Chapter 18: Hoenn Legendary Pokémon Face Off!

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It seemed like a normal day for the gang; they were just on a ferry heading for Mossdeep City.

But trouble had been following them; it was Team Rocket again.

Jessie, James and Meowth were trying to nick the gang's Pokémon again, and of course they were sent blasting off again.

But in the process the gang ended up falling overboard and into the ocean.

Tomo quickly returned his Growlithe so that Growlithe wouldn't get wet from the ocean.

The gang tried to call out for help, but no one on the ferry heard them and so the gang was left in the ocean.

"What shall we do now?" May asked worriedly.

"Don't worry I have my Yuna and Triton on me so they can give us a ride." Winter said.

Winter was just about to call out Yuna and Triton, but then a red submarine came out from underneath the gang.

"How'd you like that?" Brock said, "We don't need Milotic and Gyarados after all."

"Wait a minute," Winter said worriedly, "this submarine is Team Magma's submarine."

"Are you sure Snow?" May asked.

"Winter is right May," Tomo said, "Officer Jenny showed us a photo of this submarine before."

"I remember, it was some time after we last met Team Aqua and Magma." Max said.

"What shall we do?" May asked.

Before anyone could think of something, someone was about to come out of the sub.

The gang quickly hid themselves away so that they wouldn't be seen.

The Mr. Somebody, who came out of the sub, was Team Magma's commander Tabitha.

The gang saw Tabitha, but Tabitha didn't see the kids.

"This is Team Magma's sub alright." Brock said.

"Then Team Magma must be up to something again." Winter said.

"What should we do?" May asked worriedly.

"It's too late for us to try and get away now." Brock pointed out.

Pachirisu nodded, "Chipa."

The submarine started to move towards a big sea fortress in the middle of the ocean.

"I bet that's Team Magma's base," Brock said, "and if it is then we are in trouble."

Brock was right about the fortress being Team Magma's base and the gang was in trouble.

Once the submarine docked the gang was found out by the leader of Team Magma.

The boss of Team Magma was a man named Maxie.

"What are you going to do with us?" Winter asked madly who was not happy to see Team Magma at all.

"No need to fret kid, I'm just going to keep you all here until our mission is over." Maxie said.

"My apologies sir," Tabitha bowed, "I didn't realize that we had intruders on the submarine sir."

Some Team Magma kids surrounded the gang and headed them away.

Maxie also asked if there were any signs of Team Aqua.

"We have found out that they have made some moves under water and we belive that they may head over to Monsu Island." Tabitha answered.

"I see, so that means we will be meeting up with Team Aqua soon." Maxie said. "Bring the kids to my office."

Another intruder was also in Team Magma's base and it was Team Aqua's commander Shelly.

The truth is Team Magma had somehow captured Kyogre, who Team Aqua was searching for, and Team Aqua found that out.

So Shelly had snuck on board to release Kyogre.

In Maxie's office, Maxie asked the gang to sit on the sofa so he could talk to them.

Max and May were scared of Team Magma, especially of their angry four Mightyenas.

Tomo and Brock were a bit nervous and Winter was looking very angry.

Winter didn't really want to talk to Maxie but Brock told him not to anger him.

"I take it you don't like us very much Winter?" asked Maxie.

Winter scoffed, "What gave you that idea?" She rolled her eyes sarcastically, "You bet I don't like you or Team Aqua. I know what you and Team Aqua are, your both a bunch of villains who plan to use Groudon and Kyogre for your own crazy, selfish ways!"

The Mightyenas growled to silence Winter but she wasn't intimidated by them.

"Watch your mouth kid!" Tabitha demanded who was not happy with Winter.

"Make me!" Winter taunted.

"It's alright Tabitha," Maxie assured, "we are not exactly the villains that you think we are Winter. You see Team Aqua wants to control all the oceans of the world, while we just want to control the land so that we can make the world better by expanding the land."

"That still doesn't change the fact that you are a villain, especially since you and your team had been going around Hoenn terrorizing people and pokemon and stealing things that are not yours!" Winter argued, she felt her PokéBalls shake a bit.

Just then an orb appeared on Maxie's desk; it was the red orb.

Winter flinched seeing the orb, "The Red Orb." She muttered.

"Oh so you know about this ancient treasure then?" Maxie asked "with this red orb I will be able to control Groudon once I obtain it."

"It won't work," Winter said, "Groudon and Kyogre are the type of Pokémon that you should never underestimate; especially since their powers are far more powerful and dangerous than you can imagine. If you and Team Aqua think that you will be able to control Groudon and Kyogre even with the orbs, then clearly both of you are more stupid than I thought you were."

