glad it's done," she smiles over at him.

"I was talking about you finally bringing your own earplugs, but yeah... I'm proud of you for the interview too," he smiles at her giving her a small wink.

Nudging him with her shoulder, the two of them stare out onto the stage, cheering for the band as they wrap up the first number.

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