Chapter 16: Fortree Gym! Training Day! Lilycove Contest!

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Today the gang had arrived at Fortree City, where Winter could earn her next gym badge.

Fortree City was different from other cities because everyone lived in tree houses instead of buildings.

Apparently this city was one of those quiet forest settlements where humans and nature coexist.

To Winter, Tomo and Brock this reminded them of Arborville in Johto because it was nearly the same as Fortree City.

Winter and the gang headed for the Fortree Gym, which was a temple with a lot of steps.

But the gym assistant, Zachary, explained that the gym leader Winona was helping out at the feather carnival. The feather carnival was an annual festival where the people of the city celebrated flying type Pokémon.

Apparently flying Pokémon were the favorite Pokémon type of Fortree City.

Winter didn't mind waiting for tomorrow to battle Winona; she had a fun time at the carnival and it gave her enough time to figure out what Pokémon he would use for the gym battle.

Winter also found out that Winona used flying type Pokémon and she owned a Skarmory which was bigger than its normal size; it was big enough for people to ride on it.

Winona was a woman, with lavender air, and the pale blue and white clothes she wore made her look like a pilot.

The next day the whole carnival was over with and Winter and Winona were at the gym for their battle. The battle field was located at the top of the gym; it was outside instead of inside.

Winter and Winona stood on elevated balconies about the battlefield.

Zachary explained that the gym rules were that it was a three on three Pokémon battle.

Winona did a prayer to the sky to guide her in this battle; Winona actually worshiped the sky as well as loving it and then she called out her first Pokémon, an Altaria.

"Oh wow it's an Altaria, a dragon and flying type move." Max said.

May looked at Altaria on her PokéDex:
Altaria the Humming Pokémon.
The evolved form of Swablu. It flies gracefully through the sky. Its melodic humming makes you feel like you're in a dream.

"Beautiful, my Swablu will evolves into that huh?" May asked. She sent out her Swablu and told it to watch the battle carefully. "I'll be using you in battles soon Swablu, so pay attention to this."

"Swablu!" Swablu chirped.

Winter sent out Yuna to battle.

"So it's a battle between two beautiful Pokémon." May stated.

"Water types aren't usually strong against dragon, but there's no doubt that Winter knows what she's doing." Max said.

Winter ordered Milotic to start it off with dragon pulse, but Altaria dodged it.

Apparently Altaria was one of those speedy Pokémon.

Then Winona ordered her Altaria to use dragon breath.

"Yuna mirror coat." Winter said. Yuna glowed and the mirror coat activated, as soon as the dragon breath attack hit Milotic it bounced off and struck Altaria.

"That mirror coat move always makes me say wow," May said, "I hope that I will earn a Pokémon in the future that can learn that."

"Yeah me too." Max added.

Winona was also surprised by that attack, but she kept on going, she ordered Altaria to use peck. Altaria, being so fast, was able to peck at Yuna lots of times.

"Use safeguard Yuna." Winter said. Yuna glowed green and it stopped Altaria from pecking it any more. "Now use blizzard." Yuna blew a strong blizzard attack and Altaria got hit by it.

Being a dragon and flying type Pokémon, Altaria took a lot of damage from that ice move.

"Altaria use your sky attack." Winona said. Altaria powered up, while a white aura surrounded its body, and then it flew straight into Yuna with a direct hit.

Yuna got a bit hurt by that attack, but she shook it off.

"Wow that sky attack move was incredible." May said in awe.

"Sky attack is one of the strongest flying type moves." Max explained.

Winona ordered her Altaria to use dragon breath again and Winter ordered Yuna to use ice beam.

Yuna and Altaria struck each other with their attacks.

Altaria was panting for a moment then fell to the ground with swirly eyes, meaning she fainted.

The first match goes to Winter.

Winona was impressed with Winter's skill as a trainer and returned her Altaria. Her next Pokémon was a Pelipper.

Winter returned Yuna and sent out her Manectric.

