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Novalyn drove Tony back into the city, and on the way there, she offered to drive him back to his house or apartment.

"You do have one of those, right? I didn't pick up a homeless person?" she questioned.

Her purple headband was back on her head, pushing back her hair. The same large sunglasses he saw her wearing was back on her face.

"I have a house. Parent's house, actually."

"You live with your parents?" she asked.

"When I'm not at school. I'm on break right now. There was a rat infestation at the school, so they have to take care of them. The school term is almost over anyway, so there's not much to do," he explained.

"Well, I can assure you you'll have more fun with me around." She paused, ducking down to look at the neighborhood around her. "Did you give me the right address or are you actually rich? I was taking a wild guess based on how you dress, but wowzers."

"You really don't know who I am?" he asked.

She glanced at him before looking back in front of her with one hand on the wheel. "No, I don't. Am I supposed to? You're not a spy, are you?"

"No, I'm not a spy. My last name is - "

"Hey, no last names! It's a sacred rule of mine. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor. We're home skillets now," she retorted. "Is that your's at the end? The biggest one?"

"That's the one."

Novalyn sighed. "You know, I'm only going to school to send money to my mom. Dad doesn't send her money and she's been living rough past few years."

"What are you studying to be?"

"A nurse," she said. "I don't know if that's what I actually want to be, but hey, I don't faint or puke at the sight of blood and I get to save lives, right? It's tough work, more years and money at school, but as long as I can help my mom out, I'm happy."

"What about your dad?"

She shrugged weakly. "I got daddy issues, Tony. That's all I'll say."

He nodded, unbuckling the seatbelt as she stopped in front of his house - more like mansion. "I know what you mean. I got daddy issues too."

She smiled. "We all got issues nowadays. Come on, pretty boy, out of my car."

He got out and buzzed the intercom. "Hey, it's me."

The gate to the mansion slid open automatically. A butler was walking down the steps quickly toward Tony.

"Master Stark, Mistress Stark has been worried!"

"I know, Jarvis. I'm sorry," said Tony. He looked over his shoulder to see Novalyn waving at her before reversing. "Wait, Novalyn!" He rushed over to the driver's seat, and she rolled the windows down.

"Can I get your number?" he asked.

"A bit forward, don't you think? I'm joking. Give me your phone." She put her car on park, then typed in her phone number. "Text me. See you later Tony no last name."

"See you later, Novalyn no last name."

Tony and Jarvis watched as she drove away. The butler turned to Tony with a raised eyebrow, causing Tony to shrug.

"Who was that?"

"A friend."

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