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Stirring awake the next morning to the feeling of deft fingers running through the length of my hair as it's being brushed away from my face, my eyes flutter open to see that my cheek is resting on Jimin's chest and my leg is thrown over his muscular thigh. It appears he's in a pair of basketball shorts and a black tee but not much else. Thank goodness I still have on my dress from last night.

"Oh, right... you were drunk off your ass and fell asleep in his bed last night, Lyla... fucking idiot!" I internally scold myself before raising to look at the man holding me in his arms.

"Good morning, baby," he smiles down at me.

Sitting up, I groan at the slight throbbing in my head and chuckle in embarrassment as I hide my face in my hands, "I'm so sorry I got so drunk last night and took over your bed."

Sitting up, he rubs his hand over my back coaxing me to look at him, "It's okay. You slept like a log. How do you feel?"

"My head hurts a little," I admit as I adjust my position a bit more, the bedspread shuffling with every small movement and the plush mattress sinking underneath us, making me lean towards the man beside me.

Handing me a bottle of water and a small packet of Asprin, he shrugs, "Figured it would. Breakfast should be here soon. I ordered room service for us."

"Thank you." Taking the offered relief, I hand him the bottle of water after gulping down half of it and watch him turn to place it back on the nightstand. His muscles twisted and dipped with every small movement he made and his golden complexion glimmered against the daylight peeking through the curtains, "I hope you were able to get some good sleep at least." I add to mask the fact I was ogling him like a horny teenager.

Nodding, he smiles at me as if I was an adorable sight to see, "It felt good sleeping next to you."

The knock on the door grabs both of our attention before I could respond. Sliding out of the bed, he does a small squat to adjust the shorts he slept in and runs his fingers through his hair. Expecting room service, I smile and greet the employee, doing my best to seem like I was innocent. Although, the disheveled hair and the smudge of mascara under my eyes made me look anything but virtuous even if I didn't do anythimg sexual last night.

Thanking the hotel staff, Jimin closes the door and turns around to inspect+ each covered dish to ensure that everything is in order. Scooting to the end of the bed, I hold down my dress to avoid it riding up to high and peek over at the appeasing assortment of food.

Cutting a piece of french toast, he holds his hand under the fork and holds it up to my mouth, "Open wide for me," he smirks flirtatiously and I can just picture the reel of dirty thoughts running through his mind.

Giving him an apperceived look, I do as I'm asked and take the bite. The warm maple syrup coats the roof of my mouth while I chew the sweet egg-coated bread. Humming in appreciation as I swallow, feeling the emptiness of my gut already dwindling, I pause when Jimin leans down to kiss away the sugar that lingered at the edge of my lips. Peering up at him, he has a sense of pride lave over him at the fact that such a simple act can make my brain go haywire. 

Another knock alerts him just as he's picking up a piece of bacon to munch on. Opening the door, the other two band members come in to join us as Jungkook plops down next to me making me bounce slightly as he grabs a strawberry and bites down into it while looking me over.

"Everything okay?" He questions just between the two of us.

Nodding, I swallow my second bite of food, "Everything's good."

"And...?" He nods over to Jimin conversing with Taehyung just out of earshot.

I know he's making sure that I didn't feel uncomfortable with being left in Jimin's care last night but he has nothing to worry about. He obviously was a perfect gentleman. Nodding again, I grin to let him know everything is okay across the board. 

Tapping his hand on my thigh, he reaches into his pocket to pull out his wallet, "Here."

The credit card is trapped in between his middle and index finger as he looks at me with waiting eyes.  Wiping off my hands, I take it from him and curiously look at it, seeing Hoseok's name on the card instead of Jungkook's.

"Hoseok told me to give it to you to go shopping this afternoon. Yoongi couldn't go with you after all but we don't want you to go alone either," he explains as he peers over at Jimin coming back over to the plethora of food laid out before me.

"Looks like it's me and you today, baby," Jimin mumbles through a mouthful of pancakes.

"Yoongi is okay with you being out in public with me?" I wonder as I sip on my ice water.

