Chapter 3 ...I Am Not Your Servant!

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Author: "Just to clear things up"

"" : "Talking"

'' & I : 'Thinking'

"" & I : "Flashback"

Bold & I : Author

Bold : Demonic Voice



3rd Person PoV

Boss: "How many intruders and where?"

Lubbock: "Judging by the reaction of my barrier, I'd say about eight. Their getting a little close to the hideout if you ask me!"

Boss: "If they were clever enough to sniff us out, we should assume that they're tribal assassins. Move quickly! Don't let them leave here alive!"

Night Raid then ran their way to the location of the intruders. Akame gave the rest of the team a knowing look and they split up. Akame went by herself through the middle, Bulat, Y/n, and Tatsumi went to the right, while the rest went to the left.

Bulat: "You're still a little new to go up against a big group like this. So try to be careful! The first thing is to let your body get a good feel for the battlefield Tatsumi!"

Tatsumi: "Right!"

Bulat: "And the second thing is... Please either call me either 'Handsome' or 'Bro'."

Y/n: "No way in hell am I calling you 'Handsome'."

Tatsumi: "You got it, Bro!"

Bulat: "Yeah! Now we're talkin'!"

Y/n: "Good job Tatsumi, you are now officially more gayer than I am!"

Tatsumi: "Oh shut up Y/n!"

Bulat: "Hey! Check this out!" He said turning around in front of them, making them stop running. "INCURSIO!!!!" Bulat then got wrapped around in the same armor that he wore when Tatsumi and Y/n first met him in.

Y/n: "Not gonna lie Bulat, that is pretty cool."

Tatsumi: "Yeah! So cool!"

Bulat: "This is the Imperial Arms, Incursio."

Tatsumi: "I don't know what Imperial Arms are but, Man, that was awesome!"

Y/n: "You and me both Tatsumi."

Bulat: "Oh, good, I see you recognize its greatness!" He said flexing.

Y/n, Tatsumi, and Bulat look around to see any intruders. Then they hear a noise up ahead.

Tatsumi: "It's them."

Y/n: "Now, let's go kick some ass!"

Bulat: "Wait, Y/n." He said gaining his attention. "I want to show Tatsumi and you what imperial arms can do!"

Y/n: "Ugh! Fine!" He said disappointedly.

Meanwhile with Akame

Akame is seen standing in front of three intruders.

Assassin 1: "That's the girl from the wanted poster. That means Night Raid must be around here somewhere."

Assassin 2: "She's a pretty little thing, huh?"

Assassin 3: "Let's not bang her up too bad, I still want to have some fun with her first."

But before they could do anything, A slash was heard around the three assassins.

Akame: "Be careful, you've entered enemy territory, you know."

Assassin 3: "Oh shit!"

Two assassins died by Akame slicing their throat. But one assassin was still standing, holding his throat as blood was seeping through his hands. The assassin turned around to look at Akame.

Assassin 1: "You bitch, I'm gonna make you pay for that!"

But before he could do anything, the poison already spread through his body, instantly killing him.

Akame: "It only takes one strike."

Meanwhile with Mine, she was looking through the scope of her gun finding an assassin running away.

Mine: "Well, he's made it pretty far, bummer I really don't like revealing my location." She said while another assassin was behind her with a sword in his hands.

Assassin: "You're mine!"

But right as he was about to kill her, Sheele used her giant scissors and cut the assassin in half, instantly killing him.

Sheele: 'I'm sorry'

Mine: 'Thank you, Sheele' "Nice timing! That was just enough danger to power up!" She shot her gun at the assassin from far away. The assassin turned around but was instantly killed by the gun's power. "Sweet! Bull's-eye! The bigger the trouble I'm in, the more powerful my beautiful Pumpkin becomes!"

Meanwhile with Leone, She was sitting on top of another assassin she killed, blood covered her claws while her hair was a lot longer, she also had cat ears.

Leone: "Huh, That sounded like Pumpkin just now. I'm surprised she puts up with that finicky thing. When I go into beast mode, I can just beat the living daylights out of my enemies! Much more fun!"

Meanwhile with Lubbock, he was torturing a beautiful girl assassin with his metal strings by cutting her multiple times and tying her up in them, making her incapable of moving.

