Chapter 8: Bruno's Tower

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A/n: Enjoy the chapter! I hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend, Shining Stars!

Third Person P.O.V.

Meanwhile, (Y/n), Camilo and the kids are playing a game hide-go-seek. So, it's (Y/n)'s turn to go hide. She running to the tree and change into chameleon to change color of the tree bark.

"Hah!" Camilo looked behind the side of the tree and saw nothing. "Huh."

But he noticed the outlines of the chameleon and smirks. He turns to the kids who are behind him and wink at them as the kids realizes what he meant, and they winked back.

"Well, I guess (Y/n) is not hiding behind the tree." Camilo said, causally walking away with the kids.

"Hehe. Nailed it." (Y/n) thought to herself being clever. But as she changes back to herself, she was grabbed by a hand and faces with Camilo.


"Ah!" (Y/n) shrieks.

"We found you!" The kids cheered with a laugh.

"Darn it." (Y/n) pouted as Camilo let go of her.

"That's 11 of me and the kids. How about 12 out of 15?" Camilo asked smugly as he crosses his arms with his arched eyebrow.

"Nah, I'm good." (Y/n) said, deadpanned.

"Kids! It's time to go!" The parents called their children.

"Coming!" The kids called back before they turned to Camilo and (Y/n), waving. "Bye, Camilo. Bye (Y/n)."

"Bye kids." Camilo and (Y/n) waved back as the kids leaving.

Camilo and (Y/n) turned to each other with a smile. They stare each other for a few minutes until their moment is over when Mirabel came to them.

"Are you done staring each other?" Mirabel said, crossing her arms.

The couple look away each other, blushing.

"Hey, Mira. You back already?" (Y/n) said.

"Yep." Mirabel said.

(Y/n) turned to Camilo. "Well, Camilo. Looks like it's time for me to go."

"Ok. Thanks for your help." Camilo thanked her with a smile.

(Y/n) smiled back. "You're welcome. See you for dinner, ok?"

"Ok." Camilo said.

They gave each other a hug before (Y/n) catch up with Mirabel running back to Casita while Camilo watching (Y/n) with a lovingly smile.


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

After Mirabel told me everything about what Luisa explained about the magic, Luisa's pressure and Bruno's tower, we on our way back to Casita to find Bruno's tower.

As we came inside at the courtyard, we sneak past Isabela and Abuela Alma.

"Such a perfect match." Abuela Alma said, gushing to Isabela.

"So perfect." Isabela agreed.

"And so good for the Encanto."

We sneaked past them and reached Bruno's door. It looks like no one been in there for years. Mirabel turns a doorknob and shoves open Bruno's door. As we came in, in front of us we saw the hourglass like doorway. Behind it, the sand spills in from above creating a curtain of sand. Mirabel puts her hand into the sand.

"Casita? Can you turn off the sand?" Mirabel asked.

We look back where we see the floorboards outside the door fluttered and waved, but nothing moved inside of Bruno's room.

"You can't help in here?" I whispered.

Casita nodded with the floorboards and fluttering again, worrying about us. We had never been without Casita.

"We'll be fine. We need to do this." Mirabel reassured, looking back at the sand. "For you. For Abuelas. Maybe a little for me and (Y/n)."

"Are you sure we can do this?" I asked, a little worried.

"I'm sure. We can do this." Mirabel said, a little nervous.

Mirabel puts her brave face and takes a few cautious steps deep as she spoke. "Find the vision, save the mir-ACK!"

Mirabel screeched as she fell through the sand.

"Mirabel!" I called for her. I shiftshape into sand snake and dive in to catch up.

As I quickly slithered through the sand, Mirabel falls her face first and slides down a giant sand dune.

"Mirabel! Are you ok?!" I asked, worried as I change back to myself.

As Mirabel sits up, her glasses are filled with sand and spits out the sand out of her mouth. "Yep. Never been better."

"Oh, thank goodness." I sighed in relieved.

Mirabel drained the sand off her glasses and rubbed her eyes to get rid of the sand.

As she stands up, we look to see a sign reading "Your Future Awaits" which it points to the top of the cavern as we look up. Hundreds of stairs lead all the way up.

"Whoa..." We awed.

Then we heard a flapping noise. It's Antonio's toucan flaps down on a rock next to us.

"Oh hello." Mirabel greeted.

"Hello there." I greeted to toucan as well.

The toucan squawks back with a smile.

"Lotta stairs, but at least we'll have a friend." But the toucan flew to the top. "Nope, you flew away immediately." Mirabel said.

"At least you have me, Mira." I giggled.

"True." Mirabel shrugged then she realizes something and turns to me. "Wait a minute. Can you fly us up there since you have a gift of changing animals?" Mirabel asked.

