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Gypsy holds onto my arm tightly as we stand in the middle of the pit waiting for the concert to begin. It feels weird not being backstage and I wonder what my guys are up to and worry if they're nervous or if they're excited to perform for such an unusually large crowd in such an enormous venue.

Excited fans around our age push their way towards the front and while I probably normally wouldn't let these girls barge their way in front of us, I step aside and let them through knowing that they'll only have a couple of hours with their favorite band while I have a permanent position. My best friend folds herself into me, a bit frightened by the rowdiness around us and I giggle at her reaction to everything.

"You know, I'm only doing this for you!" She shouts at me with a laugh of her own.

"I know! Thank you!" I squeeze her hand and bounce in place as excitement flows through me when the room goes completely dark and I hear Hoseok's voice getting the crowd ready for my boy's arrival.

It feels completely different being a part of the swarm of fans and blending in the way I do, having picked out a typical concert-going outfit. Smiling as I see their shadows walk up to their designated spots, I wonder if they'll even notice me in the crowd of men and women all screaming and singing along to their songs.

Looking at Gypsy, she has a bright smile on her face and I hear a little squeal come out of her as she feels the energy radiating from the crowd. When Taehyung does this sexy, throaty growl into the mic I feel her shiver in response while the volume of the amphitheater increases to an ear-piercing level. Laughing, I pull her closer and relish the fact that she's enjoying herself tonight even if it's the type of music she isn't normally into. It means a lot to me that she's willing to fully embrace it all just to support me.

The lights shoot on just as JK and Jimin begin to strum their notes and I hear Gypsy shockingly yell out the words oh my God in response to it all. Taehyung swings his fluffy hair around as he grips onto the mic stand and begins to sing with his eyes closed, really getting into the music with his beautiful face being illuminated by the spotlights.

"Damn girl, they're all even hotter in person!" She shouts at me with a congratulatory bump.

Singing along with the band as all three of them harmonize during the chorus, I study Jungkook looking gorgeously dangerous with his guitar and a full sleeve of tattoos on display tonight, Jimin plucking that bass with those magical fingers of his, and Taehyung's overwhelming sexy stage presence. I smile when I think about Jungkook's anxious gaze when he told me he was in love with me last night, Tae's extra cuddly off-stage personality, and Jimin's secret soft heart. I'm the only one here that knows them in that way and it's exhilarating.

The first song finishes and Gypsy cheers for them so loud that I worry that her voice will be completely gone by the morning. Taking a second to speak to the audience, I notice how each one of them searches the crowd in front of them. At almost the exact same time, their eyes land on me and smile in my direction. 

Jungkook gives me a wink and plays a little riff before taking a sip of water before dumping the entire thing on his head and making the girls completely lose their shit. Giggling at the action, he squats down on the edge of the stage and tosses out a couple of guitar picks before locking eyes with me one more time.

"This song is a new one we had been working on," Taehyung states while Jimin plucks through some notes. "It's the first time we've ever played it live. This song is dedicated to that special someone in your life."

Girls around me swoon hopelessly as the much slower ballad begins and the sexily drawn out notes on JK's electric guitar sing through the speakers. Taehyung starts to sing in a voice that isn't like his normal raspy voice but possibly even more alluring than usual. Listening to the lyrics as I look over to Jimin who softly stares back at me, I feel like it's a love song secretly written just for me.

Tae holds onto the mic stand with both hands as he belts from his heart and my eyes begin to well up with heartfelt tears. It's as if it's everything they've wanted to say but didn't know how to or maybe they just wanted to do it in their own way. Either way, my heart flutters as I place my hand on my chest and a tear drops down my cheek. Jimin nods his head with a soft smile as a way of confirming that it's meant for me.

"Oh, Taehyung is definitely in love!" I hear the girl behind me shout to her friend.

"Shit, I think they all are!" Her friend replies, "I'd bet they'd still fuck their fans."

I quickly step back, bumping into her and making her stumble into the group of guys behind her. Turning around, I do a fake as shit gasp and roughly grab her arm to pull her back upright. 

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I must have lost my balance," I lie with a little grin and widened eyes.

Shaking her head, she steadies herself back onto her feet. "No, that's okay."

"Be careful, Lyla!" Gypsy yells over at me, "Wouldn't want to hurt anyone, now would we?" She gives me a little knowing grin, obviously knowing what the girl had said as well.

"No," I stare into the girl's eyes. "Wouldn't want to fuck anyone up tonight." Smiling at her for a bit longer, the girl looks at us both with confusion knitting between her brows before I turn around and continue to enjoy the rest of the show.