Lubbock: "Oooh, It was a lady tugging my strings this whole time."

Girl Assassin: "Please, just spare my life! I'll do anything you want! Anything!"

Lubbock: "Noooo way. I've seen way too many guys wind up dead after a girl says that." He said while pulling his strings, making them cut her throat, Instantly killing her.

Lubbock turned around to walk away, but he stopped and looked at the girl that he just killed.

Lubbock: "Man, what a waste. Why does this job have to be so disappointing sometimes?"

Meanwhile with Tatsumi and Y/n. Y/n Used his super shotgun to kill an assassin by blasting off his head, while Tatsumi used his sword to cut off the head of another assassin. Both of them looked back Bulat, who was being surrounded by multiple assassins. The assassins all jumped at the same time to kill him, but he was too quick and used his spear to kill them all at incalculable speeds.

Tatsumi: "He's... so strong. So this... this is the power... of Night Raid." He said as he looked at Bulat while rain of blood was dropping on top of him.

Bulat deactivated his armor and the rest of the team arrived right beside him.

Bulat: "You still alive, Tatsumi?"

Y/n: "Yeah, you ok bud? You look like you've seen a ghost." He asked, concerned for his friend.

Tatsumi: "Oh, yeah! I was just thinking about stuff."

Bulat: "Then everything's fine, I can already tell you've got some talent!" He said while giving him a thumbs up. "And Y/n, You did really good yourself."

Y/n: "Thank you Bulat."

(Time Skip brought to you by)

Tatsumi's PoV

It was now night time, I was in my bed trying to sleep. But I couldn't, something was on my mind that I couldn't get rid of.

Tatsumi: 'Night Raid... They are all killers... But they're bringing about a revolution. And that leave's no excuse for Y/n, he hunted and tortured demons for eons because of what they did to him.' "Man I really have found a crazy group of friends, huh?" I said as I went to sleep, but not even an hour later, I woke up from a 'horrific' nightmare.

('Horrific' Nightmare)


I shutter from the thought.

Tatsumi: 'Why did I dream of him of all people?!'

I relaxed and looked at my sword at the thought of my dead friends.


Sayo: "The imperial capital!" She said, pointing at a spot in the middle of a map.

Ieyasu: "There's a giant wall surrounding the whole city, and the canals are full of trading ships!"

Tatsumi: "There's so much to see!"

Ieyasu: "And don't forget all those sexy, sophisticated city women!"

Sayo grew frustrated and punched Ieyasu in the face.

Sayo: "Gross!"

Ieyasu: "Hey! What was that for?" He said as Tatsumi bursted out laughing.

(End of flashback)

Tatsumi: 'Sayo... Ieyasu.... I'll do my best for you guys. I promise.' He thought as he went back to sleep.

(It's now morning, yaaaaaaaaaay)

3rd Person PoV

Sheele was walking down the hall, rubbing her eyes as she was still trying to wake up. She looked to her left and saw Y/n doing his early morning routine in the gym. 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km run on the treadmill. EVERY SINGLE MORNING!!! She continued walking down the hall but with a big blush on her face.

Sheele: 'OMG!!! He's doing that massive workout without even breaking a sweat! But not only that, I could see his huge muscles because he wasn't wearing a shirt! I thought he said that he lost most of his power though? Oh well, He's still incredibly strong and handsome. Wait, what am I saying? I-I can't be having a crush on him... right?' She thought as she walked past the gym.

As she was walking, she saw Tatsumi sanding next to a door.

Sheele: "Is something the matter?"

Tatsumi: "Huh? Oh hey, Sheele. I'm fine... Me and Y/n are supposed to be training with Mine today, but she hasn't came out of her room yet. *grumbles* Spoiled little brat."

Sheele: "Yeah, well... Mine does have a habit of sleeping in." She said as she opened the door.

Tatsumi: "Seriously?! But, this is her job!"

Sheele: "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. I'll go wake her up now." She said as she went to turn to leave.

Boss: "Wait. Let Y/n and Tatsumi do it." She said which got Sheele's attention.

Tatsumi: "What? Why us?"

Boss: "Because you're both her subordinates for today. Waking up your supervisor is part of an assassin's job."

