Chapter 6: Granite Cave! Fishing?! The Mudkip Marash!

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Thanks to Mr Briney, the gang had arrived to Dewford Island and they had a good night's sleep at the Pokémon Centre.

Now it was daytime and the gang started to think on what to do now. Winter was looking up Dewford Gym on her Xtransceiver and saw that the gym leader used fighting type Pokémon.

"Are you going to use Taillow and Ralts?" Tomo asked, who knew that flying and psychic beat fighting type.

"Yes I will," Winter said, "but Ralts need's more training and practicing first."

"Okay." Tomo said.

Just then Brock told the others where he wanted to go, he wanted to go to a cave called Granite Cave that was located on Dewford Island.

"The guide says that Nosepass can be found there," Brock explained, "and I want one for myself."

The gang understood that, especially since Nosepass is a rock type Pokémon.

"Why don't we all go there?" Winter said, "we all might find a Pokémon we want to capture there."

"Yeah let's do that." Max said excitedly.

"And Mr Briney told us that his son Steven will probably be there, so I give this the good opportunity to meet him." May said.

"You know," Winter said, "I just found out from Dexter that Steven is also a Pokémon Champion of Hoenn."

"Really? Then we have to go and meet Steven." Max said.

So the gang agreed to go to Granite Cave.

Granite Cave was located far away from the town of Dewford Island and it was one big cave.

"Since this cave is so huge, how we will find our way through it and back?" May said, "I mean we will get lost in there."

"Don't worry," Brock said, "I have a solution to that."

Brock took out a packet of big stickers from his back pack, "These stickers are markers," he said, "and they glow in the dark so if we get lost we just follow the markers."

"That's smart." Max said.

The gang also got out their flash lights to see because it was dark in the Granite Cave.

"Let's go." Winter said and the gang went into the cave.

What the gang didn't know was that trouble was lurking about in the Granite Cave.

Jessie, James and Meowth were in the cave, searching for Pokémon.

"I wonder what Pokémon are lurking about in this cave." Meowth said.

"Just as long as they're strong Pokémon, it doesn't matter." Jessie said.

"We better be careful though," James said, "remember when we went into the rock tunnel back in Kanto? The Pokémon in there kept on stampeding at us."

"Yeah but you don't need to worry about that now, my Granbull will handle the stampede's with her roar attack." Jessie said.

"That's right," Meowth said, "roar has the ability to frighten Pokémon away, I've seen it before."

"Good to know." James replied.

The gang had now walked a long, long way from the entrance of the cave.

"I'm glad you're putting up markers Brock," Winter said, "this cave is like a maze."

"I agree with all the twists and turns," Brock said, "and if Steven Stone is in here, well trying to find him won't be easy."

Just then there was a whimpering noise echoing through one of the tunnels of the cave.

"That sounds a child whose lost and scared," Brock said, "we better see what the noise is."

The gang followed the sound into the tunnel, where it was coming from.

Then they found three mauve, bipedal Pokémon with a spherical body. It has two stubby arms and two round, yellow-tipped feet that lack toes. Its ear covers are long and rabbit-like with yellow tips, and the ear openings can be seen as a hole at the base of each ear cover. Its eyes appear as cross or plus sign-like black marks, and it has a simple, wide mouth usually shown open. It has a small, plug-like tail with a hole in it and a yellow crescent marking above it.

"Hey those are Whismur." Max said.

May checked out Whismur on her PokéDex:
Whismur, the Whisper Pokémon.
Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane.

The three Whismur were trembling in fear.

"Hey what's wrong?" Max asked.

The Whismur started to speak.

"They're saying that they are being chased by a Loudred." Winter said.

Loudred, the Big Voice Pokémon.
The evolved form of Whismur. The shock waves from its cries can tip over trucks. It stamps its feet to power up.

"This Loudred must be bullying the Whismur." Brock said.

"By why would Loudred bully these three Whismur?" May asked, "I mean Whismur evolve into Loudred."