"Well," Tae chimes in as he sits down on the other side of me and rubs his hand back and forth over my thigh; the action not escaping Jungkook as his eyes burn lasers into the movements, "there are some stipulations. You'll have to wear sunglasses and a hat the entire time, as will Jimin. If anyone asks, you're our stylist and helping Jimin come up with some ideas."

"Okay," I stop staring at Taehyung and look at Jimin instead, "I can do that."

"Cool," he grins and grabs some clothes from his bag, "I'm going to take a shower. I'll come to get you from your room in an hour. Unless... you just want to join me instead."

Scoffing, Jungkook rolls his eyes and snatches the last piece of bacon from his bandmate's plate while Taehyung chuckles and stands up, reaching out for my hand as I stuff the last piece of french toast in my mouth, "Come on baby girl, I'll take you down to your room. Got your room key?"

Embarrassingly, I tap my bra and feel the plastic of the key card poking me in my chest, "Yep, got it."

Jungkook's hand holds onto my back as he grabs my heels from a chair and directs me out of the door with my hand still in Tae's. Looking back, Jimin gives me a wink and starts to lower his basketball shorts just as the door is about to shut, giving me the slightest glimpse of the patch of dark hair.


Slipping on the borrowed black baseball cap from Yoongi and the aviator sunglasses from Jungkook after my shower, I shrug back on my leather jacket and matching boots just as Jimin shows up at my room smelling like fresh citrus and sex appeal. Opening it up for him, he leans on the doorframe with his foot kicked out to keep it from closing as he continues to type out a text message.

"Ready," I grab my room key card and stuff it back into my purse.

Holding up a finger to tell me to wait for a moment, Jimin shakes his head in annoyance and texts as fast as his fingers will allow him to. Watching him, it's apparent that something has him bothered but it's not my place to pry into what it is. His chest starts to heave as he gets more and more annoyed at whatever is going on. 

Eventually, he stuffs the phone in his pocket and presses his head back to the wall, letting out a long sigh before drawing his attention back to me as I try to look like I'm none the wiser. Asking for me to come along, I place my dainty hand in his manlier one and follow him down to the lobby.

"Sometimes record labels can be real assholes, did you know that?" He states as he presses the button to unlock the waiting SUV.

Shaking my head, I shrug with a tight-lipped smile, "Can't say that I do but can't say I'm surprised either."

Opening my door for me, I slide in and buckle up to wait for him to climb into the driver's seat. Shutting the door behind him as he sits behind the steering wheel, he inputs the destination into the GPS and turns on the vehicle, "They don't want to listen to anyone else. They think that their first idea is the best idea and I can promise you, it's not."

I try to look like I understand what the hell he's talking about so I just nod my head, "Is this something to do with the new album you guys were supposed to be working on?"

His head whips over to me with his brow knitted in confusion, "How'd you know about that?"

"Social media," I explain. "It's just a rumor though. Someone saw you three going into the studio a couple of months ago and the rumors spread from there. Judging from your reaction, I guess it's true."

"It is. It would have been done a long time ago had they listened to what fucking songs we want on the album instead of trying to determine the sound we're aiming for. We're the ones that put in the long hours, wrote the chords and the lyrics, even did some of the producing; yet they think they can dictate what we'll put out into the world? What we'll end up playing on the next tour? I think the fuck not!" 

Listening to Jimin get all riled up and passionate about his craft is inspiring really. To be that ardent regarding anything in life is a beautiful sight to witness. Not too many people find that niche that makes life worthwhile.

"But that's not important right now," he continues. "Right now is about me and you going shopping and getting to know one another a little better and I really don't feel like getting myself even more worked up about this. So, Lyla, tell me more about yourself."

Feeling brave, I reach over and intertwine my fingers with his causing a smile to spread over his face for the first time since we parted ways this morning, "Well, what do you want to know?" I suddenly can't think of one thing about myself.

"What's your favorite color?" 

Giggling, I look over at him with a quirked brow, "Really? The most basic of basic questions?"