"Hey!" Tabitha shouted.

Maxie shushed Tabitha, "Reassure Winter, I have gone through every little detail about Groudon and this treasure so I will be able to control Groudon once I get it from Team Aqua." He said.

"What on earth do you mean?" Brock asked.

Maxie explained that his team had captured Kyogre and Team Aqua had captured Groudon.

The gang was not happy with that, especially Witner.

"So we will be heading to Monsu Island, where Team Aqua will be, to get Groudon from Team Aqua," Maxie said, "but I'm afraid we can't have you kids messing with our plans, so I'm afraid you kids will have to be locked up for a while."

Winter was about to order her Pichu and Pachirisu to attack, but an explosion happened on Team Magma's base.


What had happened was Shelly had succeeded on setting Kyogre free from its cage in Team Magma's base, then once Kyogre woke up from its sleep, that Team Magma put it under, it created a hole in the base and set itself free.

After setting Kyogre free Shelly got ready to leave the boat feeling very pleased with her success.

Suddenly Shelly was stopped by a man in a Team Magma uniform.

"You're not really a member of Team Magma are you?" The man asked.

"That's right, I'm not." Shelly smiled, she revealed herself as a Team Aqua member and then she jumped into the sea.

The man was not a Team Magma member either; he was really Lance.

Lance had heard about Team Aqua and Magma and had come to Hoenn to stop them.


Back in Maxie's office, Maxie was telling his team to evacuate from the ship.

Suddenly the Red Orb got knocked off the desk by an explosion.

Winter knows that the Red Orb will control Pichu.

"Pichu!" Pichu said.

"Alright. Pichu grab the red orb quickly!" Witner said.

Tabitha ordered the Mightyenas to attack and grab the orb, but Pichu beat the Mightyenas to the orb first.

But then red markings appeared on the red orb, and then the orb went into Pichu's body like the orb bonded with Pichu, just like Winter.

"Grab that Pichu!" Maxie demanded, who saw what happened.

The Mightyena charged at Pichu, but Pichu blasted the Mightyena with thunderbolt.

"Oh boy, that thunderbolt was powerful alright but not powerful enough like Pichu's original power." Brock gasped.

"And look there are strange markings on Pichu." May pointed.

May was right; there were some weird red symbol markings over Pichu and Pichu was in pain from that.

"That's just like me when I bonded with the Green Orb." Winter muttered silently. "The Red orb is doing to same with Pichu."

Another explosion happened and Maxie and Tabitha got knocked off their feet.

"Quick let's get out of here now." Brock said.

Winter grabbed Pichu, while she was knocked out, then Winter and the others ran out of the office.


Outside, in the middle of the ocean, Team Aqua's sub which was a greyish blue colour Shelly was speaking with her boss.

Team Aqua's boss was a man named Archie and he looked like a pirate captain.

"You did a great job of freeing Kyogre into the sea Shelly." Archie said.

"I thank you sir." Shelly smiled.

"Now it's time to try out Kyogre's power." Archie said and he had the Blue Orb in his hand. "Come fourth beast of the sea Kyogre."

Kyogre came out of the sea at once; this meant that Kyogre really was under Archie's control.

Archie ordered Kyogre to attack Team Magma's base and Kyogre fired a hyper beam at the base.

"Kyogre is more powerful than I thought." Archie laughed. Archie was more evil than you could ever think of.


Back at Team Magma's base Lance saw that something bad was happening and he had to do something about it. Suddenly he noticed Winter and the gang, who were about to jump off the ship.

"What are Brock and Tomo doing here? Whose the girl with white hair?" Lance asked himself, "Brock and Tomo are here, does that mean that's Luna?"

May and Max were scared to jump off the ship, but Ash told them that they had no choice because it was their only way to escape.

Suddenly a sudden jolt of the base tossed May, Max, Tomo and Brock into the sea, leaving Winter behind.

Winter was about to jump off next but Tabitha and two Mightyena stopped her before he could jump off.

"Sorry kid but you and your Pichu aren't going anywhere." Tabitha smirked.

Max, May, Brock and Tomo saw that Winter, Pachirisu and Pichu had been captured.

"What shall we do?" Tomo asked worriedly.

Team Magma led Winter to a cargo room of their flying ship, where she would be imprisoned with Pichu.

"Where's Maxie?" Tabitha asked a grunt.

"He already headed off for Monsu Island." The grunt answered.

"Then that is where we shall go. Maxie said.

As soon as Team Magma took off in their flying ship, Archie ordered Kyogre to attack Team Magma's base again.