Tatsumi: "Grr. Okay fine!"

Sheele: "I'll go ahead and get Y/n. You go upstairs and wait for him." She said to which he obliged with a nod.

Sheele then made her way to the gym. But before she went inside, Y/n stepped out of the room and saw Sheele in front of him....... blushing.

Y/n: "Oh! Good morning Sheele, how are you ?" He said with kindness and a smile. It didn't help Sheele cause it made her blush deepen. Y/n noticed this. "Um, Sheele, are you ok? You're blushing very hard. What it something I said?" He asked.

Sheele: "Oh no Y/n, Y-Your perfectly f-fine!" She said while her face was as red as a tomato. She couldn't take her eyes off of Y/n's very muscular body. "I-I just came to g-get you because y-you are required to w-wake up Mine with Tatsumi b-because you're training with her t-today."

Y/n: "Oh. Ok, Thanks for letting me know. You are very kind Sheele, you know that?" He said while patting Sheele's head. Sheele was about to pass out any second because of how much she was blushing. "Umm, I'm just gonna make my way to Mine's room now... Thank you Sheele!" He said while walking away and waving towards her.

Sheele: "N-N-No p-p-problem!" She said waving back. She quickly turned around to get some water to cool her face off. 'OH MY GOD!!! HE WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, I COULDN'T STOP LOOKING AT HIM! WHAT WAS I DOING?! Wait..... Could I be.... having a crush on him? no No NO! If I told him that, he wouldn't be my friend anymore! He would think that I'm weird and stupid to think thoughts like that! But... I can't shake this feeling in my heart when I'm near him. Oh what do I do?!' She thought to herself while washing her face with cold water.

But before Y/n left, he checked his stats.


Strength: 31%

Stamina: 29%

Speed: 29%

Y/n: "Keep this up, and I'll get half way in no time!" He said to himself as he then made his way towards Mine's room, where Tatsumi was waiting on him. "Hey Tatsumi... so we're supposed to wake up Mine, huh?" He said which gained Tatsumi's attention.

Tatsumi: "Hey Y/n, and yeah. Let's wake up Mine now." He said while grabing the door handle

Y/n: "NO!! Tatsumi! You don't just go into a girls room without knock-!" He said but it was too late. Tatsumi already opened the door to her room.

Tatsumi: "Hey Mine! You just gonna sleep in all day or...." Tatsumi paused and saw Mine trying to get dressed with almost no clothes on her body, Y/n faced palmed himself, and there was a very long pause.

Mine: ".........."

Tatsumi: "..........."

Y/n: ".........."

Mine: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She screamed while firing a very big gun blast at the two, making a giant hole in the wall while shaking the whole entire base.

Akame was making soup until she felt the base shake, she stopped what she was doing.... she then went back to what she was doing, now knowing what happened.

Tatsumi was sitting on the left side of the hole crying while Y/n was just standing on the left side, unfazed by what happened. Tatsumi then stood up and faced Mine.


Mine: "WELL, I MISSED!!! You filthy perverts, how dare you dodge when you know when you deserve to die?!"

Y/n: "Hold on Mine! I was trying to warn Tatsumi to never go into a woman's room without knocking on the door! If your going to blame anyone, blame me for not saying it quick enough." He said getting in front of Tatsumi.

Mine: "......Hmph! Fine! I won't kill you..."

Y/n: "Thank you for forgiving Tat-"

Mine: "I'M NOT FINISHED!!!" She interrupted him. "I won't kill you Y/n, but I'm sure as hell gonna kill Tatsumi!" She said while charging Pumpkin up.

Y/n: 'As if you could kill me..... wait, did she say Tatsumi?' He gasped in realization. "OH SHIT!! TATSUMI RUN!!!!"

Tastumi: "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!"

(Time Skip brought to you by)

(I know it has nothing to do with DOOM but I thought it was funny)

Y/n's PoV

After saving Tatsumi's ass for the seventh time. Me, Mine, and Tatsumi went for a walk around the city for 'Training'.

Y/n: "Man, looking at the people now, I can see how miserable they really are. It's really sad."

Tatsumi: "I was just thinking the same thing."

Mine: "Hey! Pervert, Y/n, hurry up! What's the hold up, country boy? You too, Mr. Doom Slayer?"

