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Bullets flew through the wood of the small stage. The blue haired male screamed and jumped as far away as he could from the bullets. He wasn't able to get far due to the handcuffs keeping him attached to the silver pole. "Dance for me pretty." There it was that deep voice. His captor has an accent he couldn't focus on. Too terrified about what would happen next to be able to place the accent. He couldn't tell anyone what he looked like due to the blindfold on his face. With shaggy hands the blue haired male gripped the pole and begun to move his hips.

Swaying them side to side slowly before moving around the pole just trying to please his captor. It seemed he had when he could hear the male groan and stand up. Heavy footsteps could be heard coming closer before two rough and cold hand gripped his hips. Stopping him from dancing. "I don't remember telling you to stop." Terrified and crying the male began to move his hips again. Whimpering from fear when the male began to let his hands roam around his victims body. He slipped his thumbs into the waistband of his skirt and was about to pull it down when the door burst open.

"Lee you're under arrest for the murder of six other males and the abduction of Kim Taehyung!" Relief washed over Taehyung hearing this. They found him. He wasn't going to die. The relief was quickly taken away as the unknown male pulled him against his body and pressed a gun against his temple. "Guns down or I'll shoot him!" The man then unlocked the cuffs. Making it easier for him to use his victim to escape. Taehyung could hear people speaking but he count concentrate on what was being said.  He was tripping over his own feet and his captors.

Taking a step back he moved his foot wrong and it caused both him and his captor to fall. The male let go of him. He doesn't know how it all happened considering he was blindfolded. There was a gunshot and then hands grabbed him and pulled him into a chest. He could feel fingers working the knot of the blindfold. When it was loose enough fingers curled around the blindfold and took it off. It was the first time in four days Taehyung had seen light. He blinked his eyes and squinted from the bright light. "Hey it's okay. You're safe now." That's all it took for the terrified blue haired boy to sob loudly and cling to his savior. The officer allowed the thin male to cling to him.

Carrying him out of the old house. "Officer Jeon thank you for helping us with the case." Jungkook nodded at the federal officers. His main worry was helping the male in his arms. "I'll take him to the station." "Okay." He set Taehyung in the back of the police car and took him to the station. There he gave him fresh clothes, food, and water. By now the blue haired male stopped crying and munched slowly on the ham sandwich he had been given. "Do you need anything else?" "N-no."

After awhile they escorted Taehyung back to his apartment. Officer Jeon had a palm on the small of his back as a small physical in here. Reassuring the still frightened boy. He jumped at any and every sound. The sound of a door shutting would make him panic. The dark hallway due to the light going out made him panic. His brain telling him he had the blindfold on still. "Shh it's okay I'm right here. You're safe with me aren't you Tae?" He relaxed hearing the nickname. Safe. Officer Jeon unlocked the apartments door and walked in first. Leaving Taehyung with the other officer.

He came out after a few minutes to let Taehyung know everything was safe. "If you need anything call okay." Jungkook handed him his card and watched the small male close the door. A few months later things got better. Taehyung dyed his hair a silver to get rid of the blue. He'd been attending all his appointments, taking all his medications, even found a new job. There would still be freak outs. The auto light wouldn't detect his movement and it's turn out. Which sent him into a panic but he was able to count and help himself.

Once he felt better he headed down to the police station. A dark grey turtle neck with a olive green puffer jacket on top. Black slacks and to pull it all together black converse and a Gucci belt. Once he entered the busy station he gripped his jacket closer to himself. "Excuse me." The woman typing behind the tall counter stopped and looked up. Recognizing the young male from the biggest case they'd ever had. "Ah hello how can I help you?" Taehyung glanced down at his hand at the card the officer had given him. He had carried the card everywhere and eventually the number rubbed away and he needed- no wanted to speak to the officer that saved him.

"Is officer Jeon here?" The woman thought for a moment before nodding. "Would you like me to call him?" Taehyungs eyes widened. "A-ah no if he's busy that's okay! I can come back at another time." He turned to leave but caught sight of the said cop walking into the station. He must have noticed Taehyung cause he changed direction and walked over to him. "Hello again Taehyung. Is everything okay? Did you need anything?" Taehyung nodded and looked down at his feet. "I'm okay. I just wanted to come down and ask you something." Jungkook shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

His tongue running along the inside of his cheek before he nodded motioning Taehyung to continue. "I wanted to take you out to dinner as a thank you for saving me." Jungkooks eyes widened before his face returned to being blank again. "I'm not the only one who saved you. It was a team ef-" Taehyung shuffled uncomfortably before interrupting. "I-I know but it was you. You took me away from that place. I saw you." Ah that was what it was. Taehyung saw Jungkook as freedom and safety. Due to the fact that he was the one physically there taking him getting him out.

"Alright. When's dinner?" Taehyung looked yo surprised before a small smile made its way into his face. "Whenever you're available." Jungkook nodded and looked down at his watch. "My shift is over now so if you'll allow me I can go change. Then I'll be right out and we can go somewhere." Taehyung nodded and stepped to the side. Jungkook smiled and left. Changing quickly as to not keep to make waiting. Once he was done he walked out in a white shirt and tight black jeans. A rougher style compared to the male beside him.

"Where to?" Taehyung glanced around at the options around them. "We can take the bus somewhere else. I bet you eat from these areas a bit cause you work so close." Jungkook laughed and nodded. "Very true. We could use my car though." Taehyung tensed. The thought of getting into a car alone with someone scared him. Jungkook took notice of the suddenly still silver haired boy. "You can keep the window down and the door unlocked. I'll make sure all the doors are unlocked. You can even check the back seat and trunk if it helps." "Really?" Taehyung looked up with wide eyes at the officer.

It caught him off guard. He gulped and nodded. Looking away with a small blush on his cheeks. "Okay." After Taehyung investigated he sat in the car. One had rested against the handle of the door and the other shook slightly in his thigh. "We can take the bus if this is a bit much right now." Taehyung shook his head. He could do this. He was with Jungkook. Not his kidnapper. He began to count to calm his heart beat. Eyes fluttering open to find Jungkook looking at him with a fond smile. "You've been so brave Tae."

He'd been paying attention the male. He'd ask around make sure he was getting the hell he needed. Keeping an eye on him from a distance (not literally). The smaller male was a fighter. That's for sure. "Thank you."

Part 2?

Also who knows what this is based off of.

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