Chapter 22: May's Final Contest; Pacifidlog Contest

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Today the gang had come to a place called Pacifidlog Town, where May could enter a Pokémon contest to win her final ribbon.

Truth is though; the gang found out that Pacifidlog Town was the only place left that was holding a pokemon contest, so May needed to win this ribbon if she wanted to enter the Grand Festival.


May was training with her Pokémon Combusken, Beautifly, Skitty, Bulbasaur, Marill and Staryu for the contest.

"Okay all of you," May said, "this is our last chance to win our fifth contest ribbon. So let's give everything we got for this contest."

May's Pokémon cried out agreeing.


Winter was training her newly captured Snorunt. Snorunt was nowhere near ready yet for Pokémon battles; she was sort of like the child of Winter's Pokémon team.

Snorunt did know some good ice moves; she knew powder snow, leer, double team, bite, icy wind, headbutt and protect and the egg move weather ball.

"Okay Snorunt you and I are going to train today." Winter said.

Snorunt was happy to be with Winter and excited to train.

"We are going to go through the moves you know and then we'll have you learn some more."

Snorunt nodded happily.


All the while, May was dealing with her Skitty, who wanted to play.

"Skitty you can play all you want after the Pokémon contest." May said.

Just then a boy, with green hair, came up to May, "Your Skitty looks so cute," he said looking at the playful kitten Pokémon, "I take it you will be using it in the contest right?"

"Actually I haven't decided yet on which of my Pokémo to use." May answered.

The boy, whose name was Joshua, explained to May that he was a coordinator too, and that he was going to enter the Pacifidlog Contest too.

"Well then, may the best trainer win." May said.

Suddenly a girl, with brown hair, came up to them. "Hey Joshua, I thought you were practicing for the contest" she said.

"Don't worry Erica," said Joshua "I have practiced for the contest a lot. So I will be ready for the contest."

The girl's name was Erica and she was Joshua's girlfriend.

Joshua introduced Erica to May and told her that she was a coordinator too.

Erica stared at May, which was making May feel a bit uncomfortable, "Joshua and I will not be defeated that easily," she warned, "so you better brace yourself May."


It was soon time for the Pacifidlog Contest.

Vivian did the usual introductions and showed off the Pacifidlog Ribbon.

The Pacifidlog Ribbon was purple, with white spots and a lilac outline.

"Now this is the final contest to be held before the Hoenn Grand Festival, which is held next month," Vivian explained, "so I look forward to seeing what performances the coordinators here will perform."


May heard everything of what Vivian said, 'Since the grand festival is in a month's time, then my Pokémon and I will have to practice once this contest is over.' She thought.


Winter was outside the contest listening to everything on the big screen, with Pichu, Pachirisu and Snorunt, she wanted to train her Snorunt instead of watching the contest in the stands.

"Okay Snorunt, we are going to help you learn water pulse and ice shard," Winter said, "water pulse will be a great move for you to use against fire Pokémon, and I have a Pokémon with me that than help you learn those moves." She took out a Pokéball and sent out her Lapras; as Lapras knew ice shard and water pulse.

Winter decided to have Lapras help Snorunt, "Okay Lapras show Snorunt how you do water pulse and ice shard."

Lapras nodded and showed off her water pulse and ice shard attacks to Snorunt.

Snorunt was impressed with those moves and he wanted to learn them.

"I can defiantly tell that you have grown stronger Lapras." Winter said.

It was true; Winter's Lapras had grown stronger over the months ever since she left her and her mum at Professor Oak's ranch and she knew a lot of new moves; she knew water gun, bubble beam, mist, sing, confuse ray, ice shard, water pulse, body slam, rain dance, perish song, blizzard, solar beam, hyper beam, psychic, thunder bolt, dragon pulse, brine, safe guard, protect, double team, hydro pump, surf and sheer cold, her mum Marine knew these attacks too and it was thanks to all the times they had practicing the moves with Winter's other Pokémon at Professor Oak's ranch.


Back in the contest hall, the preliminary rounds had started and now Joshua was doing his performance.

Joshua Pokémon was a Houndoom and his performance was a combination of shadow ball and swift.

The stars circled around the shadow ball like rings circling around a planet.

He got a 28.7.


Then it was Erica's turn and she was using a Jynx. Jynx's performance was a combination of blizzard and psychic, which created an icy tornado.

She got a 28.6.


Then it was May's turn and she was using Skitty. Skitty started the performance with assist, what became razor leaf, then she used blizzard on the razor leaf, which froze all the leaves, and then she wacked all the frozen leaves with double slap, which created a rain of ice shards.

Erica and Joshua could see that May was a good coordinator.


When the preliminary rounds were over, Winter entered the waiting room and told May that her performance was great.

"How was your training with Snorunt Snow?" May asked.

"Great actually," Winter said, "Snorunt learnt ice shard and water pulse thanks to my Lapras. But we also tried to help Snorunt learn ice beam, but no avail yet. The ice beam recoils, she has not control yet, she is young still."

"Your right, Snorunt is still a youngster but I'm sure Snorunt will learn it soon." Brock said.

The results of the preliminary rounds came up and the four trainers who made it to the battle rounds were Erica, Joshua, May and a woman named Janine.