Y/n: "Do you dare mock my name?!"

Mine: "What?! No, I would never insult your name, I know that if I did, I would be dead. But, it's fun to do it to Tatsumi though!"

Y/n: "Ooooooohhhhh...... Yeah that makes sense."

Tatsumi: "Y/n, you asshole!"

Mine: "Let's move it! Chop chop! Aren't y'all supposed to be my faithful servants for today?"

Y/n: "Servant?! What are you talking about?!"

Tatsumi: "Yeah! What do you mean servant?"

Mine: "That's what the boss said."

Tatsumi: "No, we're just training under you."

Y/n finally realizes what she's talking about.

Y/n: "Um, Tatsumi... Listen to your words. We are training UNDER her."

Tatsumi: "Yeah, that's what I said. Is there something that I missed-?" He said as he finally realizes what Y/n means. "FUUUUUUCK!!!"

Mine: "Yeah, and the operative word there is 'under'. Come on, we don't have a lot of time!" She said as she walked away. Y/n sighed, but then started walking towards her.

Tatsumi: "Wha- Hey, wait!" He said while trying to catch up to them. He then finally catches up to Mine and Y/n. "Hey, Mine?" He said, gaining her attention. "Don't these people look unhappy to you?"

Mine: "They live in fear of the government, and the economy sucks. Most everyone's either at rock bottom or on the way down. You wouldn't be that chipper either." She said as she walked by a dark alley, But she stopped at the sound of a little girl crying.

Punk 1: "Go ahead and cry. Nobody's listening." He said as he held a little girl by her throat.

Tatsumi: "Hey, what do you two think you're doin-!" He was interrupted by Y/n putting a hand in front of him.

Y/n: "Stand down Tatsumi, I've got this." He said as he made his way towards the two punks. "HEY!!" He yelled, gaining their attention. "Put the girl down if you know what's best for you."

Punk 2: "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?!" He said. Wrong choice of words.

Y/n: "Here's what I'm gonna do, the skinny guys head is going up your ass, and you big fat punk prepare yourself cause your head is going up my ass."

(Hancock reference anyone?)

Punk 1 & 2: "..........HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Are you serious?! YOU CAN'T DO SHIT TO US!!"

Y/n then pulled out the deactivated Crucible. The two punks started laughing even more, and Y/n's anger grew. Tatsumi and Mine knew what he had in mind, and it scared them.

Punk 1: "And what's that gonna do?!"

Y/n: ".......More than you can possibly know." He said as he lighted up the dark alley in red as the Crucible lit up. The Demonic blade indeed terrified the two, in fact, terrified wasn't even the right word at the moment, they were scared shitless beyond comprehension.

Punk 2: "WH-WH-WHAT IS THAT THING?!?!?!" He asked his friend.

Punk 1: "I-I-I D-DON'T KNOW!! AND I DON'T WANNA KNOW!!! L-LET'S GET OUTA HERE!!!" He said as the two started to run away, but they were too slow as Y/n dashed in front of them.

Y/n: "Oh no you two don't!! Y'all aren't going... ANYWHERE!!!" He said as he made his way towards them. "Tatsumi, Mine, shield the little girl's eyes, she doesn't need to see this." He said to which they obliged, covering her eyes. "Now.................WHERE WERE WE?!?!" He said as he made his way towards them.

Punk 1 & Punk 2: "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Tatsumi's PoV


Blood.... guts.... intestines.... they were everywhere, Mine had a hard time not to vomit, and so did I......... But that was after what happened. We saw Y/n put the first punk's head into the other one's ass, but not before setting it on fire. He then used the Crucible to cut off the second punk's left arm off. He then grabbed the arm and shoved it down the first punk's ass. He used his bare hands to break the first punks bones in both of his legs, making him uncapable to move. He chopped off the second punk's legs off. They were both pleading Y/n to let them go, despite them not realizing what they got themselves in............... But he didn't listen to their cries. He continued to beat them up until their last breath, But before he let them die, we saw him pull out a grenade.