As Pelipper was water and flying type, an electric type would be stronger.

Winter ordered her Manectric to use thunderbolt.

"Use your steel wing Pelipper." Winona said. Pelipper's wings glowed white and then touched the battle ground.

At that moment it got hit by Manectric's thunderbolt. But it didn't cause a lot of damage.

Because Pelipper was using steel wing, the wings were attacking as lightning rods, which is why the thunderbolt did less damage than normal to Pelipper.

'Smart, using steel wing as a lightning rod.' Winter thought and started to think, 'I got it!' She ordered Manectric to use swift.

The stars struck Pelipper and Pelipper ended up stopping of using steel wing and let go of the ground.

"Use hydro pump Pelipper." Winona said. Pelipper fired hydro pump at Manectric, before it hit Manectric Winter ordered him to use thunder.

The thunder and hydro pump hit each other but the thunder attack, shocked the hydro pump making it hit Pelipper.

Winona gasped, "Pelipper no!"

Pelipper fainted from the intense electric attack.

Winter wins the second round.

Winona returned Pelipper back, "Not bad Winter. Not many trainers can handle my flying Pokémon, but you are hanging it with ease." She complimented.

"Thanks. I think..." Winter said unsure.

Winona's last Pokémon was a Swellow, but this Swellow was shiny.

Instead of being the normal navy blue and red, this Swellow was green and orange, but the white feathers were still the same.

Winter decided to use Swellow, so this was a Swellow vs Swellow battle.

"Why is Winter using Swellow and not Pichu or Pachirisu?" May asked.

"As this is a flying type gym Winter wanted to use Swellow for this gym battle," Brock explained, "she likes battling in battles which are a Pokémon versing the same Pokémon and type."

"That's not all, if Winter use Pichu or Pachirisu they'll destroy the field due to there high level of electricity." Tomo added, "Haven't you ever wonder why Winter never use high level electric attacks from her two electric Pokémon's?"

May and Max stop to think.

"Now that you mention it, I always hear Snow saying low power thundershock attack." May said.

"Is that the reason why she lowers the power of her Pichu?" Max asked.

"Yeah." Brock nodded.

"I look forward to this battle Winter." Winona said. Apparently she liked to fight against other opponents who also had flying type Pokémon.

The elevated balconies rose high above the battlefield; as this was a flying vs flying Pokémon battle.

Winona wanted to have this battle higher in the sky.

Winter noticed how windy it was and she told her Swellow to be careful.

Winter ordered his Swellow to use aerial ace and Winona told hers to do the same.

The two Swellows were tackling each other like crazy.

"Okay Swellow use your hyper beam." Winona said. Her Swellow was about to use hyper beam, but Winter ordered her Swellow to dodge it with quick attack. Thankfully Swellow was able to dodge it before the hyper beam attack could hit him.

"Nice," Brock said, "that Swellow has better battling experience in the sky, but not better than Sky's Swellow."

"What do you mean Brock?" Max asked.

"You see mostly of Winter flying type love to have a sky battle for a training." Brock explained, "Everything Winter catches another flying type, her Pokémon back at Professor Oak laboratory will have a mock sky battle."

"Professor Oak and Tracey sometime watch the battle. Sometime its a three way or four way battle." Tomo added.

"No... Way." May said in shock.

Max nodded.

Winter looked around thinking of a plan, suddenly she noticed something; she realized that the wind was picking up the dust on the battle field. This gave her a bit of an idea. "Swellow dive towards the ground." She said.

Winter's Swellow dived towards the battlefield at full speed and Winona's Swellow did the same to go after Winter's Swellow.

It was like two biplanes heading towards the ground at full speed.

"They're going to crash!" Max cried.

The gang had no idea what Winter was thinking.

As soon as the two Swellows headed towards the ground, Winona ordered her Swellow to use aerial ace.

Then Winter ordered her Swellow to hit the ground with wing attack.

