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Pretty rose red lips stretched into a wide boxy smile. Pearly teeth coming into view. Laughter from the bundled up silver haired boy rang through out the room. With mittened hands he reached out for his cup of hot coco. The younger male couldn't look away from the gorgeous sight in front of him. Even with rosy pink cheek from the cold the older made it look beautiful. The two lovers had decided to rent a cabin for the weekend to get away from their hectic lives. One an artist and the other a model. Both quite famous but both wanting alone time. Although the snow storm had cut the power and so they sat inside bundled up beside each other. The tips of their noses numb from the cold but their hearts warm with love. "What about you koo?" Jungkook couldn't help the small smile that crawled onto his face from the nickname. "I'm sorry what?" The silver haired boy tipped his head back in laughter. Smiling up at his lover who looked confused. "I asked if you were happy. Ya know with your life."

Jungkook nodded. "Of course I'm happy. I have you. Without the life I have now I'd never had met you." He took the older mittened hand and slipped the mitten off of it. Placing a small kid to the others ring sitting on his ring finger. He then intertwined their hands and placed them in his pocket were they would keep warm. "I wouldn't change anything Tae." Taehyung smiled and cuddled further into the youngers side. The fire in the fireplace created a warm glow across their faces. Warm smiles on each other's faces as they appreciated what they had. "I'll go get the blankets I'd rather sleep out here with the fire than in a bedroom halfway across the cabin." Taehyung nodded and scooted away so Jungkook could get up. His eyes following the younger leaver the room. He glanced down at his ring and his eyes filled with tears. Not a single tear of sadness fell only tears of joy and happiness. How beautiful it is for two people to come together and love one another no matter what.  Love is strange but it always gets it way.

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