Tatsumi: 'Oh... My... God....... Y/n, please don't do it. They've suffered enough!!' I thought to myself. But I could tell that Y/n was enjoying every single second of it. He activated the grenade and shoved it in the second punk's throat. After that....... Blood, Guts, and Intestines flew everywhere. I couldn't take it anymore and neither could Mine, we threw up all over the stone ground. But at least it was over.


(Blood, Guts, and Gore End)

Still Tatsumi's PoV

After that horrifying scene, Y/n told us that we could let the girl see what he did. Me and Mine were hesitant about it, but we obliged. She saw everything, from the blood on the walls, to the intestines on the ground.

Y/n: "Don't worry, those men won't bother you anymore. They're gone."

Little girl: ".......Th-Thank you mister!"

Y/n: "Don't thank me, thank these two." He said, pointing at Me and Mine. "If they weren't here, the two punks would have gotten away. But still, if your ever in trouble, keep this on you." He said while pulling out what looks like a Desert Eagle and handed it to the girl.

Little girl: "Well, thank you anyways!" She said while Me, Y/n, and Mine left.

3rd Person PoV

Tatsumi: "I hate to ask, but is it safe for you to wander around in broad daylight like this?"

Mine: "Huh? Why not? They've only identified four of us so far." She said, looking at the wanted posters.

Tatsumi: "Guess that makes sense. Wait, who's that guy in the middle?"

Mine: "That's Bulat."

Tatsumi: "Ooooh, Bulat............ WAIT, THAT'S BRO?!"

Y/n: "You've got to be shitting me right now."

Mine: "Nope, I'm not shitting you. That picture's from back in his army days. He changed his look whenever he signed with Night Raid."

Tatsumi: "That looks nothing like him! Oh man, all I need is another image to haunt me in my dreams."

Y/n: "Wait, what?"

Mine: "Anyway, the boss gave the submission to you, Y/n, and me BECAUSE we can walk around freely. Understand?"

Tatsumi: "Oh, ok!I was wondering why we were patrolling this part of town."

Mine: "Good! Now it's time for our retail investigation!"

Tatsumi: "I don't know what that means, but WOOHOO!"

Y/n: "Tatsumi, I don't think you know the meaning of anything. It's either that, or you just plain old stupid."

Tatsumi: "HEY!!!"

So they started their 'investigation'. They went shopping, eating, trying out clothes, taking souvenirs. Literally everything BUT an investigation, but Y/n wasn't complaining. Right now, they were sitting at a table outside of a restaurant.

Mine: "Ahhhh... What a day! Nothing makes me happier than a brand new pink dress!"

Tatsumi: "Yeah, whatever..."

Mine: "Isn't it wonderful to have a whole day to goof off?"

Y/n: "Tatsumi, I'm not gonna lie. It was either relaxing. I haven't had a day like this since, well... In a very long time."

Mine: "See? Even my favorite servant agrees with me!"


Tatsumi: "Yeah, whatever..."

Mine: "Welp, the mission is complete!" She said with a wink.

Tatsumi: "What the hell?! We did nothing but shop all day!"

Mine: "OH, Get over it!" She said while hitting Tatsumi in the face. "Have you already forgotten that I am above you? Good servants don't question their masters."

Y/n: "ONE MORE TIME!! I'M NOT YOUR SERVAN-!!!" He was interrupted as Mine knocked him off his feet by punching his face.

Mine: "You should be grateful that I deemed you two worthy enough to carry my bags!" She said stomping on Y/n and Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: "Yeah well you're not gonna be my boss forever, you know! Plus, nothing we did counts as training!" He said, getting on his feet.

Y/n: "Tatsumi, you were wrong last time you said that. But now I think you're right."

Mine: "What? Do you think you can just waltz in here and be on my level? You do seem pretty confident in your skills as a swordsman... But you haven't seen nearly as much combat as me and Y/n."

Tatsumi: "I get it,I am new... So there are going to be some things about this job that I don't get yet. But still! I am going to keep on fighting! For Sayo and Ieyasu!"

Mine: *sigh* "Akame and Bulat have high hopes for you, and so does Y/n, but I have my doubts."

Behind them, people were gasping and running towards something. This got their attention.

Tatsumi: "So what's that all about?"

Mine: "It's an execution. They are pretty common here." She said as the three made their way towards the scene.

What Tatsumi saw made him gasp in shock, five people on five crosses being tortured to death.