"Well the truth is May Pokémon do bully each other, especially Pokémon who are in their final evolved forms," Winter said, "they like to pick on Pokémon who are still in their youngest forms. Brock, Tomo and I have seen it before."

May couldn't believe her ears when she heard that Pokémon do bully each other.

Max comforted the Whismur and stroked their ears.

The Whismur liked the stroking and saw Max as a friend.

"I suggest we keep on going now," Winter said, "if there is a troublesome Loudred in here, then I suggest we try to find Steven now and ask him for help."

The others liked that idea.

The three Whismur wanted to come too and the gang agreed to let them come along.

The gang was about to continue on but then they suddenly heard another noise; a rumbling nose.

"What's that noise?" May asked nervously.

"It sounds like an earthquake to me." Max said.

"It's not an earthquake," Winter said, "that's a Pokémon stampede."

"Winter is right," Brock said, "we've heard this sort of noise before."

"What do we do?" May asked.

"It sounds far away from here," Brock said thoughtfully, "but we need to get out of here. It's dangerous to stay in an area when there's a Pokémon stampede about."

"I agree, we should get out of here." May said.

But before the gang went anywhere, they suddenly fell through a hole and ended up falling done in different tunnels.

The gang ended up separated, Winter, Pichu, Pachirisu, Tomo and Growlithe went down one tunnel together.

May and Max, with the three Whismur, went down another tunnel together and Brock went down another tunnel alone.

Winter, Tomo, Pichu, Pachirisu and Growlithe ended up on a lower level of Granit Cave.

"You all okay?" Winter asked.

"Yes, but what happened?" Tomo asked.

"Some Pokémon must have been tunneling, which is why we ended up falling down a hole," Winter answered, "and my guess is that the Pokémon stampede we heard earlier must have had some responsibility for it."

"What do we do now Sky?" Tomo asked.

Winter thought for a minute. "Tomo, Pichu, Pachirisu, Growlithe I think sense someone else in this cave." She said, "Come on." They followed her.

Tomo, Pichu, Pachirisu and Gowlithe is worried if she uses her aura powers too much, she'll lose focus on the Jade Orb and it will start to react giving her pain again.

The pain hasn't came since they started her Hoenn journey, May and Max still doesn't know about the Jade Orb.

At that time a light steel haired man was walking around in the cave with an Aron beside him, the man was Steven Stone.

Aron was a rock and steel type Pokémon, a quadruped Pokémon with four stubby legs and a large round head. Its body is black with plates of gray armor covering its head, back, and legs. Throughout its body are small openings in the armor. There are six openings on its head, with the largest two being openings for its pale blue eyes, and one opening on either side of the spike on its back. A single, blunt spike protrudes from its back.

They had heard the noise of the Pokémon stampede and they also saw the hole that the gang had fell in earlier; Steven wanted to know what was going on.

Just then Winter, Tomo and their Pokémon ran towards him.

"Excuse me but are you by any chance Steven Stone?" Winter asked.

"Yes I am," Steven said, "are you guys lost?"

"Yes we are." Winter said and she told Steven about when she and the others fell down a hole after they heard the Pokémon stampede.

"I understand and I think I might know what's been happening," Steven said, "you see Aron live in this cave and I have been hearing a Pokémon making a loud ruckus in the cave, so the Aron must be upset with it."

Winter blinked, "Loud ruckus?" She said, "I wonder if that Loudred might be the case." She told Steven about the meeting with three Whismur and that they were chased into the cave by a Loudred.

"If that Loudred is the case then we better sort it out at once," Steven said, "it's not good if the peace in this cave is disturbed. You lot follow me, I know all of inside and out of this cave because I've been exploring it for a while now."

Winter and Tomo were delighted and they followed Steven at once.


Meanwhile Brock was trying to find the others, "This is going to be hard, especially since none of my markers are here," he said, "I hope the others are okay."

