Chapter 25: Hoenn's Grand Festival Appeal Rounds BEGINS!

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It wasn't long till the gang finally made it to Slateport City, where the Hoenn Grand Festival was being placed. And they made it to the area where the stadium for the Grand Festival stood.

"Wow," May said, "I can't believe that we are really here at the Hoenn Grand Festival stadium."

"We are here alright." Winter laughed.

There were hotels and restaurants surrounding the stadium and they were where the contestants and their guests were going to stay and eat during the Hoenn Grand Festival.

"With us being here all ready, it feels like only yesterday that we started collecting ribbons." Winter said May.

"You're right." May agreed.

The gang headed for the contest hall, where Winter and May had to register.

The lady at the desk scanned Winter's ribbons and registered her in with her Pokédex and did the same for May, then she gave them both a guide book which explained the rules of the contest tournament and had maps of the stadium and where restaurants were.

"Oh and don't forget Luna you have to use your real name." The lady remind.

Winter / Luna chuckled, "Of course, I didn't forget."

The lady smiled, "Good luck."

Winter and May nodded.


After the registering was done, the gang headed over to the door rooms, where they would be staying. The door rooms were outside the stadium, and surprisingly enough they were so big they were like hotels.

"Wow, I can't believe that we'll be staying here." May said.

"You should see what the dorm rooms are like that the Pokémon leagues." Tomo said.

"Yeah those rooms were glamorous as well." Brock added.

Suddenly a surprise sneaked up on May; it was Caroline.

Caroline had come to Slateport City to watch Winter and May participate in the Hoenn Grand Festival.

May and Max were happy to see their mum again. Caroline explained that Norman wanted to come too but he couldn't leave the gym, but he did say he would watch it all on TV.

Caroline and the gang checked out the rooms they were staying in, and May was like over the moon.

The rooms were big and luxurious and they had a big view of the ocean, even Winter, Tomo, Brock and Max were impressed.

"Come on May we better see what the rules are for this tournament." Winter said.

Brock took a good look through the guide and looked at the rules, "Well for starters," he started to read, "like the Rubello Contest you use different Pokémon in each round of the tournament. Second you have to pass the preliminary rounds to get into the main tournament, and get this; only 64 trainers out of 247 trainers will pass the preliminaries."

Winter and May were surprised by that.

"Well then May, you and I will have to practice then," Winter said, "that way both of us can pass the preliminary rounds."

"How can you be so calm Snow?" May asked.

"Because they had something like this at the Silver Conference in Johto." Winter said and she explained that only 48 trainers out of 200 trainers, including her made it into the main tournament in the Silver Conference.

"Gosh, so Pokémon leagues have tough rules too huh?" May asked.

Winter nodded along with her Pokémons.

Winter and May decided to practice for the preliminary rounds at once; they wanted to pass the preliminary rounds.

So everyone went outside so Winter and May could figure what to do.

May introduced Caroline to her Combusken, Beautifly, Skitty, Bellossom, Azumaril and Altaria.

"Wow May," Caroline said as she saw her daughter Pokémons, "these six Pokémon look wonderful and I saw your other Pokémon; Bulbasaur, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Starmie, Lileep and Munchlax at Professor Birch's lab when I last spoke to him on the video phone and all of them looked wonderful."

"Take a good look at my new Pokémon mum." Max said and he showed off his newest Pokémon Beldum to Caroline.

"Wow Max your Beldum is lovely," Caroline smiled, "both you and May have got wonderful Pokémon."

Just then at that moment Drew walked up to the gang. "I see you made it here huh May?" asked Drew.

"Yes Drew I did and so did Snow." May replied.

"Yo." Winter greeted.

May and Winter showed Drew their five ribbons.

"Impressive, but I doubt you'll be going home with the ribbon cup." Drew said walking off.

"Chipa, chichipa?" (This guy doesn't quit huh?) Pachirisu asked.

Pichu nodded, "Pi, pipichupi." (Not he doesn't.)

Winter giggled.

"We shall see about that Drew." May said crossly.