Tatsumi: "How can they do this to people?"

Y/n: "Let me guess, The Minister is causing this?"

Mine: "Yeah, he supports this sort of cruelty. Ultimately, he put the child emperor on the throne so he could be in control. As for me... I will never end up like this. I am going to survive this hell no matter what happens!" She said with determination.

Tatsumi: 'The Minister, huh? What kind of monster is this guy?' He thought to himself.

Meanwhile in the capital, we see a young grey haired boy holding a golden staff wearing a big hat and a cape.

Emperor: "Administrator Shoi, For speaking out publicly against our policies are and interfering with matters of state. We decree you shall be drawn-and-quartered!" The kid said which made everyone gasp in shock of what he said. "Did we make the right decision, Minister?" He asked a tall man with a long white beard and was seen eating meat.

Minister: "Oh Yes, Your Highness. You're the wisest ruler the Empire could ever dream of."

Emperor: "Is that meat again? You eat that a lot!"

Minister: "I want to enjoy it, while I'm still young and healthy. Buono, Buono!"

Shoi: "Your majesty, the minister is deceiving you! Please! I implore you! Open your ears and hear the voice of the people!"

Emperor: "Well, Minister, Did you hear what he just said?"

Shoi: 'You've got to be kidding me!'

Minister: "Seems the poor fellow's lost his mind."

Emperor: "Right! You've never let me astray before, so this man must be insane!"

Shoi quivered in fear of his words.

Minister: "My old friend...Why must it end this way?"

Shoi: "No, please! Your grace, if you don't stop him, he'll lead the Empire in ruin! Please, your grace... p-please." He said as the Minister made his way to him.

Minister: "No need to worry. You can count on me to look after that beautiful wife you're leaving behind. I'll be sure to satisfy all her needs. And I do mean ALL of them." He said while having an evil smirk on his face.

Shoi: "No! You can't let this happen! He can't do this! He must be stopped! Someone... Anyone... I'm begging you... that man is a DEMON!! Can't any of you see that?! Please! PLEEEEAAAASE!!!!" He yelled as he was dragged away.

Y/n's PoV

Boss: "Night Raid has a new mission. This time, our target is a distant relative of Minister Honest: Iokal. He's been using the Minister's name so that he can kidnap innocent women and beat them to death. Iokal also has five mercenary guards, they're equally guilty. I'm counting on you guys. Now, Go take them out!"

We then made our way to Iokal's location, which seems to be a very big mansion. Since I'm the most powerful of the team, they told me to stand back. But if they're in trouble Mine will let me know and, well..... I will unleash hell on earth. I was with Tatsumi and Mine at the moment.

Tatsumi: "So that's Iokal's Mansion. Wow.... It's enormous!"

Y/n: "That's what she said!" Mine just gave me a deadpanned look. "...Sorry."

Tatsumi: "Hey, Mine?" He said which got her attention. "Is that one of those Imperial Arms things too?"

Mine: "Yep! It's name is Pumpkin. It gets more powerful the more danger I find myself in. BUT a girl like me is hardly ever in any real danger."

Tatsumi: "How on earth did you figure out how to make something like that?" He asked with curiosity.

Y/n: "I'm also interested on how it's possible to make a weapon capable like that." I also said with curiosity.

Mine: "Nobody makes Imperial Arms, stupid." I looked at her confusingly. "Oh jeez, their ancient, legendary weapons. I'm amazed by the things y'all don't know."

Y/n: "Well, I came from a different dimension so...."

Mine: "True, but how come Ogre said that the Capital knew about your existence? And he said that they know who you are and what you're capable of?"

Y/n: "Touché."

Mine: "I don't need a risk factor this far away." She said, aiming at the mansion. "I'll shoot him as soon as he steps foot outside."

Tatsumi: "Right, and as soon as you splatter him, it's my job to make sure you don't get hurt on the way back!"

Y/n: "And I'm basically everyone's tank, I'll kill anything that moves if anyone's in danger."

Mine: "Heh! I'll keep my expectations low." She said while looking through the scope.

Y/n: 'I like this girl, despite how agitating she gets, she's always focused and filled with determination.' I thought to myself.

Mine: "...he's on his way."