Suddenly he heard a noise, a moaning noise. "That sounds like someone are hurt, I better see at once." Brock said.

Brock followed the sound of the noise and he found five Nosepass and they looked like they had been in a fight.

"Hold on Nosepass, I'll help all of you." He grabbed some super potions from his ruck sack and sprayed them on the five Nosepass.

"There we are now, but what happened to all of you?"

One of the Nosepass did a demonstration of a Pokémon thumping about like crazy.

"Was the Pokémon by any chance a Loudred?" Brock asked.

Brock thought that the same Loudred that bullied the Whismur was behind it, and his hunch was right because the Nosepass nodded yes. "Okay Nosepass I got separated from my friends, so if you help me find them we can sort out the Loudred problem."

The five Nosepass were happy to help Brock and one of them used their nose compass to help him find his way.


May and Max and the three Whismur were running down the tunnels like crazy.

They had run into a swarm of Aron and they were angry.

"What on earth did we do to make the Aron angry?" May asked.

"We didn't do anything," Max answered, "Aron can be the aggressive type."

Right now they had come to an underground waterfall and the Aron were all around them.

"Now what do we do?" May asked panicky.

Just then Brock turned up and saw the commotion, he was about to think of something, but then Steven, Winter and Tomo turned up.

Steven ordered his Aron to use roar and the all the wild Aron calmed down.

"It's all right now," Steven said, "the Loudred isn't here and these people are good people. Go back to your tunnels now."

The wild Aron did as they were told.

May, Max and Brock were grateful and thanked Steven, as well as introducing themselves to him.

"I'm happy to have helped all of you," Steven said, "but I need to find that Loudred. It has caused a lot of trouble in this cave and not to mention it had disturbed the Pokémon who live here. You wait here while I search for it." Then he took off.

"Will Steven be all right?" Max said, "I mean won't he get lost?"

"Don't worry," Winter said, "he told Tomo and I that he has been exploring this cave for a while now so he knows his way round."

"That's good to hear." Max said.

Just then an Aron pooped out from the ground, but this Aron had a green underbelly, red eyes and its armor was a greenish color.

"Wao. That Aron is shiny," Winter said, "which is great because I'm going to catch it." She ordered Pachirisu to use focus punch on Aron and Pachirisu punched a direct hit on Aron, as fighting beats steel types.

Winter captured Aron at once in a PokéBall.

Suddenly the PokéBall disappeared.

"What happened?" May asked.

Winter explained that when a Pokémon trainer has six Pokémon on him or her, in her case it's fourteen Pokémon. The next Pokémon it captures go straight to Pokémon Professor's lab, where the trainer obtained the trainer's license from.

"So my Aron has gone to Professor Oak's lab," Winter said, "and in your case May, your seventh captured Pokémon will go to Professor Birch's lab because you got your license there."

"Oh I see." May said.

Max turned to the three Whismur and said that he wanted to catch them, "I want us to be together as friends forever, so can I catch you?" He said.

The three Whismur accepted,they wanted to stay with Max too, so Max captured them.

Brock saw captured the five Nosepass, he wanted one for himself and the other four would be for Pewter Gym.

May started to feel left out because everyone, including Max, had more Pokémon than her.

"Don't worry May," Winter said, "we still have many more places in Hoenn to visit, so you will catch some more Pokémon." She started to grab her chest.

Brock and Tomo saw and looked at her in worry.

At that moment Steven came back.

"Did you find the Loudred?" Brock asked.

"No," Steven said, "it seems that the Loudred is no longer roaming around in Granite Cave,"

"If it has left then good riddance," Brock said, "especially after all the trouble it caused."

Steven agreed.

With Steven's help, the gang got out of Granite Cave and Steven also took them to a far side of the island where the gang could train their Pokémon.

"We thank you for helping us out Steven." Winter said.

"I'm glad I was able to help," Steven said, "I must ask have you seen my father, the president of the Devon Corporation?"

"Yes we have and he sends you his regards." Winter said.