As soon as Swellow hit the ground with wing attack, she made a lot of dust fly everywhere, making it look like a sand attack.

Because of the dust, Winona's Swellow lost its concentration of its aerial ace attack.

"Okay Swellow, brave bird!" Winter said. A blue flame colored aura surrounded Swellow and then she tackled Winona's Swellow hard.

Winona's Swellow got hit hard by that attack and it fell to the ground, defeated.

Zachary proclaimed Winter the winner of the gym match.

May and Max were surprised by the brave bird attack; they had never seen it before.

Brock explained to them that brave bird was the second strongest flying type move, next to sky attack.

He also explained to them that trainers and Pokémon had to be careful with the move brave bird; Pokémon who knows and uses brave bird receives damage after using it, so this move was a little bit dangerous.

It was same with the moves double-edge, volt tackle, flare blitz and wood hammer because the users of these moves would receive damage after using them.

Tomo was happy to see Swellow using brave bird. He explained to the others that Swellow tried to use it when she was still a Taillow, but was never able to do it right, because it took a lot out off her.

"It was probably because Taillow was a small bird Pokémon and could only master it when it evolved to Swellow, because it's a bigger bird." Brock explained.

Winona returned her Swellow and thought that this was the best gym battle she ever had. She congratulated Winter and thanked her.

"I enjoyed the battle as much as you Winona." Winter said.

Winona presented Winter the Fortree Gym badge.

This badge was called the Feather Badge and it was white-green colored and it was the shape of a bird's wing.

So Winter had six gym badges now.


Sometime after the Fortree City gym battle, Winter had decided to spend a day with training her Pokémon after a bit of exploring.

May thought of that too because a Pokémon contest was coming up and she wanted to practice for it.

So the gang agreed that they would stop traveling for the day.

May decided to train with her Swablu, Combusken and her Bulbasaur. Her Swablu was female and she knew sing, peck, fury attack, safeguard, mist and the egg move feather dance.

As May didn't do well with Bulbasaur at the Rubello Contest, she intended to work hard with Bulbasaur this time.

Combusken had certainly grown up ever since it was a Torchic and it started to become a strong Pokémon for May. Apart from knowing peck, ember, fire spin, quick attack and scratch, Combusken knew double kick, sky uppercut and slash.

For Winter she went to a quite area to train, Pichu and Pachirisu as well with Absol were with her.

As for Brock, Max and Tomo, they were also spending the day with their Pokémon.

So they all decide to do their own things today, but coming back to the camp spot.


But they weren't the only ones that were taking the day off training their Pokémon; Jessie and James had also decided to train their Pokémon.

Meowth was complaining that they should be working on planning of stealing Pokémon for the boss.

Jessie explained that stealing Pokémon was the reason why they needed to train to get stronger. "The reason we get beaten by people is because their Pokémon are stronger than ours." She reasoned.

"Yeah and sure you Meowth, a Pokémon, would know the only way for our Pokémon to get stronger is to train." James said.

"And you Meowth should train too. You may act like a human, but you are still a Pokémon." Jessie pointed out.

Meowth couldn't think of another way to argue anymore so he went off to train himself, and Jessie and James got to work on their Pokémon.

James had a new Pokémon on his team; a Chimecho. Chimecho was a light blue psychic Pokémon with red markings, a yellow globular growth and it looked like a wind chime. He caught it the other day.

Meowth walked into some part of a wood. "I'll show them," he said, "if I train myself then I will show them that I can be tough like the other Pokémon." He was just thinking on what to do, when suddenly he heard a thumping noise.

"Sounds like somebody is whacking a tree very hard." Meowth said. He went to see what the noise and then he saw what was making the noise.

It was a Zigzagoon and it seemed to be using headbutt on the tree.

"What are you doing?" Meowth asked the Zigzagoon.

The Zigzagoon explained to Meowth, in its PokéLanguage, that a Linoone was teaching the Zigzagoons hoy to use headbutt and swift.