Tatsumi: "What? Where?" He said while looking through binoculars. "Oh, I see him. But those other guys aren't on the hit list!"

Mine: "That's fine."

Tatsumi: "How is that fine? You'll never make the shot from here."

Y/n: "Tatsumi, they are irrelevant."

Tatsumi: "Irrelevant?"


Tatsumi: "BUT WE CAN'T KILL INOCENT PEOPL-!!" He was interrupted by the sound of Pumpkin firing a shot.

I looked through the binoculars and saw the bullet fire and land right between Iokal's eyes.

Y/n: "Nice shot, Mine!" I said while trying to give her a high five and surprisingly, she obliged. 'Wait........ is that a blush on her face? No, impossible!' I thought to myself.

Mine: "Thanks servant #1."

Y/n: "I'M NOT YOUR GOD DAMN SERVANT!!!" I said now pissed off.

Mine: "Oh, I should let you know. I'm kind of a badass, sniper genius." She said to Tatsumi who was still shocked of what happened.

Y/n: "That makes two of us Mine." I said to her.

3rd Person PoV

Mercenary 1: "We must find Lord Iokal's killer at all costs!"

Mercenary 2: "If we don't, then the minister will have our heads!"

Mercenary 3: "Right! He can't be too far!"

The Mercenaries stopped in their tracks and saw the rest of the Night Raid members.

Leone: "Huh? What do we have here? Nice of you guys to save us the trouble of chasing you down." She said while smashing her claws together.

Meanwhile with Y/n, Mine and Tatsumi.

Mine: "Oh man! The escape route is not ideal."

Tatsumi: "Think they've finished off the guards yet?"

Mine: "Those guards trained at the Imperial Fist Temple. It may take a little while."

Tatsumi: "That's the best martial arts temple in the Empire! Guess you get what's coming to you if you mess with the minister's family."

Mine: "He was using his family's influence to get ahead. I hate that more than anything!" She said while jumping on top of Tatsumi to climb a rock. Tatsumi looked at Y/n to jump on top of him.

Y/n: "Uh, No way man! If I did that, I would kill you with my body weight, especially since I have my armor on! I'll get up their myself." He said jumping up and landing on top of the big rock.

Tatsumi: "Um... a little help." He said while reaching his arms out to grab. Y/n sighed and pulled him up.

Mine: "I feel like being nice to y'all right now so I'll tell you the story behind that....... I was born into one of the tribes on the western border. That means half of my blood is foreign. The villagers treated me terribly because of it, and no one showed me an ounce of respect. My childhood was a nightmare. But the Revolutionary Army formed an alliance with the western tribe. So if we end up having a new nation, people will stop caring about our differences! And no more kids will have to grow up going through what I had to go through. I will not allow anybody else to ever suffer such intolerance!"

Y/n: "Wow, I'm sorry that you had to go through that in your childhood. No one should have to ever go through that." He said while putting a hand on her shoulder.

Mine: "It's ok.......Not to mention that after everything I've accomplished in the name of revolution, I'll get loads of reward money and grow old in the lap of luxury!" She said while laughing like a rich girl.

Y/n: 'Aaaaand I take that back.'

Back with Leone. She and the rest of the team were just about to get the job done.

Leone: "Oh man, that felt so incredible!" She said after killing the last guard.

Sheele: "That was a rather pleasant challenge, wasn't it?"

Akame: "Somethings not right. I thought the Boss said we were supposed to kill five."

Lubbock: "Oh man! I didn't get to kill anybody! So I guess there's one left."

Leone: "Too bad, Lubb. I'm dockin' your pay!"

Lubbock: "WHA?!?! You can't do that!"

Leone: "Hehe, wanna bet?"

Akame was in deep thought in where the other guard could be, she gasped in realization.

Akame: "Y/n...."

Back with Y/n.

Mine: "This is the rendezvous point. Guess we're all done."

Tatsumi: "Not until we report back in, remember?"

Y/n: "HA! You sound like Akam- wait... Mine, Get down!" He said as he ran towards her.

Mine: "Wha-?" She was interrupted as Y/n tackled her to the ground. Unfortunately for Tatsumi, he was hit in the face and was knocked away. Y/n got up to see their attacker.