This time Kyogre's hyper beam attack smashed the base some more and the base sunk into the sea.

Archie laughed at this; he really was a cruel criminal.

Bad thing was that because of the blast the sea acted rough and Brock, May, Max and Tomo got tossed under the water.

There were in big trouble, but then a red Gyarados saved them, the gang was wondering whose red Gyarados it was, soon Brock and Tomo realise that it was Lance's Gyarados, they notice that he caught a red Gyarados as well.


On Monsu Island, which was a small island in the middle of the ocean, Jessie, James and Meowth were just picking themselves up from their recent blast off from the gang.

"Hey where are we?" Jessie asked.

"I'll look it up in my map book." James answered looking through his book, "Hmm... it seems we are at an island called Monsu Island."

"Well that's good to know," Jessie said, "but what should we do now?"

Just then they noticed a flying ship above them.

"Hey, that was Team Magma wasn't it?" Jessie asked.

"It was," James answered, "which means Team Magma are here."

"Let's go see what they are up to now." Meowth suggested.


Team Aqua and Team Magma met up with each other by a sort of pyramid shaped building that stood on Monsu Island.

"So nice to see you Maxie." Archie smirked.

Two Aqua grunts revealed two Magma grunts all tied up.

"As I recall these two tried to take Groudon from us but they failed, not a good way of doing business Maxie."

"Listen here Archie," Maxie said, "both you and I know that Groudon isn't important for your organization. So just hand it over."

Archie laughed, "Sorry but I won't," he said "I have obtained Kyogre so I will keep Groudon too." He showed the blue orb to Maxie. "I propose that you and your team disband Maxie and let Team Aqua take over, or I will show no mercy to you with Kyogre."

Archie was indeed more power hungry than you could ever think of.


Jessie, James and Meowth watched and listened to everything from a hill to where Team Aqua and Magma were standing.

"Goodness me, Team Aqua really is power hungry," James said, "and both Team Aqua and Magma really hate each other's guts."

"This makes me glad that Team Rocket is the only team organization in Kanto," Jessie said, "I'd hate to have a rival organization to fight against all the time like this."

"We should do something; I mean Team Aqua and Magma wishes to take over the world. But our boss is the one who should rule the world."

Jessie nodded, "That's right, I mean when we told our boss about Team Aqua and Magma, when we first met them, he told us to deal with them. But Team Aqua has got both Kyogre and Groudon with them and those two Pokémon are Legendary." She stated.

"Then how about we release them from Team Aqua," James said, "remember when we released Moltres and Zapdos from that weird Pokémon collector in the Orange Islands?"

"Oh yeah I remember; his plan of capturing both the three legendary birds failed after we released Zapdos and Moltres." Meowth nodded.

"That's right, so if we release them, then Team Aqua's scheme of ruling the world will fail."

Jessie nodded, "I like that idea, so let's do it." She said.

"Yeah, let's ruin Aqua and Magma," Meowth agreed, "and make Team Rocket number one again."


Back in Team Magma's ship, in the cargo hold, Pichu was still in pain and giving off electricity because of she fuse with the Red orb.

"I was in pain when the Green Orb bonded with me but this is worst." Winter said worriedly, "Groudon what are planning to ask Pichu to do?"

"Chipa." Pachirisu said worriedly.

Winter then took out her Master ball from around her neck; it was time to call Mewtwo for back up, "Mewtwo I need your help." She said.

"Luna, I'm glad you've contacted me," Mewtwo said who was flying across the ocean, "sense a real disturbance in the ocean, what's happened?"

"It's Team Aqua and Magma," Winter said, "they're making their moves, they've captured Kyogre and Groudon and they've got both the red and blue orbs."

Mewtwo was not happy with that, "Where are they?" He asked.

"They are at an island called Monsu Island and I am there too, please hurry and get here, I fear that something really bad is going to happen."

"I'm on the way to Monsu Island now, so I'll be there soon."

"Okay and I will be ready to summon Rayquaza if we need him."

"Chipa?" Pachirisu asked.

"It's about to begin." Winter smiled and closed her eyes, "Raquaza, Team Magma and Team Aqua captured both Groudon and Kyogre, bad news is that they have the Red and Blue orb as well." The green orb inside of her glowed in contact to the sky high Pokémon.

Raquaza growled in space, foolish humans.

"You need to surface the earth soon."

Raquaza growled once more and started to flying into the earth's atmosphere.

"That's it." Winter sighs and swipe the sweat of her face. "Boy, contacting Legendary Pokémon that's a toll on you."