By the time it was all over and the guys waved goodbye with their faces dripping in sweat, Gypsy seemed to have become a newfound fan and was gabbing on and on about some of their songs as if I haven't discovered them yet. Listening to her rant and rave while the crowd files out of the venue, I wait for Jin to escort us backstage as planned.

After a few minutes, I notice the crew coming out to start to gather the equipment from the stage along with the man we've been looking for. Hopping down from the stage, Jin walks over to us wearing a bright smile.

"Holy shit," Gypsy whispers through a sharp inhale as she spots him walking towards us.

Gauging her reaction, I grin and see how Jin admires her as well.

"Jin, this is my best friend, Gypsy. Gypsy, this is my friend, Jin. He's the equipment manager for my guys and the one who introduced me to them," I introduce them and watch how he gently takes her hand and brings it up to his lips, all while keeping his eyes on hers.

"Very nice to meet you," he states before placing another kiss on her hand before letting it go reluctantly.

"Nice to meet you, too," she replies and I clear my throat when the two of them have stared at each other for a bit too long.

"Come with me," Jin's eyes widen when Gypsy smirks at his request, her mind clearly in the gutter. "FOLLOW me," he chokes out followed by a nervous clear of his throat and I recognize the reddening of his ears.

Gypsy and I lock eyes and try to contain our giggles as we do as we're told and follow behind Jin towards the waiting room. She nods her head towards him and gestures with her hands at his tall frame, obviously smitten with his appearance. With a smack to my shoulder, she doesn't need to say the words for me to know she's scolding me about never mentioning how handsome Jin actually is, and to be honest, she's probably regretting being in a relationship right now.

Opening the dressing room door for us, I thank Jin with a quick hug and whisper to him to not be so shy around Gypsy. Pulling back, he shakes his head and tightly squints his eyes making me giggle and my best friend look at us both with a bit of confusion.

"Hope to see you later," she remarks as she waves goodbye to the cute equipment manager.

Waving goodbye as well, he slightly trips over a cord causing us both to laugh and for him to smack his forehead with the palm of his hand while giving us an adorable grin.

Before I can even turn around, Jungkook's arms are wrapped around me from behind with his lips pressing tender kisses on my cheek. "Did you enjoy the show, baby girl?"

Turning to face him, he pulls me closer to his freshly showered body. Another perk to playing in a larger venue this time around. "I did," I grin up at him and press my lips to his. "Jungkook, this is my best friend, Gypsy." Pulling back, I present her to him while he keeps me pressed to his side.

Holding out his hand for hers, they greet each other as she starts to go on and on about how talented he is, and in pure JK fashion, he remains humble throughout all of the praise. Sometimes I wonder if he secretly knows just how amazing he truly is but the fact he's so modest about his accomplishments and abilities just makes him that much more lovable.

Taehyung and Jimin quickly come to be introduced as well, each one of them pulling me in for some affection of their own and I happily accept. Looking at Gypsy, she eyes the situation curiously and appreciatively. It's not something she's used to seeing, nor was it something I was used to at first either, but nevertheless, she seems to be happy that I'm happy.

Grabbing her hand, I pull her over to the couch to take a seat since my feet are aching from standing up all night. Jimin pours us all shots and we drink them at the same time on the count of three. Gypsy and the guys casually converse as they get to know each other and as suspected, they hit it off right away.

Gypsy, an obvious fan at this point, rambles about the show and they answer any questions she has regarding touring, recording, songwriting, and many other topics. It seems as if my boyfriends are truly enjoying talking about their craft with a new fan as if it's igniting that same passion they had when they first starting getting into the spotlight of showbusiness. Soon, the topic switches to our relationship and the destinations we've been to which is a light-hearted discussion filled with some laughs and swooning involved. But when Gypsy takes another shot and taps my knee, I have a feeling things are about to get a bit more serious.

"So, I have to ask because Lyla is more like a sister to me than just a best friend and I'm pretty much the only family she has now," Gypsy begins and I lean back, bracing myself for whatever it is she's wanting to talk to them about.

Each one of them sits in front of us on the opposite side of the coffee table with waiting eyes and Jungkook nervously tucks his lips into his mouth causing his eyes to look even bigger than normal. Jimin tilts his head to the side while he waits for her to continue while Tae has a quirked brow as if he's ready to defend me or his bandmates if needed.

"Do you guys ever get jealous of each other when she's spending alone time with the other?" She questions and I glance back at them, wondering how they'll respond.

"Sometimes," Tae honestly answers and my eyes soften, "but I know she cares for me. Things we've talked about together make me trust that she does and I love these two idiots I'm in a band with so seeing all of them happy makes me happy, too."