Erica admitted that May did well for passing the preliminary rounds, but she warned May that she would have to beat her first to obtain the ribbon.

Just then the battling results came; Erica was up against Janine and Joshua was up against May.


The battle rounds started and Erica and Jynx were up against Janine, who used a Seviper.

Erica told her Jynx to use lovely kiss on Seviper; lovely kiss was a move that put opponents to sleep.

"Dodge that attack and use flamethrower Seviper." Janine said.


"O-oh, Jynx will be in trouble since that Seviper knows flamethrower." Max said.

"True Jynx is an ice type and ice are weak against fire." Tomo said.

"Yes, but don't forget that Jynx is also part psychic." Winter said.


Seviper slithered past the lovely kiss attack and blew flamethrower towards Jynx.

"Okay Jynx use light screen." Erica said. Jynx created a multicolored shield which shielded her from the flamethrower attack. "Now Jynx use psychic." Jynx's eyes turned blue and then she controlled Seviper, by lifting it in the air with psychic, "Now use hyper beam Jynx." Jynx fired a hyper beam attack at Seviper and then Seviper fainted.

So Erica was the winner of the first battle round.


Next it was May's turn against Joshua.

Joshua started things off thirst by telling his Houndoom to use swift.

"Counter that attack with your own swift Skitty." May said.

Skitty's swift attack collided with Houndoom's swift attack, creating yellow sparkles.

"Now Skitty move in with wake-up slap." Skitty ran up to Houndoom and slapped it with wake-up slap.


"I have to say," Max said, "Skitty has come a long way ever since May captured it."

"Yes and it has learnt some pretty good moves too." Brock agreed.


Joshua ordered his Houndoom to use dark pulse and Skitty got hit by it.

May saw Joshua was a good battler, "All right Skitty, use water pulse." She said. Skitty created a blue orb from her mouth and fired it at Houndoom.

"Quick counter that with flamethrower Houndoom." Joshua said. Houndoom blew flamethrower at the water pulse attack and the water pulse evaporated into steam.


"Whoa, when did Skitty learn water pulse?" Max asked amazed.

"The day before yesterday," Winter answered, "May was practicing water pulse with her Staryu, and in the process Skitty ended up learning it too."


"Use flamethrower again Houndoom." Joshua said.

"Skitty use blizzard." May countered.

Normally a blizzard attack would easily get melted by flamethrower, but Skitty put power into her blizzard attack and the flamethrower and blizzard attacks collided with each other.

The two attacks continued to collide with each other, until the time was up.

Once the time was up, the winner of the battle round was May and Skitty.


Erica, who saw everything from the waiting room on the telly, realized that May was a good trainer.


Before Erica and May had their battle Erica spoke to May, "You may have beaten Joshua," she said, "but you still have to beat me to win the ribbon."

"Bring it on." May challenged.


Then the battle began. May started things off first with telling her Skitty to use tackle.

Erica told her Jynx to use psychic and Skitty got lifted into the air by the psychic attack.

"Now use lovely kiss Jynx." Jynx blew a kiss to Skitty and Skitty went to sleep.

Then Erica told her Jynx to use blizzard and Skitty got hit good by the blizzard attack, and then it woke up from the sleep.

"Okay Skitty, let's put that Jynx to sleep this time with sing" said May. Skitty sang the lullaby and Jynx fell asleep.

"Now Skitty let's use iron tail". Skitty whacked Jynx hard with iron tail, but Jynx was still asleep. "Okay let's use wake-up slap." Skitty slapped Jynx hard and then Jynx woke up.


"Why did May do that?" Max said, "Eake-up slap wakes up a sleeping opponent."

"That's because wake-up slap's power doubles if the opponent is asleep." Brock answers.


Now that Jynx was awake, Erica told it to use psychic again.

So Skitty was lifted into the air again, and Jynx used blizzard again.

"Counter that with your own blizzard Skitty." May countered.

Skitty blew a blizzard attack, which collided with Jynx's blizzard attack.

"Let's finish this with hyper beam Jynx." Erica said. Jynx fired a hyper bean towards Skitty.

"Okay Skitty it's time to use copycat." May said.

Copycat was a move that makes the user uses the last move that the opponent was using.

So since Jynx just did hyper beam, Skitty fired a hyper beam attack too.


Max was amazed with the move copycat, "It's like the move mimic." He said.


"Okay Skitty let's use assist this time." May said.

Assist was a move that randomly selects one of the moves known by the user's party allies.

Of course May had no idea with what move Skitty would end up using, but she had faith in Skitty.

Skitty's assist attack became fire spin, from Combusken, and it broke through Jynx's hyper beam attack and struck Jynx.

Fire spin gave real damage to Jynx and Jynx fainted.

So May and Skitty were the winners of the Pacifidlog Contest and May was presented the Pacifidlog Ribbon.

May finally had five ribbons to enter the Hoenn Grand Festival.

Joshua and Erica congratulated May and they wished her and Winter luck in the Grand Festival.

Now that Winter and May had five contest ribbons each, they had the Hoenn Grand Festival to think about now.


Sorry for the wait...

1. I don't understand why they never had May's Skitty have more attacks, especially sing you know.

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