Caroline asked Max if Drew was a friend of May's, but Max explained that Drew was a rival and that he like to boast about being a great Pokémon coordinator.

Suddenly Harley appeared and he congratulated Winter and May for getting into the Hoenn Grand Festival.

The gang was not happy to see Harley, especially May.

Max explained to her mother that Harley was a deceitful type of person.

Harley started apologizing for what he did to May in past contests, but Winter stopped him. "Don't think you about putting on a masquerade mask Harley." She said, "It won't work." Winter saw that Harley was only acting nice now so that he could try to do something mean later, "Come on May, we need to start our training and Harley if we do face each other you better be prepared."

So the gang and Caroline left, leaving Harley alone.

"Snow please make sure you tell me if Harley is going to try and trick me again." May whispered.

"Certainly." Winter smile, she and May were certainly not going to let Harley ruin their time at the grand festival.


Meanwhile, Jessie, James and Meowth had also come to Slateport City, but they didn't come here to steal Pokémon.

The truth is Jessie and James had come here for work while the Hoenn Grand Festival was going on.

"I don't see why you two wish to find work," Meowth said lost, "both Jumpluff and I know payday and that makes plenty of money, and we got payment from the boss."

"Yeah but the money we get from the boss and the money from your payday isn't enough to buy us a car or buy us a house," Jessie explained, "so if we work hard here we can get a house just for us to stay in, and get us a car so that we won't need to walk or run anymore or use our slow balloon."

Meowth saw the point; after all they didn't have a car only a balloon and the only places they slept in were cabins or Pokémon Centres so they didn't really have a home to live in.

"Okay so where shall we work?" Meowth asked.

James had a magazine which had job adverts in the Hoenn Grand Festival, "Well there are waiters and waitress jobs in the restaurants," he read out, "there are janitor jobs for the dorm rooms and there are working at stalls jobs."

"I'll take the stall job," Jessie said, "I did a pretty good job the last time I worked at a stall."

"Then I'll take the working in a restaurant job," James said, "I worked in a café one time."

"I can do a janitor job," Meowth said, "because I can work with all four of my paws."

"Okay then let's go get jobs," Jessie said, "but remember no spending any salaries we get during each day we work."

"Yeah and we will eat meals and sleep in the Pokémon Centre because they are free." James said.

So Jessie, James and Meowth agreed to work very hard and earn lots of money.


At night with the gang where they were all relaxing expect for May who was really nervous for her first tomorrow Grand Festival.

"May calm down will ya, your going to do fine." Brock sweat dropped seeing how fidgeting she was.

"I can't help it Brock, it's my first big day." May said.

Everyone sighs including Winter's Pokémon; Pichu, Pachirisu, Absol, two Eevee's and two Pikachu's on her bed napping and listening.

"That's reminds me... Where's Snow?" Caroline asked looking around trying to spot the white haired girl who went missing after they arrived.

"Sis is in the bathroom." Tomo replied.

"Why?" The family wondered.

Brock smirked, "It's time for Luna Mew Light to make her appearance now."

As cue the bathroom door opened up revealing a young girl with long bright golden blonde-pink hair reaching to her knees, dripping wet wearing her pjs.

"That was long." Winter / Luna sighs drying her hair with a towel.

"S-s-s-snow?!" May stuttered exclaiming, "Y-y-your hair?!"

"What?" Winter / Luna raised an eyebrow, "It's not easy removing all the hair dye."

"Amazing how much that one hair colour can change." Caroline said.

Brock and Tomo chuckled, "Yeah."

"I can't wait to see everyone's and I mean everyone's reaction when they see the two league winner compete." Max laughs, "This is going to be great."

Luna winked, "You bet." She turned to her Pokémons, "It's going to be a blast. Cause Luna Mew Light is back." She cheered and her Pokémons joined in.


In Pallet Town at night, Professor Oak's laboratory all Luna's Pokémon roared / cried out cheering sensing that their trainer is back in her real appearance.

"Oh, so Winter took of her disguised huh?" Professor Oak chuckled, "This is going to be interesting."