"Chipa, chipa."

"I know, we have to get out of here." Winter took out a PokéBall and was ready to release it when she heard foot steps coming.

At that moment Lance, still in his Magma disguise, entered the room, "Luna? Luna Mew Light?" He asked.

Winter gasped, "How do you know my real name?" She asked.

Lance smiled, "Luna, it's me Lance." He said, revealing his face.

Winter smiled, "Lance, how glad am I to see you." She said happily and she told Lance about what she knew about Team Aqua and Magma wanting to control Kyogre and Magma with the red and blue orbs.

"I already know that Luna, and that's why I'm here to stop Aqua and Magma." Lance said.

"The red orb went inside Pichu's body and I fear for her safety." Winter said.

"The Red and Blue orbs are dangerous things and if someone is in contact with them for too long then they're minds will be corrupted by them," Lance said, "which is why both Pokémon and humans have to be careful when around them. But don't worry Luna, I'm sure Pichu is going to be fine." He realised something, "How is the Green orb?"

"Green orb, is fine inside me." Winter answered, "I just contacted Raquaza to help us out."

Lance nodded, "Good we need all the help. Luna I need you to be patient and wait here a bit more, until I figure out what to do from here." He said.

Winter agreed to do so.


Out on the ocean, Brock, Tomo, May and Max were still riding on Lance's Gyarados.

Brock and Tomo explained to Max and May about their encounter with Lance in the Johto region, and about him being a member of an organization called Pokémon G-men.

"You guys are lucky to have met Lance, a member of the Elite Four in Kanto." Max said.

"I'm relieved that we have an ally on our side here to help us." May said.

"I hope Winter, Pichu and Pachirisu are alright." Tomo said worried about his sister.

"I hope so too," Brock said, "which is why we need to get to Monsu Island quick."

"Full speed ahead please Gyarados." Tomo said to Lance's Gyarados.


Meanwhile Jessie, James and Meowth spotted Team Aqua's sub.

"Let's get this party started." Meowth said.

"Wait a minute, I see some Aqua grunts guarding it," James pointed out, "we need to get in there, without being found out."

"Not a problem. Leave it to me." Jessie smiled, she handed a male Team Aqua uniform to James and presented a female Team Aqua uniform.

"Wow, Jessie where did you get those from?" said James.

"Let's just say that a 'borrowed' a pair of these uniforms the last time we saw Team Aqua." Jessie said.

Truth is she actually stole the uniforms, so she and James changed into their uniforms.

"You know I like this outfit," James said, "I think I'll take a Magma outfit too."

"Me too."

"Hey, how come I don't have a uniform?" Meowth asked.

"Because Meowth you are a pokemon and you take the role of being our Pokémon." Jessie reminded.

Meowth saw the point.


Jessie, James and Meowth calmly walked towards the Aqua sub, in their disguised forms.

Meowth stayed quiet, so not to ruin the disguise.

Just then they got stopped by two Aqua grunts.

"What are you two doing here?" A female grunt asked.

"We saw somebody walking towards one of the cargo holds." James lied, winking at Jessie.

"We think someone is trying to get to Kyogre or Groudon." Jessie said.

"Let's check the cargo hold with Kyogre." The female grunt suggested.

"Let's." The male grunt agreed.

They typed in something on a computer and opened one of the cargo holds; this hold contained Kyogre.

"Hmm, everyone looks normal in here." The male grunt said.

Suddenly they ended up drifting off to sleep.

This was James' doing; he ordered his Roselia to use grass whistle and it put the grunts to sleep.

"Great work there," Meowth said, "now let's release Kyogre."

The trio found Kyogre sleeping in an enormous tank full of water.

"Kyogre looks exhausted don't you think?" Jessie asked.

"Team Aqua must have knocked it out unconscious." Meowth replied.

"Leave this to me." James smiled.

James released his Chimecho and told it to use heal pulse.

Heal pulse was a healing move that made the user heal another Pokémon.

Kyogre started to recover and then it woke up, it saw the trio.

"We are getting you out of here Kyogre." Meowth said.

Meowth started to use swift to break up Kyogre's tank; this way it would help Kyogre break out.

Just then Kyogre used hyper beam to break open its hold and then it jumped into the sea.

"Mission completed." James smiled

"Come on let's get out of here now before Aqua finds out." Meowth said.

And the trio quickly left the Aqua sub.


At that moment stormy clouds were appearing over the sky and Archie had just got word that his sub was attacked.

"I don't suppose you had anything to do with this Maxie?" asked Archie asked.

"How can I since me and my team just evacuated our sunken base?" Maxie said.


