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Racheal sat in her cave practicing sketching the different people from camp. She had absolutely nothing to do today and thought that there would be no better way to waste time than sketching the day away. Just while she was in the middle of sketching Chiron, someone flung open her curtain, about giving her a heart attack.

Percy Jackson ran in frantically, his face swallowed with panic. "Prophecy!" He yelled at the Oracle, who only yelled back, "Prophecy?!"


"Percy, calm down!"

"No time, need prophecy!"

"I can't just spit out a prophecy whenever you want one!"

"Racheal, please!"

"Percy, sit!" The son of Poseidon gave in, flopping down on Racheal's blue bean bag. "Now, what are you freaking out about?" She asked him, sitting down on the red bean bag. Percy repeated what Chiron had told him, looking at the exit every now and then, as if hoping Annabeth or one of the other 7 would come barreling in.

Racheal bit her lip, eyes wide, "They all just vanished?" Percy nodded, "That's what Chiron said!" Racheal shook the shocked look off her face, standing up. "Okay, before we even try to solve this, you need to calm down." 

Percy nodded, sinking down into the bean bag. "Ok, we good now? Anyway, you said Hera wasn't the culprit, so that means it could be any of the gods, right? So, if we think about it, Athena can be crossed off for obvious reasons, besides, she would only make you vanish. Mr. D wouldn't give the time of day to make you guys disappear. Ares, maybe, Artemis, no, Apollo, oh Hades no, Hades, don't make me laugh, Zeus, he would've been found out by now, and since you're here, Poseidon's a maybe."

Percy bounced up, "My dad didn't do this! At least, I don't think so. Besides, you're leaving out an entire section of gods and goddesses, the minor ones! We can't just decide between Ares and Poseidon!" Racheal threw up her hands in defeat, "You know, we can catch the culprit later, let's just focus on finding them, know anyone who is good at locating people?"

Percy thought for a minute, rolling through people he knew, "Grover, maybe. If he's not busy with the cloven elders." Racheal smirked, "He's going to have to find time for us."

* * *

Racheal and Percy approached the meeting place of the cloven elders. Grover sat on a table messing with his beanie while another satyr gave him updates n the forest. He looked up as the two approached.

Dismissing the satyr, he came trotting over towards Percy. "Percy! Racheal! Hey!" he flung on his beanie and examined the two, "What brings you here?" Racheal took the liberty of explaining what happened and why they had come to him, with Percy interjecting here and there.

"Annabeth's missing? And Nico? And Frank? Wait, which one was Frank again?" Percy shook his head, "Can you peel yourself from this council for a bit to help us find all of them?" Grover turned and yelled over the area, "I'm going out for a bit, Gary's in charge!" One satyr, who must've been Gary, jumped on one of the tables and yelled out,

"You hear that?! I'm in charge! Randy, bring me another can!" Laughing, Grover led us back down to camp.

A/N: I'm so tired rn, so this chapter probably wasn't the best. Anyway, I'll get back to my best tomorrow cause I'm getting over a cold currently. Anyway, I'll update soon famalams.

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