"Oh my." Julia gushed, "I'm daughter first Grand Festival and she is going to make it a blast especially without her disguised."

All Julia's Pokémon nodded and cried out.

"Yes don't worry we'll definitely watch."


"The Hoenn Grand Festival is on tomorrow..." Gary said looking at the sky, "And Luna is making her big appearance."

"Umbreon?" His Moonlight Pokémon questioned.

"Can't wait to see the media and the audience reactions." He snickered. "I've got to see this." Gary is going to watch the festival big time.


It wasn't long now till the Hoenn Grand Festival had begun.

Caroline, Tomo, Brock and Max were with the audience, and Luna and May were in the waiting room with the other contestants.

Lots of whispers where heard by Luna and May.

"Hey isn't that..."

"No way! What's she doing here?!"

"Unbelievable it's Luna Mew Light!"

"How? I've never seen her compete in any contests."

"Neither have I."

Of course Drew, Harley and Robert were shocked as well but they notice that Winter wasn't here, 'She couldn't be, could she?' They through.


Three judges were judging the preliminary rounds.

Vivian, who was the announcer for the Hoenn Grand Festival, welcomed everyone and explained about the preliminary rounds; she explained that the contestants had to use Pokémon and the Pokémon could only use one move and she explained that only 64 out of 200 contestants could pass onto the main tournament.

The contestants started to show off their Pokémon; there was a Zigzagoon doing shadow ball, Robert's Milotic gleamed after it came out of the Pokéball, Drew's Roselia used petal dance while spinning, Angelica's Electabuzz showed off its thunder punch, Harley had his Cacturne show off its bullet seed, May had her Beautifly use silver wind.

Vivian was reading the next person and it shocked her, "OH MY! OF I'M READING THIS NAME CORRECTLY OUR NEXT PERFORMANCE IS LUNA MEW LIGHT!" She announced.

The audience and crowd that heard that name from outside the stage was shocking silent.

As Luna walked onto the stage with Pikachu beside her, she broke the silence. "Hi!" She waved.

"Pikachu!" He waved.

1... 2... 3... Everyone eyes widen and nearly bulged out of their sockets, jaw drops to the ground and very funny faces were made.


Many shouts came.



Luna rolled her eyes, she laughed along with Pikachu and everyone that knew her, through the t.v Pallet Town; Pokémons and Gary were laughing so hard that it's hurts them.

"Pikachu how about a little warm up spark." Luna suggested. "This way to snap them out."

"Pi, pikachu!" Pikachu nodded and jumping off her shoulder on the stage.

"Thunder into spark." Pikachu released lots of electricity and turning them into fireworks with his spark attack that he tackled making him glow brighter, "Discharge." Next he released the glow and it's turned into thousands of flower sparks.

As the crowd was a quick silence erupted into loud cheers.


Luna and Pikachu bowed and walked off the stage back to where May is.


This went on until all 200 contestants had shown off their Pokémon.

The results soon came and Luna and May made it into the main tournament and so did Drew, Harley, Robert and Angelica, including Mark who perched Luna's interest how he is like her a bit.

"Phew I'm glad we made it Luna." May sighed.

"Yeah, but it's not over yet because we still have some more rounds to get through." Luna reminded May.

May knew that Luna was right, but she was still happy that she passed the preliminary rounds.

Luna and May exited the contest hall to meet up with the others when the media started to ran up.

Luna groaned and she released her snow hat Pokémon, "Snowrunt icy wind."

"Snow~~runt!" She released a fog of icy wind blocking the media's movement.

May and Luna ran for it, not before Luna returned her Pokémon.

"Man that was close, are they always like this with you?" May asked panting.

"Yeah." Luna said breathing, "This is the reason why I hate being famous." She released her swallow Pokémon. "Swallow can you please give Brock or Tomo this message." She handed a note to Swallow and she flew off.

"Looks like we have to meet Brock at the lunch area." May said and her stomach grumbled, "I'm hungry now."

Luna nodded, "Yeah same here." She walked off.


"Pi..." Pichu ears twitched, "Pichu~"

"What's wrong Pichu?" Brock asked.

