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Taehyung couldn't stop the bright red blush on his cheeks. He was incredibly uncomfortable. He had been offered a job by an older male who had seen his photography. Without much thought Taehyung took the job needing the money. Oh how much he regretted it. When he had gotten a text with the location and had appeared on the set he thought it was for a commercial. Not porn. He was meant to take pictures of the intimate scenes for the company paying him. He currently stood beside the director as the two males had sex.

Everyone was quiet as they did their job. Not seeming the least bit phased by the scene in front of them. "Cut! Taehyung get in there while we switch the angle!" The blonde nodded and walked closer to the dark haired boy and the pink haired boy. Both had their gazes on Taehyung who shook slightly. "Do you need us in a certain position?" The pink haired male asked. A kind smile on his face. "J-just continue with w-whatever." The two nodded and pulled different positions and expressions for the young photographer. Only stopping when he was called off the set so they could continue filming. As he walked off he didn't notice the dark set of eyes following him.

Once they called it good and ended the day everyone was quick to clean and pack up. Taehyung was getting ready to put his camera away when the dark haired male he took pictures of appeared in front of him. Fully dressed this time thankfully. Taehyung didn't think he could handle much more nudity right now. He didn't even like seeing himself naked and he why'd to witness two other people naked. "Can I see the pictures?" "Y-yeah." Taehyung the camera to the taller male. Biting his lip as he watched the male look through the photos. "These are actually very good. Do you mind if I ask a question though?" "Sure." "Why'd you decide to shoot porn."

The blonde opened his mouth but closed it. Cheeks a even darker red than they had been. "I-I didn't know if be working with porn." "You took the job without knowing?" The male asked. His eyes raking over Taehyungs body making the older uncomfortable. "Yeah I needed the money and it pays well why?" "From your reaction I'd assume a little virgin like you would have quiet as soon as you saw us fucking." "Excuse me?" "I said for a virgin I'm surprised you didn't run out." Taehyung frowned and took his camera from the males hands. "Listen whoever your name is. That's rude and you shouldn't assume things about others. While it's not what I was expecting it pays the bills and it pays well. So I'll be around for awhile. I need time to get used to it."

"My names Jungkook. Do well to remember it. We'll be working together a lot." It was true after that they did work together quite a bit. Taehyung didn't know that Jungkook asked for him to be his personal photographer though. He just assumed he was the one just always called in. The younger male had actually given him a nickname he called the older by. V which he said stood for Taehyung still being a virgin and having his V-card. Childish if you asked him. He became better at taking the pictures though the blush never went away. Jungkook was easy to photograph though. The man was handsome.

It seemed the camera just naturally liked him. Taehyung wouldn't admit it but sometimes he'd become a little hit and bothered by the younger. Not when he was having sex with someone else but when they spoke and interacted. Taehyung felt ashamed for it but couldn't help it. He was nervous for the upcoming session with the younger though. It would just be the two of them. It would be a solo session where Taehyung took pictures for the VIP package for the company. With shaky hands he knocked on the door to the room and it opened revealing the taller in a robe. "V you're here. Come on." Nervous the blonde walked in and looked at the small room with a bed in the middle. "So I'll be in the middle of the bed for this.

Taehyung nodded and got his camera out. Jungkook watched him and but his lip. He was already hard and ready. He'd never admit it but he had gotten hard thinking about the older. Particularly the image of Taehyung the day he came in with messy hair and a loose dress shirt that wasn't buttoned correctly and falling off his shoulder. The white had contrasted his tan skin in a way that made Jungkook want to taste the honey colored skin. The tight jeans the older wore today showcasing his ass also could be a reason Jungkook was eager. "I'm ready whenever you are." "I'm already hard so let's do this." Jungkook took off the robe and got into the middle of the bed. The blonde blushed and got on the bed slightly to be able to get the best shots.

When he wrapped his hand around his member Jungkook hissed before starting to pump himself. Throwing his head back in certain ankles for Taehyung to work with. Gulping Taehyung moved to the side and crouch and took a picture. He took a couple more from that ankle before moving back to the middle. He load on his stomach and propped himself up with his elbows. Jungkook looked down at Taehyung and smirked. The blonde took the photo before moving around to get various pictures. The noises Jungkook made didn't help with lowering the photographers heart beat. Occasionally he'd let out a deeper moan and it sent a tingle down Taehyungs spine and into his southern region. He needed Jungkook to hurry up so he can leave before he got fully hard.

Crazy how watching the muscular male did nothing to him but being here for the solo session did. This was so unprofessional. Taehyung pulled away and stood by the edge of the bed. He got enough of the shots for now he needed Jungkook to climax. That wouldn't seem to happen anytime soon though cause Jungkook stopped. Eyes on the blonde. "Why'd you stop?" "I have plenty photos for now. You just need to um get closer to the end before I can start again." "Come here. Put the camera down." Confused Taehyung did as told climbing onto the end of the bed and sitting there with large curious eyes. "Fuck come closer I'm trying to help you." "Help me with what?"
Jungkook smirked and grabbed Taehyung jaw. Using the grip to pull Taehyung closer to his face. "You need me to climax so I need you to help me."