"That's great to hear that my dad is okay." Steven said.

Winter smiled then moves to the side of the rocks, "Brock, Tomo I'll leave the rest to you." She said and run to hide herself from view.

"Pichu." "Chipa." Pichu and Pachirisu following behind in worry.

"Is Snow okay?" May asked, "I saw her face a bit pale and she looked like in pain."

"Yeah I saw that too." Max said.

Tomo and Brock sigh, "We'll tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone and we mean it." Brock said. "We never plan to tell much people."

"Steven can know as well." Tomo said. "Since Lance knows of it."

"Wait? Lance the Johto region champion." Max said.

Brock and Tomo nodded.

"Okay we promise." Steven said. He knew that it was serious since Lance knows of it and kept it to himself not telling anyone about it.

Brock and Tomo explained to them about the Jade Orb incident and it's in her, meeting the Rayquaza that was from the earth atmosphere for the first time. How Winter no Luna feels pain when it reacts.

They were speechless and felt sorry for her at the same time because of the pain she goes through.

"If it's reacting now how did Snow keep it hidden?" May asked.

"Her aura basically." Tomo answered. "Her aura powers where blocking or stopping the Jade Orb from reacting."

Brock explained what aura is to them, how it allows her to understand Pokémon talk and do others things to.

They were amazed by the power she has within her.

"Big sister," Tomo said, "she lost focus on the orb when she was looking for a way out using her aura that's when she found you Steven, since she sense someone else inside the cave."

Steven nodded remembering how they found him when he was looking for them.

After explaining everything to them, they promise not to tell anyone about it no matter what, it makes her the target of evil villains trying to obtain the power of Rayquaza.

They all promised not to tell anyone about it.

Winter came back with a full recovery and control of the orb, but she was tired from all of it.

Steven said goodbye to the gang and left to find another place to explore and the gang both though what a day they had today.

"I wonder what had happened to that Loudred in Granite Cave." May said.

"Don't know," Brock said, "maybe it got captured by someone."

"Well if someone has, at least Loudred isn't causing any more trouble." Tomo said.

What had happened to Loudred was that Jessie had captured it for herself.

Team Rocket encountered Loudred scaring off a swarm of Zubat in the cave, and Jessie was impressed with it so she captured it.

Now Team Rocket was out of Granite cave.

"It's a pity we never caught any of the Pokémon inside the cave." James said.

"Never mind I'm glad I captured my Loudred," Jessie said, "but at least we can go somewhere else."

"Yes let's do that." Meowth said.

So Team Rocket started to plan their next destination.


The gang was planning out what to do while they were camping out near a beach on Dewford Island.

Winter was training her Ralts to help him get ready for Dewford Gym, right now he was practicing his two new moves, psychic and magical leaf.

"You are doing very well Ralts," Winter said, "in fact you grow stronger every day."

"Ral, Ralts." Ralts was happy with that comment from Winter.

May and Max were watching. "You should get some practicing with battling too May," Max said, "remember you battle your opponents in the Pokémon contest, and you still don't understand about Pokémon battling."

"You're right I don't." May sigh.

"Not to mention you haven't practiced for the appeal rounds yet." Max continued on.

"Okay, you don't need to rub it in." May said.

It was true though, May hadn't really been practicing and training recently, she had just been watching Winter and Tomo train their Pokémon.

Just then Brock called everyone over.

"Is something wrong Brock?" May asked.

"No nothing's wrong," Brock said, "I just read in the guide that many different Pokémon roam in the sea around here."

That gave Winter an idea, "If there are lots of water Pokémon around here, then let's do some fishing." She said.

"I agree," Tomo said, "we can all catch a new water Pokémon then."

So everyone agreed to do some Pokémon fishing.

May and Max didn't have any fishing rods, but Winter and Tomo said they could borrow theirs after they were done.

The gang found a fishing spot and Winter, Tomo and Brock cast their fishing lines into the ocean.

May and Max could only watch and wait for their turn.