"Pichu!" She pointed to the sky as the swallow Pokémon came down landing in front of the gang.

"Luna's Swallow, hm." Max said and looked at her mouth showing a note.

Tomo took the note and read it, "Oh boy, sis and May got caught from the media but they got away and we'll meet us at the food stalls."

"Ouch, wonder how are we going to eat in piece with all the cameras." Brock asked.

"Hm, sis said that she'll release her three Gyarados." Tomo sweat dropped.

"Isn't three Gyarados a bit too much." Caroline sweat dropped.

"No really if you want to eat in piece." Brock shrugged.

"Let's go." Max said, and the rest of them walked off to the food stalls.

Swallow took to the sky with Pichu and Pachirisu on her back.


As Luna and May where eating in a open area with media's watching them but they couldn't get close enough without being watched by... Three rare colour Gyarados!

"Hey! Long time!" Tomo ran up to them while the bystanders where gasped and warning him but what shocked them all where that Gyarados were purring when he petted them.

"Mystic, Triton, Trident! It's been awhile." Brock smiled.

The three Gyarados roared agreeing, it's has been awhile since Luna rarely uses them since they battled but she doesn't keep them with her.

"Amazing I'm seeing three awesome Pokémon." Max said in awe.

"Luna wasn't kidding about having three Gyarados out on the open." Caroline said in shocked of three rare colour water Pokémon.

"You'll get use to it." Brock assured.

As the rest of the gang arrived eating peacefully they heard a voice called out.

"May!" Drew called out, but he didn't go any further.

"It's Drew." May blinked, "Wonder what he wants."

"Probably how you know me May." Luna said amused, "Triton, Mystic it's okay."

The three Gyarados moved as May walked up, "Come on Drew, Luna is letting you."

"May how do you know Luna Mew Light?"

"How you know her?"

"I maybe a Coordinator but she is famous throughout the Region's, who would've heard off her."

"I see." May sighs.

"That's reminds me where is Winter?" Drew asked curiosity.

"Winter is me Drew." Luna said walking up to the green haired coordinator. "Winter is a second identity to keep Luna hidden."

"I knew it." Drew said, "Since Winter isn't here and Luna is making her appearance all the sudden."

"I advise you to keep it to yourself, I like to have a peaceful journey without any media in my face or following me around."

"No problem you secret is safe."

Luna nodded, "Thanks."


Next day May was having Nurse Joy check her Pokémon to see if they were all right and things. Today was the start of the main tournament.

The guide book said that the first round was the appeal rounds and just like a regular contest the contestant had to use one Pokémon for the appeal round.

It also pointed out only 32 contestants could go to the battle matches.

"Don't forget May, the battle matches are double Pokémon battles." Brock reminded.

"Don't worry Brock, I haven't forgotten that because Luna and I looked at the rules yesterday," May said, "and we had been going through with what to do as well."

Caroline could see that May had indeed grown up during her journey.


Meanwhile Luna, Tomo and Max were on a training field.

Luna was checking out her Grumpig, Gallade, Aggron, Milotic and Armaldo.

"Which one will you use in the appeal round sis?" Tomo asked.

"I've decided with Armaldo for this round." Luna decided.

"Awe, what will you have Armaldo do?" Max asked excitedly.

"You'll see." Luna smiled.

At that moment a boy with blue-green hair came up to Luna, Tomo and Max, "You have some great pokemon there Luna." He said.

"Thank you." Luna said, she studied him seeing how he wasn't a fan with was great.

The boy introduced himself as Anthony and he was a coordinator too and beside him was a purple Pokémon with long whiskers and it looked like a big blob.

Swalot, the Poison Bag Pokémon.
The evolved form of Gulpin. It gulps anything that fits in its mouth. Its special enzymes can dissolve anything.

"So Anthony, I take it you're in the Grand Festival too?" Luna asked.

"Oh yes and I made it to the main tournament like you Luna," Anthony said, "and I can't wait to see your Pokémon in action."