"I see so you are practicing now before you learn those attacks from Linoone right?" Meowth asked.

Zigzagoon nodded yes.

Just then Meowth had a thought. 'This is it,' he thought, 'I could ask the Linoone to teach me headbutt and swift too. My kind can learn those two moves and then I can show them off to Jessie and James.'

Meowth asked the Zigzagoon if he could go with him to see the Linoone because he wished to learn headbutt and swift too, and Zigzagoon agreed.

Zigzagoon brought Meowth to a location of the forest where there were many Zigzagoon and Linoones.

Zigzagoon introduced Meowth to the Linoone, who was teaching swift and headbutt, and the Linoone agreed to help him learn headbutt and swift.

Meowth was warned that the training would be tough but he was willing to go through it.


Meanwhile with Winter and her Pokémon's were training, she thought it was a good time to evolve Kirlia, Murkrow, Misdreavus and Togetic into Gallade, Honchkrow, Mismagius and Togekiss.

"Kirlia, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Togetic!" Winter called out her four Pokémon.

"Kir." "Murkrow." "Misdreavus." "Togetic."

"I think it's time for you guys to evolve into your next stage. Don't you think?"

They nodded.


Winter place, a Shiny stone in front of Togetic, a Dusk stone between Murkrow and Misdreavus, a Dawn stone in front of Kirlia.

Togetic touched the stone, she glowed and she changed into a white, avian Pokémon with an ovoid body. While its feet are small and situated closely together, its wings are broad and triangular. Red and blue triangular markings over its underside, and it has a short tail consisting of three feathers. On the back of its head are three spikes: a red tipped on the right, a blue tipped one on the left, and a pure white one in the middle. Togekiss has a relatively flat face and small, black eyes.

"Togekiss!" She chirped happily.

Murkrow touched the dark purple stone, he glowed and changed into a dark-blue avian Pokémon with plumage resembling a person dressed in formal attire. It has a large feather crest resembling a fedora hat that has spikes extending from the back. It has circular red eyes with white sclera and dark blue eyelids. Its yellow beak is slightly curved, and its head is supported by a broad, short neck. Honchkrow has a white and prominent crest of feathers on its chest that bears resemblance to a beard or cravat. Its wings have red feathers on the inside. Honchkrow has black feet with four toes. The tail's base is a white, cylindrical stalk, on which there is a growth of red feathers on the end.

"Honchkrow!" He separated his wings out.

Misdreavus touched the dark purple stone next, she glowed and changed into a purple, ghost-like Pokémon. It has a round head with elaborate tufts resembling a witch's hat atop it. The tips of the tufts are paler than most of the body. It has a thin, red mouth that resembles the letter "W." Below its head, it has a long neck with a round lump midway down. Three, elliptical red spheres surround the upper portion of it's body. There are extensions on the sides of its lower body with the foremost ones tattered compared to rear ones.

"Mismagius!" She floated up.

Lastly is Kirlia, he touched the light greenish stone, he glowed and changed into a white, bipedal Pokémon. Its lower body consists of rounded hips with strong legs. It has a thin green torso with sharp, red horns sticking out of its chest and back. Its arms are shaped like tonfas with extendable blades in its elbows. It will use its arms like swords in order to protect someone. Its head resembles a gladiator's helmet with a white face and a teal head crest. It has spikes on the sides of its face.

"Gallade!" He rises his blades in his new form.

Togekiss, the Jubilee Pokémon.
The evolved form of Togetic. It is said that Togekiss never appears where there is conflict.

Honchkrow, the Big Boss Pokémon.
The evolved form of Murkrow. Honchkrow recruits many Murkrow to travel with it, and it spends much of its time at home preening its feathers.

Mismagius, the Magical Pokémon.
The evolved form of Misdreavus. Mismagius chants incantations, and while some cause misery, some give happiness as well.

Gallade, the Blade Pokémon.
The evolved form of Kirlia. Gallade extends its elbows as if they were swords, and when protecting someone, it fights fiercely.

