Part 12

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Ani-dali pleche...pleche..opewn dool..Ani iche scaled..Dali..opewn rachts ale bitching meww..ahh papa ..papaaa
Anish cries loudly. Shivay who is sleeping near Anish in sitting position opened his eyes with jerk hearing anish's wails..
Shiv-ani don't cry baby.. nothing is happened to you are safe your eyes..look papa is here..ani look at papa
But Anish is afraid to open his eyes. So shivay picked him in his arms and went towards terrace

Shivay sat on swing and sing one song to make Anish calm.hearing song Anish slowly opened his eyes and look at shivay with tear eyes.shivay quickly wiped his tears and kissed his forehead. Slowly anish became normal and started to sing the song along with shivay.
After sometime, shivay looked at Anish feeling he is not singing.he saw his baby is sleeping peacefully on his chest sucking his thumb.shivay smiled and pulled thumb from his mouth.
Anish twisted his tips and made angry pout in sleep.
Shiv-ok ok keep your thump in mouth.
Shivay smiled and placed thumb back on anish's mouth.

Shivay placed Anish on bed, and he himself laid beside him.
He is patting anish while thinking about the song which he sang few minutes is the same song which his ex-wife used to sing for him to make him sleep.he struggled more to come out from the habit after their departure. 2 and half years passed still he can't able to forget the lyrics of the song.

Ani-papa... clying

Shivay quickly wipes his tears and gives him a fake smile.
Shiv-no baby papa is not crying.see 😁..*caressing his cheeks* didn't you sleep baby...

Ani-papa.ich pailing hele(pointing the place where rat bitten him)

Shiv-🥺🥺 papa apply ointment in your wounds it will cure soon. Okay.
Anish nodes his head with teary eyes.

Shivay put ointment in anish's wound.Anish closed his eyes and
moaned in pain. okay.okay.
That rats are very bad, right.they bite my Anish. Tomorrow I
say Khanna uncle to kill them.

Ani-papa dolt kilee thewm😭😭😭.they dil't biteww Ani inte (intentional) they ale pool rachts.dolt killeew thewm😭😭

Shiv-ok.ok I will not kill them, now stop crying.
Saying shivay wiped anish's tears.


Shivay nodes his head.

Ani-pinchy plimicheww

Shiv-ok baba pinky promise.

Anish smiled widely and hugs shivay...

Shiv-my good boy
Shivay ruffles anish's hairs and placed kiss on his head.

Anish yawned cutely...

Shiv-feeling sleepy?..
Anish nodded head and laid on shivay...

Next morning:-

Anu-maaa pleache any bebae like good boye tolay.

Ani-noway anush I don't want to take risk by leave you in Ruby's house .poor people they have already bored a lot because of you So from today onwards I'm going to join you in play school that's it.

Anu-😭😭😭 ahhhh

Knock knock

Anika put feeder in anush's mouth and went to open door.

Rud-aniii move aside.anuuu
Rudy pushed Anika lightly and ran towards anush who is weeping loudly.on seeing ru anush increased his crying speed.

Rud-baby,why are you crying ? Is your mumma said you anything to you.if yes then say we will put her in jail for scolding anush.

Anu-maaa*hicupps*uttt anu in chool...

Rudy picked anush in his arms and angrily marched towards Anika.

Rud-what is this Anika.are you really going to put anush in play school


Rud-don't tell me that you are going to put anush in ply school because of yesterday incident.

Anika bend her head.

Rud-then its yes.why are behaving like this Ani.anush is also like our son.he has Al rights break everything's in my house.why are you splitting me and bhavya from anush. Didn't you consider bhavya and me as your family?

Ani-rudy it is not like tha... I

Rud-i didn't expect this from you sorry Anika
Saying Rudy stormed out from there.

Ani-god what I did 🤦
Anika quickly picked anush in her arms and ran behind Rudy...


Rudy is waiting for anika's arrival on hearing anika's food steps he quickly ran into house and pretending like he is angry.
That time Anika enters into Rudy's house and asks for forgiveness for her behavior.
Rudy closed his ears and started to run around hall.Anika run behind him to seek forgiveness.
Ani-rudy, please I'm getting late for office. Please forgive me.
Anush clapped his hands and run across hall with aniru...
After 1 hour
Rud-ok Ani I forgive you but I have one condition.


Rud-you have to take me and anush to amusement park

Anush jumped on Rudy.

Ani-ok I will think about it.

Rudy and anush started to jump excitement...

Try my new book 'Baby'

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