With wide eyes he shook his head. "I-I'm just here to take photos I-" Taehyung tensed when Jungkook grabbed his hand with his free hand and place it on his member. "This is to help get the photos you need Taehyung." His name. Jungkooo hadn't used his actual name in a long while. "F-for my pictures?" "Mhm now show me what you got. Don't disappo- fuck." He haven't gotten a change to finish his sentence before Taehyung pressed his thumb against his top and moved it in circular motions. Before beginning the pay attention to the rest of it. Running his hand up and down occasionally squeezing making Jungkook grip the sheets tighter and curse. He may have been wrong about the doe eyed blonde photographer. He sure knew how to use his hand. Really fucking well.

"Fuck you know how to use your hands for a virgin." The photographer frowned. "I'm not a virgin. Stop being so mean." When he finished speaking a pout was visible on his lips. If it wasn't for the current situation and if it was any other situation Jungkook might have gushed over how cute it made the older look. Although with the skilled hand on his dick he didn't think he could. "I'm close Tae." Taehyung nodded and let go to grab his camera. He took photos as Jungkook continued touching himself and finally came. Landing on his stomach in thick strings. "You're amazing." "T-thanks." Taehyung smiled and put his camera in the bag. When he looked down he noticed he was hard. He but his lip and shook his head. Stupid hormones. "Tae can I see the pictures. With a sigh Taehyung walked to the edge of the bed and nodded. Jungkook smiled and leaned closer. "You're work always amazes me." "Thank you." "You know what else?" Confused Taehyung looked up and eyebrow raised.

"You're hard." "I-I-" Jungkook smirked and moved off the bed. Taehyung watched as he walked around and behind him. Breath l fanning over the back of his neck as he leaned in. "Let me help you. It'd be rude of me not to." Before Taehyung could protest about how it was not professional a hand made its way up his shirt. The fingers pinching his nipple making him gasp and drop the camera on the bed. "Can I?" The youngers hand stopped at the button of his jeans. Taehyung nodded and watched as Jungkook undid his jeans and pushed them and his underwear down far enough for his erection to spring free. While one hand teased his nipples the other was busy with his member. Making Taehyung moan and whine from the pleasure. While everyone passing by the room would not think twice about hearing moans. Jungkook didn't want anyone to hear the olders moans other than him. So when Taehyung threw his head back against his shoulder he pressed their lips together.

Muffling the moans so people outside couldn't hear them. Soon they pulled apart and Taehyung whined louder and said he was close which only made Jungkook go faster. With Jungkooks name on his lips Taehyung came on the bed. "That was hot." Taehyung blushed and pushed Jungkook away gently to fix himself. Once he was done he cleaned the mess and me fast as possible grabbed the camera and dashed out of the room. Jungkook frowned and crossed his arms. He looked down at his once again hard dick and sighed.

The next week is when they saw one another again. Taehyung avoided Jungkook as much as possible. Too embarrassed about what happened between them. Today Jungkook came in dressed like a CEO. The director had explained the videos theme today to Taehyung. It was a classic on secretary and CEO. Kinda lame but it got the views needed. "Taehyung can you go take some before shots of the two." Once again the pink haired male was there as well. He had a bright smile as Taehyung took photos of him. Between each shot he'd talk to Taehyung which made the said male feel much more comfortable with him. He then moved on to Jungkook who sat behind a desk. Eyes dark and a glare set on the blonde. He assumed he was just doing it for the camera but when he needed him to change position he didn't. "Jungkook can you-" "Why are you avoiding me?" Taehyung flinched from the harsh tone. "I-I'm not."

"Lair!" The sudden outburst caused the entire staff to look over. Jungkook had slammed his hands down on the desk as he stood up. A little frightened Taehyung shook his head. "I'm n-not!" "Yes you are! You're lying to me!" "Jungkook, Taehyung whats going on here?" Both boys turned to face the director who looked concerned. His eyes on Taehyung more than Jungkook. As the older looked quite scared. "N-nothing sir." Jungkook frowned and sat down down. Crossing his arms. Looking at the attitude coming from Jungkook the director turned to Taehyung. "Take the rest of the day off. We don't need pictures. Go relax. And for you." He pointed at Jungkook who looked quite unhappy. "Cool it. You don't get to yell at the staff." With that said Taehyung quickly nodded thanked the director and left.

He haven't been called in for three days. On the fourth he received the call and came in. Jungkook tried to speak to Taehyung but the male would scurry away when he saw Jungkook coming near. It irked the younger like nothing else. He wanted to talk to Taehyung. He couldn't get the older out of his head at all. Even before the hand job. The older with his pretty brown eyes, cute smile, and his blushing cheeks. He even kissed the male. He didn't even kiss his costars he had that written into his contract. Annoyed he waited till after the shoot when Taehyung would retreat to the little office given to him. He waited a minute or two before opening the door and walking in. Quickly locking the door behind him quietly. "I can have the photos ready by-" The blonde turned around and gasped seeing Jungkook standing there. "J-Jungkook?" "Hello Taehyung it's nice to see you again."

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