"Awesome! Now it's mock battle time, since we'll have you get to your new forms." Winter explained.

They nodded.

"Dustox, Masquerain, Gengar, Ursaring! I choose you!" Winter released her two moth-like Pokémon, shadow and giant bear.





"Guys were going to help Togetic, Honchkrow, Mismagius and Gallade to get use to their new evolved form. It's mock battle!"

When the signal start they all attacked, with their own attacks.

The battle when on for eight minutes, it was great, Winter find out that her Pokémon's knows new moves. She thought it was time to head battle to the rest area, she returned a her Pokémon and when back.


The gang were enjoying some lunch. But then something strange started to happen.

May noticed a rice ball was moving about all by itself along the grass, "We've got ghosts!" She cried.

"May, calm down we haven't," Winter said calmly, "that is a Kecleon." She pointed to a red stripe that was moving along the grass. "Kecleon can't hide their stripe when they are invisible."

Pichu did a light thundershock to startle the invisible Kecleon and then Kecleon revealed itself.

"See what I mean May?" Winter asked.

"Yes I do." May answered.

May took out her PokéDex:
Kecleon, the Colour Swap Pokémon.
It can freely change its body's colour. The zigzag pattern on its belly doesn't change, however.

Max started to grin like a clown and told his Loudred to get ready to fight.

"What are you doing Max?" May asked.

"What do you think I'm doing May?" Max answered, "I am going to catch this Kecleon. Kecleon are hard to find, so this is my chance of catching one."

"He's got a point about that." Brock pointed out.

So Max and Loudred got ready to catch the Kecleon.


At that time Jessie and James were taking a break with their Pokémon.

"I don't know about you James, but this is tough." Jessie said.

"Yeah but some good things come out of this," James said, "our Pokémon end up learning some new moves and they get stronger this way."

"That's true, my Wingull here has learned new moves; it's learned air cutter, aerial ace, and steel wing. And so has my dear Loudred; she's learned ice, fire and thunder punch."

"Exactly, and my Chimecho has learned some psychic moves; confusion, psywave and psychic. And thanks to some of my grass Pokémon it knows energy ball now. I'm telling you Jess, at this rate we may end up stronger than Butch and Cassidy."

"I hope you're right because I would love to beat Cassidy in a Pokémon battle." Jessie smirked.

"Speaking off Pokémon, I wonder where Meowth went?" James asked.

"I don't know, maybe he went off to train himself." Jessie replied.

"That will make a change." James said.


All the while Meowth was training hard with the Zigzagoons and Linoones to learn headbutt and swift. He kept on getting bumps on the head because of hitting the tree so much with his head and he got cramp in his tail because he had to swing his tail around so much to learn swift.

Apparently the way that a Meowth and its evolution Persian could do swift was by the tail.

Meowth wasn't willing to give up on learning swift and headbutt; he wanted to learn those two moves even if it cost him his head and tail.

'It feels strange this trying to learn a new move thing,' Meowth thought 'I mean ever since I learnt to talk and walk, I never tried to learn a new move ever again. Especially since I'm not like other Meowth anymore. But truthfully I feel pretty good doing this. In fact I feel stronger than I ever felt before and I feel that a power is waking up within me.'

It was at that moment when the brown turf on Meowth's tail started to glow and then stars came out of his tail; he had learnt swift at last.

"I don't believe it, I did it!" Meowth cried happily. He swung his tail and performed swift again.

The Zigzagoon and Linoone saw that and congratulated Meowth on his success.

Meowth then practiced on headbutt and slash some more and he learnt them too. "I can't believe that I really learnt swift, headbutt and slash." He said. He turned to the Zigzagoon and Linoone. "Thank you for helping me learn three new moves." He had never been so grateful in his life.

Zigzagoon and Linoone were happy to have helped Meowth.

Soon Meowth decided it was time for him to get back to Jessie and James, so he bid farewell to the Zigzagoons and Linoones and left the area.