"Wait till you see my Pokémon in action." A familiar female voice said and it was Angelica, "My darling electric pokemon will easily win me the Hoenn Grand Festival in a flash." She turned to Luna, "I have no idea where that girl Winter is but she should've been competing, cause I want payback how she defeated me in the Cottonton Contest with that small mouse of hers."

An anime angry mark appeared on Pichu's head twitched madly, "Piii... Chuuu..." (Why... You...)

"So I'll deal with you since she is not here, I don't care if you are a strong trainer or famous but this is a contest." She left with a word.

"Who was that Drama Queen?" Anthony asked, which made Luna laughed at the name.

"That was Angelica, who thinks she's the queen of electric Pokémon." Max joked.

"Yeah, but she still has a lot to learn about electric Pokémon." Tomo said.

This meant Luna or Winter had to deal with another rival in the Hoenn Grand Festival, which she thinks this one is quite an annoying rival.


Later that day it was time for the appeal rounds in the Hoenn Grand Festival, Raoul Contesta, Mr Suziko and three Nurse Joys were the judges.

Vivian explained how the appeal round works, about only 32 contestants could pass the appeal rounds and she showed off the ribbon cup, she also showed off a silver ribbon in a frame; this was a prize for the runner-up of the Grand Festival.


Luna and May were in the waiting room with the other contestants, waiting for their turn.

Pichu and Pachirisu was with Caroline, Max and Tomo in the audience because Luna wasn't using Pichu or Pachirisu.

"You all right May?" Luna asked.

"Bit nervous, but Starmie and I are ready to go." May said, she had decided to use Starmie in the appeal round.

"My Armaldo is ready too." Luna said.

Harley tried to get all friendly with May again, but she ignored him, he also tried to be friendly with Luna who immediately warned him.

Drew was acting the usual with his 'bring it on' face.


The appeal round was soon on the way.

First there was a Ninetails using flamethrower.

Next was Harley and his Banette did will o wisp and thunder; putting on a creepy performance.

Mark was next and he used an Flareon showing off its powerful flames and agility.

Next was an Alakazam using psychic, a Vaporeon using water gun, a Ledian using swift, a Sunflora using ingrain, an Electrode using thunderbolt and a Lickitung showing off its long tongue.


Winter and May saw everything on the TV screen in the waiting room.

'Wow the competition is tough.' May thought.

'These coordinators are good.' Luna thought. 'But then again this is nothing compared to the leagues.'


Then it was Anthony's turn, he had his Swalot use sludge bomb and bullet seed; the bullet seed made the sludge bomb break into smoke. Then to finish it off, Anthony had Swalot use swallow to swallow the smoke.

Next finally May's turn and she sent out her Starmie, she told it to use swift and psychic. Starmie's psychic made the stars circle around Starmie like a planet's ring. To finish it off May told Starmie to use rapid spin and the rapid spin broke the stars into yellow particles.

Next it was Angelica and she showed off her Manectric's discharge.

Next it was Drew and he showed off his Masquerain's bubble and gust attacks.

Next it was Luna, she started things off by having Armaldo use sword dance, then Armaldo used rock slide and then he used metal claw and iron tail to break the rocks apart, showing off this strength and power.

This went on and on until all 64 contestants showed off their Pokémon.


"Phew I'm glad that's over." May said feeling exhausted.

Luna chuckled, "You and Starmie did really well May." She complimented.

Just then Drew came up, "It's clear that you are better than when you started as a coordinator May," he said, "but you will have to do better than that if you want to become top coordinator."

May puffed her cheeks, "I'll have you know Drew I have been practicing a lot for this thank you." She said crossly.

Drew chuckled.

Luna was amused.

It took about 10 minutes for the judges to announced the result on who is moving onto the next battle performance round.

Every coordinator that made it are tense for the results, found out who will move onto the next round of battle.


Bonus update! Yay! The contest Appeal is over but the battle is starting next!
LUNA is back!


1. May VS Drew /Harley /Angelica

2. Luna VS Drew /Harley/ Mark

Robert is around the final round.

Please choose so, the vote will be short so I can start the next chapter, posted 26 /02/ 2016 so tomorrow is the final result!
Thank you!

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