By this time Tomo, Brock, May and Max had arrived on Monsu Island and they noticed the dark clouds in the sky.

"I don't like the looks of this." Tomo said looking up at the sky.

"Me neither," Brock said, "we better hurry and find Winter, Pichu and Pachirisu. I have a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen."


There was worse to come after Kyogre escaped from Team Aqua's sub; a big terrible storm was brewing.

This was because of Kyogre's ability drizzle, which was the ability to make it rain and stormy.

Mewtwo was flying near the area, "I must find Luna and quickly." He said to himself. He could sense that something terribly bad was happening.


Right now Archie, with the blue orb, was now ready to fully control Kyogre.

"Maxie prepare to see Team Aqua take over the whole world." Archie said.

Shelly and the Aqua grunts called out their Walrein to attack Team Magma.

Tabitha and the Magma grunts called out their Mightyena to fight back.

Archie saw this opportunity to get onto a miniature aircraft, a machine that can fly, to experience everything from the air.

By now the storm was really bad and the sea was rising and getting very, very rough and dangerous.

"Hey Maxie," Archie said, "I was going to let you watch me become the ruler of the world, but it seems you won't be able to witness my triumph. It won't be long before Kyogre and I flood the whole of Monsu Island with you with it."

"Are you crazy!?" Maxie shouted, "Your own team is on here too."

So what?" Archie said bluntly.

Archie was willing to sacrifice his own team for his triumph, the truth is he had become very power hungry and berserk because of his control of the blue orb. (Like Oakley was when she controlled the DMA machine in Pokémon Heroes Movie.)

Shelly couldn't believe that Archie was betraying his own team and the Aqua grunts were angry at Archie.

Lance could tell that Archie had become a real power control freak.

Tabitha told the Magma grunts to gather up the Pokémon and take shelter in the building and Shelly told the Aqua grunts the same thing.

Lance took off his hood and explained to Maxie that that the red and blue orbs were created by evil people who planned to use Groudon and Kyogre for weapons in ancient times.

But the powers of Groudon and Kyogre were far greater than the ancient people ever thought of.

The more evil the two Pokémon became, the more things went out of hands and the people controlling them became more evil and corrupted.

"That's why the orbs were sealed away; it was to prevent people from making the same mistake again." Lance finished explaining.

Maxie eyes widen, "But this can't be, we analyzed the orbs and came to a conclusion that only weak people could become corrupted by the orbs and we need the Pokémon to build a better world." He said.

"How can you believe that nonsense?!" Lance shouted, "It's because of you and Archie that the Hoenn region is now in danger!"

Maxie flinched.


By now Mewtwo arrived at Monsu Island and he saw the situation, then he found Winter in Team Magma's base. "Luna, I'm going to get you out of there now." He said and he used psycho cut on the base and then Winter, Pichu and Pachirisu were free.

But then Pichu started acting up again and she ran off.

"Chipa!" Pachirisu called out.

"What's wrong with Pichu?" Mewtwo asked.

Winter explained that the red orb bonded with Pichu like her but it was different a bit, it made her crazy.

"What's going on with Team Magma and Team Aqua?" Winter asked.

"It's not good," Mewtwo shook his head, "the boss of Team Aqua has gone mad and Kyogre is starting to cause destruction with the sea."

"He couldn't control the orb power, like me." Winter said, "I have control but I don't use it." She clutched her chest a bit, "Seems like Rayquaza is close by.

"We better hurry then."

Winter nodded.


Just them Tomo, Brock, May, Max and Lance turned up.

Tomo, Brock, May and Max were relieved to see that Winter was all right.

Mewtwo took off his mask and the top of his cloak to reveal himself to Lance.

Both Lance, May and Max were surprised to see Winter's Mewtwo in person.

"Pichu ran off and the symbols on her body appeared again," Winter said, "Groudon is somewhere behind it."

"I sensed Groudon's presence when I saw Team Aqua's sub," Mewtwo said, "so Pichu might be heading there."

"Then that is where we shall go to too." Winter said.

"Okay you lot go and find Pichu and I will try and stop Archie." Lance said.

"Wait, here." Winter handed him a Pokéball. "Skylark will help stop Archie for a while."

Lance nodded and called out his Dragonite and they took off into the sky.

"Luna wasn't that..." Brock trailed off.

"Yeah." Winter nodded, "Let's move."


Meanwhile Jessie, James and Meowth were trying to take shelter from the fierce storm.

"I don't know about you guys, but this predicament is worse than the one we had in the Orange Islands when the three Legendary Birds fought each other." Meowth said.