"It's a good question to ask," he defends himself. "Knowing someone's favorite color can make buying gifts easier, figuring out things they may be into, what kind of personality they have..."

"Right," I roll my eyes even though he can't see me, "I'd say right now it's yellow."

"Interesting. Not many people choose that color." He turns into the shopping mall parking lot, driving slowly between the rows of cars, trying to find an empty spot, "I was expecting you to say pink, blue, or even red."

"Yellow is a happy color. We could all use a bit more happiness in our lives." I point to a spot coming up that he quickly pulls into before the small white car coming from the other direction has a chance to pull in.

Laughing when they honk at him for stealing the spot, he flips them off and grabs his cellphone from the cup holder, "What kind of store do you want to go to first?" He questions before stepping out of the vehicle.

Meeting him by my door as I slide down onto the pavement, I adjust my cap, "Um... I could use some jeans."

"Jeans it is," he gestures for me to lead the way, giving my ass a small slap that makes me look back at him with a shocked expression before glancing around to make sure no one saw that. Shrugging his shoulders, he lets out a small chuckle, "Been wanting to do that since you showed up backstage."

"Bad Jimin... bad," I playfully scold through a whisper as we enter through the glass doors.

Walking into a store that looked like it had some cute clothes, I go directly to the wall of jeans and find some that would match my style and size. The store is currently having a buy one get one sale so I easily rack up a few pairs to try on before moving along to a rack of shirts that catch my eye as well.

"I know you were a waitress, was there something else that you'd rather be doing?" He inquires as he follows behind me like a lost puppy while I push the hangers across the metal bar, the screeching sound continuing as I push past the pieces I found atrocious. 

Pulling out a shirt to look it over, I decide that I don't like it enough to buy it and place it back in its rightful spot, "I used to want to be a journalist but after my mother passed away, I've been kind of stuck in survival mode. I only got two years of college completed before I had to drop out to take care of her."

"Damn," he places his hand on my back, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Thank you. I miss her every day." 

"She must have been a good mom," he states as he pulls out a dress and takes a good look at it before adding it to the pile I have started.

"The best," I smile softly to myself, pausing my actions as memories of her elegant face flashes in my mind. Clearing my throat to stop the ping of heartbreak that's sure to commence, I look at him as if asking him to not push any further on that right now.

Catching onto my plea, he takes the draped fabrics from my arm and holds them on his own, "You could still become a journalist. Maybe there's something I could do to help, given my line of work and all."

Turning to look at him, I pinch his chin and give him a wink causing him to chuckle at the action, "Maybe one day."

"Are you ready to try some of these on or should I ask for assistance from one of the employees to carry all of this for you, princess?"

Waving my hand and sticking my nose in the air, I let out a horrible rendition of how I imagine a snobbish princess to sound, "Go place them in my dressing quarters."

Scrunching up my face, I giggle and look at him apologetically for my horrible acting skills. Licking his lips, he turns to walk towards the fitting rooms, mumbling the word cute with a smile as he glances back at me. Butterflies surround my insides as I realize I was able to at least amuse one of the hottest men I've ever conversed with during my twenty-three years of life.

Snatching one last shirt I thought was pretty, I scramble to follow behind him towards the long hallway of singular rooms where he finds one in the back, away from suspicious ears which I assume is to help keep our identities remain hidden. Thankfully, no one has yet to even give us a curious glance.

"Everything is waiting for you, my lady," he bows with his right arm gracefully cradling his torso.

Laughing quietly, I walk inside and close the door, "Where will you be when I'm done?" I inquire as I begin to slide the denim down my hips to get started on trying on the first pair of brand new jeans.

"I'm staying right here." Peeking under the door, I see him lean up against the wall and cross one foot over the other before he speaks again, "Jungkook already warned me that he'd beat my ass if he finds out I ditched you."

"He's a bit protective, huh?" I jump and do a little wiggle before zipping up the first pair and buttoning the fly.

"It's one of his personality traits."

