Dirty Thoughts

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Jungkook had been downstairs for awhile leaving Taehyung upstairs in the youngers bedroom alone. His best friends mother had called him downstairs to help her with something and the raven haired boy said he'd be right back. He was not 'right back'. Bored Taehyung began rolling around the youngers bed. Grabbing the pillow to be extra dramatic. Plus if the younger came into the room it'd be good ammo. When he grabbed it though he noticed something inside the pillow case. Curious Taehyung reached into the pillow case and pulled out a black journal. He didn't think much of it cause Jungkook always had doodling journals running around in the most random places and by doodling he meant full on works of art. The raven haired boy was an amazing artist and Taehyung was his number one supporter. "Whatca draw this time Kook?"

Taehyung flipped open the first page and his eyes widened. There was a detailed picture of him smiling. Although in this picture Jungkook drew little stars across his nose and cheeks. Flipping the page Taehyung gasped. Instead of a cute and innocent picture was one with Taehyungs mouth open, eyes hooded, sweaty, and with drool on his chin. The picture stopped at the shoulders but it didn't take a genius to know what was happening in the picture. Flipping the page he found more pictures like it. Some showing more and some being just his face. He blushed seeing one were he was in just a skirt. Why would Jungkook draw such things? Why would he draw Taehyung like this. Flipping to one of the last drawing in the journal his eyes widened. There was him a hand wrapped around his throat in the drawing.

Behind him kissing his shoulder was none other then a drawing of his best friend. Jungkook drew himself. Incredibly flustered Taehyung shit the journal and paced it back in the pillow case. Placing the pillow back on the bed he quickly got up and grabbed his things. Rushing out of the room. Unfortunately like a cliché drama as soon as he ran out he bumped into Jungkook. Jungkook stumbles back and tried to balance the plate he had in his hand. "What's wrong T-" "I-I have to go home! My mom called me and said I forgot to do something!" With that said Taehyung ran down the stairs and out of the house. Confused Jungkook walked into his room and set the cookies on his desk. He looked around and noticed his messy bed. "Are you kidding I just made that."

Jungkook then noticed his pillow not being in the right spot. He panicked and grabbed it. Praying that Taehyung hadn't seen it. But when he grabbed the journal he saw one of the pages corners was bent. It didn't ruin the picture but it did tell him that yes Taehyung had seen the journal. He'd never leave a corner bent and with the rush Taehyung was in he doubt he would have noticed the corner. "Fuck." He didn't want Taehyung to know about his dirty thoughts. It was supposed to be his dirty secret. The fact that he really wanted to see Taehyung just how he drew the pictures. A mess, a mess for him and his eyes only. Didn't help that he'd had a crush on the older for two years now. Taehyung probably thought he was weird.

The next two days passed and the two boys didn't talk. Which was weird for them due to the fact that they spoke everyday but considering the journal... it es to be expected. Although every Saturday their parents who were also friends would invite the other family over for dinner. This week was Jungkooks family's turn. It was five when the Kims arrived. Smiles on their faces. Although one was more of a nervous smile. Jungkook heart beat went crazy seeing Taehyung. God he'd missed him so much. "Why don't you boys go upstairs for awhile while the grownups talk." Taehyung gulped and nodded. Typically the two would have run off together already. The two went upstairs and into Jungkooks room. Normally Taehyung would flop into his bed and laugh as Jungkook whines about it but instead he sat silently on the little desk chair he had.

"Tae we need to talk. More like I need to explain but we still need to talk cause I know you found it." Jungkook watched as Taehyungs cheeks turned a bright red. Eyes going wide before he looked down at his lap. "I don't know what you're talking about." "The journal with my drawings of you." It was silent for a moment before Taehyung burst out. "I-I'm sorry I thought it was one of your many normal ones! I didn't know you drew me doing- doing t-that! I'm sorry for looking but I also wanna know why. Those are very detailed and, and intimate!" Jungkook smiled at the older. He thought telling Taehyung would be much harder than this. "I drew those cause I wanna see them one day ya know cause I like you." "W-what?"

"I like you Tae a lot. Have or the past two years. I just didn't want to ruin our friendship. Those drawings yeah those are my dirty thoughts. Wet dreams I've had. I'm young and I got a lot running through my system. It was a way for me to release. I'm sorry I did it but I'm not sorry about liking you." Taehyung stood up and made his way over to Jungkook. Hugging him. Tears making their way down his face. "It's okay. I forgive you. Please don't show any of those to anyone though. I beg you." Taehyung pulled away and smiled. Jungkook smiled too. He felt better but at the same time saddened. He confessed his feelings and Taehyung didn't even say anything about them. Acting as if he haven't heard him spill his guts. Only forgiving the drawings.

"I should go see if mom needs help with the food." Jungkook patted Taehyungs shoulder and started to move away but was stopped by Taehyung. His eyes sided as he was pushed onto the bed and Taehyung fell on top of him. Hugging him tightly. Before he could ask Taehyung what it was about he felt a pair of soft lips on his own. That cherry chapstick Taehyung always wore that smelt good. Yeah definitely did not taste good but it was still perfect. Taehyung pulled away a bright blush on his cheeks. "No more drawings." "Does that mean I can see the real thing?" He loved teasing the older. He was so easy to make flustered. "Nasty boy!" Jungkook laughed and pecked Taehyungs lips. "If I can't draw you with pen and paper. Can I use you as my canvas? I can do all sorts of things. Use so many different things. Only for my eyes to see. Only for us."


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