"What you have to know about Pokémon fishing are two things," Winter said, "one it takes patience to get a bite, which means you must always wait, and two you must be quiet when fishing otherwise you'll scare the Pokémon away with noise."

May and Max understood and stayed quiet.

A few moments later, Brock's line started to pull.

"Did you get something?" May asked.

"Yes and now I reel in the Pokémon." Brock said.

Brock reeled in his fishing line and then  a Pokémon that is heavily based on the coelacanth. It is covered with hard, brown scales that are similar to craggy rocks. Its tan head has protruding small cheekbones. A triangular spike protrudes from the back of its head. Tan patches cover its body and there is a red spot located on both sides. It possesses two pairs of pectoral fins, which it uses to push itself along the sea bottom. Additionally, it has dorsal and pelvic fins near its tail. Its tail fin has a wavy outline.

"Whoa what's that Pokémon?" Tomo asked.

May had a look of the Pokémon on her PokéDex:
Relicanth, the longevity Pokémon.
A rare Pokémon discovered during a deep-sea exploration. It has not changed in over 100 million years.

"Wow what a catch." Max said.

Brock called out his Lotad and ordered it to use razor leaf on the Relicanth.

As Relicanth was a rock and water type, Lotad's Razor leaf attack was super effective and Relicanth was hurt by the attack. Brock captured Relicanth at once with a PokéBall.

"So do you understand now how water Pokémon fishing works?" Brock asked.

"You're right we do." May and Max said together.

Just then Winter's line started to pull and she lured in the Pokémon.

A purple fish, with grey-blue fins, tail and dorsal fin came out.

"Hey that's a Feebas, but it's different coloured." Max said.

May looked at Feebas on her PokéDex:
Feebas, the Fish Pokémon.
It is the shabbiest Pokémon of all. It forms in schools and live at the bottom of rivers.

"Shabby Pokémon is right." May commented.

"Yeah but," Winter said, "it evolves into something quite beautiful." She remembers her Milotic.

Winter ordered Pachirisu to use thunderbolt on the Feebas, but Feebas used mirror coat and the thunderbolt attack bounced back.

"Nice that mirror coat will be handy," Winter said, "okay Pachirisu use iron tail." Pachirisu whacked Feebas with her iron tail attack, and then Winter captured Feebas with a PokéBall.

"Another new Pokémon for me." Winter smiled, "a shiny one that is." And the PokéBall went to Professor Oak's lab.

Then Tomo's line started to pull and he caught a chubby, spherical, seal-like Pokémon with a short, flat tail. Its plushy fur is light blue with several white spots of various sizes on its back. This covering of fluffy fur protects Spheal from the cold. It has black, circular eyes, small tusks protruding from its upper jaw, and small, rounded ears. Its stubby flippers and its underside are both beige.

May looked at the pokemon on her pokedex:
Spheal, the Clap Pokémon.
It rolls across ice floes to reach shore because its body is poorly shaped for swimming.

Tomo didn't need to weaken Spheal to catch it; because of its chubby body it had trouble moving about on the land and it was easily caught in the PokéBall.

The PokéBall also went to Professor Oak's lab because Tomo also had six Pokémon on him.

Now it was May and Max's turn to fish.

Winter and Tomo gave their rods to May and Max to use.

"Remember nice and easy and when you get a Pokémon don't panic." Brock said.

Just then May's line started to pull.

"Okay just relax now May and reel it in." Winter said.

May reeled it in as Winter instructed her and then a Staryu came out. "Oh I love Staryu because of their jewel in the middle." May squealed.

Winter thought it reminds her of Misty.

"Quick May use Bellossom to catch the Staryu, grass beats water." Winter said.

May released Bellossom and ordered her to use petal dance. Staryu got really hurt by the petal dance and fainted, and then May captured Staryu in a PokéBall.

"This Staryu will be great in a Pokémon contest." May suggested.