"Well, I can fly up there but I can't get up there by carrying you. It's hard by carrying heavy things by flying up to the top." I explained. "No offense."

"It's fine." Mirabel said.

We look back upstairs with our determination eyes.

"Alright. Looks like we're doing a hard way by climbing up the stairs." Mirabel said.

"Yep." I agreed.

We started climbing up the stairs.

"Welcome to the Family Estrella and Family Madrigal..." Mirabel talk-singing.


"...there's so many stairs in the Casa Estrella/Madrigal." Mirabel panted.

"Yeah..." I panted as well.


Now we are crawling up the stairs due our exhaustion.

" would think there'd be another way to get so high cause we're magic, but no! Magical, how many stairs fit in here!" Mirabel complained.

"Yeah, Bruno! We're dying by climbing a lot of stairs! If you had a less stairs, we would made it up in a first place!" I wheezed.

"Bruno, your room is the WORST!!!!" Mirabel yelled out in exhaustion.


We finally made it to the top of the stairs, only we find a gap in the path from across to another room.

"Uuuuugggghh! Come on." Mirabel groaned.

"Give us a big fat break!" I complained in exhaustion.


Mirabel removes a rope railing on and throws it over a boulder above as an anchor.

"Are you sure about this? I can take you to the other side." I spoke.

"I'm sure." Mirabel insisted. "If we do this together, it hard for us to get to the other side."

"True." I said, taking a thought.

"You fly to the other side, and I'll meet you there."


I change into a barn shallow to fly across to the other side where the toucan is waiting for us and change back as I made it. I looked back to Mirabel is getting ready to swing.

Mirabel goes to swing across, slips, loses her balance, but made it across which made her stunned.

"You made It!" I cheered.

"You're right. I made it!" Mirabel said in relieved as she pumps her fist.


But as Mirabel stomps her foot to celebrate, the ledge below her cracks and plummets to the darkness as we step away from the edge. We look below the darkness and cringed when we hear a sound of the crash. A toucan and I gave Mirabel a "really" look as she chuckled sheepishly, and we move on.

We peek through the entrance and enters the corridors while the toucan trails behind us, nervously. We look around focusing on the panels of images of Bruno. As we investigate, we heard a clank behind us. We turned to see a pot just drop near a toucan. We sighed in relief, but we shrieked when Mirabel bumped another pot with rats that startled us. The rats scurry into a portrait sculpture of Bruno. Mirabel and I holding each other in fright and toucan peeked out through Mirabel's hair, shaking.

Then we hear a creak as we draw our eyes to the circular door to the Bruno's inner sanctum. A toucan looks at us and flew off, spooked.

"Quitter!" Mirabel quipped.

"Poor bird." I commented.

We entered the dark room. There's an unusual circle of sand in the middle, but there is no sign of anything. It's a dead end.

"Empty..." Mirabel said as I nodded.

The wind moving through the cavern slamming the door shut, submerging us into darkness. We started to panic, but we saw a glowing green light. We look below and saw the sand is glowing. We squat down and we began to dig in the sand and find a glowing shard like a piece of an emerald sculpture. There were more pieces just like it scattered all around us. Mirabel picks it up and obverse it.

"What's hurting the magic?" Mirabel whispered.

Third Person P.O.V.

Meanwhile at the foyer, Abuela Alma and Abuela (Gm/n) sweeps the floor trying to clean up Isabela's copious flower petals. But the room seems to rumple. The abuelas looks up and sees the candle flickers just a bit, concerned.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Mirabel and I pulls few more glowing pieces from the sand. I give the pieces to Mirabel, and she puts the pieces together to reveal image of...Mirabel?

"Me?" Mirabel gasped.

Then, the entire cavern begins to shake, falling apart and the sand begins pouring in.

"Mirabel! We need to get out of here!" I exclaimed.

"Right!" Mirabel agreed.

We quickly started to grab more remaining shards and shove them into Mirabel's bag as the cavern quakes and cracks snake around the room. Mirabel knocks her glasses off but caught them. She looks back and saw a final piece we missed. She runs back to get it.

"Mirabel, hurry!" I warned.

Mirabel quickly digging through the sand and got the last piece. But as we headed to the door, it's locked. We bang at it desperately and it won't budge. Mirabel jiggles the handle and it's open. A tidal wave of sand pushes us out to safety. We landed on our backs, before we realized that we were very close to the ledge. We screamed and backed away, panting.

"That was too close." I spoke.

"Uh-huh." Mirabel said.

We look down into Mirabel's bag full of shards. Why Mirabel is in the vision?

"Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets." Amos 3:7

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