Y/n: "Who are you?!"

Instructor: "I must say I've outdone myself."

Mine: "You're a fighter from the temple."

Instructor: "I am. Assistant instructor, to be exact. Course, that was ten years ago."

Y/n: "And look at you now, doing the Capitals dirty work."

Mine: "Oh my, how the mighty have fallen." She said while firing Pumpkin.

Instructor: "Let's just say I stirred up some trouble." He said while making his way towards Mine while dodging the bullets. "Better say your prayers little girl!" He said while in the air, about to make a strike on her.

Y/n: "Ohhh, no you don't!"

Instructor: "Wha-?" He was interrupted by a punch to the face, sending him into a tree. *groans in frustration * "I don't know who you think you are? BUT YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG PERSON BUDDY!!!" He made his way to Y/n, ready to fight.

Y/n: "Tatsumi, Mine, go and get the rest of the team, I'll deal with him." They obliged and ran into the woods. Y/n then turned to the Instructor. "Bring it on Pipsqueak!"

(DOOM Eternal - Meathook by Mick Gordon)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Instructor: "Why do I hear heavy metal?, whatever."

The Instructor went for a right hook only for Y/n to catch. The instructor smirked as he hit Y/n in the goodies with his foot, making Y/n let go of his arm.

Y/n: "Ya' know, even with the armor on it still hurts....But you're gonna need more than that to keep me down!"

Y/n went for a punch to the face but he dodged it, he then went to kick him in the chest only for him to dodge again. This went on for about 30 seconds until Y/n grew frustrated and pulled out his chaingun and put it on turret mode.

Y/n: "DODGE THIS MOTHERFUCKER!!!" He then unloaded all of his ammo at the Instructor. But he was laughing like a mad man.


Y/n: "Yeah..." He said as he put up his chaingun. "BUT I CAN DO THIS!!!" He put both of his fists up in the air and then hit the ground with so much force, that it made the ground shake beneath him, which made the Instructor loose his balance.

Instructer: 'Such.... Power.... I have so many questions. What's his Imperial Arms? How did he get that gun from out of nowhere? But that's not important right now.' He thought to himself as Y/n made his way towards him. The Instructor smirked as he pulled out a sword and regained his balance. "TAKE THIS!!!" He yelled as he forced his blade down, aiming it at Y/n's biceps. 'How stupid! What's the point of wearing armor if you're not going to cover up the most important parts?' He smirked as the blade was closing in on Y/n's arm. But as soon as it made contact..........






The Blade broke in half.

The Instructor stood their in shock at what happened.


Y/n: "That's the thing....... this isn't a Imperial Arms." He said as he pulled out his Super Shotgun.

Instructor: "Then just what ARE you? A monster?" he said as he backed up into a tree.

Y/n: ".......No." He said as he loaded his weapon with shotgun shells. "I'm your DOOM." He then pulled the trigger, making the Instructor's head fly into little pieces as his body fell to the ground. "Finally.... he was getting annoying." He said as he put up his gun, turned around, and saw everyone looking at him.

(Song End)

Y/n: "Mine, Tatsumi, are y'all ok?" He asked his friends.

Tatsumi: "Yeah man, good job!"

Mine: "Y-Yeah." She said while blushing and Y/n noticed it.

Y/n: "Mine, are you ok?"

Leone: "As soon as we felt the ground shake Mine was scared for your safety. You should have been there!! IT WAS SOOOOOOO CUUUUUTE!!!" She said which made Mine blush more.


Akame: "We should head back to the base and discuss this later."

Y/n: "I agree with Akame, we really should go."

Everyone else nodded their head in agreement and made their way back to the base.

Meanwhile in a dark alleyway.

???: "Ah, some fellow Imperial Arms users... And they're killers. Ohhh how delightful, I must get my hands on them!"

Guard 1: "Hey you! What are you doing back here?!"

Guard 2: "Don't move!"

The mysterious man turned around and had a killing intent in his eyes and in a blink of an eye, the two guards heads were cut off.

???: "I think the Imperial Capital's gonna be... the perfect place to call my home! It's so crowded, there's a new victim around every corner!.........How delightful!"

Author: "Yaaaaaaay! New chapter done!"

(Word Count : 6,283)

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