By now Jessie and James had finished their training with the Pokémon.

"I think we did brilliantly with our training Jessie," James said who was smiling like a happy child, "all of our Pokémon has learned many new moves and my dear Shroomish evolved into Breloom."

James' Breloom was happy that it evolved from Shroomish too.

"I agree with you on that James." Jessie said. She and James returned all of their Pokémon for a rest.

Just then Meowth turned up.

"Where had you been Meowth?" James asked.

"Learning some new moves." Meowth answered and he demonstrated his new swift, headbutt and slash attacks.

Jessie and James were amazed by that.

"Wow Meowth, I never thought I'd see the day that you would learn some new moves." Jessie said in amazement.

"It wasn't easy, but I did it after a lot of training." Meowth said.

"I take you got my point when I said that training helps a Pokémon become stronger." James said.

"Yeah I get it, but we still having decided on our next move yet." Meowth pointed out.

"Say no more." James said and got out his laptop and typed in something. "I figured this Pokémon should be our next target." He showed a picture of a Kecleon on the lap top.

"This creepy lizard thing?" Jessie said.

"That Jessie is a Kecleon, and it has the ability to become invisible by camouflaging around objects." Meowth explained.

"That's right and Team Rocket can use that ability to steal things." James stated.

Jessie saw the point and the trio agreed to go and gather Kecleons.

At that time, the gang were getting ready to leave and continue on their journey.

"I feel ready now for the contest after that training." May smiled.

"I feel happy because I have a Kecleon for myself." Max smiled, he and Loudred succeeded on catching the Kecleon.

"Yeah but now it's time to go." Winter said.

So the gang left the area.


Today the gang had arrived at a city called Lilycove City; there the next Pokémon contest was being held tomorrow.

May met another Pokémon coordinator named Kelly and her Pokémon Grumpig.

Grumpig is a bipedal, pig-like Pokémon. It has large ears, a pink snout, and oval eyes. The lower half of its body is black, while the upper half is purple. There are black markings on its ears and arms, while its hands and feet are purple. Its tail is pink and curly. There appear to be three shining black pearls on its body: two on its head, and another on its midsection where the black meets the purple

Grumpig, the Manipulate Pokémon.
The evolved form of Spoink. Using its dark pearl to magnify its psychic waves, it is able to manipulate its opponents easily.

Kelly and her mother also owned a shop where they made and sold Pokéblocks.

The gang remembered about making Pokéblocks and using the berry blender from Mr Big, back at Slateport City.

Since they had come to a Pokéblock shop, they decided to make some Pokéblocks for their Pokémon today.

Even May was confident of making Pokéblocks now.

Kelly and her mother were happy to hear that the gang knew how to make Pokéblocks.

Pichu and Pachirisu cheered when they saw the Pokéblocks.

Kelly also told May that she was going to enter the Pokémon contest tomorrow, so May had a rival to deal with tomorrow.

Next day it was time for the contest.

May was going to use Combusken.

Brock, Tomo, Winter and Max sat in the audience seat.

May and Kelly was in the waiting room.

Vivian did the normal opening speech and introductions, and then she showed off the Lilycove Ribbon.

The Lilycove Ribbon was purple, with light purple spots and a light green outline.

May was first in the appeal rounds and she called out Combusken. "Start things off with fire spin Combusken." Combusken spun round and created a fiery tornado. "Cut that with slash Combusken." Combusken slash through the tornado, making it rain of balls of fire. "Now use sky uppercut." Combusken slashed through the balls of fire with sky uppercut and then it rained little bits of flames. Combusken kneeled to the ground for a finish.

The audience thought it was incredible with how Combusken dealt with a fiery performance.

Nurse Joy and Mr Suziko liked the performance too. As for Mr Contesta, he did like the performance but he saw that Combusken was showing off a bit during the performance.

This was true really; Combusken acted like he was the lord of fire during that performance especially since this was his first contest.

