Promise Me 3

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Taehyung waited patiently for Jungkook to return. Waiting for the male to call him informing him the job had been done. He had gone out in the early hours and was due to return before the day ended. A knock on the door made the blonde perk up hopeful. Deep down though he knew it wouldn't be who he was hoping for. "Hey boss can I come in?" Taehyung sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Come in Hoseok." Hoseok did as told. Coming in and gently shutting the door behind him. He played with his fingers as he approached Taehyungs desk. "The male you had sent to me is okay. Broken jaw, nose, some cuts, and bruises is all. He'll recover eventually." The blonde nodded and leaned forward so his elbows rested on his desk. "Quite exciting isn't it." Hoseok tilted his head confused. "What's exciting?" "That's he's go to such lengths for me. It- It's amazing!" Hoseok took a step back slightly alarmed at the words and tone of voice the younger used.

"I'm not sure I'm following." Taehyung stood up and walked around his desk. Stopping behind Hoseok. He placed his hands on his shoulders and squeezed lightly. "He'll do anything for me. Completely anything. Putty in my hands. For me to play with only." Hoseok gulped. "B-but don't you love him?" The grip on his shoulders got tighter. Causing the male to scrunch up in pain. "I don't see how that would concern you." Taehyung let go and walked back to his desk. Sitting down. Not saying another word to the other male in the room. Hoseok sighed and stood up and quickly walked away. Taehyung groaned and picked up his phone deciding that he'd go though some emails while he waits.

It had been around eleven twenty-four when he heard news of Jungkook arriving back. Only a short while later did he appear in the doorway of Taehyungs office. "I did it." Taehyungs stood up and motioned the other over. "Come here." Jungkook did as told and walked closer closer. Stopping when he stood right in front of the other male. He watched as Taehyung stepped forward. Surprised when Taehyung grabbed his collar and pulled him down into a kiss. Jungkooks eyes fluttered closed. He felt happy and content being able to be next to the blonde once again. He'd truly do anything for the other. Didn't matter what it was. If the blonde asked him to jump from a building. He'd do it.

Taehyung pulled away and grabbed Jungkooks hand. Leading him to the small couch in his office. Jungkooks heart felt like it was trying to beat out of his chest. Seeing how excited Taehyung was. "Tell me everyth-" "I love you." Taehyung withdrew his hand from the others as if it had burned him. Eyes wide. Jungkook was meant to be a toy. A play things. For him and him alone to play with. Someone who was putty in his hands. He didn't think about the other loving him. Love kills. It creates a weakness. He didn't want love. Love was worthless. It didn't bring anything but burden.

Jungkook bit his lip harshly as he watched Taehyung sit with a blank face. He had hoped Taehyung would say the same words back. "T-Tae c-could you promise not to leave me? P-please." The familiar question snapped Taehyung out of his thoughts. Eyes narrowing. He hated this. This love. Yet even with such a hatred for love and wanting to never have anything to do about it he couldn't help but say the next words to Jungkook. "I promise." Jungkook thought Taehyungs words would be harsh and rough but they were soft and tender. A new side he had never truly seen of the older. Maybe that's why Taehyung had ever only allowed Jungkook to touch. Him. Maybe that's why he refused to do even the simplest things. Maybe what he thought would be just a toy turned into more. That's exactly what it was.

Would he admit it was love. Possibly in the future but hopefully his promise was enough for now. A promise of forever. Even if the love was toxic.

Well idk

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