"Yeah I remember that," Jessie said, "so we better head for shelter at once."

"I thought you would say that so I did make a shelter for us to hide in." James said and he presented a big sort of ball shaped bush made out of vines, mud, sticks and leaves. "With the help of my Pokémon we were able to make this shelter."

"Excellent James, now we'll be safe until this storm's over." Jessie said.

The trio got into it at once and agreed to not get out until it was all over.


Right now Lance was trying to stop Archie, while flying on Dragonite, "Archie you have to stop this!" He shouted, "if you don't you might end up destroyed by the blue orb!"

Archie laughed; he wouldn't listen and all he cared about now was using the power of Kyogre.

"Blow that nuisance away with hydro pump Kyogre." Archie said.

Dragonite managed to dodge before the hydro pump attack could hit it.

Lance ordered his Gyarados to attack with hyper beam but Archie told Kyogre to do the same, and of course Kyogre's hyper beam was no match for Gyarados.

At that moment the blue orb, in Archie's hand, glowed blue and then it went into Archie's body.

Archie now had blue symbols on his body and he became more of a maniac.

"Oh no." Lance said and took out Winter's PokéBall, "I don't know what Pokémon it is but Luna said it will help then we need help now." He tossed the PokéBall into the air, "I choose you!"

Out of the PokéBall came a Rayquaza, Rayquaza roared out as it was released, it too can sense what happened.

"No way, a Rayquaza!" Archie shouted, "How?!"

Lance was surprised himself, "Your Skylark right?" He asked. "Luna's Rayquaza?"

Skylark nodded and spoke in PokéLanguage, telling Lance that it will help to stop Team Aqua leader.

"Thanks." Lance said, "Skylark hyper beam!"

"Once again, Kyogre hyper beam as well!" Archie shouted.

The two hyper beam attacks of Legendary colloid against each other creating an explosion. Both covered themselves from the smoke and recoiled winds.


Meanwhile Pichu had jumped onto Team Aqua's sub and was releasing electricity on it.

The gang had now showed up and saw what Pichu was doing.

"I sense that Groudon is in there, so Pichu must be trying to get it out of there." Mewtwo said.

"Why would Pichu do that?" May asked.

"I know why, remember when the red orb went into Pichu's body on Magma's base? Well because of that Pichu now has a bond with Groudon just like the boss of Team Aqua has a bond with Kyogre and me with Rayquaza. So Groudon must have been calling out to Pichu for help and now Pichu is helping Groudon." Winter answered.

Pichu now used a thunder attack on the cargo hold of Groudon, and then it broke apart and Groudon was free.

As soon as Groudon was free, the volcano on Monsu Island started to erupt and lava started to pour out of it and into the ocean.

Then it stopped raining and the clouds cleared away. This was because of Groudon's ability drought which had the ability to make the weather sunny, a bit like sunny day but stronger.

Pichu jumped onto Groudon's head, ready to fight alongside with Groudon.

As soon as Kyogre and Groudon saw each other, a big tidal wave headed towards Monsu Island.

"That wave is big enough to cover this whole island." Brock said alarmed.

Just then Groudon fired a solar beam at the tidal wave and the tidal wave evaporated.

"That was incredible!" Max gasped.

The gang was amazed by how strong Groudon was, expect for Winter since she knew how strong Legendary Pokémon tend to be.


Maxie and Tabitha, who had followed the gang, saw everything.

"Tabitha we were fools to believe that we could control a powerful Pokémon like Groudon," Maxie said, "that kid Wintet was right; we underestimated both the powers of Groudon and Kyogre."

Maxie was now realizing his mistake.

Shelly, who also followed them, too realized that controlling Kyogre was impossible and feared for Archie's safety.


Winter knew that Kyogre and Groudon were going to fight each other, "Rayquaza were are you!" She shouted as her chest glowed green.

"Did you know something about the Jade Orb?" Lance asked as he joined the others, with Skylark beside him but he flew over the Winter and nuzzled her, "In ancient times when Kyogre and Groudon attacked each other, Rayquaza was the peacemaker of the weather trio and the jade orb was created by good people so that if this ever happened again Rayquaza would help again."

Winter nodded and closed her eyes, soon a roar was heard and from the sky another Rayquaza but I was bigger than Skylark size appeared in the sky growling at the two land and sea Pokémon.

Groudon and Kyogre looked up at the sky and saw Rayquaza.

Maxie, Tabitha and Shelly saw Rayquaza too.

"I can't believe it!" Maxie gasped, "What is another Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza doing here?" Then he saw Winter, green symbols appeared on her, "That girl?"