Turning around, I look at my butt and give a nod of approval. Sliding out of the first pair, I fold them and place them in a designated section for the ones I will be keeping, "That's a good thing, right? Always making sure everyone is okay?"

"It can be. Sometimes."

Sliding on another pair, I roll my eyes when they don't even want to go over my hips. Seriously, why do the same size denim always fit so differently? Kicking them off in annoyance, I snatch another pair and quietly sigh in relief when they fit like a glove. Grabbing a shirt to try on with it to speed things along, I feel my self-confidence get a boost with how cute I look.

Five pairs of pants, nine shirts, a jacket, and two dresses later, I'm slipping on the very last piece; a form-fitting black dress that would work for classier occasions, such as another date or even functions that they may possibly have me attend.

Reaching back as much as my arm will stretch, I cannot, for the life of me, pull the zipper up my back all on my own. Rolling my eyes, I consider just buying it without worrying about the stupid zipper but then I start to think about the possibility of it not fitting and me wasting money by purchasing something I could never wear.

Sighing, I open the door and look at Jimin who is just browsing his phone while he patiently waits for me to finish, "Sorry, but could you help me?"

Lifting his eyebrows, he pushes himself off the wall and takes a couple of steps into the dressing room, letting the door close behind him.

Turning so that he could see the undone zipper, I lift my hair off of my back with both of my hands and wait for him to assist me. Stepping closer, he slowly runs his finger down the length of the zipper, letting it graze my skin. My sensitive flesh leaves goosebumps along the way, making me shift my stance to try to keep my needs at bay.

Holding the fabric taut, he pulls the zip slowly up to the top letting his warm breath fan over the back of my neck. I feel frozen in place as I keep my hair out of the way longer than necessary.

"Are you okay?" He whispers in my ear and I nod my head in response, "You know, your expression in the mirror tells me that I affect you. Do I affect you, Lyla?"

Opening my eyes, I realize that my expression was in clear view the entire time and I have a very prominent begging to be fucked expression written all over my face. There was no use in lying when my body and my actions were tattling on me.

Looking over my shoulder, I stare into his eyes before averting my attention to those kissable plump lips he was blessed with and I begin to wonder how they'd feel all over my body.

"You do," I shamelessly admit.

"Would you mind if I kissed you?" He wonders as he comes closer to my mouth waiting to be claimed.

"I wouldn't mind," I breathe out and before I could formulate any other thoughts, his lips were pressing against mine at a heated and skilled pace.

Pressing me up against the wall, I moan as he molds his body with my own. The feeling of his growing erection pushing into my backside as his hand grabs a handful of my hair.

A small moan escapes me without warning as he flips me around and hoists my leg around his waist. My arousal increases as my panties struggle to hold back the moisture collecting quicker than I even thought it could.

Moving to kiss along my jaw and neck, he grips my ass, completely lifting me off the floor as I run my fingers through his hair. Stopping for a moment, his eyes lock with mine as we realize the kind of situation we've gotten ourselves into.

"Probably would be best if we didn't do this in a public place, huh?" Jimin whispers, his eyes burning with the truth that he'd like to do much, much more.

"Yoongi and Hoseok would probably murder us if we got caught," I smirk and lean down to sweetly kiss his lips instead, smiling brighter as he lowers me back down to my feet.

Keeping me firm to his body, his arms stay wrapped around my waist as he kisses me slowly this time, coming down from the rush we were just on.

"Everything okay, miss? Anything I could help you with?" A woman's voice sounds from the other side of the door making my eyes widen and pull away from his plump lips as he dots my cheek with tender affection.

"Uh, yeah. Just finishing up. Had quite a few items to try on." Doing my best to calmly respond, I silently laugh and push him away as he gives me a mischievous look in return.

Hearing her walking back down the hall, I let out a nervous breath I had been holding and glance at the door asking Jimin to get out before we get caught. Rolling his eyes, he swiftly turns me around forcing me to place my hands on the wall for balance as he lowers the zipper for me.

"Definitely buy this dress," he whispers in my ear, giving my ass a small squeeze before exiting out of the dressing room.

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