Just then Max's line started to pull. "I wonder what Pokémon I've got." Max said excitedly. He caught a Seel and thanks to his Shroomish' help with stun spore, he caught it in a PokéBall.

Everyone was happy with their new captures and May and Max enjoyed their first experience of fishing.

"Thanks for letting us borrow your rods Snow and Tomo." May said.

"No problem." Winter said.

May couldn't stop admiring her Staryu's red jewel and Max was hugging his Seel non-stop.

Winter, Tomo and Brock could see that May and Max was happy with their new Pokémon.

Winter was about to go back to her Pokémon training, but then she saw a red-shelled, crustacean Pokémon with a short tail similar to a lobster. Its eyes are saucer-like with small pupils, and it has three spikes on top of its head. It possesses four pairs of limbs in total: two large pincers used for gripping prey, and three pairs of legs used for walking. The upper segments of its legs, underside of its body and lower halves of its pincers are cream-colored, on the shore.

"What's that Pokémon?" She said.

Corphish, the Ruffian Pokémon.
Its hardy vitality enables it to adapt to any environment. Its pincers will never release prey.

"Sounds like a cool Pokémon, I'm going to catch it." Winter said, she sent out her three Wurmples to help. "Okay Wurmples use string shot to trap that Corphish." The Wurmples fired string shot at the Corphish and trapped it in the silk.

Corphish tried to break free from the string shot.

Winter quickly threw a PokéBall at Corphish and captured it.

"Two new water Pokémon in one day." Winter said. She thanked her three Wurmples for their help.

Suddenly the Wurmples started to glow and evolve. All three Wurmples evolved into cocoon type Pokémon, with spikey limbs, but one of them was white and other two was pink.

"That white one is a Silcoon and the pink one is a Cascoon." Max said.

Silcoon, the Cocoon Pokémon.
The evolved form of Wurmple. It wraps silk around the branches of a tree. It drinks rainwater on its silk while awaiting evolution.

Cascoon, the Cocoon Pokémon.
The evolved form of Wurmple. It never forgets any attack it endured while in the cocoon. After evolution, it seeks payback.

"Wow, so Wurmple can evolve into either Silcoon or Cascoon huh?" May said, "So what does Cascoon and Silcoon evolve to?"

"Silcoon will evolve into Beautifly and Cascoon will evolve into Dustox." Max answered.

May hoped her Wurmple will evolve to Silcoon because she wanted a Beautifly, not a Dustox.

By that time, the sun was starting to set and Brock fixed up some dinner.

"We we've been through quite a day actually," Brock said, "especially with all the Pokémon capturing."

"I'll say I feel exhausted now." Winter said and it was true she wore herself out when focusing on the orb.

"Then we'll have an early night after we've finished our dinner." Brock said.

And the others saw nothing wrong with that.


Today the gang was walking down a river bank.

May was feeling happy at the moment, yesterday while she was training her Pokémon with Winter and Tomo, her Wurmple evolved into a Silcoon.

So May was happy that she was going to have a Beautifly.

Right now the gang had arrived at a muddy marsh.

"Where are we?" Tomo asked.

Before anyone could look at the maps or pokenavs, they suddenly saw some baby Mudkips by a lake.

"They're so cute." May squealed.

"I wonder who they belong to?" Winter said.

Just then a slightly bigger Mudkip came out of the bushes.

"That Mudkip must be the guardian of the baby Mudkips." Brock said.

Mudkip looked angry at the gang. 'I bet that Mudkip thinks of us as trespassers and thinks we are going to take the entire baby Mudkips away.' Winter thought.

Winter released her Mudkip from the PokéBall and with Mudkip's help Winter managed to convince the Mudkip that they were not here to take away the baby Mudkips and that they were passing through.

Mudkip still stared at them to make sure that they were telling the truth.

At that moment an old man came up to the gang.

This old man had a haircut that made him look like a Mudkip.

"And what are you kids doing here?" the man said, "This is private property."

"We do apologize to you sir," Brock said, "the truth is we are lost and have no idea where we are."