Archie also saw Rayquaza; he called this another rival to dispose of.

"It's good that both Groudon and Rayquaza's are both on our side, but they may need some help," said Lance "Dragonite and I will see what we can do from the air."

"I'm coming with you Lance," Winter said climbing onto Skylark, "I'm not leaving Pichu alone in a state like this."

"We will help too on your Gyarados Lance." Tomo said.

"Yeah we are not going to leave Pichu either." Max added.

Lance agreed to let the gang help.

"What do you want me to do Luna?" Mewtwo asked.

"Chipa, Chipa, Chip." Pachirisu said.

"Pachirisu is right. Mewtwo I want you to find all the members of Team Magma and Aqua on this island and have them all tied up," Winter said as her eyes changed to green, "it's all because of Magma and Aqua's stupidity that this disaster is happening. So it's time to bring down Team Aqua and Magma once and for all."

Mewtwo understood, put back on his mask and cloak and set off to find Team Aqua and Magma.


Despite being a ground type, Groudon could walk into the ocean with ease.

Right now Groudon and Kyogre were tackling with each other in the ocean.

"I don't like this." Winter said.

"Chipa." Pachirisu agreed.

"Neither do I," Lance said, "remember Luna the one who's controlling Kyogre is Archie."

Winter blinked, "I have an idea. But first where is Archie?" She asked.

"Over here." Lance pointed to where Archie was, who was watching everything on his miniature aircraft.

"Rayquaza, Skylark fire a hyper beam at Archie to distract him from controlling Kyogre." Both Rayquaza fired a hyper beam towards Archie, just missing him and the aircraft.

Archie didn't like that, "Oh, so the two Rayquaza's wants to fight too huh?" He said "Okay then, Kyogre attack Rayquaza with ice beam!" Kyogre turned to where both Rayquaza was and fired a ice beam.

"Flamethrower to counter it!" Winter shouted.

Both Rayquaza roared fired a flamethrower both ice beam and flamethrower collided against one and other but the flamethrower was move powerful so it went threw hitting the water surface making it rain.

Winter shook her head as she was soaking wet now, she saw Groudon charging a solar beam attack, "Rayquaza, Skylark once more thunder, Pachirisu help out as well." She said.

"Kyogre use protect!" Archie shouted quickly, Kyogre use protect, protecting itself from the super effective moves. "Now use blizzard!" Kyogre was getting ready to launched a blizzard but...

Winter smirked, "Hey, Archie you forgot someone!" She shouted and pointed to Groudon.

But because Kyogre was concentrating on both Rayquaza, it now became an easy target for Groudon to attack and Archie realized that too late.

Groudon fired a solar beam, while Pichu launched a thunder attack both at Kyogre and Kyogre got hit by it.

Because Kyogre got hit by the attack, the blue orb came out of Archie's body; so Archie no longer had control of Kyogre.

Archie went unconscious and fell off his aircraft but Lance had his Dragonite grab Archie.

Because Kyogre was now free the red orb went out of Pichu's body; so Pichu was no longer bonded to Groudon.

Pichu also fell into unconscious and then she fell into the sea.

Winter saw that and dove into the sea to save Pichu, Pachirisu and Skylark called out.

As soon as Winter caught Pichu, she saw that Kyogre was coming their way and she feared that it was going to attack them.


On Monsu Island Lance took Archie, who was still unconscious, to shore.

Shelly, fearing for her boss, held Archie in her arms and asked him to wake up.

When Archie woke up he had no memories of being possessed by the blue orb.

At that moment Mewtwo, who was standing next to Lance, grabbed Maxie, Tabitha, Archie and Shelly with his psychic attack, "Team Aqua and Magma, your reign of evil ends now." He said angrily.

Lance called Officer Jenny at once on his phone and told her that Team Aqua and Magma were on Monsu Island.


In the ocean Winter and Pichu were on Kyogre's back, who emerged from the ocean.

This meant that Kyogre was helping Winter and not attacking her, since Kyogre was free from Archie it was no longer evil.

Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza stared at each other and growled softly; this meant that the weather trio was at peace with each other again.

Skylark also growled softly, happy that it's trainer was alright and thanking Kyogre for saving her.

Just then Pichu woke up and Winter was happy to see that Pichu was okay again.

At that moment Lance and Dragonite came up with Skylark, they both got onto Skylark's.

Lance was indeed happy to know that the weather trio was no longer fighting, "Now Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza can live in peace again." He said.

Suddenly the jade orb, in Winter's chest started to glow green.

Winter cried out in pain as the Jade orb came out of her chest and it floated into the air.