Chuckling when Gypsy looks to Jimin for his answer next, he shakes his head. "You don't know me very well. I wasn't one to catch feelings for anyone. Never let anyone in, never allowed them to get that close." He looks at me for a second with admiration glinting in his gaze, "But your friend snuck her way into my heart. So, yeah, sometimes I tend to wish she was with me instead of one of the other guys but that's just human nature, right?"

"I guess that's true," she responds before turning her attention to JK.

Running his hand through his hair, he takes a deep breath. "The guys and I have been through a lot together over the years. We know each other's pasts and faults as well as our good sides. It's not a surprise to me that she cares for each one of us. We didn't go into this even thinking we would turn this into an official relationship between the four of us but that's just what this was meant to be. Jealousy is bound to happen occasionally even in a monogamous relationship so it's inevitable that I do get jealous from time to time but that doesn't change how I feel about her and I know, without a doubt, how she feels about me."

I can't lie and say it doesn't sting to know that they sometimes feel this way and although I know I am doing my best to make sure they all get some alone time with me, I can understand why it may be hard for them. A relationship like this is just as new to us as it is to me and while I know we'll hit bumps in the road, I hope we can work through it. I just can't picture my life without them now.

"All I ask is that you treat Lyla with respect and to at least try to not break her heart," Gypsy pleads with a smile in my direction. "Her happiness means the world to me and this is the happiest I've seen her in a long time." Taking a deep breath, she stands and puts her purse on her shoulder while we follow her lead. "My flight takes off in just a few more hours so I need to get going."

"Call me as soon as you land," I request as I wrap her in a tight hug, holding her there for a while as her comforting and familiar embrace will be missed while she's gone.

Pulling back, she nods her head with a smile. "Hey, do you think someone could give me a ride back to my hotel?"

"I can!" Jin shouts as he walks into the room. Clearing his throat, he adjusts his hat, "I can if you'd like."

My three boyfriends chuckle and look back at Jin with a teasing grin about his less-than-smooth offer. However, this kind of flustered reaction is what Gypsy lives for. Walking over to him, she gestures for him to lead the way and looks back at me with a wink. My guys give her a quick hug goodbye and tell her how nice it was to finally meet her before she leaves out with one last wave to me.

Jimin pulls me off to the side and places gentle kisses along my neck that slightly tickle my skin. "I want to take you out tomorrow night when we reach the next city. I'll text you the restaurant and meet you there. There's something I'll need to do beforehand."

"Okay," I smile up at him and push his hair away from his face. "May I ask what it is you need to do?"

"You'll see tomorrow." Tapping my ass he gives me a wink, "We've got to get back onto the tour bus now."

The bus was patiently waiting for us out in the parking lot and after security got rid of the lingering fans, we all quickly rushed on board to get away from the public eye with me especially being careful to not be spotted. Once everything was loaded and the bus driver double-checked that all four of us were accounted for, we were back onto the road and onto the next destination within no time. I do wish that we could have had one more night to sleep on the more comfortable hotel beds but this is the life I'm living now; constantly on the go.

My boyfriends and I relax in the main area, sipping on a bottle of whatever-the-fuck liquor was available to us while Jimin strums on his guitar. I lean back onto JK with his arms engulfing me while Taehyung massages my feet mindlessly. Sweet kisses are pressed every so often against my cheekbone and temple as Jungkook slowly runs his fingers through mine.

"It was nice seeing you out in the crowd tonight," he states before pulling my hair over to one shoulder so that he can access my neck and shoulder.

"It really was," Taehyung agrees.

I look over to Jimin who immediately gives me a soft smile the moment our eyes meet. "Was that song really for me?"

Nodding, he stops playing on his acoustic. "It was. Did you like it?"

"I loved it." Smiling brightly and giggling as Jungkook squeezes me in pure joy and I spot Taehyung grinning at me with that adorably infectious boxy smile of his.

"I'm glad because I really do love you, baby girl," Jungkook states in his smooth voice laced with pure adoration.

I crane my neck to kiss his lips and reply without hesitation, "I love you, too."

Turning back around to get comfortable in the original position I was in, I notice that Tae and Jimin's smiles have faded as they take in the fact that JK and I have openly admitted our love to one another in front of them. It's something that hasn't been said between Tae or Jimin and myself yet and I didn't even think that far ahead when I had so quickly replied. My heart seems to slightly crack at the awkward and slightly disappointed looks on their faces as they both glance at each other before pretending to be fine with it all.

I hope they don't feel like I care for them any less because truth be told, I'm definitely in love with each one of them but something tells me that it's not going to be so simple.

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