Mr Contesta was one of those judges who could see any faults and anything else like that.

So May got a point of 23.6.

This made May hope that this score was high enough for her to get into the second round.

Soon it was Kelly's turn with her Grumpig. First Grumpig did a springy entrance with its springy tail. Then Kelly threw out some pokeblocks from her Pokéblock case and Grumpig used psychic to juggle them and then ate them to finish. The audience and judges liked the performance.

Kelly got a score of 27.7.

Then it was a coordinator named Lilly turn and she called out her Corphish. "Let's start with harden Corphish." Corphish's body glowed white and then it shined a bit. "Now show them your bubblebeam." Corphish opened his pincers and fired blue bubbles from them. "Now use night slash Corphish." Corphish's pincers glowed dark purple and then he slashed all the bubbles, making them pop.

A shower of blue and purple sparkles flew everywhere, and the audience and judges liked it.

Lilly got a full total of 30.0.

After all the preliminary rounds were over it was soon times for the second rounds.

This time, eight Pokémon coordinators made it past the preliminaries, Kelly and May were two of them.

May was relieved that she got into the second round, considering her low score.

May and Kelly easily defeated their opponents in the top 8 rounds, surprisingly even Lilly and when it came to the top 4 rounds.

May had to face a male opponent named Sid and Kelly had to face Lilly.

Fighting against Kelly and her Grumpig wasn't easy for Lilly and her Corphish.

Kelly's Grumpig's psychic move made it hard for Corphish to do anything because Grumpig kept Corphish high and still in the air.

Corphish tried to fight back with bubble beam, but the psychic move kept on preventing him from doing anything.

In the end Lilly and Corphish lost, but they given it thier all best.

Kelly and Grumpig went to the last round.

May won against Sid too, so May and Kelly had to fight each other now for the ribbon.

When it was now Combusken vs Grumpig, Grumpig used the same psychic move it used on Lilly's Corphish.

So Combusken was held high and still in the air. But May got an idea; she ordered her Combusken to use fire spin at the ceiling.

When Combusken did that, the flames got thrown back by the ceiling and a rain of flames fell everywhere.

Grumpig got hit by the rain of flames and became distracted a bot from using psychic.

Winter smirked, "Smart and not bad May." She said impressed. "She turned the Chess game around."

"Huh?" Max and Tomo said confused.

"Sky's right. May turned this match around like a chess game," Brock explained, "she figured that Kelly was going to use her Grumpig's move psychic, like she did when she battled Lilly, so she found a way to fight back at it with that rain of flames. And Grumpig can't do anything about it because it's too busy using psychics

"This was a great strategy." Tomo said.

"Yeah, I can't believe that my sister really came up with that." Max said.

"Hey, Pichu, Pachirisu. May has grown up now with Pokémon battling," Winter whispered for only her two electric type can hear, "before she was the nervous type who had no idea of what to do in a battle. But now she really has gotten better at battling."

Pichu and Pachirisu agreed.

At that moment Grumpig stopped using psychic and then both Grumpig and Combusken fell towards the ground.

May quickly told Combusken to grab Grumpig and use flamethrower on the ground.

The flamethrower acted like a rocket to help both Combusken and Grumpig get onto the ground safely.

After that the time was up and May was the winner of the match and Pokémon contest.

The judges were happy with May's kindness and they happily presented her the Lilycove Ribbon.

Kelly and the gang congratulated May for her win and Kelly hoped to go against May in a Pokémon contest again one day.

May was happy to have earned a second ribbon and happy to have gained a new friend and rival.


Sorry for the long wait, I was trying to continue my Yu-Gi-Oh!GX story.

1. I was thinking that Meowth didn't even try to learn some new moves in the anime. So I've made him less wimpy to get stronger and learn new moves.

2. Lilly is just a made up characters on the spot.

I'm starting a new story soon!!
It's the Pokémon Adventure of Takuya! Read the summary in FanFiction Ideas, it's there!

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