The old man introduced himself as Mr Swampy and led them into cabin. Inside the cabin, the gang saw blue and orange Pokémon eggs.

"Are these Mudkip eggs?" Winter asked.

"That they are." Mr Swampy smiled.

Just then one of the Mudkip eggs glowed and hatched into a baby Mudkip.

"Wow, looking at Pokémon hatch from eggs is totally awesome." Max said.

"It certainly is." Tomo smiled.

"I must ask you Mr Swampy," Winter said, "is this by any chance a centre where you breed baby Mudkips and then send them off to new starter trainers?"

"Yes it is," Mr Swampy said, "how did you guess that?"

"Well Professor Oak once told me that he got the Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle starter Pokémon from special Pokémon breeding centers where they breed Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle," Winter said, "and Professor Elm in Johto told me the same thing with Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile."

"Wait, so is that where the starter Pokémon come from before Pokémon Professors give them to starter trainers?" Max asked.

"That is correct." Mr Swampy said.

"Professor Oak also told me that the Centre's keep their locations a secret from everyone, except Pokémon Professors." Winter said.

"That is true," Mr Swampy said, "we fear that somebody might come to any of the centers and take away all the baby starter Pokémon, which is why you five must keep this place a secret."

"We promise." Winter replied.

The others promised too.

Suddenly they heard some sort of cow bell noise from outside.

"That's the alarm I put up incase intruders come here." Mr Swampy said. He feared that the Mudkips might be in trouble so he quickly went out the door and the gang followed him.

Mr Swampy was right about the baby Mudkips being in trouble, two men were placing the baby Mudkips in sacks.

"Hey leave those Mudkips alone!" Mr Swampy shouted.

"Sorry old man," one of the men said, "but these Mudkips belong to us now." Then he and the other man started to run away.

"Oh no you don't!" Brock shouted. He released Lotad and Fortress from their PokéBalls and ordered them to attack the men with water gun and swift.

The men dropped the sacks that held the baby Mudkips after they were hit.

The only Mudkip that wasn't in the sack was the bigger Mudkip and it knocked the men out with tackle.

"Hey that Mudkip sure is strong." Brock said.

"You're right about that." Mr Swampy said.

Mr Swampy tied the crooks up with strong rope and gave them over to the police.

"I thank you kids for helping me save the baby Mudkips" Mr Swampy said to the gang.

"I'm relieved that the entire baby Mudkips are okay." Winter said.

Brock was petting the head of the bigger Mudkip, "You are a very good guardian of these baby Mudkips, Mudkip." He said.

Mr Swampy saw the bonding between Brock and the Mudkip, "Brock would mind doing something for me?" He asked.

"Sure what is it?" Brock asked.

"I want you to be that Mudkip's new trainer," Mr Swampy said, "you see that Mudkip is really a wild Mudkip, not one of the Mudkip I breed here. And it's really time for it to leave because it is already grown up and strong. So Brock please take it with you and become its partner always."

Brock accepted the offer at once and was happy to have his own Mudkip.

After that, the gang said good bye to Mr Swampy and the baby Mudkips, vowing never to tell anyone else about their location.

21/09/2015- Edited

1. I don't understand why, in the anime, that Steven wasn't mentioned a champion nor why the Silcoon and Cascoon didn't have the spiky limbs, so I made sure to mention them.

2. Don't worry about Wallace, he will be mentioned as champion of Hoenn when the gang meets him at the Wallace Cup.
To be honest I don't get it, do they have two Champion in Hoenn or something.

3. I thought that Brock should have had his own Nosepass in the anime, especially since he already has a Sudowoodo.

4. May should have had a Staryu or Starmie in the anime because she loves jewelry.

5. One of Max's Whismur will evolve all the way to Exploud and another Whismur will just become a Loudred, and the last one will stay a Whismur. An evolution set for him.

6. I thought Loudred suited Jessie because of her temper hahaha lol.

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