The red and blue orbs did the same and then the orbs started twirling around together as if they were dancing, and then the orbs combined with each other and then evaporated, the red, blue and jade orbs were no more.

Because the orbs were now gone, the weather trio could finally return to their homes.

Groudon went back into his home, which was actually Monsu Island's volcano.

Kyogre went back into the ocean trenches and Rayquaza went back into the sky.

Winter thanked Rayquaza for its help and it did the same thing, thanking Winter for protecting the Jade orb till it was time to destroy it.


In no time at all lots of police were on Monsu Island and they arrested all the members to Team Aqua and Team Magma and placed them in prison boats, ready to be shipped off to prison.

A dozen of Officer Jennies, who came from different places of the Hoenn region, were also there and they were speaking to Maxie and Archie.

"Team Magma and Aqua, you have caused a lot of trouble here in the Hoenn region." Officer Jenny, from Rustboro City said.

"Your desire of controlling Kyogre and Groudon could have destroyed the whole of Hoenn." Officer Jenny, from Slateport City continued.

"So now you will pay for all of your crimes in jail." Officer Jenny, from Verdanturf Town finished.

"We will go quietly," Maxie said, "we realize that it was impossible to control Groudon and Kyogre."

"You're right about that," Winter said walking up to them, "only a bunch of morons like you two would think that you can control Groudon and Kyogre, when in fact you can never control them. You lot really are stupid, you know!"

Maxie and Archie knew that Winter was right.

Maxie and Archie were then placed onto the prison ship.

The Officer Jennies thanked both Lance and the gang.

"Thanks to all of you, the Hoenn region is now safe from Team Aqua and Magma." Officer Jenny, from Lavaridge Town said.

"Just make sure that Team Aqua and Magma never get released," Winter said, "crooks like them don't deserve to be free."

Don't worry Winter, they will stay in jail for a long, long time." Officer Jenny, from Littleroot Town said.

Then the police left with Team Aqua and Magma on the ship.

It was now the end of Team Aqua and Magma.


So Monsu Island was safe again; because the lava from the volcano had cooled off and hardened, the island had more land.

"I can't thank you kids enough for helping me stop Aqua and Magma," Lance said, "especially you Luna again. If it wasn't for you, the jade orb we would have probably never defeated Aqua and Magma."

"No problem I'm glad that I was able to help, Rayquaza did the work along with Skylark." Winter said.

"Rayquaza probably noticed that you really cared about the Pokémon world and so it answered to your feelings." Lance smiled. "That's way it kept the Jade orb in you."

Winter turned to Mewtwo and asked him what he was going to do.

"Luna I want you to return me to the Master ball, " Mewtwo said, "I have done a lot on my travels so I wish to rest and heal up for a while."

"I understand." Winter said and taking out the Master ball from her neck, "I will also send you to Professor Oak. He knows of your existence so he will make sure you will get a good rest and heal up."

So Winter returned Mewtwo to the Master ball and sent him to Professor Oak's lab.

Lance offered to give the gang a lift to Mossdeep City and the gang accepted it since it was there next destination.

So now that the problem with Team Aqua and Magma was finally over, the gang could now enjoy their journey with no more disturbances from Aqua and Magma.


At that time, Jessie, James and Meowth were flying with their rocket back packs.

They saw the arrest of Team Aqua and Magma and they were pleased with that.

"Team Aqua and Magma have been defeated." Jessie laughed.

"The boss will be happy to hear about this." Meowth said.

"Let's hope that there are no other team organizations, apart from Team Rocket, elsewhere around." James said.

"If there are we will just bring them down." Meowth said,

So the trio left Monsu Island to, happy that Team Aqua and Magma were finished with.


Sorry for the long, long wait! But it's done!!

Sorry if you were expecting Johto region Legendary Pokémon to appear but I couldn't really put it in, since it was Hoenn and all so I decide just to keep Hoenn Legendary Pokémon only.

1. I don't know why we never saw the arrest of Team Aqua and Magma in the anime like we saw the arrests of Team Galactic and Plasma in the anime, so I intended to show it on here.

2. I know Jessie and James and Meowth were blasted off in the anime, but I decided to have them watch Aqua and Magma go down like they saw Team Galactic and Plasma go down.

3. I also decided to have Rayquaza distract Archie instead of May and Brock doing that; otherwise Rayquaza wouldn't have had a part of fighting in this chapter.

4. I reckoned that the jade orb would have also evaporated with the red and blue orbs if it was ever shown in the anime, so I decided to have that happen with the jade orb as well.

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